blob: d1715cbcdff4b45cdc50437272046a1d3e58ddfc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "cc/cc_export.h"
#include "cc/output/context_provider.h"
#include "cc/output/overlay_candidate_validator.h"
#include "cc/output/software_output_device.h"
#include "cc/output/vulkan_context_provider.h"
#include "cc/resources/returned_resource.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/texture_in_use_response.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_space.h"
namespace gfx {
class ColorSpace;
class Size;
namespace cc {
class OutputSurfaceClient;
class OutputSurfaceFrame;
// This class represents a platform-independent API for presenting
// buffers to display via GPU or software compositing. Implementations
// can provide platform-specific behaviour.
class CC_EXPORT OutputSurface {
struct Capabilities {
Capabilities() = default;
int max_frames_pending = 1;
// Whether this output surface renders to the default OpenGL zero
// framebuffer or to an offscreen framebuffer.
bool uses_default_gl_framebuffer = true;
// Whether this OutputSurface is flipped or not.
bool flipped_output_surface = false;
// Whether this OutputSurface supports stencil operations or not.
// Note: HasExternalStencilTest() must return false when an output surface
// has been configured for stencil usage.
bool supports_stencil = false;
// Constructor for GL-based compositing.
explicit OutputSurface(scoped_refptr<ContextProvider> context_provider);
// Constructor for software compositing.
explicit OutputSurface(std::unique_ptr<SoftwareOutputDevice> software_device);
// Constructor for Vulkan-based compositing.
explicit OutputSurface(
scoped_refptr<VulkanContextProvider> vulkan_context_provider);
virtual ~OutputSurface();
const Capabilities& capabilities() const { return capabilities_; }
// Obtain the 3d context or the software device associated with this output
// surface. Either of these may return a null pointer, but not both.
// In the event of a lost context, the entire output surface should be
// recreated.
ContextProvider* context_provider() const { return context_provider_.get(); }
VulkanContextProvider* vulkan_context_provider() const {
return vulkan_context_provider_.get();
SoftwareOutputDevice* software_device() const {
return software_device_.get();
virtual void BindToClient(OutputSurfaceClient* client) = 0;
virtual void EnsureBackbuffer() = 0;
virtual void DiscardBackbuffer() = 0;
// Bind the default framebuffer for drawing to, only valid for GL backed
// OutputSurfaces.
virtual void BindFramebuffer() = 0;
// Marks that the given rectangle will be drawn to on the default, bound
// framebuffer. Only valid for surfaces with dc_layers in the context
// capabilities.
virtual void SetDrawRectangle(const gfx::Rect& rect) = 0;
// Get the class capable of informing cc of hardware overlay capability.
virtual OverlayCandidateValidator* GetOverlayCandidateValidator() const = 0;
// Returns true if a main image overlay plane should be scheduled.
virtual bool IsDisplayedAsOverlayPlane() const = 0;
// Get the texture for the main image's overlay.
virtual unsigned GetOverlayTextureId() const = 0;
// If this returns true, then the surface will not attempt to draw.
virtual bool SurfaceIsSuspendForRecycle() const = 0;
virtual void Reshape(const gfx::Size& size,
float device_scale_factor,
const gfx::ColorSpace& color_space,
bool has_alpha,
bool use_stencil) = 0;
virtual bool HasExternalStencilTest() const = 0;
virtual void ApplyExternalStencil() = 0;
// Gives the GL internal format that should be used for calling CopyTexImage2D
// when the framebuffer is bound via BindFramebuffer().
virtual uint32_t GetFramebufferCopyTextureFormat() = 0;
// Swaps the current backbuffer to the screen. For successful swaps, the
// implementation must call OutputSurfaceClient::DidReceiveSwapBuffersAck()
// after returning from this method in order to unblock the next frame.
virtual void SwapBuffers(OutputSurfaceFrame frame) = 0;
struct OutputSurface::Capabilities capabilities_;
scoped_refptr<ContextProvider> context_provider_;
scoped_refptr<VulkanContextProvider> vulkan_context_provider_;
std::unique_ptr<SoftwareOutputDevice> software_device_;
} // namespace cc