blob: f993e1d26922fe8d1f3cbead194eef264784b36f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromecast/crash/linux/minidump_uploader.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <regex.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
#include "chromecast/base/cast_paths.h"
#include "chromecast/base/pref_names.h"
#include "chromecast/base/version.h"
#include "chromecast/crash/cast_crashdump_uploader.h"
#include "chromecast/crash/linux/dump_info.h"
#include "chromecast/public/cast_sys_info.h"
#include "components/metrics/metrics_pref_names.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_service_factory.h"
namespace chromecast {
namespace {
const char kProductName[] = "Eureka";
const char kCrashServerStaging[] =
const char kCrashServerProduction[] = "";
typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DumpInfo>> DumpList;
std::unique_ptr<PrefService> CreatePrefService() {
base::FilePath prefs_path;
CHECK(PathService::Get(chromecast::FILE_CAST_CONFIG, &prefs_path));
VLOG(1) << "Loading prefs from " << prefs_path.value();
PrefRegistrySimple* registry = new PrefRegistrySimple;
registry->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kOptInStats, true);
registry->RegisterStringPref(::metrics::prefs::kMetricsClientID, "");
PrefServiceFactory prefServiceFactory;
prefs_path, base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get().get());
return prefServiceFactory.Create(registry);
bool IsDumpObsolete(const DumpInfo& dump) {
return dump.params().cast_release_version.empty() ||
} // namespace
MinidumpUploader::MinidumpUploader(CastSysInfo* sys_info,
const std::string& server_url,
CastCrashdumpUploader* const uploader,
const PrefServiceGeneratorCallback callback)
: release_channel_(sys_info->GetSystemReleaseChannel()),
? server_url
: (sys_info->GetBuildType() == CastSysInfo::BUILD_ENG
? kCrashServerStaging
: kCrashServerProduction)),
pref_service_generator_(callback) {}
MinidumpUploader::MinidumpUploader(CastSysInfo* sys_info,
const std::string& server_url)
: MinidumpUploader(sys_info,
base::Bind(&CreatePrefService)) {}
MinidumpUploader::~MinidumpUploader() {}
bool MinidumpUploader::UploadAllMinidumps() {
// Create the lockfile if it doesn't exist.
if (!filestate_initialized_)
filestate_initialized_ = InitializeFileState();
if (HasDumps())
return AcquireLockAndDoWork();
return true;
bool MinidumpUploader::DoWork() {
// Read the file stream line by line into a list. As each file is uploaded,
// it is subsequently deleted from the list. If the file cannot be found
// (which is a possible scenario if the file uploaded previously, but the
// device powered off before the log could be updated), it is also deleted.
// Whenever an upload fails (due to lost connection), the remaining entries
// on the list will overwrite the log file. This way, the log file reflects
// the state of the un-uploaded dumps as best as it can.
// Note: it is also possible that a dump previously uploaded exists in the
// list, *and* can also be found. This might happen if the device powered
// off before the dump can be deleted and the log updated. This is
// unpreventable.
DumpList dumps(GetDumps());
int num_uploaded = 0;
std::unique_ptr<PrefService> pref_service = pref_service_generator_.Run();
const std::string& client_id(
bool opt_in_stats = pref_service->GetBoolean(prefs::kOptInStats);
// Handle each dump and consume it out of the structure.
while (dumps.size()) {
const DumpInfo& dump = *(dumps.front());
const base::FilePath dump_path(dump.crashed_process_dump());
base::FilePath log_path(dump.logfile());
bool ignore_and_erase_dump = false;
if (!opt_in_stats) {
LOG(INFO) << "OptInStats is false, removing crash dump";
ignore_and_erase_dump = true;
} else if (IsDumpObsolete(dump)) {
LOG(INFO) << "DumpInfo belongs to older version, removing crash dump";
ignore_and_erase_dump = true;
// Ratelimiting persists across reboots, thus we to keep track of
// last_upload_ratelimited_ to detect when we first become ratelimited.
// Otherwise once ratelimited, we will reboot every time we try to upload a
// dump.
if (CanUploadDump()) {
last_upload_ratelimited_ = false;
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Can't upload dump: Ratelimited.";
ignore_and_erase_dump = true;
// If the last upload wasn't ratelimited and this one is, then this is the
// first time we reached the ratelimit. Reboot the device.
if (!last_upload_ratelimited_)
reboot_scheduled_ = true;
last_upload_ratelimited_ = true;
// Record dump for ratelimiting
if (ignore_and_erase_dump) {
base::DeleteFile(dump_path, false);
base::DeleteFile(log_path, false);
LOG(INFO) << "OptInStats is true, uploading crash dump";
int64_t size;
if (!dump_path.empty() && !base::GetFileSize(dump_path, &size)) {
// either the file does not exist, or there was an error logging its
// path, or settings its permission; regardless, we can't upload it.
std::stringstream comment;
if (log_path.empty()) {
comment << "Log file not specified. ";
} else if (!base::GetFileSize(log_path, &size)) {
comment << "Can't get size of " << log_path.value() << ": "
<< strerror(errno);
// if we can't find the log file, don't upload the log
} else {
comment << "Log size is " << size << ". ";
std::stringstream uptime_stream;
uptime_stream << dump.params().process_uptime;
const std::string version(dump.params().cast_release_version + "." +
dump.params().cast_build_number +
// attempt to upload
LOG(INFO) << "Uploading crash to " << upload_location_;
CastCrashdumpData crashdump_data;
crashdump_data.product = kProductName;
crashdump_data.version = version;
crashdump_data.guid = client_id;
crashdump_data.ptime = uptime_stream.str();
crashdump_data.comments = comment.str();
crashdump_data.minidump_pathname = dump_path.value();
crashdump_data.crash_server = upload_location_;
// Depending on if a testing CastCrashdumpUploader object has been set,
// assign |g| as a reference to the correct object.
CastCrashdumpUploader vanilla(crashdump_data);
CastCrashdumpUploader& g = (uploader_ ? *uploader_ : vanilla);
if (!log_path.empty() && !g.AddAttachment("log_file", log_path.value())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not attach log file " << log_path.value();
// Don't fail to upload just because of this.
comment << "Could not attach log file " << log_path.value() << ". ";
// Dump some Android properties directly into product data.
g.SetParameter("ro.revision", board_revision_);
g.SetParameter("ro.product.release.track", release_channel_);
g.SetParameter("ro.hardware", board_name_);
g.SetParameter("", product_name_);
g.SetParameter("ro.product.model", device_model_);
g.SetParameter("ro.product.manufacturer", manufacturer_);
g.SetParameter("ro.system.version", system_version_);
// Add app state information
if (!dump.params().previous_app_name.empty()) {
g.SetParameter("previous_app", dump.params().previous_app_name);
if (!dump.params().current_app_name.empty()) {
g.SetParameter("current_app", dump.params().current_app_name);
if (!dump.params().last_app_name.empty()) {
g.SetParameter("last_app", dump.params().last_app_name);
if (!dump.params().reason.empty()) {
g.SetParameter("reason", dump.params().reason);
std::string response;
if (!g.Upload(&response)) {
// We have failed to upload this file.
// Save our state by flushing our dumps to the lockfile
// We'll come back around later and try again.
LOG(ERROR) << "Upload report failed. response: " << response;
return true;
LOG(INFO) << "Uploaded report id " << response;
// upload succeeded, so delete the entry
// delete the dump if it exists in /data/minidumps.
// (We may use a fake dump file which should not be deleted.)
if (!dump_path.empty() && dump_path.DirName() == dump_path_ &&
!base::DeleteFile(dump_path, false)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "remove dump " << dump_path.value() << " failed"
<< strerror(errno);
// delete the log if exists
if (!log_path.empty() && !base::DeleteFile(log_path, false)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "remove log " << log_path.value() << " failed"
<< strerror(errno);
// This will simply empty the log file.
// Entries should either be skipped/deleted or processed/deleted.
// If we reach here, then the log file should be empty, and there should
// be no more dumps to upload. However, it is possible that there are
// lingering files (for example, if the dump was written, but the log
// updating failed). Since we have no entries on these files, we cannot
// upload them. Therefore we should delete them. This is also a good way
// to make sure system resources aren't being drained.
int num_deleted = GetNumDumps(true /* delete_all_dumps */);
if (num_deleted > 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << num_deleted << " lingering dump files deleted.";
LOG(INFO) << num_uploaded << " dumps were uploaded.";
return true;
} // namespace chromecast