blob: 78b7a0900833b1e58579f6414e9c137d7bf72626 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/content_security_policy/content_security_policy.h"
#include "content/common/content_security_policy_header.h"
#include "content/common/navigation_params.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace content {
struct CSPViolationParams;
// A CSPContext represents the system on which the Content-Security-Policy are
// enforced. One must define via its virtual methods how to report violations
// and what is the set of scheme that bypass the CSP. Its main implementation
// is in content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_host_impl.h
// This enum represents what set of policies should be checked by
// IsAllowedByCsp().
enum CheckCSPDisposition {
// Only check report-only policies.
// Only check enforced policies. (Note that enforced policies can still
// trigger reports.)
// Check all policies.
virtual ~CSPContext();
// Check if an |url| is allowed by the set of Content-Security-Policy. It will
// report any violation by:
// * displaying a console message.
// * triggering the "SecurityPolicyViolation" javascript event.
// * sending a JSON report to any uri defined with the "report-uri" directive.
// Returns true when the request can proceed, false otherwise.
bool IsAllowedByCsp(CSPDirective::Name directive_name,
const GURL& url,
bool is_redirect,
const SourceLocation& source_location,
CheckCSPDisposition check_csp_disposition);
// Returns true if the request URL needs to be modified (e.g. upgraded to
// HTTPS) according to the CSP. If true, |new_url| will contain the new URL
// that should be used instead of |url|.
bool ShouldModifyRequestUrlForCsp(const GURL& url,
bool is_suresource_or_form_submssion,
GURL* new_url);
void SetSelf(const url::Origin origin);
// When a CSPSourceList contains 'self', the url is allowed when it match the
// CSPSource returned by this function.
// Sometimes there is no 'self' source. It means that the current origin is
// unique and no urls will match 'self' whatever they are.
// Note: When there is a 'self' source, its scheme is guaranteed to be
// non-empty.
const base::Optional<CSPSource>& self_source() { return self_source_; }
virtual void ReportContentSecurityPolicyViolation(
const CSPViolationParams& violation_params);
void ResetContentSecurityPolicies() { policies_.clear(); }
void AddContentSecurityPolicy(const ContentSecurityPolicy& policy) {
virtual bool SchemeShouldBypassCSP(const base::StringPiece& scheme);
// For security reasons, some urls must not be disclosed cross-origin in
// violation reports. This includes the blocked url and the url of the
// initiator of the navigation. This information is potentially transmitted
// between different renderer processes.
// TODO(arthursonzogni): Stop hiding sensitive parts of URLs in console error
// messages as soon as there is a way to send them to the devtools process
// without the round trip in the renderer process.
// See
virtual void SanitizeDataForUseInCspViolation(
bool is_redirect,
CSPDirective::Name directive,
GURL* blocked_url,
SourceLocation* source_location) const;
base::Optional<CSPSource> self_source_;
std::vector<ContentSecurityPolicy> policies_;
// Used in CSPContext::ReportViolation()
struct CONTENT_EXPORT CSPViolationParams {
CSPViolationParams(const std::string& directive,
const std::string& effective_directive,
const std::string& console_message,
const GURL& blocked_url,
const std::vector<std::string>& report_endpoints,
const std::string& header,
const blink::WebContentSecurityPolicyType& disposition,
bool after_redirect,
const SourceLocation& source_location);
CSPViolationParams(const CSPViolationParams& other);
// The name of the directive that violates the policy. |directive| might be a
// directive that serves as a fallback to the |effective_directive|.
std::string directive;
// The name the effective directive that was checked against.
std::string effective_directive;
// The console message to be displayed to the user.
std::string console_message;
// The URL that was blocked by the policy.
GURL blocked_url;
// The set of URI where a JSON-formatted report of the violation should be
// sent.
std::vector<std::string> report_endpoints;
// The raw content security policy header that was violated.
std::string header;
// Each policy has an associated disposition, which is either "enforce" or
// "report".
blink::WebContentSecurityPolicyType disposition;
// Whether or not the violation happens after a redirect.
bool after_redirect;
// The source code location that triggered the blocked navigation.
SourceLocation source_location;
} // namespace content