blob: 68b05f9ae44a5fbe0c74f808925465fe5a57ff39 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/common/service_worker/service_worker_container.mojom.h"
#include "content/common/service_worker/service_worker_types.h"
namespace content {
// ServiceWorkerProviderHostInfo contains params for creating a
// ServiceWorkerProviderHost.
// mojom::ServiceWorkerProviderHostInfo is mapped to this struct.
struct CONTENT_EXPORT ServiceWorkerProviderHostInfo {
ServiceWorkerProviderHostInfo(ServiceWorkerProviderHostInfo&& other);
ServiceWorkerProviderHostInfo&& other,
mojom::ServiceWorkerContainerHostAssociatedRequest host_request,
mojom::ServiceWorkerContainerAssociatedPtrInfo client_ptr_info);
ServiceWorkerProviderHostInfo(int provider_id,
int route_id,
ServiceWorkerProviderType type,
bool is_parent_frame_secure);
ServiceWorkerProviderHostInfo& operator=(
ServiceWorkerProviderHostInfo&& other);
// This is unique within its child process except for PlzNavigate. When
// PlzNavigate is on, |provider_id| is managed on the browser process and it
// will be unique among all of providers.
int provider_id;
// When this provider is created for a document, |route_id| is the frame ID of
// it. When this provider is created for a Shared Worker, |route_id| is the
// Shared Worker route ID. When this provider is created for a Service Worker,
// |route_id| is MSG_ROUTING_NONE.
int route_id;
// This identifies whether this provider is for Service Worker controllees
// (documents and Shared Workers) or for controllers (Service Workers).
ServiceWorkerProviderType type;
// |is_parent_frame_secure| is false if the provider is created for a document
// whose parent frame is not secure from the point of view of the document;
// that is, blink::WebFrame::canHaveSecureChild() returns false. This doesn't
// mean the document is necessarily an insecure context, because the document
// may have a URL whose scheme is granted an exception that allows bypassing
// the ancestor secure context check. See the comment in
// blink::Document::isSecureContextImpl for more details. If the provider is
// not created for a document, or the document does not have a parent frame,
// is_parent_frame_secure| is true.
bool is_parent_frame_secure;
// Mojo endpoint to send a message from the renderer to the browser. This
// will be associated with ServiceWorkerDisptacherHost. |host_request| should
// be valid when ServiceWorkerProviderHostInfo is passed to any Mojo methods.
// After used to create the ServiceWorkerProviderHost, this will be invalid.
mojom::ServiceWorkerContainerHostAssociatedRequest host_request;
// Mojo endpoint to send a message from the browser to the renderer. This
// will be associated with ServiceWorkerDisptacherHost. |client_ptr_info|
// should be valid when ServiceWorkerProviderHostInfo is passed to any Mojo
// methods.
// After used to create the ServiceWorkerProviderHost, this will be invalid.
mojom::ServiceWorkerContainerAssociatedPtrInfo client_ptr_info;
} // namespace content