blob: 931e5ba6cd9c30651e8c15d2c3eac374d3ed7657 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "base/scoped_observer.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/sync_service.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/sync_service_observer.h"
namespace ukm {
// Observes the state of a set of SyncServices for changes to history sync
// preferences. This is for used to trigger purging of local state when
// sync is disabled on a profile and disabling recording when any non-syncing
// profiles are active.
class SyncDisableObserver : public syncer::SyncServiceObserver {
~SyncDisableObserver() override;
// Starts observing a service for sync disables.
void ObserveServiceForSyncDisables(syncer::SyncService* sync_service);
// Returns if history sync is enabled on all active profiles.
virtual bool IsHistorySyncEnabledOnAllProfiles();
// Called after state changes and some profile has sync disabled.
// If |must_purge| is true, sync was disabled for some profile, and
// local data should be purged.
virtual void OnSyncPrefsChanged(bool must_purge) = 0;
// syncer::SyncServiceObserver:
void OnStateChanged(syncer::SyncService* sync) override;
void OnSyncShutdown(syncer::SyncService* sync) override;
// Recomputes all_profiles_enabled_ state from previous_states_;
void UpdateAllProfileEnabled(bool must_purge);
// Returns true iff all profiles are enabled in previous_states_.
// If there are no profiles being observed, this returns false.
bool AreAllProfilesEnabled();
// Tracks observed history services, for cleanup.
ScopedObserver<syncer::SyncService, syncer::SyncServiceObserver>
// State data about sync services that we need to remember.
struct SyncState {
// If the user has history sync enabled.
bool history_enabled;
// Whether the sync service has been initialized.
bool initialized;
// Whether user data is hidden by a secondary passphrase.
// This is not valid if the state is not initialized.
bool passphrase_protected;
// Gets the current state of a SyncService.
static SyncState GetSyncState(syncer::SyncService* sync);
// The list of services that had sync enabled when we last checked.
std::map<syncer::SyncService*, SyncState> previous_states_;
// Tracks if sync was enabled on all profiles after the last state change.
bool all_profiles_enabled_;
} // namespace ukm