blob: a132c6aacd0eec687a779fbce783efb35a0f6487 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/atomicops.h"
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/feature_info.h"
#include "gpu/gpu_export.h"
namespace gl {
class GPUTimer;
class GPUTimingClient;
namespace gpu {
class GLES2Decoder;
namespace gles2 {
class FeatureInfo;
// This class keeps track of the queries and their state
// As Queries are not shared there is one QueryManager per context.
class GPU_EXPORT QueryManager {
class GPU_EXPORT Query : public base::RefCounted<Query> {
Query(QueryManager* manager,
GLenum target,
int32_t shm_id,
uint32_t shm_offset);
GLenum target() const {
return target_;
bool IsDeleted() const {
return deleted_;
bool IsValid() const {
return target() && !IsDeleted();
bool IsActive() const {
return query_state_ == kQueryState_Active;
bool IsPaused() const {
return query_state_ == kQueryState_Paused;
bool IsPending() const {
return query_state_ == kQueryState_Pending;
bool IsFinished() const {
return query_state_ == kQueryState_Finished;
int32_t shm_id() const { return shm_id_; }
uint32_t shm_offset() const { return shm_offset_; }
// Returns false if shared memory for sync is invalid.
virtual bool Begin() = 0;
// Returns false if shared memory for sync is invalid.
virtual bool End(base::subtle::Atomic32 submit_count) = 0;
// Returns false if shared memory for sync is invalid.
virtual bool QueryCounter(base::subtle::Atomic32 submit_count) = 0;
// Returns false if shared memory for sync is invalid.
virtual bool Process(bool did_finish) = 0;
// Pauses active query to be resumed later.
virtual void Pause() = 0;
// Resume from a paused active query.
virtual void Resume() = 0;
virtual void Destroy(bool have_context) = 0;
void AddCallback(base::Closure callback);
virtual ~Query();
QueryManager* manager() const {
return manager_;
void MarkAsDeleted() {
deleted_ = true;
void MarkAsActive() {
DCHECK(query_state_ == kQueryState_Initialize ||
query_state_ == kQueryState_Paused ||
query_state_ == kQueryState_Finished);
query_state_ = kQueryState_Active;
void MarkAsPaused() {
DCHECK(query_state_ == kQueryState_Active);
query_state_ = kQueryState_Paused;
void MarkAsPending(base::subtle::Atomic32 submit_count) {
DCHECK(query_state_ == kQueryState_Active);
query_state_ = kQueryState_Pending;
submit_count_ = submit_count;
// Returns false if shared memory for sync is invalid.
bool MarkAsCompleted(uint64_t result);
void UnmarkAsPending() {
DCHECK(query_state_ == kQueryState_Pending);
query_state_ = kQueryState_Finished;
// Returns false if shared memory for sync is invalid.
bool AddToPendingQueue(base::subtle::Atomic32 submit_count) {
return manager_->AddPendingQuery(this, submit_count);
// Returns false if shared memory for sync is invalid.
bool AddToPendingTransferQueue(base::subtle::Atomic32 submit_count) {
return manager_->AddPendingTransferQuery(this, submit_count);
void BeginQueryHelper(GLenum target, GLuint id) {
manager_->BeginQueryHelper(target, id);
void EndQueryHelper(GLenum target) {
void SafelyResetDisjointValue() {
void UpdateDisjointValue() {
void BeginContinualDisjointUpdate() {
manager_->update_disjoints_continually_ = true;
base::subtle::Atomic32 submit_count() const { return submit_count_; }
friend class QueryManager;
friend class QueryManagerTest;
friend class base::RefCounted<Query>;
void RunCallbacks();
// The manager that owns this Query.
QueryManager* manager_;
// The type of query.
GLenum target_;
// The shared memory used with this Query.
int32_t shm_id_;
uint32_t shm_offset_;
// Count to set process count do when completed.
base::subtle::Atomic32 submit_count_;
// Current state of the query.
enum QueryState {
kQueryState_Initialize, // Has not been queried yet.
kQueryState_Active, // Query began but has not ended.
kQueryState_Paused, // Query was active but is now paused.
kQueryState_Pending, // Query ended, waiting for result.
kQueryState_Finished, // Query received result.
} query_state_;
// True if deleted.
bool deleted_;
// List of callbacks to run when result is available.
std::vector<base::Closure> callbacks_;
GLES2Decoder* decoder,
FeatureInfo* feature_info);
// Must call before destruction.
void Destroy(bool have_context);
// Sets up a location to be incremented whenever a disjoint is detected.
error::Error SetDisjointSync(int32_t shm_id, uint32_t shm_offset);
// Creates a Query for the given query.
Query* CreateQuery(GLenum target,
GLuint client_id,
int32_t shm_id,
uint32_t shm_offset);
// Gets the query info for the given query.
Query* GetQuery(GLuint client_id);
// Gets the currently active query for a target.
Query* GetActiveQuery(GLenum target);
// Removes a query info for the given query.
void RemoveQuery(GLuint client_id);
// Returns false if any query is pointing to invalid shared memory.
bool BeginQuery(Query* query);
// Returns false if any query is pointing to invalid shared memory.
bool EndQuery(Query* query, base::subtle::Atomic32 submit_count);
// Returns false if any query is pointing to invalid shared memory.
bool QueryCounter(Query* query, base::subtle::Atomic32 submit_count);
void PauseQueries();
void ResumeQueries();
// Processes pending queries. Returns false if any queries are pointing
// to invalid shared memory. |did_finish| is true if this is called as
// a result of calling glFinish().
bool ProcessPendingQueries(bool did_finish);
// True if there are pending queries.
bool HavePendingQueries();
// Processes pending transfer queries. Returns false if any queries are
// pointing to invalid shared memory.
bool ProcessPendingTransferQueries();
// True if there are pending transfer queries.
bool HavePendingTransferQueries();
// Do any updates we need to do when the frame has begun.
void ProcessFrameBeginUpdates();
GLES2Decoder* decoder() const {
return decoder_;
std::unique_ptr<gl::GPUTimer> CreateGPUTimer(bool elapsed_time);
bool GPUTimingAvailable();
void GenQueries(GLsizei n, const GLuint* queries);
bool IsValidQuery(GLuint id);
void StartTracking(Query* query);
void StopTracking(Query* query);
// Wrappers for BeginQueryARB and EndQueryARB to hide differences between
// ARB_occlusion_query2 and EXT_occlusion_query_boolean.
void BeginQueryHelper(GLenum target, GLuint id);
void EndQueryHelper(GLenum target);
// Adds to queue of queries waiting for completion.
// Returns false if any query is pointing to invalid shared memory.
bool AddPendingQuery(Query* query, base::subtle::Atomic32 submit_count);
// Adds to queue of transfer queries waiting for completion.
// Returns false if any query is pointing to invalid shared memory.
bool AddPendingTransferQuery(Query* query,
base::subtle::Atomic32 submit_count);
// Removes a query from the queue of pending queries.
// Returns false if any query is pointing to invalid shared memory.
bool RemovePendingQuery(Query* query);
// Returns a target used for the underlying GL extension
// used to emulate a query.
GLenum AdjustTargetForEmulation(GLenum target);
// Checks and notifies if a disjoint occurred.
void UpdateDisjointValue();
// Safely resets the disjoint value if no queries are active.
void SafelyResetDisjointValue();
// Used to validate shared memory and get GL errors.
GLES2Decoder* decoder_;
bool use_arb_occlusion_query2_for_occlusion_query_boolean_;
bool use_arb_occlusion_query_for_occlusion_query_boolean_;
// Whether we are tracking disjoint values every frame.
bool update_disjoints_continually_;
// The shared memory used for disjoint notifications.
int32_t disjoint_notify_shm_id_;
uint32_t disjoint_notify_shm_offset_;
// Current number of disjoints notified.
uint32_t disjoints_notified_;
// Counts the number of Queries allocated with 'this' as their manager.
// Allows checking no Query will outlive this.
unsigned query_count_;
// Info for each query in the system.
typedef base::hash_map<GLuint, scoped_refptr<Query> > QueryMap;
QueryMap queries_;
typedef base::hash_set<GLuint> GeneratedQueryIds;
GeneratedQueryIds generated_query_ids_;
// A map of targets -> Query for current active queries.
typedef std::map<GLenum, scoped_refptr<Query> > ActiveQueryMap;
ActiveQueryMap active_queries_;
// Queries waiting for completion.
typedef std::deque<scoped_refptr<Query> > QueryQueue;
QueryQueue pending_queries_;
// Async pixel transfer queries waiting for completion.
QueryQueue pending_transfer_queries_;
scoped_refptr<gl::GPUTimingClient> gpu_timing_client_;
} // namespace gles2
} // namespace gpu