blob: e1914c0f4d05ed2977081c8b735db7ef70d94d14 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/frame/custom_frame_header.h"
#include "ash/frame/frame_header.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/immersive/immersive_fullscreen_controller_delegate.h"
#include "ash/public/interfaces/window_style.mojom.h"
#include "ash/wm/tablet_mode/tablet_mode_observer.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/scoped_observer.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_observer.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace gfx {
class ImageSkia;
namespace views {
class ImageView;
class Widget;
namespace ash {
class CaptionButtonModel;
class DefaultFrameHeader;
class FrameCaptionButton;
class FrameCaptionButtonContainerView;
enum class FrameBackButtonState;
// View which paints the frame header (title, caption buttons...). It slides off
// and on screen in immersive fullscreen.
class ASH_EXPORT HeaderView : public views::View,
public ImmersiveFullscreenControllerDelegate,
public TabletModeObserver,
public aura::WindowObserver {
// |target_widget| is the widget that the caption buttons act on.
// |target_widget| is not necessarily the same as the widget the header is
// placed in. For example, in immersive fullscreen this view may be painted in
// a widget that slides in and out on top of the main app or browser window.
// However, clicking a caption button should act on the target widget.
explicit HeaderView(
views::Widget* target_widget,
mojom::WindowStyle window_style = mojom::WindowStyle::DEFAULT,
std::unique_ptr<CaptionButtonModel> model = nullptr);
~HeaderView() override;
void set_is_immersive_delegate(bool value) { is_immersive_delegate_ = value; }
bool should_paint() { return should_paint_; }
// Schedules a repaint for the entire title.
void SchedulePaintForTitle();
// Tells the window controls to reset themselves to the normal state.
void ResetWindowControls();
// Returns the amount of the view's pixels which should be on screen.
int GetPreferredOnScreenHeight();
// Returns the view's preferred height.
int GetPreferredHeight();
// Returns the view's minimum width.
int GetMinimumWidth() const;
// Sets the avatar icon to be displayed on the frame header.
void SetAvatarIcon(const gfx::ImageSkia& avatar);
void UpdateCaptionButtons();
void SetWidthInPixels(int width_in_pixels);
// Called when the target widget show state changed.
void OnShowStateChanged(ui::WindowShowState show_state);
// views::View:
void Layout() override;
void ChildPreferredSizeChanged(views::View* child) override;
// TabletModeObserver:
void OnTabletModeStarted() override;
void OnTabletModeEnded() override;
// aura::WindowObserver:
void OnWindowPropertyChanged(aura::Window* window,
const void* key,
intptr_t old) override;
void OnWindowDestroying(aura::Window* window) override;
FrameCaptionButtonContainerView* caption_button_container() {
return caption_button_container_;
views::View* avatar_icon() const;
bool in_immersive_mode() const { return in_immersive_mode_; }
bool is_revealed() const { return fullscreen_visible_fraction_ > 0.0; }
void SetShouldPaintHeader(bool paint);
FrameCaptionButton* GetBackButton();
// ImmersiveFullscreenControllerDelegate:
void OnImmersiveRevealStarted() override;
void OnImmersiveRevealEnded() override;
void OnImmersiveFullscreenEntered() override;
void OnImmersiveFullscreenExited() override;
void SetVisibleFraction(double visible_fraction) override;
std::vector<gfx::Rect> GetVisibleBoundsInScreen() const override;
FrameHeader* GetFrameHeader() { return frame_header_.get(); }
class HeaderContentView;
friend class HeaderContentView;
// Paint the header content.
void PaintHeaderContent(gfx::Canvas* canvas);
void UpdateBackButton();
// The widget that the caption buttons act on.
views::Widget* target_widget_;
std::unique_ptr<CustomFrameHeader::AppearanceProvider> appearance_provider_;
// Helper for painting the header. The exact type of FrameHeader will depend
// on the type of window: In Mash, Chrome Browser windows use
// CustomFrameHeader which is aware of theming. In classic Ash, Chrome Browser
// windows won't use HeaderView at all. In either configuration, non Browser
// windows will use DefaultFrameHeader.
std::unique_ptr<FrameHeader> frame_header_;
views::ImageView* avatar_icon_;
// View which draws the content of the frame.
HeaderContentView* header_content_view_ = nullptr;
// View which contains the window caption buttons.
FrameCaptionButtonContainerView* caption_button_container_;
// The fraction of the header's height which is visible while in fullscreen.
// This value is meaningless when not in fullscreen.
double fullscreen_visible_fraction_;
// Has this instance been set as the ImmersiveFullscreenControllerDelegate?
bool is_immersive_delegate_ = true;
bool did_layout_ = false;
// False to skip painting. Used for overview mode to hide the header.
bool should_paint_;
bool in_immersive_mode_ = false;
// Observes property changes to |target_widget_|'s window.
ScopedObserver<aura::Window, aura::WindowObserver> window_observer_{this};
} // namespace ash