blob: 3fee99bd5fbc1a6dc85de528bd9d9f2fb4d90e9f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
#include "base/win/windows_types.h"
typedef wchar_t* BSTR;
namespace credential_provider {
// Manages OS users on the system.
class OSUserManager {
// Minimum length for password buffer when calling GenerateRandomPassword().
static const int kMinPasswordLength = 24;
static OSUserManager* Get();
virtual ~OSUserManager();
// Generates a cryptographically secure random password.
virtual HRESULT GenerateRandomPassword(wchar_t* password, int length);
// Creates a new OS user on the system with the given credentials. If
// |add_to_users_group| is true, the Os user is added to the machine's
// "Users" group which allows interactive logon. The OS user's SID is
// returned in |sid|.
virtual HRESULT AddUser(const wchar_t* username,
const wchar_t* password,
const wchar_t* fullname,
const wchar_t* comment,
bool add_to_users_group,
BSTR* sid,
DWORD* error);
// Changes the password of the given OS user.
virtual HRESULT SetUserPassword(const wchar_t* username,
const wchar_t* password,
DWORD* error);
// Creates a logon token for the given user. If |interactive| is true the
// token is of type interactive otherwise it is of type batch.
virtual HRESULT CreateLogonToken(const wchar_t* username,
const wchar_t* password,
bool interactive,
base::win::ScopedHandle* token);
// Gets the SID of the given OS user. The caller owns the pointer |sid| and
// should free it with a call to LocalFree().
virtual HRESULT GetUserSID(const wchar_t* username, PSID* sid);
// Finds a user created from a gaia account by its SID. Returns S_OK if a
// user with the given SID exists, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NONE_MAPPED)
// if not, or an arbitrary error otherwise. If |username| is non-null and
// |length| is greater than zero, the username associated with the SID is
// returned.
virtual HRESULT FindUserBySID(const wchar_t* sid,
wchar_t* username,
DWORD length);
// Removes the user from the machine.
virtual HRESULT RemoveUser(const wchar_t* username, const wchar_t* password);
// This method is called either from FakeOSUserManager or from when
// setting fakes from one module to another.
static void SetInstanceForTesting(OSUserManager* factory);
OSUserManager() {}
// Returns the storage used for the instance pointer.
static OSUserManager** GetInstanceStorage();
} // namespace credential_provider