blob: 2dfefc53f9c532008fbf82cb55d58544ae966097 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ui/base/cocoa/menu_controller.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/cancelable_callback.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
#include "ui/base/accelerators/accelerator.h"
#include "ui/base/accelerators/platform_accelerator_cocoa.h"
#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util_mac.h"
#include "ui/base/models/simple_menu_model.h"
#import "ui/events/event_utils.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font_list.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
#include "ui/strings/grit/ui_strings.h"
namespace {
// Called when an empty submenu is created. This inserts a menu item labeled
// "(empty)" into the submenu. Matches Windows behavior.
NSMenu* MakeEmptySubmenu() {
base::scoped_nsobject<NSMenu> submenu([[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""]);
NSString* empty_menu_title =
[submenu addItemWithTitle:empty_menu_title action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""];
[[submenu itemAtIndex:0] setEnabled:NO];
return submenu.autorelease();
// Called when adding a submenu to the menu and checks if the submenu, via its
// |model|, has visible child items.
bool MenuHasVisibleItems(const ui::MenuModel* model) {
int count = model->GetItemCount();
for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) {
if (model->IsVisibleAt(index))
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
// Internal methods.
@interface MenuControllerCocoa ()
// Called before the menu is to be displayed to update the state (enabled,
// radio, etc) of each item in the menu. Also will update the title if the item
// is marked as "dynamic".
- (BOOL)validateUserInterfaceItem:(id<NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem>)item;
// Adds the item at |index| in |model| as an NSMenuItem at |index| of |menu|.
// Associates a submenu if the MenuModel::ItemType is TYPE_SUBMENU.
- (void)addItemToMenu:(NSMenu*)menu
// Creates a NSMenu from the given model. If the model has submenus, this can
// be invoked recursively.
- (NSMenu*)menuFromModel:(ui::MenuModel*)model;
// Adds a separator item at the given index. As the separator doesn't need
// anything from the model, this method doesn't need the model index as the
// other method below does.
- (void)addSeparatorToMenu:(NSMenu*)menu atIndex:(int)index;
// Called via a private API hook shortly after the event that selects a menu
// item arrives.
- (void)itemWillBeSelected:(NSMenuItem*)sender;
// Called when the user chooses a particular menu item. AppKit sends this only
// after the menu has fully faded out. |sender| is the menu item chosen.
- (void)itemSelected:(id)sender;
// Called by the posted task to selected an item during menu fade out.
// |uiEventFlags| are the ui::EventFlags captured from the triggering NSEvent.
- (void)itemSelected:(id)sender uiEventFlags:(int)uiEventFlags;
@interface ResponsiveNSMenuItem : NSMenuItem
@implementation MenuControllerCocoa {
ui::MenuModel* model_; // Weak.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSMenu> menu_;
BOOL useWithPopUpButtonCell_; // If YES, 0th item is blank
BOOL isMenuOpen_;
BOOL postItemSelectedAsTask_;
std::unique_ptr<base::CancelableClosure> postedItemSelectedTask_;
@synthesize model = model_;
@synthesize useWithPopUpButtonCell = useWithPopUpButtonCell_;
@synthesize postItemSelectedAsTask = postItemSelectedAsTask_;
- (instancetype)init {
self = [super init];
return self;
- (instancetype)initWithModel:(ui::MenuModel*)model
useWithPopUpButtonCell:(BOOL)useWithCell {
if ((self = [super init])) {
model_ = model;
useWithPopUpButtonCell_ = useWithCell;
[self menu];
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[menu_ setDelegate:nil];
// Close the menu if it is still open. This could happen if a tab gets closed
// while its context menu is still open.
[self cancel];
model_ = NULL;
[super dealloc];
- (void)cancel {
if (isMenuOpen_) {
[menu_ cancelTracking];
isMenuOpen_ = NO;
- (NSMenu*)menuFromModel:(ui::MenuModel*)model {
NSMenu* menu = [[[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""] autorelease];
const int count = model->GetItemCount();
for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) {
if (model->GetTypeAt(index) == ui::MenuModel::TYPE_SEPARATOR)
[self addSeparatorToMenu:menu atIndex:index];
[self addItemToMenu:menu atIndex:index fromModel:model];
return menu;
- (void)addSeparatorToMenu:(NSMenu*)menu
atIndex:(int)index {
NSMenuItem* separator = [NSMenuItem separatorItem];
[menu insertItem:separator atIndex:index];
- (void)addItemToMenu:(NSMenu*)menu
fromModel:(ui::MenuModel*)model {
NSString* label = l10n_util::FixUpWindowsStyleLabel(model->GetLabelAt(index));
base::scoped_nsobject<NSMenuItem> item([[ResponsiveNSMenuItem alloc]
// If the menu item has an icon, set it.
gfx::Image icon;
if (model->GetIconAt(index, &icon) && !icon.IsEmpty())
[item setImage:icon.ToNSImage()];
ui::MenuModel::ItemType type = model->GetTypeAt(index);
if (type == ui::MenuModel::TYPE_SUBMENU && model->IsVisibleAt(index)) {
ui::MenuModel* submenuModel = model->GetSubmenuModelAt(index);
// If there are visible items, recursively build the submenu.
NSMenu* submenu = MenuHasVisibleItems(submenuModel)
? [self menuFromModel:submenuModel]
: MakeEmptySubmenu();
[item setTarget:nil];
[item setAction:nil];
[item setSubmenu:submenu];
} else {
// The MenuModel works on indexes so we can't just set the command id as the
// tag like we do in other menus. Also set the represented object to be
// the model so hierarchical menus check the correct index in the correct
// model. Setting the target to |self| allows this class to participate
// in validation of the menu items.
[item setTag:index];
[item setTarget:self];
NSValue* modelObject = [NSValue valueWithPointer:model];
[item setRepresentedObject:modelObject]; // Retains |modelObject|.
// On the Mac, context menus never have accelerators. Menus constructed
// for context use have useWithPopUpButtonCell_ set to NO.
if (useWithPopUpButtonCell_) {
ui::Accelerator accelerator;
if (model->GetAcceleratorAt(index, &accelerator)) {
NSString* key_equivalent;
NSUInteger modifier_mask;
accelerator, &key_equivalent, &modifier_mask);
[item setKeyEquivalent:key_equivalent];
[item setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:modifier_mask];
[menu insertItem:item atIndex:index];
- (BOOL)validateUserInterfaceItem:(id<NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem>)item {
SEL action = [item action];
if (action != @selector(itemSelected:))
return NO;
NSInteger modelIndex = [item tag];
ui::MenuModel* model =
[[(id)item representedObject] pointerValue]);
if (model) {
BOOL checked = model->IsItemCheckedAt(modelIndex);
DCHECK([(id)item isKindOfClass:[NSMenuItem class]]);
[(id)item setState:(checked ? NSOnState : NSOffState)];
[(id)item setHidden:(!model->IsVisibleAt(modelIndex))];
if (model->IsItemDynamicAt(modelIndex)) {
// Update the label and the icon.
NSString* label =
[(id)item setTitle:label];
gfx::Image icon;
model->GetIconAt(modelIndex, &icon);
[(id)item setImage:icon.IsEmpty() ? nil : icon.ToNSImage()];
const gfx::FontList* font_list = model->GetLabelFontListAt(modelIndex);
if (font_list) {
NSDictionary* attributes =
@{NSFontAttributeName : font_list->GetPrimaryFont().GetNativeFont()};
base::scoped_nsobject<NSAttributedString> title(
[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:[(id)item title]
[(id)item setAttributedTitle:title.get()];
return model->IsEnabledAt(modelIndex);
return NO;
- (void)itemWillBeSelected:(NSMenuItem*)sender {
if (postItemSelectedAsTask_ && [sender action] == @selector(itemSelected:) &&
[[sender target]
respondsToSelector:@selector(itemSelected:uiEventFlags:)]) {
const int uiEventFlags = ui::EventFlagsFromNative([NSApp currentEvent]);
// Take care here to retain |menu_| in the block, but not |self|. Since the
// block may run before -menuDidClose:, a release of the MenuControllerCocoa
// will think the menu is open, and invoke -cancel. So if the delegate is
// bad (see below), and decides to release the MenuControllerCocoa in its
// menu action, ensure the -dealloc happens there. To do otherwise risks
// |model_| being deleted when it is used in -cancel, whereas that is less
// likely if the -cancel happens in the delegate method.
NSMenu* menu = menu_;
postedItemSelectedTask_ = std::make_unique<base::CancelableClosure>(
id target = [sender target];
if ([target respondsToSelector:@selector(itemSelected:uiEventFlags:)])
[target itemSelected:sender uiEventFlags:uiEventFlags];
// Ensure consumers that use -postItemSelectedAsTask:YES have not
// destroyed the MenuControllerCocoa in the menu action. AppKit will
// still send messages to [item target] (the MenuControllerCocoa), and
// the target can not be set to nil here since that prevents re-use of
// the menu for well-behaved consumers.
CHECK([menu delegate]); // Note: set to nil in -dealloc.
FROM_HERE, postedItemSelectedTask_->callback());
- (void)itemSelected:(id)sender {
// A task created in -itemWillBeSelected: may or may not have run. If not, put
// it on the stack before running it, in case it destroys |self|.
if (auto pendingTask = std::move(postedItemSelectedTask_)) {
if (!pendingTask->IsCancelled())
} else {
[self itemSelected:sender
uiEventFlags:ui::EventFlagsFromNative([NSApp currentEvent])];
- (void)itemSelected:(id)sender uiEventFlags:(int)uiEventFlags {
// Cancel any posted task, but don't reset it, so that the correct path is
// taken in -itemSelected:.
if (postedItemSelectedTask_)
NSInteger modelIndex = [sender tag];
ui::MenuModel* model =
[[sender representedObject] pointerValue]);
if (model)
model->ActivatedAt(modelIndex, uiEventFlags);
// Note: |self| may be destroyed by the call to ActivatedAt().
- (NSMenu*)menu {
if (!menu_ && model_) {
menu_.reset([[self menuFromModel:model_] retain]);
[menu_ setDelegate:self];
// If this is to be used with a NSPopUpButtonCell, add an item at the 0th
// position that's empty. Doing it after the menu has been constructed won't
// complicate creation logic, and since the tags are model indexes, they
// are unaffected by the extra item.
if (useWithPopUpButtonCell_) {
base::scoped_nsobject<NSMenuItem> blankItem(
[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""]);
[menu_ insertItem:blankItem atIndex:0];
return menu_.get();
- (BOOL)isMenuOpen {
return isMenuOpen_;
- (void)menuWillOpen:(NSMenu*)menu {
isMenuOpen_ = YES;
model_->MenuWillShow(); // Note: |model_| may trigger -[self dealloc].
- (void)menuDidClose:(NSMenu*)menu {
if (isMenuOpen_) {
isMenuOpen_ = NO;
model_->MenuWillClose(); // Note: |model_| may trigger -[self dealloc].
@interface NSMenuItem (Private)
// Private method which is invoked very soon after the event that activates a
// menu item is received. AppKit then spends 300ms or so flashing the menu item,
// and fading out the menu, in private run loop modes.
- (void)_sendItemSelectedNote;
@implementation ResponsiveNSMenuItem
- (void)_sendItemSelectedNote {
if ([[self target] respondsToSelector:@selector(itemWillBeSelected:)])
[[self target] itemWillBeSelected:self];
[super _sendItemSelectedNote];