blob: a6a1806d9ad14510dcfe8a56b09c6fc893eaa42a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "media/base/media_log.h"
#include "media/base/mock_media_log.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
using testing::_;
namespace media {
// Friend class of MediaLog for access to internal constants.
class MediaLogTest : public testing::Test {
static constexpr size_t kMaxUrlLength = MediaLog::kMaxUrlLength;
constexpr size_t MediaLogTest::kMaxUrlLength;
TEST_F(MediaLogTest, DontTruncateShortUrlString) {
const std::string short_url("");
EXPECT_LT(short_url.length(), MediaLogTest::kMaxUrlLength);
// Verify that CreatedEvent does not truncate the short URL.
std::unique_ptr<MediaLogEvent> created_event =
std::string stored_url;
created_event->params.GetString("origin_url", &stored_url);
EXPECT_EQ(stored_url, short_url);
// Verify that LoadEvent does not truncate the short URL.
std::unique_ptr<MediaLogEvent> load_event =
load_event->params.GetString("url", &stored_url);
EXPECT_EQ(stored_url, short_url);
TEST_F(MediaLogTest, TruncateLongUrlStrings) {
// Build a long string that exceeds the URL length limit.
std::stringstream string_builder;
constexpr size_t kLongStringLength = MediaLogTest::kMaxUrlLength + 10;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kLongStringLength; i++) {
string_builder << "c";
const std::string long_url = string_builder.str();
EXPECT_GT(long_url.length(), MediaLogTest::kMaxUrlLength);
// Verify that long CreatedEvent URL...
std::unique_ptr<MediaLogEvent> created_event =
std::string stored_url;
created_event->params.GetString("origin_url", &stored_url);
// ... is truncated
EXPECT_EQ(stored_url.length(), MediaLogTest::kMaxUrlLength);
// ... ends with ellipsis
EXPECT_EQ( - 3, 3, "..."), 0);
// ... is otherwise a substring of the longer URL
EXPECT_EQ(, MediaLogTest::kMaxUrlLength - 3, long_url, 0,
MediaLogTest::kMaxUrlLength - 3),
// Verify that long LoadEvent URL...
std::unique_ptr<MediaLogEvent> load_event =
load_event->params.GetString("url", &stored_url);
// ... is truncated
EXPECT_EQ(stored_url.length(), MediaLogTest::kMaxUrlLength);
// ... ends with ellipsis
EXPECT_EQ( - 3, 3, "..."), 0);
// ... is otherwise a substring of the longer URL
EXPECT_EQ(, MediaLogTest::kMaxUrlLength - 3, long_url, 0,
MediaLogTest::kMaxUrlLength - 3),
TEST_F(MediaLogTest, EventsAreForwarded) {
// Make sure that |root_log_| receives events.
std::unique_ptr<MockMediaLog> root_log(std::make_unique<MockMediaLog>());
std::unique_ptr<MediaLog> child_media_log(root_log->Clone());
EXPECT_CALL(*root_log, DoAddEventLogString(_)).Times(1);
child_media_log->AddLogEvent(MediaLog::MediaLogLevel::MEDIALOG_ERROR, "test");
TEST_F(MediaLogTest, EventsAreNotForwardedAfterInvalidate) {
// Make sure that |root_log_| doesn't forward things after we invalidate the
// underlying log.
std::unique_ptr<MockMediaLog> root_log(std::make_unique<MockMediaLog>());
std::unique_ptr<MediaLog> child_media_log(root_log->Clone());
EXPECT_CALL(*root_log, DoAddEventLogString(_)).Times(0);
child_media_log->AddLogEvent(MediaLog::MediaLogLevel::MEDIALOG_ERROR, "test");
} // namespace media