blob: 501d389dd969db7d6552eac19fd0965399040603 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Google, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#import "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_theme_mac.h"
#import <AvailabilityMacros.h>
#import <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <math.h>
#import "base/mac/mac_util.h"
#import "third_party/blink/public/platform/mac/web_sandbox_support.h"
#import "third_party/blink/public/platform/platform.h"
#import "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css_value_keywords.h"
#import "third_party/blink/renderer/core/fileapi/file_list.h"
#import "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html_names.h"
#import "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_progress.h"
#import "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_theme_default.h"
#import "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/layout_view.h"
#import "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/shadow_list.h"
#import "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/data_resource_helper.h"
#import "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/string_truncator.h"
#import "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/bitmap_image.h"
#import "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/mac/block_exceptions.h"
#import "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/mac/color_mac.h"
#import "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/mac/web_core_ns_cell_extras.h"
#import "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.h"
#import "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/platform_locale.h"
#import "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/web_test_support.h"
// This is a view whose sole purpose is to tell AppKit that it's flipped.
@interface BlinkFlippedControl : NSControl
@implementation BlinkFlippedControl
- (BOOL)isFlipped {
return YES;
- (NSText*)currentEditor {
return nil;
- (BOOL)_automaticFocusRingDisabled {
return YES;
// The methods in this file are specific to the Mac OS X platform.
@interface BlinkLayoutThemeNotificationObserver : NSObject {
blink::LayoutTheme* _theme;
- (id)initWithTheme:(blink::LayoutTheme*)theme;
- (void)systemColorsDidChange:(NSNotification*)notification;
@implementation BlinkLayoutThemeNotificationObserver
- (id)initWithTheme:(blink::LayoutTheme*)theme {
if (!(self = [super init]))
return nil;
_theme = theme;
return self;
- (void)systemColorsDidChange:(NSNotification*)unusedNotification {
DCHECK([[unusedNotification name]
@interface NSTextFieldCell (WKDetails)
- (CFDictionaryRef)_coreUIDrawOptionsWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame
@interface BlinkTextFieldCell : NSTextFieldCell
- (CFDictionaryRef)_coreUIDrawOptionsWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame
@implementation BlinkTextFieldCell
- (CFDictionaryRef)_coreUIDrawOptionsWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame
includeFocus:(BOOL)includeFocus {
// FIXME: This is a post-Lion-only workaround for <rdar://problem/11385461>.
// When that bug is resolved, we should remove this code.
CFMutableDictionaryRef coreUIDrawOptions = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(
NULL, 0, [super _coreUIDrawOptionsWithFrame:cellFrame
CFDictionarySetValue(coreUIDrawOptions, @"borders only", kCFBooleanTrue);
return (CFDictionaryRef)[NSMakeCollectable(coreUIDrawOptions) autorelease];
@interface BlinkFlippedView : NSView
@implementation BlinkFlippedView
- (BOOL)isFlipped {
return YES;
- (NSText*)currentEditor {
return nil;
namespace blink {
namespace {
class LayoutThemeMacRefresh final : public LayoutThemeDefault {
static scoped_refptr<LayoutTheme> Create() {
return base::AdoptRef(new LayoutThemeMacRefresh());
// Inflate an IntRect to account for specific padding around margins.
enum { kTopMargin = 0, kRightMargin = 1, kBottomMargin = 2, kLeftMargin = 3 };
bool FontSizeMatchesToControlSize(const ComputedStyle& style) {
int font_size = style.FontSize();
if (font_size == [NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSRegularControlSize])
return true;
if (font_size == [NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSSmallControlSize])
return true;
if (font_size == [NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSMiniControlSize])
return true;
return false;
Color GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID color_id) {
// In tests, a WebSandboxSupport may not be set up. Just return a dummy
// color, in this case, black.
auto* sandbox_support = Platform::Current()->GetSandboxSupport();
if (!sandbox_support)
return Color();
return sandbox_support->GetSystemColor(color_id);
// Helper functions used by a bunch of different control parts.
NSControlSize ControlSizeForFont(const FontDescription& font_description) {
int font_size = font_description.ComputedPixelSize();
if (font_size >= 16)
return NSRegularControlSize;
if (font_size >= 11)
return NSSmallControlSize;
return NSMiniControlSize;
LengthSize SizeFromNSControlSize(NSControlSize ns_control_size,
const LengthSize& zoomed_size,
float zoom_factor,
const IntSize* sizes) {
IntSize control_size = sizes[ns_control_size];
if (zoom_factor != 1.0f)
control_size = IntSize(control_size.Width() * zoom_factor,
control_size.Height() * zoom_factor);
LengthSize result = zoomed_size;
if (zoomed_size.Width().IsIntrinsicOrAuto() && control_size.Width() > 0)
if (zoomed_size.Height().IsIntrinsicOrAuto() && control_size.Height() > 0)
return result;
LengthSize SizeFromFont(const FontDescription& font_description,
const LengthSize& zoomed_size,
float zoom_factor,
const IntSize* sizes) {
return SizeFromNSControlSize(ControlSizeForFont(font_description),
zoomed_size, zoom_factor, sizes);
} // namespace
: LayoutTheme(),
[[BlinkLayoutThemeNotificationObserver alloc] initWithTheme:this]),
painter_(*this) {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
LayoutThemeMac::~LayoutThemeMac() {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:notification_observer_];
Color LayoutThemeMac::PlatformActiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const {
return GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kSelectedTextBackground);
Color LayoutThemeMac::PlatformInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const {
return GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kSecondarySelectedControl);
Color LayoutThemeMac::PlatformActiveSelectionForegroundColor() const {
return Color::kBlack;
Color LayoutThemeMac::PlatformActiveListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor() const {
return GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kAlternateSelectedControl);
Color LayoutThemeMac::PlatformActiveListBoxSelectionForegroundColor() const {
return Color::kWhite;
Color LayoutThemeMac::PlatformInactiveListBoxSelectionForegroundColor() const {
return Color::kBlack;
Color LayoutThemeMac::PlatformSpellingMarkerUnderlineColor() const {
return Color(251, 45, 29);
Color LayoutThemeMac::PlatformGrammarMarkerUnderlineColor() const {
return Color(107, 107, 107);
Color LayoutThemeMac::PlatformFocusRingColor() const {
static const RGBA32 kOldAquaFocusRingColor = 0xFF7DADD9;
if (UsesTestModeFocusRingColor())
return kOldAquaFocusRingColor;
return SystemColor(CSSValueID::kWebkitFocusRingColor);
Color LayoutThemeMac::PlatformInactiveListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor() const {
return PlatformInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor();
static FontSelectionValue ToFontWeight(NSInteger app_kit_font_weight) {
DCHECK_GT(app_kit_font_weight, 0);
DCHECK_LT(app_kit_font_weight, 15);
if (app_kit_font_weight > 14)
app_kit_font_weight = 14;
else if (app_kit_font_weight < 1)
app_kit_font_weight = 1;
static FontSelectionValue font_weights[] = {
FontSelectionValue(100), FontSelectionValue(100), FontSelectionValue(200),
FontSelectionValue(300), FontSelectionValue(400), FontSelectionValue(500),
FontSelectionValue(600), FontSelectionValue(600), FontSelectionValue(700),
FontSelectionValue(800), FontSelectionValue(800), FontSelectionValue(900),
FontSelectionValue(900), FontSelectionValue(900)};
return font_weights[app_kit_font_weight - 1];
static inline NSFont* SystemNSFont(CSSValueID system_font_id) {
switch (system_font_id) {
case CSSValueID::kSmallCaption:
return [NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]];
case CSSValueID::kMenu:
return [NSFont menuFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSize]];
case CSSValueID::kStatusBar:
return [NSFont labelFontOfSize:[NSFont labelFontSize]];
case CSSValueID::kWebkitMiniControl:
return [NSFont
case CSSValueID::kWebkitSmallControl:
return [NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:
case CSSValueID::kWebkitControl:
return [NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:
return [NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSize]];
void LayoutThemeMac::SystemFont(CSSValueID system_font_id,
FontSelectionValue& font_slope,
FontSelectionValue& font_weight,
float& font_size,
AtomicString& font_family) const {
NSFont* font = SystemNSFont(system_font_id);
if (!font)
NSFontManager* font_manager = [NSFontManager sharedFontManager];
font_slope = ([font_manager traitsOfFont:font] & NSItalicFontMask)
? ItalicSlopeValue()
: NormalSlopeValue();
font_weight = ToFontWeight([font_manager weightOfFont:font]);
font_size = [font pointSize];
font_family = font_family_names::kSystemUi;
void LayoutThemeMac::PlatformColorsDidChange() {
Color LayoutThemeMac::SystemColor(CSSValueID css_value_id) const {
HashMap<CSSValueID, RGBA32>::iterator it =
if (it != system_color_cache_.end())
return it->value;
Color color;
bool needs_fallback = false;
switch (css_value_id) {
case CSSValueID::kActiveborder:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kKeyboardFocusIndicator);
case CSSValueID::kActivecaption:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kWindowFrameText);
case CSSValueID::kAppworkspace:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kHeader);
case CSSValueID::kBackground:
// Use theme independent default
needs_fallback = true;
case CSSValueID::kButtonface:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kControlBackground);
case CSSValueID::kButtonhighlight:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kControlHighlight);
case CSSValueID::kButtonshadow:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kControlShadow);
case CSSValueID::kButtontext:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kControlText);
case CSSValueID::kCaptiontext:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kText);
case CSSValueID::kGraytext:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kDisabledControlText);
case CSSValueID::kHighlight:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kSelectedTextBackground);
case CSSValueID::kHighlighttext:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kSelectedText);
case CSSValueID::kInactiveborder:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kControlBackground);
case CSSValueID::kInactivecaption:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kControlBackground);
case CSSValueID::kInactivecaptiontext:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kText);
case CSSValueID::kInfobackground:
// There is no corresponding NSColor for this so we use a hard coded
// value.
color = 0xFFFBFCC5;
case CSSValueID::kInfotext:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kText);
case CSSValueID::kMenu:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kMenuBackground);
case CSSValueID::kMenutext:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kSelectedMenuItemText);
case CSSValueID::kScrollbar:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kScrollBar);
case CSSValueID::kText:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kText);
case CSSValueID::kThreeddarkshadow:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kControlDarkShadow);
case CSSValueID::kThreedshadow:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kShadow);
case CSSValueID::kThreedface:
// We use this value instead of NSColor's controlColor to avoid website
// incompatibilities. We may want to change this to use the NSColor in
// future.
color = 0xFFC0C0C0;
case CSSValueID::kThreedhighlight:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kHighlight);
case CSSValueID::kThreedlightshadow:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kControlLightHighlight);
case CSSValueID::kWebkitFocusRingColor:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kKeyboardFocusIndicator);
case CSSValueID::kWindow:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kWindowBackground);
case CSSValueID::kWindowframe:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kWindowFrame);
case CSSValueID::kWindowtext:
color = GetSystemColor(MacSystemColorID::kWindowFrameText);
needs_fallback = true;
if (needs_fallback)
color = LayoutTheme::SystemColor(css_value_id);
system_color_cache_.Set(css_value_id, color.Rgb());
return color;
bool LayoutThemeMac::IsControlStyled(const ComputedStyle& style) const {
if (style.Appearance() == kTextFieldPart ||
style.Appearance() == kTextAreaPart)
return style.HasAuthorBorder() || style.BoxShadow();
if (style.Appearance() == kMenulistPart) {
// FIXME: This is horrible, but there is not much else that can be done.
// Menu lists cannot draw properly when scaled. They can't really draw
// properly when transformed either. We can't detect the transform case
// at style adjustment time so that will just have to stay broken. We
// can however detect that we're zooming. If zooming is in effect we
// treat it like the control is styled.
if (style.EffectiveZoom() != 1.0f)
return true;
if (!FontSizeMatchesToControlSize(style))
return true;
if (style.GetFontDescription().Family().Family() !=
return true;
if (!style.Height().IsIntrinsicOrAuto())
return true;
// Some other cells don't work well when scaled.
if (style.EffectiveZoom() != 1) {
switch (style.Appearance()) {
case kButtonPart:
case kPushButtonPart:
case kSearchFieldPart:
case kSquareButtonPart:
return true;
return LayoutTheme::IsControlStyled(style);
void LayoutThemeMac::AddVisualOverflow(const Node* node,
const ComputedStyle& style,
IntRect& rect) {
ControlPart part = style.Appearance();
switch (part) {
case kCheckboxPart:
case kRadioPart:
case kPushButtonPart:
case kSquareButtonPart:
case kButtonPart:
case kInnerSpinButtonPart:
return AddVisualOverflowHelper(style.Appearance(),
ControlStatesForNode(node, style),
style.EffectiveZoom(), rect);
float zoom_level = style.EffectiveZoom();
if (part == kMenulistPart) {
SetPopupButtonCellState(node, style, rect);
IntSize size = PopupButtonSizes()[[PopupButton() controlSize]];
size.SetHeight(size.Height() * zoom_level);
rect = InflateRect(rect, size, PopupButtonMargins(), zoom_level);
} else if (part == kSliderThumbHorizontalPart ||
part == kSliderThumbVerticalPart) {
rect.SetHeight(rect.Height() + kSliderThumbShadowBlur);
void LayoutThemeMac::UpdateCheckedState(NSCell* cell, const Node* node) {
bool old_indeterminate = [cell state] == NSMixedState;
bool indeterminate = IsIndeterminate(node);
bool checked = IsChecked(node);
if (old_indeterminate != indeterminate) {
[cell setState:indeterminate ? NSMixedState
: (checked ? NSOnState : NSOffState)];
bool old_checked = [cell state] == NSOnState;
if (checked != old_checked)
[cell setState:checked ? NSOnState : NSOffState];
void LayoutThemeMac::UpdateEnabledState(NSCell* cell, const Node* node) {
bool old_enabled = [cell isEnabled];
bool enabled = IsEnabled(node);
if (enabled != old_enabled)
[cell setEnabled:enabled];
void LayoutThemeMac::UpdateFocusedState(NSCell* cell,
const Node* node,
const ComputedStyle& style) {
bool old_focused = [cell showsFirstResponder];
bool focused = IsFocused(node) && style.OutlineStyleIsAuto();
if (focused != old_focused)
[cell setShowsFirstResponder:focused];
void LayoutThemeMac::UpdatePressedState(NSCell* cell, const Node* node) {
bool old_pressed = [cell isHighlighted];
bool pressed = node && node->IsActive();
if (pressed != old_pressed)
[cell setHighlighted:pressed];
NSControlSize LayoutThemeMac::ControlSizeForFont(
const ComputedStyle& style) const {
int font_size = style.FontSize();
if (font_size >= 16)
return NSRegularControlSize;
if (font_size >= 11)
return NSSmallControlSize;
return NSMiniControlSize;
void LayoutThemeMac::SetControlSize(NSCell* cell,
const IntSize* sizes,
const IntSize& min_size,
float zoom_level) {
NSControlSize size;
if (min_size.Width() >=
static_cast<int>(sizes[NSRegularControlSize].Width() * zoom_level) &&
min_size.Height() >=
static_cast<int>(sizes[NSRegularControlSize].Height() * zoom_level))
size = NSRegularControlSize;
else if (min_size.Width() >=
static_cast<int>(sizes[NSSmallControlSize].Width() *
zoom_level) &&
min_size.Height() >=
static_cast<int>(sizes[NSSmallControlSize].Height() *
size = NSSmallControlSize;
size = NSMiniControlSize;
// Only update if we have to, since AppKit does work even if the size is the
// same.
if (size != [cell controlSize])
[cell setControlSize:size];
IntSize LayoutThemeMac::SizeForFont(const ComputedStyle& style,
const IntSize* sizes) const {
if (style.EffectiveZoom() != 1.0f) {
IntSize result = sizes[ControlSizeForFont(style)];
return IntSize(result.Width() * style.EffectiveZoom(),
result.Height() * style.EffectiveZoom());
return sizes[ControlSizeForFont(style)];
IntSize LayoutThemeMac::SizeForSystemFont(const ComputedStyle& style,
const IntSize* sizes) const {
if (style.EffectiveZoom() != 1.0f) {
IntSize result = sizes[ControlSizeForSystemFont(style)];
return IntSize(result.Width() * style.EffectiveZoom(),
result.Height() * style.EffectiveZoom());
return sizes[ControlSizeForSystemFont(style)];
void LayoutThemeMac::SetSizeFromFont(ComputedStyle& style,
const IntSize* sizes) const {
// FIXME: Check is flawed, since it doesn't take min-width/max-width into
// account.
IntSize size = SizeForFont(style, sizes);
if (style.Width().IsIntrinsicOrAuto() && size.Width() > 0)
if (style.Height().IsAuto() && size.Height() > 0)
void LayoutThemeMac::SetFontFromControlSize(ComputedStyle& style,
NSControlSize control_size) const {
FontDescription font_description;
NSFont* font = [NSFont
systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:control_size]];
font_description.SetComputedSize([font pointSize] * style.EffectiveZoom());
font_description.SetSpecifiedSize([font pointSize] * style.EffectiveZoom());
// Reset line height.
// TODO(esprehn): The fontSelector manual management is buggy and error prone.
FontSelector* font_selector = style.GetFont().GetFontSelector();
if (style.SetFontDescription(font_description))
NSControlSize LayoutThemeMac::ControlSizeForSystemFont(
const ComputedStyle& style) const {
float font_size = style.FontSize();
float zoom_level = style.EffectiveZoom();
if (zoom_level != 1)
font_size /= zoom_level;
if (font_size >= [NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSRegularControlSize])
return NSRegularControlSize;
if (font_size >= [NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSSmallControlSize])
return NSSmallControlSize;
return NSMiniControlSize;
const int* LayoutThemeMac::PopupButtonMargins() const {
static const int kMargins[3][4] = {{0, 3, 1, 3}, {0, 3, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 0, 1}};
return kMargins[[PopupButton() controlSize]];
const IntSize* LayoutThemeMac::PopupButtonSizes() const {
static const IntSize kSizes[3] = {IntSize(0, 21), IntSize(0, 18),
IntSize(0, 15)};
return kSizes;
const int* LayoutThemeMac::PopupButtonPadding(NSControlSize size) const {
static const int kPadding[3][4] = {
{2, 26, 3, 8}, {2, 23, 3, 8}, {2, 22, 3, 10}};
return kPadding[size];
const int* LayoutThemeMac::ProgressBarHeights() const {
static const int kSizes[3] = {20, 12, 12};
return kSizes;
constexpr TimeDelta LayoutThemeMac::kProgressAnimationFrameRate;
TimeDelta LayoutThemeMac::AnimationRepeatIntervalForProgressBar() const {
return kProgressAnimationFrameRate;
TimeDelta LayoutThemeMac::AnimationDurationForProgressBar() const {
return kProgressAnimationNumFrames * kProgressAnimationFrameRate;
static const IntSize* MenuListButtonSizes() {
static const IntSize kSizes[3] = {IntSize(0, 21), IntSize(0, 18),
IntSize(0, 15)};
return kSizes;
void LayoutThemeMac::AdjustMenuListStyle(ComputedStyle& style,
Element* e) const {
NSControlSize control_size = ControlSizeForFont(style);
// Height is locked to auto.
// White-space is locked to pre.
// Set the foreground color to black or gray when we have the aqua look.
// Cast to RGB32 is to work around a compiler bug.
style.SetColor(e && !e->IsDisabledFormControl()
? static_cast<RGBA32>(Color::kBlack)
: Color::kDarkGray);
// Set the button's vertical size.
SetSizeFromFont(style, MenuListButtonSizes());
// Our font is locked to the appropriate system font size for the
// control. To clarify, we first use the CSS-specified font to figure out a
// reasonable control size, but once that control size is determined, we
// throw that font away and use the appropriate system font for the control
// size instead.
SetFontFromControlSize(style, control_size);
static const int kBaseBorderRadius = 5;
static const int kStyledPopupPaddingStart = 8;
static const int kStyledPopupPaddingTop = 1;
static const int kStyledPopupPaddingBottom = 2;
// These functions are called with MenuListPart or MenulistButtonPart appearance
// by LayoutMenuList.
int LayoutThemeMac::PopupInternalPaddingStart(
const ComputedStyle& style) const {
if (style.Appearance() == kMenulistPart)
return PopupButtonPadding(ControlSizeForFont(style))[kLeftMargin] *
if (style.Appearance() == kMenulistButtonPart)
return kStyledPopupPaddingStart * style.EffectiveZoom();
return 0;
int LayoutThemeMac::PopupInternalPaddingEnd(const ChromeClient*,
const ComputedStyle& style) const {
if (style.Appearance() == kMenulistPart)
return PopupButtonPadding(ControlSizeForFont(style))[kRightMargin] *
if (style.Appearance() != kMenulistButtonPart)
return 0;
float font_scale = style.FontSize() / kBaseFontSize;
float arrow_width = kMenuListBaseArrowWidth * font_scale;
return static_cast<int>(ceilf(
arrow_width + (kMenuListArrowPaddingStart + kMenuListArrowPaddingEnd) *
int LayoutThemeMac::PopupInternalPaddingTop(const ComputedStyle& style) const {
if (style.Appearance() == kMenulistPart)
return PopupButtonPadding(ControlSizeForFont(style))[kTopMargin] *
if (style.Appearance() == kMenulistButtonPart)
return kStyledPopupPaddingTop * style.EffectiveZoom();
return 0;
int LayoutThemeMac::PopupInternalPaddingBottom(
const ComputedStyle& style) const {
if (style.Appearance() == kMenulistPart)
return PopupButtonPadding(ControlSizeForFont(style))[kBottomMargin] *
if (style.Appearance() == kMenulistButtonPart)
return kStyledPopupPaddingBottom * style.EffectiveZoom();
return 0;
void LayoutThemeMac::AdjustMenuListButtonStyle(ComputedStyle& style,
Element*) const {
float font_scale = style.FontSize() / kBaseFontSize;
IntSize(int(kBaseBorderRadius + font_scale - 1),
int(kBaseBorderRadius + font_scale - 1))); // FIXME: Round up?
const int kMinHeight = 15;
void LayoutThemeMac::SetPopupButtonCellState(const Node* node,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const IntRect& rect) {
NSPopUpButtonCell* popup_button = this->PopupButton();
// Set the control size based off the rectangle we're painting into.
SetControlSize(popup_button, PopupButtonSizes(), rect.Size(),
// Update the various states we respond to.
UpdateActiveState(popup_button, node);
UpdateCheckedState(popup_button, node);
UpdateEnabledState(popup_button, node);
UpdatePressedState(popup_button, node);
popup_button.userInterfaceLayoutDirection =
style.Direction() == TextDirection::kLtr
? NSUserInterfaceLayoutDirectionLeftToRight
: NSUserInterfaceLayoutDirectionRightToLeft;
const IntSize* LayoutThemeMac::MenuListSizes() const {
static const IntSize kSizes[3] = {IntSize(9, 0), IntSize(5, 0),
IntSize(0, 0)};
return kSizes;
int LayoutThemeMac::MinimumMenuListSize(const ComputedStyle& style) const {
return SizeForSystemFont(style, MenuListSizes()).Width();
void LayoutThemeMac::SetSearchCellState(const Node* node,
const ComputedStyle& style,
const IntRect&) {
NSSearchFieldCell* search = this->Search();
// Update the various states we respond to.
UpdateActiveState(search, node);
UpdateEnabledState(search, node);
UpdateFocusedState(search, node, style);
const IntSize* LayoutThemeMac::SearchFieldSizes() const {
static const IntSize kSizes[3] = {IntSize(0, 22), IntSize(0, 19),
IntSize(0, 15)};
return kSizes;
static const int* SearchFieldHorizontalPaddings() {
static const int kSizes[3] = {3, 2, 1};
return kSizes;
void LayoutThemeMac::SetSearchFieldSize(ComputedStyle& style) const {
// If the width and height are both specified, then we have nothing to do.
if (!style.Width().IsIntrinsicOrAuto() && !style.Height().IsAuto())
// Use the font size to determine the intrinsic width of the control.
SetSizeFromFont(style, SearchFieldSizes());
const uint8_t kSearchFieldBorderWidth = 2;
void LayoutThemeMac::AdjustSearchFieldStyle(ComputedStyle& style) const {
// Override border.
const float border_width = kSearchFieldBorderWidth * style.EffectiveZoom();
// Override height.
NSControlSize control_size = ControlSizeForFont(style);
// Override padding size to match AppKit text positioning.
const int vertical_padding = 1 * style.EffectiveZoom();
const int horizontal_padding =
SearchFieldHorizontalPaddings()[control_size] * style.EffectiveZoom();
SetFontFromControlSize(style, control_size);
const IntSize* LayoutThemeMac::CancelButtonSizes() const {
static const IntSize kSizes[3] = {IntSize(14, 14), IntSize(11, 11),
IntSize(9, 9)};
return kSizes;
void LayoutThemeMac::AdjustSearchFieldCancelButtonStyle(
ComputedStyle& style) const {
IntSize size = SizeForSystemFont(style, CancelButtonSizes());
IntSize LayoutThemeMac::SliderTickSize() const {
return IntSize(1, 3);
int LayoutThemeMac::SliderTickOffsetFromTrackCenter() const {
return -9;
void LayoutThemeMac::AdjustProgressBarBounds(ComputedStyle& style) const {
float zoom_level = style.EffectiveZoom();
NSControlSize control_size = ControlSizeForFont(style);
int height = ProgressBarHeights()[control_size] * zoom_level;
// Now inflate it to account for the shadow.
style.SetMinHeight(Length::Fixed(height + zoom_level));
void LayoutThemeMac::AdjustSliderThumbSize(ComputedStyle& style) const {
float zoom_level = style.EffectiveZoom();
if (style.Appearance() == kSliderThumbHorizontalPart ||
style.Appearance() == kSliderThumbVerticalPart) {
Length::Fixed(static_cast<int>(kSliderThumbWidth * zoom_level)));
Length::Fixed(static_cast<int>(kSliderThumbHeight * zoom_level)));
NSPopUpButtonCell* LayoutThemeMac::PopupButton() const {
if (!popup_button_) {
popup_button_.reset([[NSPopUpButtonCell alloc] initTextCell:@""
[popup_button_ setUsesItemFromMenu:NO];
[popup_button_ setFocusRingType:NSFocusRingTypeExterior];
return popup_button_;
NSSearchFieldCell* LayoutThemeMac::Search() const {
if (!search_) {
search_.reset([[NSSearchFieldCell alloc] initTextCell:@""]);
[search_ setBezelStyle:NSTextFieldRoundedBezel];
[search_ setBezeled:YES];
[search_ setEditable:YES];
[search_ setFocusRingType:NSFocusRingTypeExterior];
// Suppress NSSearchFieldCell's default placeholder text. Prior to OS10.11,
// this is achieved by calling |setCenteredLook| with NO. In OS10.11 and
// later, instead call |setPlaceholderString| with an empty string.
// See
if (base::mac::IsAtMostOS10_10()) {
SEL sel = @selector(setCenteredLook:);
if ([search_ respondsToSelector:sel]) {
BOOL bool_value = NO;
NSMethodSignature* signature =
[NSSearchFieldCell instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:sel];
NSInvocation* invocation =
[NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:signature];
[invocation setTarget:search_];
[invocation setSelector:sel];
[invocation setArgument:&bool_value atIndex:2];
[invocation invoke];
} else {
[search_ setPlaceholderString:@""];
return search_;
NSTextFieldCell* LayoutThemeMac::TextField() const {
if (!text_field_) {
text_field_.reset([[BlinkTextFieldCell alloc] initTextCell:@""]);
[text_field_ setBezeled:YES];
[text_field_ setEditable:YES];
[text_field_ setFocusRingType:NSFocusRingTypeExterior];
[text_field_ setDrawsBackground:YES];
[text_field_ setBackgroundColor:[NSColor whiteColor]];
return text_field_;
String LayoutThemeMac::FileListNameForWidth(Locale& locale,
const FileList* file_list,
const Font& font,
int width) const {
if (width <= 0)
return String();
String str_to_truncate;
if (file_list->IsEmpty()) {
str_to_truncate =
} else if (file_list->length() == 1) {
File* file = file_list->item(0);
if (file->GetUserVisibility() == File::kIsUserVisible)
str_to_truncate = [[NSFileManager defaultManager]
str_to_truncate = file->name();
} else {
return StringTruncator::RightTruncate(
width, font);
return StringTruncator::CenterTruncate(str_to_truncate, width, font);
NSView* FlippedView() {
static NSView* view = [[BlinkFlippedView alloc] init];
return view;
LayoutTheme& LayoutTheme::NativeTheme() {
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::FormControlsRefreshEnabled()) {
DEFINE_STATIC_REF(LayoutTheme, layout_theme,
return *layout_theme;
} else {
DEFINE_STATIC_REF(LayoutTheme, layout_theme, (LayoutThemeMac::Create()));
return *layout_theme;
scoped_refptr<LayoutTheme> LayoutThemeMac::Create() {
return base::AdoptRef(new LayoutThemeMac);
bool LayoutThemeMac::UsesTestModeFocusRingColor() const {
return WebTestSupport::IsRunningWebTest();
NSView* LayoutThemeMac::DocumentView() const {
return FlippedView();
// Updates the control tint (a.k.a. active state) of |cell| (from |o|). In the
// Chromium port, the layoutObject runs as a background process and controls'
// NSCell(s) lack a parent NSView. Therefore controls don't have their tint
// color updated correctly when the application is activated/deactivated.
// FocusController's setActive() is called when the application is
// activated/deactivated, which causes a paint invalidation at which time this
// code is called.
// This function should be called before drawing any NSCell-derived controls,
// unless you're sure it isn't needed.
void LayoutThemeMac::UpdateActiveState(NSCell* cell, const Node* node) {
NSControlTint old_tint = [cell controlTint];
NSControlTint tint = IsActive(node)
? [NSColor currentControlTint]
: static_cast<NSControlTint>(NSClearControlTint);
if (tint != old_tint)
[cell setControlTint:tint];
String LayoutThemeMac::ExtraFullscreenStyleSheet() {
// FIXME: Chromium may wish to style its default media controls differently in
// fullscreen.
return String();
String LayoutThemeMac::ExtraDefaultStyleSheet() {
return LayoutTheme::ExtraDefaultStyleSheet() +
GetDataResourceAsASCIIString("input_multiple_fields.css") +
bool LayoutThemeMac::ThemeDrawsFocusRing(const ComputedStyle& style) const {
if (ShouldUseFallbackTheme(style))
return false;
switch (style.Appearance()) {
case kCheckboxPart:
case kRadioPart:
case kPushButtonPart:
case kSquareButtonPart:
case kButtonPart:
case kMenulistPart:
case kSliderThumbHorizontalPart:
case kSliderThumbVerticalPart:
return true;
// Actually, they don't support native focus rings, but this function
// returns true for them in order to prevent Blink from drawing focus rings.
// SliderThumb*Part have focus rings, and we don't need to draw two focus
// rings for single slider.
case kSliderHorizontalPart:
case kSliderVerticalPart:
return true;
return false;
bool LayoutThemeMac::ShouldUseFallbackTheme(const ComputedStyle& style) const {
ControlPart part = style.Appearance();
if (part == kCheckboxPart || part == kRadioPart)
return style.EffectiveZoom() != 1;
return false;
// We don't use controlSizeForFont() for steppers because the stepper height
// should be equal to or less than the corresponding text field height,
static NSControlSize StepperControlSizeForFont(
const FontDescription& font_description) {
int font_size = font_description.ComputedPixelSize();
if (font_size >= 27)
return NSRegularControlSize;
if (font_size >= 22)
return NSSmallControlSize;
return NSMiniControlSize;
NSControlSize LayoutThemeMac::ControlSizeFromPixelSize(
const IntSize* sizes,
const IntSize& min_zoomed_size,
float zoom_factor) {
if (min_zoomed_size.Width() >=
static_cast<int>(sizes[NSRegularControlSize].Width() * zoom_factor) &&
min_zoomed_size.Height() >=
static_cast<int>(sizes[NSRegularControlSize].Height() * zoom_factor))
return NSRegularControlSize;
if (min_zoomed_size.Width() >=
static_cast<int>(sizes[NSSmallControlSize].Width() * zoom_factor) &&
min_zoomed_size.Height() >=
static_cast<int>(sizes[NSSmallControlSize].Height() * zoom_factor))
return NSSmallControlSize;
return NSMiniControlSize;
static void SetControlSizeThemeMac(NSCell* cell,
const IntSize* sizes,
const IntSize& min_zoomed_size,
float zoom_factor) {
ControlSize size = LayoutThemeMac::ControlSizeFromPixelSize(
sizes, min_zoomed_size, zoom_factor);
// Only update if we have to, since AppKit does work even if the size is the
// same.
if (size != [cell controlSize])
[cell setControlSize:(NSControlSize)size];
static void UpdateStates(NSCell* cell, ControlStates states) {
// Hover state is not supported by Aqua.
// Pressed state
bool old_pressed = [cell isHighlighted];
bool pressed = states & kPressedControlState;
if (pressed != old_pressed)
[cell setHighlighted:pressed];
// Enabled state
bool old_enabled = [cell isEnabled];
bool enabled = states & kEnabledControlState;
if (enabled != old_enabled)
[cell setEnabled:enabled];
// Checked and Indeterminate
bool old_indeterminate = [cell state] == NSMixedState;
bool indeterminate = (states & kIndeterminateControlState);
bool checked = states & kCheckedControlState;
bool old_checked = [cell state] == NSOnState;
if (old_indeterminate != indeterminate || checked != old_checked)
[cell setState:indeterminate ? NSMixedState
: (checked ? NSOnState : NSOffState)];
// Window inactive state does not need to be checked explicitly, since we
// paint parented to a view in a window whose key state can be detected.
// Return a fake NSView whose sole purpose is to tell AppKit that it's flipped.
NSView* LayoutThemeMac::EnsuredView(const IntSize& size) {
// Use a fake flipped view.
static NSView* flipped_view = [[BlinkFlippedControl alloc] init];
[flipped_view setFrameSize:NSSizeFromCGSize(CGSize(size))];
return flipped_view;
LayoutUnit LayoutThemeMac::BaselinePositionAdjustment(
const ComputedStyle& style) const {
ControlPart part = style.Appearance();
if (part == kCheckboxPart || part == kRadioPart)
return LayoutUnit(style.EffectiveZoom() * -2);
return LayoutTheme::BaselinePositionAdjustment(style);
FontDescription LayoutThemeMac::ControlFont(
ControlPart part,
const FontDescription& font_description,
float zoom_factor) const {
using ::blink::ControlSizeForFont;
switch (part) {
case kPushButtonPart: {
FontDescription result;
NSFont* ns_font = [NSFont
systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:
result.SetComputedSize([ns_font pointSize] * zoom_factor);
result.SetSpecifiedSize([ns_font pointSize] * zoom_factor);
return result;
return LayoutTheme::ControlFont(part, font_description, zoom_factor);
LengthSize LayoutThemeMac::GetControlSize(
ControlPart part,
const FontDescription& font_description,
const LengthSize& zoomed_size,
float zoom_factor) const {
switch (part) {
case kCheckboxPart:
return CheckboxSize(font_description, zoomed_size, zoom_factor);
case kRadioPart:
return RadioSize(font_description, zoomed_size, zoom_factor);
case kPushButtonPart:
// Height is reset to auto so that specified heights can be ignored.
return SizeFromFont(font_description,
LengthSize(zoomed_size.Width(), Length()),
zoom_factor, ButtonSizes());
case kInnerSpinButtonPart:
if (!zoomed_size.Width().IsIntrinsicOrAuto() &&
return zoomed_size;
return SizeFromNSControlSize(StepperControlSizeForFont(font_description),
zoomed_size, zoom_factor, StepperSizes());
return zoomed_size;
LengthSize LayoutThemeMac::MinimumControlSize(
ControlPart part,
const FontDescription& font_description,
float zoom_factor,
const ComputedStyle& style) const {
switch (part) {
case kSquareButtonPart:
case kButtonPart:
return LengthSize(style.MinWidth().Zoom(zoom_factor),
Length::Fixed(static_cast<int>(15 * zoom_factor)));
case kInnerSpinButtonPart: {
IntSize base = StepperSizes()[NSMiniControlSize];
return LengthSize(
Length::Fixed(static_cast<int>(base.Width() * zoom_factor)),
Length::Fixed(static_cast<int>(base.Height() * zoom_factor)));
return LayoutTheme::MinimumControlSize(part, font_description,
zoom_factor, style);
LengthBox LayoutThemeMac::ControlPadding(
ControlPart part,
const FontDescription& font_description,
const Length& zoomed_box_top,
const Length& zoomed_box_right,
const Length& zoomed_box_bottom,
const Length& zoomed_box_left,
float zoom_factor) const {
switch (part) {
case kPushButtonPart: {
// Just use 8px. AppKit wants to use 11px for mini buttons, but that
// padding is just too large for real-world Web sites (creating a huge
// necessary minimum width for buttons whose space is by definition
// constrained, since we select mini only for small cramped environments.
// This also guarantees the HTML <button> will match our rendering by
// default, since we're using a consistent padding.
const int padding = 8 * zoom_factor;
return LengthBox(2, padding, 3, padding);
return LayoutTheme::ControlPadding(part, font_description, zoomed_box_top,
zoomed_box_right, zoomed_box_bottom,
zoomed_box_left, zoom_factor);
LengthBox LayoutThemeMac::ControlBorder(ControlPart part,
const FontDescription& font_description,
const LengthBox& zoomed_box,
float zoom_factor) const {
switch (part) {
case kSquareButtonPart:
return LengthBox(0, zoomed_box.Right().Value(), 0,
return LayoutTheme::ControlBorder(part, font_description, zoomed_box,
void LayoutThemeMac::AddVisualOverflowHelper(ControlPart part,
ControlStates states,
float zoom_factor,
IntRect& zoomed_rect) const {
switch (part) {
case kCheckboxPart: {
// We inflate the rect as needed to account for padding included in the
// cell to accommodate the checkbox shadow" and the check. We don't
// consider this part of the bounds of the control in WebKit.
NSCell* cell = Checkbox(states, zoomed_rect, zoom_factor);
NSControlSize control_size = [cell controlSize];
IntSize zoomed_size = CheckboxSizes()[control_size];
zoomed_size.SetHeight(zoomed_size.Height() * zoom_factor);
zoomed_size.SetWidth(zoomed_size.Width() * zoom_factor);
zoomed_rect = InflateRect(zoomed_rect, zoomed_size,
CheckboxMargins(control_size), zoom_factor);
case kRadioPart: {
// We inflate the rect as needed to account for padding included in the
// cell to accommodate the radio button shadow". We don't consider this
// part of the bounds of the control in WebKit.
NSCell* cell = Radio(states, zoomed_rect, zoom_factor);
NSControlSize control_size = [cell controlSize];
IntSize zoomed_size = RadioSizes()[control_size];
zoomed_size.SetHeight(zoomed_size.Height() * zoom_factor);
zoomed_size.SetWidth(zoomed_size.Width() * zoom_factor);
zoomed_rect = InflateRect(zoomed_rect, zoomed_size,
RadioMargins(control_size), zoom_factor);
case kPushButtonPart:
case kButtonPart: {
NSButtonCell* cell = Button(part, states, zoomed_rect, zoom_factor);
NSControlSize control_size = [cell controlSize];
// We inflate the rect as needed to account for the Aqua button's shadow.
if ([cell bezelStyle] == NSRoundedBezelStyle) {
IntSize zoomed_size = ButtonSizes()[control_size];
zoomed_size.SetHeight(zoomed_size.Height() * zoom_factor);
// Buttons don't ever constrain width, so the zoomed width can just be
// honored.
zoomed_rect = InflateRect(zoomed_rect, zoomed_size,
ButtonMargins(control_size), zoom_factor);
case kInnerSpinButtonPart: {
static const int kStepperMargin[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
ControlSize control_size = ControlSizeFromPixelSize(
StepperSizes(), zoomed_rect.Size(), zoom_factor);
IntSize zoomed_size = StepperSizes()[control_size];
zoomed_size.SetHeight(zoomed_size.Height() * zoom_factor);
zoomed_size.SetWidth(zoomed_size.Width() * zoom_factor);
zoomed_rect =
InflateRect(zoomed_rect, zoomed_size, kStepperMargin, zoom_factor);
void LayoutThemeMac::AdjustControlPartStyle(ComputedStyle& style) {
ControlPart part = style.Appearance();
switch (part) {
case kCheckboxPart:
case kInnerSpinButtonPart:
case kRadioPart:
case kPushButtonPart:
case kSquareButtonPart:
case kButtonPart: {
// Border
LengthBox border_box(style.BorderTopWidth(), style.BorderRightWidth(),
style.BorderBottomWidth(), style.BorderLeftWidth());
border_box = ControlBorder(part, style.GetFont().GetFontDescription(),
border_box, style.EffectiveZoom());
if (border_box.Top().Value() !=
static_cast<int>(style.BorderTopWidth())) {
if (border_box.Top().Value())
if (border_box.Right().Value() !=
static_cast<int>(style.BorderRightWidth())) {
if (border_box.Right().Value())
if (border_box.Bottom().Value() !=
static_cast<int>(style.BorderBottomWidth())) {
if (border_box.Bottom().Value())
if (border_box.Left().Value() !=
static_cast<int>(style.BorderLeftWidth())) {
if (border_box.Left().Value())
// Padding
LengthBox padding_box = ControlPadding(
part, style.GetFont().GetFontDescription(), style.PaddingTop(),
style.PaddingRight(), style.PaddingBottom(), style.PaddingLeft(),
if (!style.PaddingEqual(padding_box))
// Whitespace
if (ControlRequiresPreWhiteSpace(part))
// Width / Height
// The width and height here are affected by the zoom.
LengthSize control_size = GetControlSize(
part, style.GetFont().GetFontDescription(),
LengthSize(style.Width(), style.Height()), style.EffectiveZoom());
LengthSize min_control_size =
MinimumControlSize(part, style.GetFont().GetFontDescription(),
style.EffectiveZoom(), style);
// Only potentially set min-size to |control_size| for these parts.
if (part == kCheckboxPart || part == kRadioPart)
SetMinimumSize(style, &control_size, &min_control_size);
SetMinimumSize(style, nullptr, &min_control_size);
if (control_size.Width() != style.Width())
if (control_size.Height() != style.Height())
// Font
FontDescription control_font = ControlFont(
part, style.GetFont().GetFontDescription(), style.EffectiveZoom());
if (control_font != style.GetFont().GetFontDescription()) {
// Reset our line-height
// Now update our font.
if (style.SetFontDescription(control_font))
case kProgressBarPart:
// static
IntRect LayoutThemeMac::InflateRect(const IntRect& zoomed_rect,
const IntSize& zoomed_size,
const int* margins,
float zoom_factor) {
// Only do the inflation if the available width/height are too small.
// Otherwise try to fit the glow/check space into the available box's
// width/height.
int width_delta = zoomed_rect.Width() -
(zoomed_size.Width() + margins[kLeftMargin] * zoom_factor +
margins[kRightMargin] * zoom_factor);
int height_delta = zoomed_rect.Height() -
(zoomed_size.Height() + margins[kTopMargin] * zoom_factor +
margins[kBottomMargin] * zoom_factor);
IntRect result(zoomed_rect);
if (width_delta < 0) {
result.SetX(result.X() - margins[kLeftMargin] * zoom_factor);
result.SetWidth(result.Width() - width_delta);
if (height_delta < 0) {
result.SetY(result.Y() - margins[kTopMargin] * zoom_factor);
result.SetHeight(result.Height() - height_delta);
return result;
// static
IntRect LayoutThemeMac::InflateRectForFocusRing(const IntRect& rect) {
// Just put a margin of 16 units around the rect. The UI elements that use
// this don't appropriately scale their focus rings appropriately (e.g, paint
// pickers), or switch to non-native widgets when scaled (e.g, check boxes
// and radio buttons).
const int kMargin = 16;
IntRect result;
result.SetX(rect.X() - kMargin);
result.SetY(rect.Y() - kMargin);
result.SetWidth(rect.Width() + 2 * kMargin);
result.SetHeight(rect.Height() + 2 * kMargin);
return result;
// Checkboxes
const IntSize* LayoutThemeMac::CheckboxSizes() {
static const IntSize kSizes[3] = {IntSize(14, 14), IntSize(12, 12),
IntSize(10, 10)};
return kSizes;
const int* LayoutThemeMac::CheckboxMargins(NSControlSize control_size) {
static const int kMargins[3][4] = {
{3, 4, 4, 2},
{4, 3, 3, 3},
{4, 3, 3, 3},
return kMargins[control_size];
LengthSize LayoutThemeMac::CheckboxSize(const FontDescription& font_description,
const LengthSize& zoomed_size,
float zoom_factor) {
// If the width and height are both specified, then we have nothing to do.
if (!zoomed_size.Width().IsIntrinsicOrAuto() &&
return zoomed_size;
// Use the font size to determine the intrinsic width of the control.
return SizeFromFont(font_description, zoomed_size, zoom_factor,
NSButtonCell* LayoutThemeMac::Checkbox(ControlStates states,
const IntRect& zoomed_rect,
float zoom_factor) {
static NSButtonCell* checkbox_cell;
if (!checkbox_cell) {
checkbox_cell = [[NSButtonCell alloc] init];
[checkbox_cell setButtonType:NSSwitchButton];
[checkbox_cell setTitle:nil];
[checkbox_cell setAllowsMixedState:YES];
[checkbox_cell setFocusRingType:NSFocusRingTypeExterior];
// Set the control size based off the rectangle we're painting into.
SetControlSizeThemeMac(checkbox_cell, CheckboxSizes(), zoomed_rect.Size(),
// Update the various states we respond to.
UpdateStates(checkbox_cell, states);
return checkbox_cell;
const IntSize* LayoutThemeMac::RadioSizes() {
static const IntSize kSizes[3] = {IntSize(14, 15), IntSize(12, 13),
IntSize(10, 10)};
return kSizes;
const int* LayoutThemeMac::RadioMargins(NSControlSize control_size) {
static const int kMargins[3][4] = {
{2, 2, 4, 2},
{3, 2, 3, 2},
{1, 0, 2, 0},
return kMargins[control_size];
LengthSize LayoutThemeMac::RadioSize(const FontDescription& font_description,
const LengthSize& zoomed_size,
float zoom_factor) {
// If the width and height are both specified, then we have nothing to do.
if (!zoomed_size.Width().IsIntrinsicOrAuto() &&
return zoomed_size;
// Use the font size to determine the intrinsic width of the control.
return SizeFromFont(font_description, zoomed_size, zoom_factor, RadioSizes());
NSButtonCell* LayoutThemeMac::Radio(ControlStates states,
const IntRect& zoomed_rect,
float zoom_factor) {
static NSButtonCell* radio_cell;
if (!radio_cell) {
radio_cell = [[NSButtonCell alloc] init];
[radio_cell setButtonType:NSRadioButton];
[radio_cell setTitle:nil];
[radio_cell setFocusRingType:NSFocusRingTypeExterior];
// Set the control size based off the rectangle we're painting into.
SetControlSizeThemeMac(radio_cell, RadioSizes(), zoomed_rect.Size(),
// Update the various states we respond to.
// Cocoa draws NSMixedState NSRadioButton as NSOnState so we don't want that.
states &= ~kIndeterminateControlState;
UpdateStates(radio_cell, states);
return radio_cell;
// Buttons really only constrain height. They respect width.
const IntSize* LayoutThemeMac::ButtonSizes() {
static const IntSize kSizes[3] = {IntSize(0, 21), IntSize(0, 18),
IntSize(0, 15)};
return kSizes;
const int* LayoutThemeMac::ButtonMargins(NSControlSize control_size) {
static const int kMargins[3][4] = {
{4, 6, 7, 6},
{4, 5, 6, 5},
{0, 1, 1, 1},
return kMargins[control_size];
static void SetUpButtonCell(NSButtonCell* cell,
ControlPart part,
ControlStates states,
const IntRect& zoomed_rect,
float zoom_factor) {
// Set the control size based off the rectangle we're painting into.
const IntSize* sizes = LayoutThemeMac::ButtonSizes();
if (part == kSquareButtonPart ||
zoomed_rect.Height() >
LayoutThemeMac::ButtonSizes()[NSRegularControlSize].Height() *
zoom_factor) {
// Use the square button
if ([cell bezelStyle] != NSShadowlessSquareBezelStyle)
[cell setBezelStyle:NSShadowlessSquareBezelStyle];
} else if ([cell bezelStyle] != NSRoundedBezelStyle)
[cell setBezelStyle:NSRoundedBezelStyle];
SetControlSizeThemeMac(cell, sizes, zoomed_rect.Size(), zoom_factor);
// Update the various states we respond to.
UpdateStates(cell, states);
NSButtonCell* LayoutThemeMac::Button(ControlPart part,
ControlStates states,
const IntRect& zoomed_rect,
float zoom_factor) {
static NSButtonCell* cell = nil;
if (!cell) {
cell = [[NSButtonCell alloc] init];
[cell setTitle:nil];
[cell setButtonType:NSMomentaryPushInButton];
SetUpButtonCell(cell, part, states, zoomed_rect, zoom_factor);
return cell;
const IntSize* LayoutThemeMac::StepperSizes() {
static const IntSize kSizes[3] = {IntSize(19, 27), IntSize(15, 22),
IntSize(13, 15)};
return kSizes;
} // namespace blink