blob: 63de8425ee914d546d392a0f379e087900d66832 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "mojo/core/channel.h"
#include "mojo/core/connection_params.h"
#include "mojo/core/entrypoints.h"
#include "mojo/core/node_channel.h" // nogncheck
#include "mojo/public/cpp/platform/platform_channel.h"
using namespace mojo::core;
// Implementation of NodeChannel::Delegate which does nothing. All of the
// interesting NodeChannel control message message parsing is done by
// NodeChannel by the time any of the delegate methods are invoked, so there's
// no need for this to do any work.
class FakeNodeChannelDelegate : public NodeChannel::Delegate {
FakeNodeChannelDelegate() = default;
~FakeNodeChannelDelegate() override = default;
void OnAcceptInvitee(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
const ports::NodeName& inviter_name,
const ports::NodeName& token) override {}
void OnAcceptInvitation(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
const ports::NodeName& token,
const ports::NodeName& invitee_name) override {}
void OnAddBrokerClient(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
const ports::NodeName& client_name,
base::ProcessHandle process_handle) override {}
void OnBrokerClientAdded(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
const ports::NodeName& client_name,
mojo::PlatformHandle broker_channel) override {}
void OnAcceptBrokerClient(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
const ports::NodeName& broker_name,
mojo::PlatformHandle broker_channel) override {}
void OnEventMessage(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
Channel::MessagePtr message) override {}
void OnRequestPortMerge(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
const ports::PortName& connector_port_name,
const std::string& token) override {}
void OnRequestIntroduction(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
const ports::NodeName& name) override {}
void OnIntroduce(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
const ports::NodeName& name,
mojo::PlatformHandle channel_handle) override {}
void OnBroadcast(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
Channel::MessagePtr message) override {}
#if defined(OS_WIN) || (defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS))
void OnRelayEventMessage(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
base::ProcessHandle from_process,
const ports::NodeName& destination,
Channel::MessagePtr message) override {}
void OnEventMessageFromRelay(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
const ports::NodeName& source_node,
Channel::MessagePtr message) override {}
void OnAcceptPeer(const ports::NodeName& from_node,
const ports::NodeName& token,
const ports::NodeName& peer_name,
const ports::PortName& port_name) override {}
void OnChannelError(const ports::NodeName& node,
NodeChannel* channel) override {}
// A fake delegate for the sending Channel endpoint. The sending Channel is not
// being fuzzed and won't receive any interesting messages, so this doesn't need
// to do anything.
class FakeChannelDelegate : public Channel::Delegate {
FakeChannelDelegate() = default;
~FakeChannelDelegate() override = default;
void OnChannelMessage(const void* payload,
size_t payload_size,
std::vector<mojo::PlatformHandle> handles) override {}
void OnChannelError(Channel::Error error) override {}
// Message deserialization may register handles in the global handle table. We
// need to initialize Core for that to be OK.
struct Environment {
Environment() : message_loop(base::MessageLoop::TYPE_IO) { InitializeCore(); }
base::MessageLoop message_loop;
extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const unsigned char* data, size_t size) {
static base::NoDestructor<Environment> environment;
// Platform-specific implementation of an OS IPC primitive that is normally
// used to carry messages between processes.
mojo::PlatformChannel channel;
FakeNodeChannelDelegate receiver_delegate;
auto receiver = NodeChannel::Create(
&receiver_delegate, ConnectionParams(channel.TakeLocalEndpoint()),
environment->message_loop.task_runner(), base::DoNothing());
// We only use a Channel for the sender side, since it allows us to easily
// encode and transmit raw messages. For this fuzzer, we allocate a valid
// Channel Message with a valid header, but fill its payload contents with
// fuzz. Such messages will always reach the receiving NodeChannel to be
// parsed further.
FakeChannelDelegate sender_delegate;
auto sender = Channel::Create(&sender_delegate,
auto message = std::make_unique<Channel::Message>(size, 0 /* num_handles */);
std::copy(data, data + size,
static_cast<unsigned char*>(message->mutable_payload()));
// Make sure |receiver| does whatever work it's gonna do in response to our
// message. By the time the loop goes idle, all parsing will be done.
// Clean up our channels so we don't leak the underlying OS primitives.
return 0;