blob: c27ee1838962c7dc879d4c4978e3c87e43923c02 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/aura/aura_export.h"
#include "ui/aura/window.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h"
namespace ws {
namespace mojom {
enum class WindowType;
namespace aura {
namespace client {
class FocusClient;
// Alphabetical sort.
// A property key to store whether accessibility focus falls back to widget or
// not.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<bool>* const
// A property key to store whether accessibility touch exploration gets handled
// by the window and all touches pass through directly.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<bool>* const
// A property key to store whether activation on pointer event is enabled or
// not. The default value is true, which means windows are activated when a
// pointer down event occurs on them.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<bool>* const kActivateOnPointerKey;
// A property key to store always-on-top flag.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<bool>* const kAlwaysOnTopKey;
// A property key to store whether animations are disabled for the window. Type
// of value is an int.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<bool>* const kAnimationsDisabledKey;
// A property key to store the app icon, typically larger for shelf icons, etc.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<gfx::ImageSkia*>* const kAppIconKey;
// A property key to store the type of window that will be used to record
// pointer metrics. See AppType in ash/public/cpp/app_types.h for more details.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<int>* const kAppType;
// A property key to store the aspect ratio of the window.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<gfx::SizeF*>* const kAspectRatio;
// A property key to store the avatar icon that will be displayed on the window
// frame to indicate the owner of the window when needed.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<gfx::ImageSkia*>* const kAvatarIconKey;
// A property key to indicate if a client window has content. The value is
// based on whether the window has a drawn layer (i.e. layer type !=
// LAYER_NOT_DRAWN) and is opaque. It is passed to the Window Service side for
// the occlusion tracker to process since the info is only available at the
// client side.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<bool>* const kClientWindowHasContent;
// A property key to store if a window is a constrained window or not.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<bool>* const kConstrainedWindowKey;
// A property key to store if a window was created by a user gesture.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<bool>* const kCreatedByUserGesture;
// A property key to indicate that a window should show that it deserves
// attention.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<bool>* const kDrawAttentionKey;
// A property key to store the focus client on the window.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<FocusClient*>* const kFocusClientKey;
// A property key to store the host window of a window. This lets
// WebContentsViews find the windows that should constrain NPAPI plugins.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<Window*>* const kHostWindowKey;
// A property key to store the minimum size of the window.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<gfx::Size*>* const kMinimumSize;
// A property key to store a list of windows showing a mirror of the window this
// property is set on.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<std::vector<Window*>*>* const
// The modal parent of a child modal window.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<Window*>* const kChildModalParentKey;
// A property key to store the window modality.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<ui::ModalType>* const kModalKey;
// A property key to store the name of the window; mostly used for debugging.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<std::string*>* const kNameKey;
// A property key to store the preferred size of the window.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<gfx::Size*>* const kPreferredSize;
// A property key to store ui::WindowShowState for restoring a window from
// minimized show state.
// Used in Ash to remember the show state before the window was minimized.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<ui::WindowShowState>* const
// A property key to store ui::WindowShowState for restoring a window from
// fullscreen show state.
// Used in Ash to remember the show state before the window was fullscreen.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<ui::WindowShowState>* const
// A property key to store the resize behavior, which is a bitmask of the
// ws::mojom::kResizeBehavior values.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<int32_t>* const kResizeBehaviorKey;
// Reserves a number of dip around the window (i.e. inset from its exterior
// border) for event routing back to the top level window. This is used for
// routing events to toplevel window resize handles. It should only be respected
// for restored windows (maximized and fullscreen can't be drag-resized).
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<int>* const kResizeHandleInset;
// A property key to store the restore bounds in screen coordinates for a
// window.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<gfx::Rect*>* const kRestoreBoundsKey;
// A property key to store ui::WindowShowState for a window.
// See ui/base/ui_base_types.h for its definition.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<ui::WindowShowState>* const
// A property key to store the title of the window; sometimes shown to users.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<base::string16*>* const kTitleKey;
// Indicates if the title of the window should be shown. This is only used for
// top-levels that show a title. Default is false.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<bool>* const kTitleShownKey;
// The inset of the topmost view in the client view from the top of the
// non-client view. The topmost view depends on the window type. The topmost
// view is the tab strip for tabbed browser windows, the toolbar for popups,
// the web contents for app windows and varies for fullscreen windows.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<int>* const kTopViewInset;
// A property key to store the window icon, typically 16x16 for title bars.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<gfx::ImageSkia*>* const kWindowIconKey;
// The corner radius of a window in DIPs. Currently only used for shadows.
// Default is -1, meaning "unspecified". 0 Ensures corners are square.
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<int>* const kWindowCornerRadiusKey;
AURA_EXPORT extern const WindowProperty<ws::mojom::WindowType>* const
// Alphabetical sort.
} // namespace client
} // namespace aura