blob: 59eda97672644ef0d0f185f113568e8300a894fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/ntp_snippets/sessions/tab_delegate_sync_adapter.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/sync_service.h"
#include "components/sync_sessions/open_tabs_ui_delegate.h"
using syncer::SyncService;
using sync_sessions::OpenTabsUIDelegate;
namespace ntp_snippets {
TabDelegateSyncAdapter::TabDelegateSyncAdapter(SyncService* sync_service)
: sync_service_(sync_service) {
TabDelegateSyncAdapter::~TabDelegateSyncAdapter() {
bool TabDelegateSyncAdapter::HasSessionsData() {
// GetOpenTabsUIDelegate will be a nullptr if sync has not started, or if the
// sessions data type is not enabled.
return sync_service_->GetOpenTabsUIDelegate() != nullptr;
std::vector<const sync_sessions::SyncedSession*>
TabDelegateSyncAdapter::GetAllForeignSessions() {
std::vector<const sync_sessions::SyncedSession*> sessions;
OpenTabsUIDelegate* delegate = sync_service_->GetOpenTabsUIDelegate();
if (delegate != nullptr) {
// The return bool from GetAllForeignSessions(...) is ignored.
return sessions;
void TabDelegateSyncAdapter::SubscribeForForeignTabChange(
const base::Closure& change_callback) {
change_callback_ = change_callback;
void TabDelegateSyncAdapter::OnStateChanged(syncer::SyncService* sync) {
// OnStateChanged gets called very frequently, and usually is not important.
// But there are some events, like disabling sync and signing out, that are
// only captured through OnStateChange. In an attempt to send as few messages
// as possible, track if there was session data, and always/only invoke the
// callback when transitioning between states. This will also capture the case
// when Open Tab is added/removed from syncing types. Note that this requires
// the object behind GetOpenTabsUIDelegate() to have its real data when it
// becomes available. Otherwise we might transition to think we have session
// data, but invoke our callback while the GetOpenTabsUIDelegate() returns bad
// results. Fortunately, this isn't a problem. GetOpenTabsUIDelegate() is
// guarded by verifying the data type is RUNNING, which always means the
// sessions merge has already happened.
if (had_session_data_ != HasSessionsData()) {
void TabDelegateSyncAdapter::OnSyncConfigurationCompleted(
syncer::SyncService* sync) {
// Ignored. This event can let us know when the set of enabled data types
// change. However, we want to avoid useless notifications as much as
// possible, and all of the information captured in this event will also be
// covered by OnStateChange.
void TabDelegateSyncAdapter::OnForeignSessionUpdated(
syncer::SyncService* sync) {
// Foreign tab data changed, always invoke the callback to generate new
// suggestions. Interestingly, this is only triggered after sync model type
// apply, not after merge. The merge case should always be handled by
// OnStateChange.
void TabDelegateSyncAdapter::InvokeCallback() {
had_session_data_ = HasSessionsData();
if (!change_callback_.is_null()) {
} // namespace ntp_snippets