blob: da58a508e12841772264bb883523547d4ed26523 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Accessibility -->
<message name="IDS_KSV_SEARCH_BOX_ACCESSIBILITY_NAME" desc="Accessibility name for the search box.">
Search for shortcuts
<message name="IDS_KSV_BACK_ACCESSIBILITY_NAME" desc="Accessibility name for the button that goes to the previous screen.">
<message name="IDS_KSV_CLEAR_SEARCHBOX_ACCESSIBILITY_NAME" desc="Accessibility name for the button that clears all text from the search box.">
Clear searchbox text
<!-- Search box placeholder text -->
<message name="IDS_KSV_SEARCH_BOX_PLACEHOLDER" desc="Placeholder text for search box.">
Search for shortcuts
<!-- Search illustration -->
<message name="IDS_KSV_SEARCH_START" desc="Start searching.">
Start search...
<message name="IDS_KSV_SEARCH_NO_RESULT" desc="No search results.">
No matching results found
<!-- Categories -->
<message name="IDS_KSV_CATEGORY_POPULAR" desc="Category of the keyboard shortcut.">
Popular Shortcuts
<message name="IDS_KSV_CATEGORY_TAB_WINDOW" desc="Category of the keyboard shortcut.">
Tabs And Windows
<message name="IDS_KSV_CATEGORY_PAGE_BROWSER" desc="Category of the keyboard shortcut.">
Page and Web Browser
<message name="IDS_KSV_CATEGORY_SYSTEM_DISPLAY" desc="Category of the keyboard shortcut.">
System and Display Settings
<message name="IDS_KSV_CATEGORY_TEXT_EDITING" desc="Category of the keyboard shortcut.">
Text Editing
<message name="IDS_KSV_CATEGORY_ACCESSIBILITY" desc="Category of the keyboard shortcut.">
<!-- Modifiers -->
<message name="IDS_KSV_MODIFIER_CONTROL" desc="Name of [Ctrl] key. Shouldn't be translated in many languages.">
<message name="IDS_KSV_MODIFIER_ALT" desc="Name of [Alt] key. Shouldn't be translated in many languages.">
<message name="IDS_KSV_MODIFIER_SHIFT" desc="Name of [Shift] key. Shouldn't be translated in many languages.">
<message name="IDS_KSV_MODIFIER_SEARCH" desc="Name of [Search] key.">
<message name="IDS_KSV_MODIFIER_LAUNCHER" desc="Name of [Launcher] key.">
<!-- Keys with special meaning -->
<message name="IDS_KSV_KEY_SPACE" desc="Name of [Space] key.">
<message name="IDS_KSV_KEY_OVERVIEW" desc="Name of the key on a Chromebook keyboard that triggers the overview mode.">
Overview mode key
<message name="IDS_KSV_KEY_FULLSCREEN" desc="Name of the key on a Chromebook keyboard that triggers the fullscreen.">
Fullscreen key
<!-- Generic shortcut strings -->
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_ONE_KEY" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut. This is for all single key shortcuts.">
<ph name="key">$1<ex>Overview Mode Key</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_ONE_MODIFIER_ONE_KEY" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut. This is for all single modifier shortcuts.">
<ph name="modifier">$1<ex>Ctrl</ex></ph><ph name="separator">$2<ex>+</ex></ph><ph name="key">$3<ex>V</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_TWO_MODIFIERS_ONE_KEY" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut. This is for all two modifiers shortcuts.">
<ph name="modifier1">$1<ex>Ctrl</ex></ph><ph name="separator1">$2<ex>+</ex></ph><ph name="modifier2">$3<ex>Alt</ex></ph><ph name="separator2">$4<ex>+</ex></ph><ph name="key">$5<ex>V</ex></ph>
<!-- Shortcuts descriptions -->
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_LOCK_SCREEN" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Lock screen
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_CHANGE_SCREEN_RESOLUTION" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Change screen resolution
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_CHANGE_SCREEN_RESOLUTION" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
<ph name="ctrl">$1</ph><ph name="separator1">$2</ph><ph name="shift">$3</ph><ph name="separator2">$4</ph><ph name="plus">$5</ph> or <ph name="minus">$6</ph>
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_DRAG_LINK_IN_SAME_TAB" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Open the link in the tab
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_DRAG_LINK_IN_SAME_TAB" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
Drag the link to the tab's address bar
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_HIGHLIGHT_NEXT_ITEM_ON_SHELF" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Highlight the next item on your shelf
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_HIGHLIGHT_NEXT_ITEM_ON_SHELF" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
<ph name="shift">$1</ph><ph name="separator1">$2</ph><ph name="alt">$3</ph><ph name="separator2">$4</ph><ph name="l">$5</ph>, then <ph name="tab">$6</ph> or <ph name="right">$7</ph>
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_PREVIOUS_IME" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Switch to the previous keyboard language you were using.
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_CYCLE_FORWARD_MRU" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Switch quickly between windows
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_CYCLE_FORWARD_MRU" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
Press and hold <ph name="alt">$1</ph>, tap <ph name="tab">$2</ph> until you get to the window you want to open, then release.
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_CYCLE_BACKWARD_MRU" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Open the window you used least recently
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_CYCLE_BACKWARD_MRU" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
Press and hold <ph name="alt">$1</ph><ph name="separator">$2</ph><ph name="shift">$3</ph>, tap <ph name="tab">$4</ph> until you get to the window you want to open, then release.
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_TOGGLE_OVERVIEW" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Overview Mode
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_KEYBOARD_BRIGHTNESS_DOWN" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Dim keyboard (for backlit keyboards only)
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_KEYBOARD_BRIGHTNESS_UP" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Make keyboard brighter (for backlit keyboards only)
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_TAKE_SCREENSHOT" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Take screenshot
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_TAKE_PARTIAL_SCREENSHOT" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Take partial screenshot
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_OPEN_FILE_MANAGER" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Open the Files app
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_TOGGLE_HIGH_CONTRAST" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Turn on high contrast mode
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_TOGGLE_SPOKEN_FEEDBACK" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Turn ChromeVox (spoken feedback) on or off
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_SWITCH_TO_PREVIOUS_USER" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Switch to the previous user
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_SWITCH_TO_NEXT_USER" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Switch to the next user
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_TOGGLE_CAPS_LOCK" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Turn Caps Lock on and off
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_NEXT_IME" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Switch between the keyboard languages you've set. Learn how to choose your keyboard language.
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_NEW_WINDOW" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Open new window
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_NEW_TAB" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Open new tab
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_SCALE_UI_RESET" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Reset screen resolution to default
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_ROTATE_SCREEN" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Rotate screen 90 degrees
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_FOCUS_SHELF" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Highlight the launcher button on your shelf
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_TOGGLE_MESSAGE_CENTER_BUBBLE" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
See your notifications
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_TOGGLE_SYSTEM_TRAY_BUBBLE" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Open the status area (where your account picture appears)
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_LAUNCH_LAST_APP" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Click the last icon on your shelf
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_WINDOW_CYCLE_SNAP_LEFT" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Dock a window on the left
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_WINDOW_CYCLE_SNAP_RIGHT" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Dock a window on the right
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_BOOKMARK_PAGE" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Save your current webpage as a bookmark
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_BOOKMARK_ALL_TABS" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Save all open pages in your current window as bookmarks in a new folder
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_CLOSE_TAB" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Close the current tab
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_CLOSE_WINDOW" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Close the current window
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_FIND" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Search the current page
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_FIND_NEXT" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Go to the next match for your search
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_IDC_FIND_NEXT" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
<ph name="ctrl">$1</ph><ph name="separator">$2</ph><ph name="g">$3</ph> or <ph name="enter">$4</ph>
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_FIND_PREVIOUS" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Go to the previous match for your search
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_IDC_FIND_PREVIOUS" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
<ph name="ctrl">$1</ph><ph name="separator1">$2</ph><ph name="shift1">$3</ph><ph name="separator2">$4</ph><ph name="g">$5</ph> or <ph name="shift2">$6</ph><ph name="separator3">$7</ph><ph name="enter">$8</ph>
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_FOCUS_LOCATION" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Focus address bar
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_IDC_FOCUS_LOCATION" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
<ph name="ctrl">$1</ph><ph name="separator1">$2</ph><ph name="l">$3</ph> or <ph name="alt">$4</ph><ph name="separator2">$5</ph><ph name="d">$6</ph>
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_OPEN_FILE" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Open a file in the browser
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_PRINT" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Print your current page
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_RELOAD" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Reload your current page
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_RELOAD_BYPASSING_CACHE" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Reload your current page without using cached content
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_SAVE_PAGE" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Save your current page
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_SELECT_LAST_TAB" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Go to the last tab in the window
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_SELECT_NEXT_TAB" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Go to next tab
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_SELECT_PREVIOUS_TAB" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Go to previous tab
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_SHOW_BOOKMARK_BAR" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Show or hide the bookmarks bar
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_STOP" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Stop the loading of your current page
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_ZOOM_MINUS" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Zoom out on the page
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_ZOOM_NORMAL" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Reset zoom level
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_ZOOM_PLUS" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Zoom in on the page
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_NEW_INCOGNITO_WINDOW" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Open a new window in incognito mode
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_RESTORE_TAB" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Reopen the last tab or window you closed
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_DEV_TOOLS" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Show or hide the Developer Tools panel
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_DEV_TOOLS_CONSOLE" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Show or hide the DOM Inspector
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_FOCUS_BOOKMARKS" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Highlight the bookmarks bar (if shown)
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_FOCUS_SEARCH" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Focus address bar on search
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_IDC_FOCUS_SEARCH" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
<ph name="ctrl">$1</ph><ph name="separator">$2</ph><ph name="k">$3</ph> or <ph name="e">$4</ph>
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_FOCUS_TOOLBAR" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Highlight the row with the address bar
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_SHOW_HISTORY" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Open the History page
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_VIEW_SOURCE" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
View page source
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_IDC_CONTENT_CONTEXT_SELECTALL" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Select everything on the page
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_COPY" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Copy selected content to the clipboard
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_PASTE" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Paste content from the clipboard
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_SELECT_NUMBERED_TAB" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Go to numbered tab
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_SELECT_NUMBERED_TAB" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
<ph name="ctrl">$1</ph><ph name="separator">$2</ph> 1 through 8
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_KEYBOARD_SHORTCUT_HELPER" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
See Keyboard Shortcut Helper
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_OPEN_LINK_IN_TAB_BACKGROUND" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Open the link in a new tab in the background
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_OPEN_LINK_IN_TAB_BACKGROUND" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
Press <ph name="ctrl">$1</ph> and click a link
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_OPEN_LINK_IN_TAB" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Open the link in a new tab and switch to the new tab
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_OPEN_LINK_IN_TAB" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
Press <ph name="ctrl">$1</ph><ph name="separator">$2</ph><ph name="shift">$3</ph> and click a link
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_OPEN_LINK_IN_WINDOW" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Open the link in a new window
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_OPEN_LINK_IN_WINDOW" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
Press <ph name="shift">$1</ph> and click a link
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_DRAG_LINK_IN_NEW_TAB" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Open the link in a new tab
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_DRAG_LINK_IN_NEW_TAB" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
Drag the link to a blank area on the tab strip
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_OPEN_PAGE_IN_NEW_TAB" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Open the webpage in a new tab
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_OPEN_PAGE_IN_NEW_TAB" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
Type a web address (URL) in the address bar, then press <ph name="alt">$1</ph><ph name="separator">$2</ph><ph name="enter">$3</ph>
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_STOP_DRAG_TAB" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Return the tab to its original position
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_STOP_DRAG_TAB" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
While dragging the tab, press <ph name="esc">$1</ph>
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_PAGE_UP" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Page up
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_PAGE_UP" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
<ph name="alt">$1</ph> or <ph name="search">$2</ph><ph name="separator">$3</ph><ph name="up">$4</ph>
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_PAGE_DOWN" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Page down
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_PAGE_DOWN" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
<ph name="alt">$1</ph> or <ph name="search">$2</ph><ph name="separator">$3</ph><ph name="down">$4</ph>
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_SCROLL_DOWN_PAGE" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Scroll down the web page
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_GO_TO_TOP" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Go to top of page
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_GO_TO_BOTTOM" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Go to bottom of page
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_RIGHT_CLICK" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Right-click a link
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_RIGHT_CLICK" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
Press <ph name="alt">$1</ph> and click a link
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_SAVE_LINK_AS_BOOKMARK" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Save the link as a bookmark
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_SAVE_LINK_AS_BOOKMARK" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
Drag link to bookmarks bar
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_AUTO_COMPLETE" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Add www. and .com to your input in the address bar, then open the page
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_OPEN_DOWNLOADS_PAGE" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Open the Downloads page
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_OPEN_FILE" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Preview a file in the Files app
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_OPEN_FILE" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
Select the file, then press <ph name="space">$1</ph>
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_DISPLAY_HIDDEN_FILES" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Display hidden files in the Files app
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_LAUNCH_NUMBERED_APP" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Click icons 1-8 on your shelf
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_LAUNCH_NUMBERED_APP" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
<ph name="alt">$1</ph><ph name="separator">$2</ph> 1 through 8
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_USE_F_KEYS" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Use F keys (F1 to F12)
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_USE_F_KEYS" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
<ph name="search">$1</ph><ph name="separator">$2</ph> 1 through =
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_SELECT_ADDRESS_BAR" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Select the content in the address bar
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_SELECT_ADDRESS_BAR" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
<ph name="ctrl">$1</ph><ph name="separator1">$2</ph><ph name="l">$3</ph> or <ph name="alt">$4</ph><ph name="separator2">$5</ph><ph name="d">$6</ph>
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_SELECT_NEXT_WORD" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Select the next word or letter
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_SELECT_TEXT_TO_END_OF_LINE" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Select text to the end of the line
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_SELECT_TEXT_TO_BEGINNING" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Select text to the beginning of the line
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_SELECT_PREVIOUS_WORD" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Select previous word or letter
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_MOVE_TO_END_OF_WORD" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Move to the end of the next word
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_MOVE_TO_START_OF_PREVIOUS_WORD" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Move to the start of the previous word
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_GO_TO_END_OF_DOCUMENT" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Go to end of document
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_GO_TO_BEGINNING_OF_DOCUMENT" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Go to beginning of document
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_PASTE_CONTENT_AS_TEXT" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Paste content from the clipboard as plain text
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_CUT" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_DELETE_PREVIOUS_WORD" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Delete the previous word
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_DELETE_NEXT_WORD" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Delete the next letter (forward delete)
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_UNDO" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Undo your last action
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_REDO" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Redo your last action
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_HIGHLIGHT_PREVIOUS_ITEM_ON_SHELF" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Highlight the previous item on your shelf
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_HIGHLIGHT_PREVIOUS_ITEM_ON_SHELF" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
<ph name="shift1">$1</ph><ph name="separator1">$2</ph><ph name="alt">$3</ph><ph name="separator2">$4</ph><ph name="l">$5</ph>, then <ph name="shift2">$6</ph><ph name="separator3">$7</ph><ph name="tab">$8</ph> or <ph name="left">$9</ph>
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_OPEN_HIGHLIGHTED_ITEM_ON_SHELF" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Open the highlighted button on your shelf
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_OPEN_HIGHLIGHTED_ITEM_ON_SHELF" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
<ph name="shift">$1</ph><ph name="separator1">$2</ph><ph name="alt">$3</ph><ph name="separator2">$4</ph><ph name="l">$5</ph>, then <ph name="space">$6</ph> or <ph name="enter">$7</ph>
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_REMOVE_HIGHLIGHT_ON_SHELF" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Remove the highlight from a button on your shelf
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_REMOVE_HIGHLIGHT_ON_SHELF" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
<ph name="shift">$1</ph><ph name="separator1">$2</ph><ph name="alt">$3</ph><ph name="separator2">$4</ph><ph name="l">$5</ph>, then <ph name="esc">$6</ph>
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_SWITCH_FOCUS" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Switch focus between: Status area (where your account picture appears) Launcher Address bar Bookmarks bar (if visible) The webpage that's open Downloads bar (if visible)
<message name="IDS_KSV_SHORTCUT_SWITCH_FOCUS" desc="Human readable version of the keyboard shortcut.">
<ph name="ctrl1">$1</ph><ph name="separator1">$2</ph><ph name="left">$3</ph> or <ph name="ctrl2">$4</ph><ph name="separator2">$5</ph><ph name="right">$6</ph>
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_OPEN_RIGHT_CLICK_MENU_FOR_HIGHLIGHTED_ITEM" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Open right-click menu for highlighted item
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_TOGGLE_MIRROR_MODE" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Mirror monitors
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_SWAP_PRIMARY_DISPLAY" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Swap primary monitor
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_BRIGHTNESS_DOWN" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Turn brightness down
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_BRIGHTNESS_UP" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Turn brightness up
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_MAGNIFY_SCREEN_ZOOM_OUT" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Zoom Out
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_MAGNIFY_SCREEN_ZOOM_IN" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Zoom In
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_VOLUME_MUTE" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Mute vlume
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_VOLUME_DOWN" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Volume down
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_VOLUME_UP" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Volume up
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_SHOW_TASK_MANAGER" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Bring up task manager
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_TOGGLE_FULLSCREEN" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Toggle fullscreen
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_WINDOW_MINIMIZE" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Minimize window
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_FOCUS_NEXT_PANE" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Next pane
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_FOCUS_PREVIOUS_PANE" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Previous pane
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_MOVE_WINDOW_TO_ABOVE_DISPLAY" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Move window to external display above main display
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_MOVE_WINDOW_TO_BELOW_DISPLAY" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Move window to external display below main display
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_MOVE_WINDOW_TO_LEFT_DISPLAY" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Move window to external display to the left of main display
<message name="IDS_KSV_DESCRIPTION_MOVE_WINDOW_TO_RIGHT_DISPLAY" desc="Description of the command in keyboard shortcut viewer.">
Move window to external display to the right of main display