blob: 9a505868e91b77a26e0c57f596ff5976e8e9a14a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/browser/media/router/providers/cast/cast_internal_message_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/media/router/providers/cast/cast_session_tracker.h"
#include "chrome/common/media_router/mojo/media_router.mojom.h"
#include "chrome/common/media_router/providers/cast/cast_media_source.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace cast_channel {
class CastMessage;
namespace media_router {
class CastActivityRecord;
class CastActivityRecordFactory;
class CastSession;
class DataDecoder;
class MediaSinkServiceBase;
// Base class for CastActivityManager including only functionality needed by
// CastActivityRecord.
class CastActivityManagerBase {
CastActivityManagerBase() = default;
CastActivityManagerBase(const CastActivityManagerBase&) = delete;
CastActivityManagerBase& operator=(const CastActivityManagerBase&) = delete;
virtual cast_channel::ResultCallback MakeResultCallbackForRoute(
const std::string& route_id,
mojom::MediaRouteProvider::TerminateRouteCallback callback) = 0;
// The destructor is protected to allow deletion only through a pointer to a
// derived type.
~CastActivityManagerBase() = default;
// Handles launching and terminating Cast application on a Cast receiver, and
// acts as the source of truth for Cast activities and MediaRoutes.
class CastActivityManager : public CastActivityManagerBase,
public cast_channel::CastMessageHandler::Observer,
public CastSessionTracker::Observer {
// |media_sink_service|: Provides Cast MediaSinks.
// |message_handler|: Used for sending and receiving messages to Cast
// receivers.
// |media_router|: Mojo ptr to MediaRouter.
// |data_decoder|: Used for parsing JSON messages from Cast SDK and Cast
// receivers.
// |hash_token|: Used for hashing receiver IDs in messages sent to the Cast
// SDK.
CastActivityManager(MediaSinkServiceBase* media_sink_service,
CastSessionTracker* session_tracker,
cast_channel::CastMessageHandler* message_handler,
mojom::MediaRouter* media_router,
std::unique_ptr<DataDecoder> data_decoder,
const std::string& hash_token);
~CastActivityManager() override;
// Adds or removes a route query with |source|. When adding a route query, if
// the current list of routes is non-empty, the query will be immediately
// updated with the current list.
// TODO( Simplify the route query API.
void AddRouteQuery(const MediaSource::Id& source);
void RemoveRouteQuery(const MediaSource::Id& source);
// Launches a Cast session with parameters given by |cast_source| to |sink|.
// Returns the created MediaRoute and notifies existing route queries.
void LaunchSession(const CastMediaSource& cast_source,
const MediaSinkInternal& sink,
const std::string& presentation_id,
const url::Origin& origin,
int tab_id,
bool incognito,
mojom::MediaRouteProvider::CreateRouteCallback callback);
void JoinSession(const CastMediaSource& cast_source,
const std::string& presentation_id,
const url::Origin& origin,
int tab_id,
bool incognito,
mojom::MediaRouteProvider::JoinRouteCallback callback);
// Terminates a Cast session represented by |route_id|.
void TerminateSession(
const MediaRoute::Id& route_id,
mojom::MediaRouteProvider::TerminateRouteCallback callback);
const MediaRoute* GetRoute(const MediaRoute::Id& route_id) const;
std::vector<MediaRoute> GetRoutes() const;
// cast_channel::CastMessageHandler::Observer override.
void OnAppMessage(int channel_id,
const cast_channel::CastMessage& message) override;
// CastSessionTracker::Observer implementation.
void OnSessionAddedOrUpdated(const MediaSinkInternal& sink,
const CastSession& session) override;
void OnSessionRemoved(const MediaSinkInternal& sink) override;
void OnMediaStatusUpdated(const MediaSinkInternal& sink,
const base::Value& media_status,
base::Optional<int> request_id) override;
static void SetActitivyRecordFactoryForTest(
CastActivityRecordFactory* factory) {
activity_record_factory_ = factory;
cast_channel::ResultCallback MakeResultCallbackForRoute(
const std::string& route_id,
mojom::MediaRouteProvider::TerminateRouteCallback callback) override;
friend class CastActivityManagerTest;
using ActivityMap =
base::flat_map<MediaRoute::Id, std::unique_ptr<CastActivityRecord>>;
// Bundle of parameters for DoLaunchSession().
struct DoLaunchSessionParams {
// Note: The compiler-generated constructors and destructor would be
// sufficient here, but the style guide requires them to be defined
// explicitly.
const MediaRoute& route,
const CastMediaSource& cast_source,
const MediaSinkInternal& sink,
const url::Origin& origin,
int tab_id,
mojom::MediaRouteProvider::CreateRouteCallback callback);
DoLaunchSessionParams(DoLaunchSessionParams&& other);
DoLaunchSessionParams& operator=(DoLaunchSessionParams&&) = delete;
// The route for which a session is being launched.
MediaRoute route;
// The media source for which a session is being launched.
CastMediaSource cast_source;
// The sink for which a session is being launched.
MediaSinkInternal sink;
// The origin of the Cast SDK client. Used for auto-join.
url::Origin origin;
// The tab ID of the Cast SDK client. Used for auto-join.
int tab_id;
// Callback to execute after the launch request has been sent.
mojom::MediaRouteProvider::CreateRouteCallback callback;
void DoLaunchSession(DoLaunchSessionParams params);
void LaunchSessionAfterTerminatingExisting(
const MediaRoute::Id& existing_route_id,
DoLaunchSessionParams params,
const base::Optional<std::string>& error_string,
RouteRequestResult::ResultCode result);
// Removes an activity, terminating any associated connections, then notifies
// the media router that routes have been updated.
void RemoveActivity(
ActivityMap::iterator activity_it,
blink::mojom::PresentationConnectionState state,
blink::mojom::PresentationConnectionCloseReason close_reason);
// Removes an activity without sending the usual notification.
// TODO(jrw): Figure out why it's desirable to avoid sending the usual
// notification sometimes.
void RemoveActivityWithoutNotification(
ActivityMap::iterator activity_it,
blink::mojom::PresentationConnectionState state,
blink::mojom::PresentationConnectionCloseReason close_reason);
void NotifyAllOnRoutesUpdated();
void NotifyOnRoutesUpdated(const MediaSource::Id& source_id,
const std::vector<MediaRoute>& routes);
void HandleLaunchSessionResponse(
const MediaRoute::Id& route_id,
const MediaSinkInternal& sink,
const CastMediaSource& cast_source,
cast_channel::LaunchSessionResponse response);
void HandleStopSessionResponse(
const MediaRoute::Id& route_id,
mojom::MediaRouteProvider::TerminateRouteCallback callback,
cast_channel::Result result);
CastActivityRecord* FindActivityForAutoJoin(
const CastMediaSource& cast_source,
const url::Origin& origin,
int tab_id);
bool CanJoinSession(const CastActivityRecord& activity,
const CastMediaSource& cast_source,
bool incognito) const;
CastActivityRecord* FindActivityForSessionJoin(
const CastMediaSource& cast_source,
const std::string& presentation_id);
// Creates and stores a CastActivityRecord representing a non-local
// activity.
void AddNonLocalActivityRecord(const MediaSinkInternal& sink,
const CastSession& session);
void SendFailedToCastIssue(const MediaSink::Id& sink_id,
const MediaRoute::Id& route_id);
// These methods return |activities_.end()| when nothing is found.
ActivityMap::iterator FindActivityByChannelId(int channel_id);
ActivityMap::iterator FindActivityBySink(const MediaSinkInternal& sink);
CastActivityRecord* AddActivityRecord(const MediaRoute& route,
const std::string& app_id);
static CastActivityRecordFactory* activity_record_factory_;
base::flat_set<MediaSource::Id> route_queries_;
ActivityMap activities_;
// The following raw pointer fields are assumed to outlive |this|.
MediaSinkServiceBase* const media_sink_service_;
CastSessionTracker* const session_tracker_;
cast_channel::CastMessageHandler* const message_handler_;
mojom::MediaRouter* const media_router_;
const std::unique_ptr<DataDecoder> data_decoder_;
const std::string hash_token_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CastActivityManager> weak_ptr_factory_;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(CastActivityManagerTest, SendMediaRequestToReceiver);
} // namespace media_router