blob: 0a83808fb6e35541e09126fb4aff56968d72f9f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "remoting/host/input_injector.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversion_utils.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "remoting/base/logging.h"
#include "remoting/host/clipboard.h"
#include "remoting/host/linux/unicode_to_keysym.h"
#include "remoting/host/linux/x11_character_injector.h"
#include "remoting/host/linux/x11_keyboard_impl.h"
#include "remoting/host/linux/x11_util.h"
#include "remoting/proto/internal.pb.h"
#include "third_party/webrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_geometry.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/dom/dom_code.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/dom/keycode_converter.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/x11.h"
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
#include "remoting/host/chromeos/point_transformer.h"
namespace remoting {
namespace {
using protocol::ClipboardEvent;
using protocol::KeyEvent;
using protocol::TextEvent;
using protocol::MouseEvent;
using protocol::TouchEvent;
enum class ScrollDirection {
DOWN = -1,
UP = 1,
NONE = 0,
ScrollDirection WheelDeltaToScrollDirection(float num) {
return (num > 0) ? ScrollDirection::UP
: (num < 0) ? ScrollDirection::DOWN : ScrollDirection::NONE;
bool IsDomModifierKey(ui::DomCode dom_code) {
return dom_code == ui::DomCode::CONTROL_LEFT ||
dom_code == ui::DomCode::SHIFT_LEFT ||
dom_code == ui::DomCode::ALT_LEFT ||
dom_code == ui::DomCode::META_LEFT ||
dom_code == ui::DomCode::CONTROL_RIGHT ||
dom_code == ui::DomCode::SHIFT_RIGHT ||
dom_code == ui::DomCode::ALT_RIGHT ||
dom_code == ui::DomCode::META_RIGHT;
// Pixel-to-wheel-ticks conversion ratio used by GTK.
// From third_party/WebKit/Source/web/gtk/WebInputEventFactory.cpp .
const float kWheelTicksPerPixel = 3.0f / 160.0f;
// When the user is scrolling, generate at least one tick per time period.
const base::TimeDelta kContinuousScrollTimeout =
// A class to generate events on X11.
class InputInjectorX11 : public InputInjector {
explicit InputInjectorX11(
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner);
~InputInjectorX11() override;
bool Init();
// Clipboard stub interface.
void InjectClipboardEvent(const ClipboardEvent& event) override;
// InputStub interface.
void InjectKeyEvent(const KeyEvent& event) override;
void InjectTextEvent(const TextEvent& event) override;
void InjectMouseEvent(const MouseEvent& event) override;
void InjectTouchEvent(const TouchEvent& event) override;
// InputInjector interface.
void Start(
std::unique_ptr<protocol::ClipboardStub> client_clipboard) override;
// The actual implementation resides in InputInjectorX11::Core class.
class Core : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Core> {
explicit Core(scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner);
bool Init();
// Mirrors the ClipboardStub interface.
void InjectClipboardEvent(const ClipboardEvent& event);
// Mirrors the InputStub interface.
void InjectKeyEvent(const KeyEvent& event);
void InjectTextEvent(const TextEvent& event);
void InjectMouseEvent(const MouseEvent& event);
// Mirrors the InputInjector interface.
void Start(std::unique_ptr<protocol::ClipboardStub> client_clipboard);
void Stop();
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Core>;
virtual ~Core();
void InitClipboard();
// Queries whether keyboard auto-repeat is globally enabled. This is used
// to decide whether to temporarily disable then restore this setting. If
// auto-repeat has already been disabled, this class should leave it
// untouched.
bool IsAutoRepeatEnabled();
// Enables or disables keyboard auto-repeat globally.
void SetAutoRepeatEnabled(bool enabled);
// Check if the given scan code is caps lock or num lock.
bool IsLockKey(KeyCode keycode);
// Sets the keyboard lock states to those provided.
void SetLockStates(base::Optional<bool> caps_lock,
base::Optional<bool> num_lock);
void InjectScrollWheelClicks(int button, int count);
// Compensates for global button mappings and resets the XTest device
// mapping.
void InitMouseButtonMap();
int MouseButtonToX11ButtonNumber(MouseEvent::MouseButton button);
int HorizontalScrollWheelToX11ButtonNumber(int dx);
int VerticalScrollWheelToX11ButtonNumber(int dy);
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner_;
std::set<int> pressed_keys_;
webrtc::DesktopVector latest_mouse_position_ =
webrtc::DesktopVector(-1, -1);
float wheel_ticks_x_ = 0;
float wheel_ticks_y_ = 0;
base::Time latest_tick_y_event_;
// The direction of the last scroll event that resulted in at least one
// "tick" being injected.
ScrollDirection latest_tick_y_direction_ = ScrollDirection::NONE;
// X11 graphics context.
Display* display_ = XOpenDisplay(nullptr);
Window root_window_ = BadValue;
// Number of buttons we support.
// Left, Right, Middle, VScroll Up/Down, HScroll Left/Right, back, forward.
static const int kNumPointerButtons = 9;
int pointer_button_map_[kNumPointerButtons];
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
PointTransformer point_transformer_;
std::unique_ptr<Clipboard> clipboard_;
std::unique_ptr<X11CharacterInjector> character_injector_;
bool saved_auto_repeat_enabled_ = false;
scoped_refptr<Core> core_;
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner) {
core_ = new Core(task_runner);
InputInjectorX11::~InputInjectorX11() {
bool InputInjectorX11::Init() {
return core_->Init();
void InputInjectorX11::InjectClipboardEvent(const ClipboardEvent& event) {
void InputInjectorX11::InjectKeyEvent(const KeyEvent& event) {
void InputInjectorX11::InjectTextEvent(const TextEvent& event) {
void InputInjectorX11::InjectMouseEvent(const MouseEvent& event) {
void InputInjectorX11::InjectTouchEvent(const TouchEvent& event) {
NOTIMPLEMENTED() << "Raw touch event injection not implemented for X11.";
void InputInjectorX11::Start(
std::unique_ptr<protocol::ClipboardStub> client_clipboard) {
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner)
: task_runner_(task_runner) {}
bool InputInjectorX11::Core::Init() {
if (!task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread())
base::BindOnce(&Core::InitClipboard, this));
root_window_ = XRootWindow(display_, DefaultScreen(display_));
if (root_window_ == BadValue) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to get the root window";
return false;
if (!IgnoreXServerGrabs(display_, true)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Server does not support XTest.";
return false;
return true;
void InputInjectorX11::Core::InjectClipboardEvent(
const ClipboardEvent& event) {
if (!task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()) {
FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&Core::InjectClipboardEvent, this, event));
// |clipboard_| will ignore unknown MIME-types, and verify the data's format.
void InputInjectorX11::Core::InjectKeyEvent(const KeyEvent& event) {
// HostEventDispatcher should filter events missing the pressed field.
if (!event.has_pressed() || !event.has_usb_keycode())
if (!task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()) {
base::BindOnce(&Core::InjectKeyEvent, this, event));
int keycode =
VLOG(3) << "Converting USB keycode: " << std::hex << event.usb_keycode()
<< " to keycode: " << keycode << std::dec;
// Ignore events which can't be mapped.
if (keycode == ui::KeycodeConverter::InvalidNativeKeycode())
if (event.pressed()) {
if (pressed_keys_.find(keycode) != pressed_keys_.end()) {
// Ignore repeats for modifier keys.
if (IsDomModifierKey(static_cast<ui::DomCode>(event.usb_keycode())))
// Key is already held down, so lift the key up to ensure this repeated
// press takes effect.
XTestFakeKeyEvent(display_, keycode, x11::False, x11::CurrentTime);
if (!IsLockKey(keycode)) {
base::Optional<bool> caps_lock;
base::Optional<bool> num_lock;
// For caps lock, check both the new caps_lock field and the old
// lock_states field.
if (event.has_caps_lock_state()) {
caps_lock = event.caps_lock_state();
} else if (event.has_lock_states()) {
caps_lock = (event.lock_states() &
protocol::KeyEvent::LOCK_STATES_CAPSLOCK) != 0;
// Not all clients have a concept of num lock. Since there's no way to
// distinguish these clients using the legacy lock_states field, only
// update if the new num_lock field is specified.
if (event.has_num_lock_state()) {
num_lock = event.num_lock_state();
SetLockStates(caps_lock, num_lock);
} else {
XTestFakeKeyEvent(display_, keycode, event.pressed(), x11::CurrentTime);
void InputInjectorX11::Core::InjectTextEvent(const TextEvent& event) {
if (!task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()) {
base::BindOnce(&Core::InjectTextEvent, this, event));
// Release all keys before injecting text event. This is necessary to avoid
// any interference with the currently pressed keys. E.g. if Shift is pressed
// when TextEvent is received.
for (int key : pressed_keys_) {
XTestFakeKeyEvent(display_, key, x11::False, x11::CurrentTime);
const std::string text = event.text();
for (int32_t index = 0; index < static_cast<int32_t>(text.size()); ++index) {
uint32_t code_point;
if (!base::ReadUnicodeCharacter(
text.c_str(), text.size(), &index, &code_point)) {
InputInjectorX11::Core::~Core() {
void InputInjectorX11::Core::InitClipboard() {
clipboard_ = Clipboard::Create();
bool InputInjectorX11::Core::IsAutoRepeatEnabled() {
XKeyboardState state;
if (!XGetKeyboardControl(display_, &state)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get keyboard auto-repeat status, assuming ON.";
return true;
return state.global_auto_repeat == AutoRepeatModeOn;
void InputInjectorX11::Core::SetAutoRepeatEnabled(bool mode) {
XKeyboardControl control;
control.auto_repeat_mode = mode ? AutoRepeatModeOn : AutoRepeatModeOff;
XChangeKeyboardControl(display_, KBAutoRepeatMode, &control);
bool InputInjectorX11::Core::IsLockKey(KeyCode keycode) {
XkbStateRec state;
KeySym keysym;
if (XkbGetState(display_, XkbUseCoreKbd, &state) == x11::Success &&
XkbLookupKeySym(display_, keycode, XkbStateMods(&state), nullptr,
&keysym) == x11::True) {
return keysym == XK_Caps_Lock || keysym == XK_Num_Lock;
} else {
return false;
void InputInjectorX11::Core::SetLockStates(base::Optional<bool> caps_lock,
base::Optional<bool> num_lock) {
// The lock bits associated with each lock key.
unsigned int caps_lock_mask = XkbKeysymToModifiers(display_, XK_Caps_Lock);
unsigned int num_lock_mask = XkbKeysymToModifiers(display_, XK_Num_Lock);
unsigned int update_mask = 0; // The lock bits we want to update
unsigned int lock_values = 0; // The value of those bits
if (caps_lock) {
update_mask |= caps_lock_mask;
if (*caps_lock) {
lock_values |= caps_lock_mask;
if (num_lock) {
update_mask |= num_lock_mask;
if (*num_lock) {
lock_values |= num_lock_mask;
if (update_mask) {
XkbLockModifiers(display_, XkbUseCoreKbd, update_mask, lock_values);
void InputInjectorX11::Core::InjectScrollWheelClicks(int button, int count) {
if (button < 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring unmapped scroll wheel button";
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// Generate a button-down and a button-up to simulate a wheel click.
XTestFakeButtonEvent(display_, button, true, x11::CurrentTime);
XTestFakeButtonEvent(display_, button, false, x11::CurrentTime);
void InputInjectorX11::Core::InjectMouseEvent(const MouseEvent& event) {
if (!task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()) {
FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&Core::InjectMouseEvent, this, event));
if (event.has_delta_x() &&
event.has_delta_y() &&
(event.delta_x() != 0 || event.delta_y() != 0)) {
latest_mouse_position_.set(-1, -1);
VLOG(3) << "Moving mouse by " << event.delta_x() << "," << event.delta_y();
XTestFakeRelativeMotionEvent(display_, event.delta_x(), event.delta_y(),
} else if (event.has_x() && event.has_y()) {
// Injecting a motion event immediately before a button release results in
// a MotionNotify even if the mouse position hasn't changed, which confuses
// apps which assume MotionNotify implies movement. See
bool inject_motion = true;
webrtc::DesktopVector new_mouse_position(event.x(), event.y());
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Interim hack to handle display rotation on Chrome OS.
// TODO(kelvin): Remove this when Chrome OS has completely migrated to
// Ozone (
gfx::PointF screen_location = point_transformer_.ToScreenCoordinates(
gfx::PointF(event.x(), event.y()));
new_mouse_position.set(screen_location.x(), screen_location.y());
if (event.has_button() && event.has_button_down() && !event.button_down()) {
if (new_mouse_position.equals(latest_mouse_position_))
inject_motion = false;
if (inject_motion) {
latest_mouse_position_.set(std::max(0, new_mouse_position.x()),
std::max(0, new_mouse_position.y()));
VLOG(3) << "Moving mouse to " << latest_mouse_position_.x()
<< "," << latest_mouse_position_.y();
XTestFakeMotionEvent(display_, DefaultScreen(display_),
latest_mouse_position_.y(), x11::CurrentTime);
if (event.has_button() && event.has_button_down()) {
int button_number = MouseButtonToX11ButtonNumber(event.button());
if (button_number < 0) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring unknown button type: " << event.button();
VLOG(3) << "Button " << event.button()
<< " received, sending "
<< (event.button_down() ? "down " : "up ")
<< button_number;
XTestFakeButtonEvent(display_, button_number, event.button_down(),
// currently sends scroll events in pixels, which
// are accumulated host-side.
int ticks_y = 0;
if (event.has_wheel_ticks_y()) {
ticks_y = event.wheel_ticks_y();
} else if (event.has_wheel_delta_y()) {
wheel_ticks_y_ += event.wheel_delta_y() * kWheelTicksPerPixel;
ticks_y = static_cast<int>(wheel_ticks_y_);
wheel_ticks_y_ -= ticks_y;
if (ticks_y == 0 && event.has_wheel_delta_y()) {
// For the y-direction only (the common case), try to ensure that a tick is
// injected when the user would expect one, regardless of how many pixels
// the client sends per tick (even if it accelerates wheel events). To do
// this, generate a tick if one has not occurred recently in the current
// scroll direction. The accumulated pixels are not reset in this case.
// The effect when a physical mouse is used is as follows:
// Client sends slightly too few pixels per tick (e.g. Linux):
// * First scroll in either direction synthesizes a tick.
// * Subsequent scrolls in the same direction are unaffected (their
// accumulated pixel deltas mostly meet the threshold for a regular
// tick; occasionally a tick will be dropped if the user is scrolling
// quickly).
// Client sends far too few pixels per tick, but applies acceleration
// (e.g. macOs, ChromeOS):
// * First scroll in either direction synthesizes a tick.
// * Slow scrolling will synthesize a tick a few times per second.
// * Fast scrolling is unaffected (acceleration means that enough pixels
// are accumulated naturally).
// Client sends too many pixels per tick (e.g. Windows):
// * Scrolling is unaffected (most scroll events generate one tick; every
// so often one generates two ticks).
// The effect when a trackpad is used is that the first tick in either
// direction occurs sooner; subsequent ticks are mostly unaffected.
const ScrollDirection current_tick_y_direction =
if ((base::Time::Now() - latest_tick_y_event_ > kContinuousScrollTimeout) ||
latest_tick_y_direction_ != current_tick_y_direction) {
ticks_y = static_cast<int>(current_tick_y_direction);
if (ticks_y != 0) {
latest_tick_y_direction_ = WheelDeltaToScrollDirection(ticks_y);
latest_tick_y_event_ = base::Time::Now();
int ticks_x = 0;
if (event.has_wheel_ticks_x()) {
ticks_x = event.wheel_ticks_x();
} else if (event.has_wheel_delta_x()) {
wheel_ticks_x_ += event.wheel_delta_x() * kWheelTicksPerPixel;
ticks_x = static_cast<int>(wheel_ticks_x_);
wheel_ticks_x_ -= ticks_x;
if (ticks_x != 0) {
void InputInjectorX11::Core::InitMouseButtonMap() {
// TODO(rmsousa): Run this on global/device mapping change events.
// Do not touch global pointer mapping, since this may affect the local user.
// Instead, try to work around it by reversing the mapping.
// Note that if a user has a global mapping that completely disables a button
// (by assigning 0 to it), we won't be able to inject it.
int num_buttons = XGetPointerMapping(display_, nullptr, 0);
std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> pointer_mapping(
new unsigned char[num_buttons]);
num_buttons = XGetPointerMapping(display_, pointer_mapping.get(),
for (int i = 0; i < kNumPointerButtons; i++) {
pointer_button_map_[i] = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < num_buttons; i++) {
// Reverse the mapping.
if (pointer_mapping[i] > 0 && pointer_mapping[i] <= kNumPointerButtons)
pointer_button_map_[pointer_mapping[i] - 1] = i + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumPointerButtons; i++) {
if (pointer_button_map_[i] == -1)
LOG(ERROR) << "Global pointer mapping does not support button " << i + 1;
int opcode, event, error;
if (!XQueryExtension(display_, "XInputExtension", &opcode, &event, &error)) {
// If XInput is not available, we're done. But it would be very unusual to
// have a server that supports XTest but not XInput, so log it as an error.
LOG(ERROR) << "X Input extension not available: " << error;
// Make sure the XTEST XInput pointer device mapping is trivial. It should be
// safe to reset this mapping, as it won't affect the user's local devices.
// In fact, the reason why we do this is because an old gnome-settings-daemon
// may have mistakenly applied left-handed preferences to the XTEST device.
XID device_id = 0;
bool device_found = false;
int num_devices;
XDeviceInfo* devices;
devices = XListInputDevices(display_, &num_devices);
for (int i = 0; i < num_devices; i++) {
XDeviceInfo* device_info = &devices[i];
if (device_info->use == IsXExtensionPointer &&
strcmp(device_info->name, "Virtual core XTEST pointer") == 0) {
device_id = device_info->id;
device_found = true;
if (!device_found) {
HOST_LOG << "Cannot find XTest device.";
XDevice* device = XOpenDevice(display_, device_id);
if (!device) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot open XTest device.";
int num_device_buttons =
XGetDeviceButtonMapping(display_, device, nullptr, 0);
std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> button_mapping(
new unsigned char[num_buttons]);
for (int i = 0; i < num_device_buttons; i++) {
button_mapping[i] = i + 1;
error = XSetDeviceButtonMapping(display_, device, button_mapping.get(),
if (error != x11::Success)
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set XTest device button mapping: " << error;
XCloseDevice(display_, device);
int InputInjectorX11::Core::MouseButtonToX11ButtonNumber(
MouseEvent::MouseButton button) {
switch (button) {
case MouseEvent::BUTTON_LEFT:
return pointer_button_map_[0];
case MouseEvent::BUTTON_RIGHT:
return pointer_button_map_[2];
case MouseEvent::BUTTON_MIDDLE:
return pointer_button_map_[1];
case MouseEvent::BUTTON_BACK:
return pointer_button_map_[7];
case MouseEvent::BUTTON_FORWARD:
return pointer_button_map_[8];
case MouseEvent::BUTTON_UNDEFINED:
return -1;
int InputInjectorX11::Core::HorizontalScrollWheelToX11ButtonNumber(int dx) {
return (dx > 0 ? pointer_button_map_[5] : pointer_button_map_[6]);
int InputInjectorX11::Core::VerticalScrollWheelToX11ButtonNumber(int dy) {
// Positive y-values are wheel scroll-up events (button 4), negative y-values
// are wheel scroll-down events (button 5).
return (dy > 0 ? pointer_button_map_[3] : pointer_button_map_[4]);
void InputInjectorX11::Core::Start(
std::unique_ptr<protocol::ClipboardStub> client_clipboard) {
if (!task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()) {
base::BindOnce(&Core::Start, this, std::move(client_clipboard)));
new X11CharacterInjector(std::make_unique<X11KeyboardImpl>(display_)));
// Disable auto-repeat, if necessary, to avoid triggering auto-repeat
// if network congestion delays the key-up event from the client. This is
// done for the duration of the session because some window managers do
// not handle changes to this setting efficiently.
saved_auto_repeat_enabled_ = IsAutoRepeatEnabled();
if (saved_auto_repeat_enabled_)
void InputInjectorX11::Core::Stop() {
if (!task_runner_->BelongsToCurrentThread()) {
task_runner_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&Core::Stop, this));
// Re-enable auto-repeat, if necessary, on disconnect.
if (saved_auto_repeat_enabled_)
} // namespace
// static
std::unique_ptr<InputInjector> InputInjector::Create(
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> main_task_runner,
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner,
ui::SystemInputInjectorFactory* chromeos_system_input_injector_factory) {
std::unique_ptr<InputInjectorX11> injector(
new InputInjectorX11(main_task_runner));
if (!injector->Init())
return nullptr;
return std::move(injector);
// static
bool InputInjector::SupportsTouchEvents() {
return false;
} // namespace remoting