blob: f31992c9b99272b3ff9f273a8995f5419e5bd662 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/event_types.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "ui/aura/aura_export.h"
#include "ui/base/cursor/cursor.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/input_method_delegate.h"
#include "ui/events/event_source.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/insets.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
namespace gfx {
class ICCProfile;
class Insets;
class Point;
class Rect;
class Size;
class Transform;
namespace ui {
class Compositor;
class EventProcessor;
class InputMethod;
class ViewProp;
namespace aura {
namespace test {
class WindowTreeHostTestApi;
class WindowEventDispatcher;
class WindowTreeHostObserver;
// WindowTreeHost bridges between a native window and the embedded RootWindow.
// It provides the accelerated widget and maps events from the native os to
// aura.
class AURA_EXPORT WindowTreeHost : public ui::internal::InputMethodDelegate,
public ui::EventSource {
~WindowTreeHost() override;
// Creates a new WindowTreeHost. The caller owns the returned value.
static WindowTreeHost* Create(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
// Returns the WindowTreeHost for the specified accelerated widget, or NULL
// if there is none associated.
static WindowTreeHost* GetForAcceleratedWidget(gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget);
void InitHost();
void InitCompositor();
void AddObserver(WindowTreeHostObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(WindowTreeHostObserver* observer);
Window* window() { return window_; }
const Window* window() const { return window_; }
ui::EventProcessor* event_processor();
WindowEventDispatcher* dispatcher() {
return const_cast<WindowEventDispatcher*>(
const_cast<const WindowTreeHost*>(this)->dispatcher());
const WindowEventDispatcher* dispatcher() const { return dispatcher_.get(); }
ui::Compositor* compositor() { return compositor_.get(); }
// Gets/Sets the root window's transform.
virtual gfx::Transform GetRootTransform() const;
virtual void SetRootTransform(const gfx::Transform& transform);
virtual gfx::Transform GetInverseRootTransform() const;
// Sets padding applied to the output surface. The output surface is sized to
// to the size of the host plus output surface padding. |window()| is offset
// by |padding|, that is, |window|'s origin is set to padding.left(),
// This does not impact the bounds as returned from GetBounds(), only the
// output surface size and location of window(). Additionally window() is
// sized to the size set by bounds (more specifically the size passed to
// OnHostResized()), but the location of window() is set to that of
// |padding|.
void SetOutputSurfacePadding(const gfx::Insets& padding);
// Updates the root window's size using |host_size|, current
// transform and outsets.
virtual void UpdateRootWindowSize(const gfx::Size& host_size);
// Converts |point| from the root window's coordinate system to native
// screen's.
void ConvertPointToNativeScreen(gfx::Point* point) const;
// Converts |point| from native screen coordinate system to the root window's.
void ConvertPointFromNativeScreen(gfx::Point* point) const;
// Converts |point| from the root window's coordinate system to the
// host window's.
void ConvertPointToHost(gfx::Point* point) const;
// Converts |point| from the host window's coordinate system to the
// root window's.
void ConvertPointFromHost(gfx::Point* point) const;
// Cursor.
// Sets the currently-displayed cursor. If the cursor was previously hidden
// via ShowCursor(false), it will remain hidden until ShowCursor(true) is
// called, at which point the cursor that was last set via SetCursor() will be
// used.
void SetCursor(gfx::NativeCursor cursor);
// Invoked when the cursor's visibility has changed.
void OnCursorVisibilityChanged(bool visible);
// Moves the cursor to the specified location relative to the root window.
void MoveCursorTo(const gfx::Point& location);
// Moves the cursor to the |host_location| given in host coordinates.
void MoveCursorToHostLocation(const gfx::Point& host_location);
gfx::NativeCursor last_cursor() const { return last_cursor_; }
// Gets the InputMethod instance, if NULL, creates & owns it.
ui::InputMethod* GetInputMethod();
// Sets a shared unowned InputMethod. This is used when there is a singleton
// InputMethod shared between multiple WindowTreeHost instances.
// This is used for Ash only. There are 2 reasons:
// 1) ChromeOS virtual keyboard needs to receive ShowImeIfNeeded notification
// from InputMethod. Multiple InputMethod instances makes it hard to
// register/unregister the observer for that notification.
// 2) For Ozone, there is no native focus state for the root window and
// WindowTreeHost. See DrmWindowHost::CanDispatchEvent, the key events always
// goes to the primary WindowTreeHost. And after InputMethod processed the key
// event and continue dispatching it, WindowTargeter::FindTargetForEvent may
// re-dispatch it to a different WindowTreeHost. So the singleton InputMethod
// can make sure the correct InputMethod instance processes the key event no
// matter which WindowTreeHost is the target for event. Please refer to the
// test: ExtendedDesktopTest.KeyEventsOnLockScreen.
// TODO(shuchen): remove this method after above reasons become invalid.
// A possible solution is to make sure DrmWindowHost can find the correct
// WindowTreeHost to dispatch events.
void SetSharedInputMethod(ui::InputMethod* input_method);
// Overridden from ui::internal::InputMethodDelegate:
ui::EventDispatchDetails DispatchKeyEventPostIME(
ui::KeyEvent* event) override;
// Returns the EventSource responsible for dispatching events to the window
// tree.
virtual ui::EventSource* GetEventSource() = 0;
// Returns the accelerated widget.
virtual gfx::AcceleratedWidget GetAcceleratedWidget() = 0;
// Shows the WindowTreeHost.
void Show();
// Hides the WindowTreeHost.
void Hide();
// Gets/Sets the size of the WindowTreeHost (in pixels).
virtual gfx::Rect GetBounds() const = 0;
virtual void SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds_in_pixels) = 0;
// Sets the OS capture to the root window.
virtual void SetCapture() = 0;
// Releases OS capture of the root window.
virtual void ReleaseCapture() = 0;
friend class TestScreen; // TODO(beng): see if we can remove/consolidate.
void DestroyCompositor();
void DestroyDispatcher();
void CreateCompositor();
void OnAcceleratedWidgetAvailable();
// Returns the location of the RootWindow on native screen.
virtual gfx::Point GetLocationOnNativeScreen() const = 0;
void OnHostMoved(const gfx::Point& new_location);
void OnHostResized(const gfx::Size& new_size);
void OnHostWorkspaceChanged();
void OnHostCloseRequested();
void OnHostActivated();
void OnHostLostWindowCapture();
// Sets the currently displayed cursor.
virtual void SetCursorNative(gfx::NativeCursor cursor) = 0;
// Moves the cursor to the specified location relative to the root window.
virtual void MoveCursorToNative(const gfx::Point& location) = 0;
// kCalled when the cursor visibility has changed.
virtual void OnCursorVisibilityChangedNative(bool show) = 0;
// Shows the WindowTreeHost.
virtual void ShowImpl() = 0;
// Hides the WindowTreeHost.
virtual void HideImpl() = 0;
virtual gfx::ICCProfile GetICCProfileForCurrentDisplay();
// Overridden from ui::EventSource:
ui::EventProcessor* GetEventProcessor() override;
friend class test::WindowTreeHostTestApi;
// Moves the cursor to the specified location. This method is internally used
// by MoveCursorTo() and MoveCursorToHostLocation().
void MoveCursorToInternal(const gfx::Point& root_location,
const gfx::Point& host_location);
// We don't use a std::unique_ptr for |window_| since we need this ptr to be
// valid during its deletion. (Window's dtor notifies observers that may
// attempt to reach back up to access this object which will be valid until
// the end of the dtor).
Window* window_; // Owning.
base::ObserverList<WindowTreeHostObserver> observers_;
std::unique_ptr<WindowEventDispatcher> dispatcher_;
std::unique_ptr<ui::Compositor> compositor_;
// Last cursor set. Used for testing.
gfx::NativeCursor last_cursor_;
gfx::Point last_cursor_request_position_in_host_;
std::unique_ptr<ui::ViewProp> prop_;
// The InputMethod instance used to process key events.
// If owned it, it is created in GetInputMethod() method;
// If not owned it, it is passed in through SetSharedInputMethod() method.
ui::InputMethod* input_method_;
// Whether the InputMethod instance is owned by this WindowTreeHost.
bool owned_input_method_;
gfx::Insets output_surface_padding_;
} // namespace aura