blob: d23483d205de7050df381e7bb0270f0d94e2eb29 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "gfx/insets.h"
namespace views {
class View;
// MouseWatcherListener is notified when the mouse moves outside the view.
class MouseWatcherListener {
virtual void MouseMovedOutOfView() = 0;
virtual ~MouseWatcherListener();
// MouseWatcher is used to watch mouse movement and notify its listener when the
// mouse moves outside the bounds of a view.
class MouseWatcher {
// Creates a new MouseWatcher. |hot_zone_insets| is added to the bounds of
// the view to determine the active zone. For example, if
// |hot_zone_insets.bottom()| is 10, then the listener is not notified if
// the y coordinate is between the origin of the view and height of the view
// plus 10.
MouseWatcher(views::View* host,
MouseWatcherListener* listener,
const gfx::Insets& hot_zone_insets);
// Sets the amount to delay before notifying the listener when the mouse exits
// the view by way of going to another window.
void set_notify_on_exit_time_ms(int time) { notify_on_exit_time_ms_ = time; }
// Starts watching mouse movements. When the mouse moves outside the bounds of
// the view the listener is notified. |Start| may be invoked any number of
// times. If the mouse moves outside the bounds of the view the listener is
// notified and watcher stops watching events.
void Start();
// Stops watching mouse events.
void Stop();
class Observer;
// Are we currently observing events?
bool is_observing() const { return observer_.get() != NULL; }
// Notifies the listener and stops watching events.
void NotifyListener();
// View we're listening for events over.
View* host_;
// Our listener.
MouseWatcherListener* listener_;
// Insets added to the bounds of the view.
const gfx::Insets hot_zone_insets_;
// Does the actual work of listening for mouse events.
scoped_ptr<Observer> observer_;
// See description above setter.
int notify_on_exit_time_ms_;
} // namespace views