blob: 1c4bf17789c75309b2d86464ce4164ebb707931d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
struct QRVersionInfo;
// QRCodeGenerator generates class M QR codes of various versions.
// References in the following comments refer to ISO 18004 (3rd edition).
// Supports versions up to 26 by adding constants.
class QRCodeGenerator {
// Contains output data for Generate().
// The default state contains no data.
struct GeneratedCode {
GeneratedCode(const GeneratedCode&) = delete;
GeneratedCode& operator=(const GeneratedCode&) = delete;
// Pixel data; pointer to an array of bytes, where the least-significant
// bit of each byte is set if that tile should be "black".
// Clients should ensure four modules of padding when rendering the code.
// On error, will not be populated, and will evaluate to false.
base::span<uint8_t> data;
// Width and height (which are equal) of the generated data, in tiles.
int qr_size = 0;
// Static parameters for V5 QR codes.
// These exist while migrating clients to dynamic sizes.
struct V5 {
static constexpr int kSize = 37;
static constexpr int kTotalSize = kSize * kSize;
static constexpr size_t kNumSegments = 2;
static constexpr size_t kSegmentDataBytes = 43;
static constexpr size_t kDataBytes = kSegmentDataBytes * kNumSegments;
static constexpr size_t kInputBytes = kDataBytes - 2;
// VersionClass enumerates the two types of QR code supported: small and
// large. These differ in the size of the lengths used.
enum class VersionClass {
// Micro QR codes and versions >= 27 would be their own class but are not
// supported.
// SegmentType enumerates the different data segments that can be in a QR
// code. See section 7.3.
enum class SegmentType {
DIGIT = 1,
// ECI and Kanji segments are not supported.
// A Segment is a run of input bytes encoded as a given segment type.
struct Segment {
SegmentType type;
size_t length;
// Generates a QR code containing the given data.
// The generator will attempt to choose a version that fits the data and which
// is >= |min_version|, if given. The returned span's length is
// input-dependent and not known at compile-time. The optional |mask| argument
// specifies the QR mask value to use (from 0 to 7). If not specified, the
// optimal mask is calculated per the algorithm specified in the QR standard.
absl::optional<GeneratedCode> Generate(
base::span<const uint8_t> in,
absl::optional<int> min_version = absl::nullopt,
absl::optional<uint8_t> mask = absl::nullopt);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(QRCodeGenerator, Segmentation);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(QRCodeGenerator, SegmentationValid);
// PutFinder paints a finder symbol at the given coordinates.
void PutFinder(int x, int y);
// PutAlignment paints an alignment symbol centered at the given coordinates.
void PutAlignment(int x, int y);
// PutVerticalTiming paints the vertical timing signal.
void PutVerticalTiming(int x);
// PutVerticalTiming paints the horizontal timing signal.
void PutHorizontalTiming(int y);
// PutFormatBits paints the 15-bit, pre-encoded format metadata. See page 56
// for the location of the format bits.
void PutFormatBits(const uint16_t format);
// PutVersionBlocks writes the two blocks of version information for QR
// versions seven and above.
void PutVersionBlocks(const uint32_t encoded_version);
// PutBits writes the given data into the QR code in correct order, avoiding
// structural elements that must have already been painted. See section 7.7.3
// about the placement algorithm.
void PutBits(const uint8_t* data,
size_t data_len,
uint8_t (*mask_func)(int, int));
// at returns a reference to the given element of |d_|.
uint8_t& at(int x, int y);
// fillAt sets the |len| elements at (x, y) to |value|.
void fillAt(int x, int y, size_t len, uint8_t value);
// copyTo copies |len| elements from |data| to the elements at (x, y).
void copyTo(int x, int y, const uint8_t* data, size_t len);
// clipped returns a reference to the given element of |d_|, or to
// |clip_dump_| if the coordinates are out of bounds.
uint8_t& clipped(int x, int y);
// GF28Mul returns the product of |a| and |b| (which must be field elements,
// i.e. < 256) in the field GF(2^8) mod x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + 1.
static uint8_t GF28Mul(uint16_t a, uint16_t b);
// AddErrorCorrection writes the Reed-Solomon expanded version of |in| to
// |out|.
// |out| should have length block_bytes for the code's version.
// |in| should have length block_data_bytes for the code's version.
// |block_bytes| and |block_ec_bytes| must be provided for the current
// version/level/group.
void AddErrorCorrection(base::span<uint8_t> out,
base::span<const uint8_t> in,
size_t block_bytes,
size_t block_ec_bytes);
// CountPenaltyPoints sums the penalty points for the current, fully drawn,
// code. See table 11.
unsigned CountPenaltyPoints() const;
// ClassifyByte returns the smallest |SegmentType| that can encode |byte|.
static SegmentType ClassifyByte(uint8_t byte);
// IsValidSegmentation returns true if |segments| precisely covers |input|
// with segments that can encode the corresponding byte of |input|.
static bool IsValidSegmentation(const std::vector<Segment>& segments,
base::span<const uint8_t> input);
// NoSuperfluousSegments returns true if no consecutive segments in |segments|
// have the same type.
static bool NoSuperfluousSegments(const std::vector<Segment>& segments);
// InitialSegmentation returns a segmentation of |input| that puts each
// byte into the smallest |SegmentType| that can encode it while merging
// consecutive segments of the same type.
static std::vector<Segment> InitialSegmentation(
base::span<const uint8_t> input);
// MergeSegments replaces the segments indexed by |start| and |end|
// (inclusive) with |replacement|.
static size_t MergeSegments(std::vector<Segment>* segments,
size_t start,
size_t end,
Segment replacement);
// MaybeMerge merges the segments indexed by |start| and |end| (inclusive)
// with a single segment of type |merged_type|, if that merge would take fewer
// bits.
static size_t MaybeMerge(VersionClass vclass,
std::vector<Segment>* segments,
size_t start,
size_t end,
SegmentType merged_type);
// SegmentDigitAlphaSpan updates the segments indexed by |start| and |end|
// (inclusive) to be a fairly optimal segmentation. The indicated segments
// must all be |DIGIT| or |ALPHANUM| segments.
static size_t SegmentDigitAlphaSpan(VersionClass vclass,
std::vector<Segment>* segments,
size_t start,
size_t end);
// SegmentInput returns a fairly optimal segmentation of |input|.
static std::vector<Segment> SegmentInput(VersionClass vclass,
base::span<const uint8_t> input);
// Parameters for the currently-selected version of the QR code.
// Generate() will pick a version that can contain enough data.
// Unowned; nullptr until initialized in Generate().
raw_ptr<const QRVersionInfo> version_info_ = nullptr;
// d_ represents a QR code with one byte per pixel. Each byte is one pixel.
// The LSB is set if the pixel is "black". The second bit is set if the pixel
// is part of the structure of the QR code, i.e. finder or alignment symbols,
// timing patterns, or format data.
// Initialized and possibly reinitialized in Generate().
std::vector<uint8_t> d_;
// clip_dump_ is the target of paints that would otherwise fall outside of the
// QR code.
uint8_t clip_dump_;