blob: 9d147da4dce0dc62f5344f1a9a4df34a98f0e1f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/qr_code_generator/qr_code_generator.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/rand_util.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
TEST(QRCodeGenerator, Generate) {
// Without a QR decoder implementation, there's a limit to how much we can
// test the QR encoder. Therefore this test just runs a generation to ensure
// that no DCHECKs are hit and that the output has the correct structure. When
// run under ASan, this will also check that every byte of the output has been
// written to.
constexpr size_t kMaxInputLen = 210;
uint8_t input[kMaxInputLen];
QRCodeGenerator qr;
absl::optional<int> smallest_size;
absl::optional<int> largest_size;
for (const bool use_alphanum : {false, true}) {
// 'A' is in the alphanumeric set, but 'a' is not.
memset(input, use_alphanum ? 'A' : 'a', sizeof(input));
for (size_t input_len = 30; input_len < kMaxInputLen; input_len += 10) {
absl::optional<QRCodeGenerator::GeneratedCode> qr_code =
qr.Generate(base::span<const uint8_t>(input, input_len));
ASSERT_NE(qr_code, absl::nullopt);
auto& qr_data = qr_code->data;
if (!smallest_size || qr_code->qr_size < *smallest_size) {
smallest_size = qr_code->qr_size;
if (!largest_size || qr_code->qr_size > *largest_size) {
largest_size = qr_code->qr_size;
int index = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < qr_code->qr_size; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < qr_code->qr_size; x++) {
ASSERT_EQ(0, qr_data[index++] & 0b11111100);
// The generator should generate a variety of QR sizes.
ASSERT_LT(*smallest_size, *largest_size);
TEST(QRCodeGenerator, ManySizes) {
// Generate larger and larger QR codes until there's a clean failure. Ensures
// that there are no edge cases like
QRCodeGenerator qr;
std::string input = "!";
std::map<int, size_t> max_input_length_for_qr_size;
for (;;) {
absl::optional<QRCodeGenerator::GeneratedCode> code =
qr.Generate(base::span<const uint8_t>(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, input.size()));
if (!code) {
max_input_length_for_qr_size[code->qr_size] = input.size();
ASSERT_GT(input.size(), 200u);
// Capacities taken from
ASSERT_EQ(max_input_length_for_qr_size[25], 32u); // 2-L
ASSERT_EQ(max_input_length_for_qr_size[37], 84u); // 5-M
ASSERT_EQ(max_input_length_for_qr_size[45], 122u); // 7-M
ASSERT_EQ(max_input_length_for_qr_size[53], 180u); // 9-M
ASSERT_EQ(max_input_length_for_qr_size[65], 287u); // 12-M
TEST(QRCodeGenerator, Segmentation) {
struct Test {
QRCodeGenerator::VersionClass vclass;
const char* input;
std::vector<std::pair<QRCodeGenerator::SegmentType, const char*>> segments;
const auto SMALL = QRCodeGenerator::VersionClass::SMALL;
const auto LARGE = QRCodeGenerator::VersionClass::LARGE;
const auto D = QRCodeGenerator::SegmentType::DIGIT;
const auto A = QRCodeGenerator::SegmentType::ALPHANUM;
const auto B = QRCodeGenerator::SegmentType::BINARY;
static const std::vector<Test> kTests = {
{SMALL, "", {}},
{LARGE, "", {}},
// Runs of the same class should be a single segment.
{SMALL, "01234", {{D, "01234"}}},
{LARGE, "01234", {{D, "01234"}}},
{SMALL, "abcdef", {{B, "abcdef"}}},
{LARGE, "abcdef", {{B, "abcdef"}}},
{SMALL, "ABC", {{A, "ABC"}}},
{LARGE, "ABC", {{A, "ABC"}}},
// Where cheaper, different classes should be merged into the wider
// class.
{SMALL, "01w", {{B, "01w"}}},
{SMALL, "w01", {{B, "w01"}}},
// But merging should only happen when cheaper. The merged version here is
// 60 bits so the following should be split because that costs only 51
// bits.
{SMALL, "01234w", {{D, "01234"}, {B, "w"}}},
{SMALL, "w01234", {{B, "w"}, {D, "01234"}}},
// The '0' should be merged into either of the binary blocks and then
// the binary blocks should be unified together.
{SMALL, "abcdef0abcdef", {{B, "abcdef0abcdef"}}},
// Segments should always be merged into the lesser class.
// 1. First establish that six A/a are enough to justify their own
// segment.
{SMALL, "AAAAAAaaaaaa", {{A, "AAAAAA"}, {B, "aaaaaa"}}},
// 2. The digit should merge into the ALPHANUM block because it's
// cheaper there.
{SMALL, "AAAAAA0aaaaaa", {{A, "AAAAAA0"}, {B, "aaaaaa"}}},
// 3. That should happen even with things flipped.
{SMALL, "aaaaaa0AAAAAA", {{B, "aaaaaa"}, {A, "0AAAAAA"}}},
// Check that a QR input that we might use is segmented as expected.
{SMALL, "FIDO:/123412341234", {{A, "FIDO:/"}, {D, "123412341234"}}},
for (const auto& test : kTests) {
const std::string input = test.input;
const std::vector<QRCodeGenerator::Segment> segments =
test.vclass, base::span<const uint8_t>(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(test.input),
bool match = segments.size() == test.segments.size();
if (match) {
size_t offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < segments.size(); i++) {
if (segments[i].type != test.segments[i].first ||
input.substr(offset, segments[i].length) !=
test.segments[i].second) {
match = false;
offset += segments[i].length;
if (!match) {
auto type_to_char =
[](QRCodeGenerator::SegmentType segment_type) -> char {
switch (segment_type) {
case QRCodeGenerator::SegmentType::DIGIT:
return 'D';
case QRCodeGenerator::SegmentType::ALPHANUM:
return 'A';
case QRCodeGenerator::SegmentType::BINARY:
return 'B';
std::string got = "";
size_t offset = 0;
for (const auto& segment : segments) {
if (!got.empty()) {
got += " ";
got += type_to_char(segment.type);
got += input.substr(offset, segment.length);
offset += segment.length;
std::string want = "";
for (const auto& segment : test.segments) {
if (!want.empty()) {
want += " ";
want += type_to_char(segment.first);
want += segment.second;
ADD_FAILURE() << "got: " << got << "\nwant: " << want;
TEST(QRCodeGenerator, SegmentationValid) {
// The segmentation must always be valid: i.e. must assign each input byte
// to a segment that can express it, and the segments must span the whole
// input.
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
const size_t len = base::RandInt(1, 64);
std::vector<uint8_t> input(len);
for (size_t j = 0; j < len; j++) {
input[j] = base::RandInt(32, 126);
const std::vector<QRCodeGenerator::Segment> segments =
i & 1 ? QRCodeGenerator::VersionClass::SMALL
: QRCodeGenerator::VersionClass::LARGE,
ASSERT_TRUE(QRCodeGenerator::IsValidSegmentation(segments, input));