blob: 3d01bd35982c83266737c8ff277f066b54f4274e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "remoting/host/desktop_display_info.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "remoting/base/constants.h"
namespace remoting {
DesktopDisplayInfo::DesktopDisplayInfo() = default;
DesktopDisplayInfo::DesktopDisplayInfo(DesktopDisplayInfo&&) = default;
DesktopDisplayInfo& DesktopDisplayInfo::operator=(DesktopDisplayInfo&&) =
DesktopDisplayInfo::~DesktopDisplayInfo() = default;
bool DesktopDisplayInfo::operator==(const DesktopDisplayInfo& other) const {
if (other.displays_.size() == displays_.size()) {
for (size_t display = 0; display < displays_.size(); display++) {
const DisplayGeometry& this_display = displays_[display];
const DisplayGeometry& other_display = other.displays_[display];
if ( != ||
this_display.x != other_display.x ||
this_display.y != other_display.y ||
this_display.width != other_display.width ||
this_display.height != other_display.height ||
this_display.dpi != other_display.dpi ||
this_display.bpp != other_display.bpp ||
this_display.is_default != other_display.is_default) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
bool DesktopDisplayInfo::operator!=(const DesktopDisplayInfo& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
/* static */
webrtc::DesktopSize DesktopDisplayInfo::CalcSizeDips(webrtc::DesktopSize size,
int dpi_x,
int dpi_y) {
// Guard against invalid input.
// TODO: Replace with a DCHECK, once is fixed.
if (dpi_x == 0)
dpi_x = kDefaultDpi;
if (dpi_y == 0)
dpi_y = kDefaultDpi;
webrtc::DesktopSize size_dips(size.width() * kDefaultDpi / dpi_x,
size.height() * kDefaultDpi / dpi_y);
return size_dips;
void DesktopDisplayInfo::Reset() {
int DesktopDisplayInfo::NumDisplays() const {
return displays_.size();
const DisplayGeometry* DesktopDisplayInfo::GetDisplayInfo(
unsigned int id) const {
if (id < 0 || id >= displays_.size())
return nullptr;
return &displays_[id];
// Calculate the offset from the origin of the desktop to the origin of the
// specified display.
// For Mac and ChromeOS, the origin of the desktop is the origin of the default
// display.
// For Windows/Linux, the origin of the desktop is the upper-left of the
// entire desktop region.
// x b-----------+ ---
// | | | y-offset to c
// a---------+ | |
// | +-------c---+-------+ ---
// | | | |
// +---------+ | |
// +-----------+
// |-----------------|
// x-offset to c
// x = upper left of desktop
// a,b,c = origin of display A,B,C
webrtc::DesktopVector DesktopDisplayInfo::CalcDisplayOffset(
webrtc::ScreenId disp_id) const {
bool full_desktop = (disp_id == webrtc::kFullDesktopScreenId);
unsigned int disp_index = disp_id;
if (full_desktop) {
// For Mac, we need to calculate the offset relative to the default
// display.
disp_index = 0;
// For other platforms, the origin for full desktop is 0,0.
return webrtc::DesktopVector();
if (displays_.size() == 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "No display info available";
return webrtc::DesktopVector();
if (disp_index >= displays_.size()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Invalid display id for CalcDisplayOffset: " << disp_index;
return webrtc::DesktopVector();
const DisplayGeometry& disp_info = displays_[disp_index];
webrtc::DesktopVector origin(disp_info.x, disp_info.y);
// Find topleft-most display coordinate. This is the topleft of the desktop.
int dx = 0;
int dy = 0;
for (const auto& display : displays_) {
if (display.x < dx)
dx = display.x;
if (display.y < dy)
dy = display.y;
webrtc::DesktopVector topleft(dx, dy);
// Mac display offsets need to be relative to the main display's origin.
if (full_desktop) {
// For full desktop, this is the offset to the topleft display coord.
return topleft;
} else {
// For single displays, this offset is stored in the DisplayGeometry
// x,y values.
return origin;
// ChromeOS display offsets need to be relative to the main display's origin,
// which is stored in the DisplayGeometry x,y values.
return origin;
// Return offset to this screen, relative to topleft.
return origin.subtract(topleft);
void DesktopDisplayInfo::AddDisplay(const DisplayGeometry& display) {
void DesktopDisplayInfo::AddDisplayFrom(
const protocol::VideoTrackLayout& track) {
DisplayGeometry display; = track.screen_id();
display.x = track.position_x();
display.y = track.position_y();
display.width = track.width();
display.height = track.height();
display.dpi = track.x_dpi();
display.bpp = 24;
display.is_default = false;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const DisplayGeometry& geo) {
out << "Display " << << (geo.is_default ? " (primary)" : "") << ": "
<< geo.x << "+" << geo.y << "-" << geo.width << "x" << geo.height << " @ "
<< geo.dpi;
return out;
} // namespace remoting