blob: 8b58376fea7a9963e5de4954ef1d3a79fea323a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2005 Allan Sandfeld Jensen (
* (C) 2005, 2006 Samuel Weinig (
* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "core/layout/LayoutBoxModelObject.h"
#include "core/dom/NodeComputedStyle.h"
#include "core/frame/FrameView.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLBodyElement.h"
#include "core/layout/ImageQualityController.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutBlock.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutFlowThread.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutGeometryMap.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutInline.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutObject.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTextFragment.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutView.h"
#include "core/layout/compositing/CompositedLayerMapping.h"
#include "core/layout/compositing/PaintLayerCompositor.h"
#include "core/paint/PaintLayer.h"
#include "core/style/BorderEdge.h"
#include "core/style/ShadowList.h"
#include "platform/LengthFunctions.h"
#include "platform/geometry/TransformState.h"
#include "wtf/CurrentTime.h"
namespace blink {
class FloatStateForStyleChange {
static void setWasFloating(LayoutBoxModelObject* boxModelObject, bool wasFloating)
s_wasFloating = wasFloating;
s_boxModelObject = boxModelObject;
static bool wasFloating(LayoutBoxModelObject* boxModelObject)
ASSERT(boxModelObject == s_boxModelObject);
return s_wasFloating;
// Used to store state between styleWillChange and styleDidChange
static bool s_wasFloating;
static LayoutBoxModelObject* s_boxModelObject;
bool FloatStateForStyleChange::s_wasFloating = false;
LayoutBoxModelObject* FloatStateForStyleChange::s_boxModelObject = nullptr;
// The HashMap for storing continuation pointers.
// The continuation chain is a singly linked list. As such, the HashMap's value
// is the next pointer associated with the key.
typedef HashMap<const LayoutBoxModelObject*, LayoutBoxModelObject*> ContinuationMap;
static ContinuationMap* continuationMap = nullptr;
void LayoutBoxModelObject::setSelectionState(SelectionState state)
if (state == SelectionInside && getSelectionState() != SelectionNone)
if ((state == SelectionStart && getSelectionState() == SelectionEnd)
|| (state == SelectionEnd && getSelectionState() == SelectionStart))
// FIXME: We should consider whether it is OK propagating to ancestor LayoutInlines.
// This is a workaround for
// The containing block can be null in case of an orphaned tree.
LayoutBlock* containingBlock = this->containingBlock();
if (containingBlock && !containingBlock->isLayoutView())
void LayoutBoxModelObject::contentChanged(ContentChangeType changeType)
if (!hasLayer())
bool LayoutBoxModelObject::hasAcceleratedCompositing() const
return view()->compositor()->hasAcceleratedCompositing();
LayoutBoxModelObject::LayoutBoxModelObject(ContainerNode* node)
: LayoutObject(node)
bool LayoutBoxModelObject::usesCompositedScrolling() const
return hasOverflowClip() && hasLayer() && layer()->getScrollableArea()->usesCompositedScrolling();
// Our layer should have been destroyed and cleared by now
void LayoutBoxModelObject::willBeDestroyed()
// A continuation of this LayoutObject should be destroyed at subclasses.
if (isPositioned()) {
// Don't use this->view() because the document's layoutView has been set to 0 during destruction.
if (LocalFrame* frame = this->frame()) {
if (FrameView* frameView = frame->view()) {
if (style()->hasViewportConstrainedPosition())
void LayoutBoxModelObject::styleWillChange(StyleDifference diff, const ComputedStyle& newStyle)
// This object's layer may cease to be a stacking context, in which case the paint
// invalidation container of the children may change. Thus we need to invalidate paint
// eagerly for all such children.
if (hasLayer()
&& enclosingLayer()->stackingNode()
&& enclosingLayer()->stackingNode()->isStackingContext()
&& newStyle.hasAutoZIndex()) {
// The following disablers are valid because we need to invalidate based on the current
// status.
DisableCompositingQueryAsserts compositingDisabler;
DisablePaintInvalidationStateAsserts paintDisabler;
FloatStateForStyleChange::setWasFloating(this, isFloating());
if (const ComputedStyle* oldStyle = style()) {
if (parent() && diff.needsPaintInvalidationLayer()) {
if (oldStyle->hasAutoClip() != newStyle.hasAutoClip()
|| oldStyle->clip() != newStyle.clip())
LayoutObject::styleWillChange(diff, newStyle);
void LayoutBoxModelObject::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const ComputedStyle* oldStyle)
bool hadTransform = hasTransformRelatedProperty();
bool hadLayer = hasLayer();
bool layerWasSelfPainting = hadLayer && layer()->isSelfPaintingLayer();
bool wasFloatingBeforeStyleChanged = FloatStateForStyleChange::wasFloating(this);
bool wasHorizontalWritingMode = isHorizontalWritingMode();
LayoutObject::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle);
// When an out-of-flow-positioned element changes its display between block and inline-block,
// then an incremental layout on the element's containing block lays out the element through
// LayoutPositionedObjects, which skips laying out the element's parent.
// The element's parent needs to relayout so that it calls
// LayoutBlockFlow::setStaticInlinePositionForChild with the out-of-flow-positioned child, so
// that when it's laid out, its LayoutBox::computePositionedLogicalWidth/Height takes into
// account its new inline/block position rather than its old block/inline position.
// Position changes and other types of display changes are handled elsewhere.
if (oldStyle && isOutOfFlowPositioned() && parent() && (parent() != containingBlock())
&& (styleRef().position() == oldStyle->position())
&& (styleRef().originalDisplay() != oldStyle->originalDisplay())
&& ((styleRef().originalDisplay() == BLOCK) || (styleRef().originalDisplay() == INLINE_BLOCK))
&& ((oldStyle->originalDisplay() == BLOCK) || (oldStyle->originalDisplay() == INLINE_BLOCK)))
parent()->setNeedsLayout(LayoutInvalidationReason::ChildChanged, MarkContainerChain);
PaintLayerType type = layerTypeRequired();
if (type != NoPaintLayer) {
if (!layer() && layerCreationAllowedForSubtree()) {
if (wasFloatingBeforeStyleChanged && isFloating())
if (parent() && !needsLayout()) {
// FIXME: We should call a specialized version of this function.
} else if (layer() && layer()->parent()) {
PaintLayer* parentLayer = layer()->parent();
setHasTransformRelatedProperty(false); // Either a transform wasn't specified or the object doesn't support transforms, so just null out the bit.
layer()->removeOnlyThisLayerAfterStyleChange(); // calls destroyLayer() which clears m_layer
if (wasFloatingBeforeStyleChanged && isFloating())
if (hadTransform)
if (!needsLayout()) {
// FIXME: We should call a specialized version of this function.
if (layer()) {
// FIXME: Ideally we shouldn't need this setter but we can't easily infer an overflow-only layer
// from the style.
layer()->styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle);
if (hadLayer && layer()->isSelfPaintingLayer() != layerWasSelfPainting)
if (oldStyle && wasHorizontalWritingMode != isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
// Changing the getWritingMode() may change isOrthogonalWritingModeRoot()
// of children. Make sure all children are marked/unmarked as orthogonal
// writing-mode roots.
bool newHorizontalWritingMode = isHorizontalWritingMode();
for (LayoutObject* child = slowFirstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
if (!child->isBox())
if (newHorizontalWritingMode != child->isHorizontalWritingMode())
// Fixed-position is painted using transform. In the case that the object
// gets the same layout after changing position property, although no
// re-raster (rect-based invalidation) is needed, display items should
// still update their paint offset.
if (oldStyle) {
bool newStyleIsFixedPosition = style()->position() == FixedPosition;
bool oldStyleIsFixedPosition = oldStyle->position() == FixedPosition;
if (newStyleIsFixedPosition != oldStyleIsFixedPosition)
invalidateDisplayItemClientsIncludingNonCompositingDescendants(nullptr, PaintInvalidationStyleChange);
// The used style for body background may change due to computed style change
// on the document element because of background stealing.
// Refer to backgroundStolenForBeingBody() and
// for more info.
if (isDocumentElement()) {
HTMLBodyElement* body = document().firstBodyElement();
LayoutObject* bodyLayout = body ? body->layoutObject() : nullptr;
if (bodyLayout && bodyLayout->isBoxModelObject()) {
bool newStoleBodyBackground = toLayoutBoxModelObject(bodyLayout)->backgroundStolenForBeingBody(style());
bool oldStoleBodyBackground = oldStyle && toLayoutBoxModelObject(bodyLayout)->backgroundStolenForBeingBody(oldStyle);
if (newStoleBodyBackground != oldStoleBodyBackground
&& bodyLayout->style() && bodyLayout->style()->hasBackground()) {
if (FrameView *frameView = view()->frameView()) {
bool newStyleIsViewportConstained = style()->position() == FixedPosition;
bool oldStyleIsViewportConstrained = oldStyle && oldStyle->position() == FixedPosition;
bool newStyleIsSticky = style()->position() == StickyPosition;
bool oldStyleIsSticky = oldStyle && oldStyle->position() == StickyPosition;
if (newStyleIsSticky != oldStyleIsSticky) {
if (newStyleIsSticky) {
// During compositing inputs update we'll have the scroll
// ancestor without having to walk up the tree and can compute
// the sticky position constraints then.
if (layer())
} else {
// This may get re-added to viewport constrained objects if the object went
// from sticky to fixed.
// Remove sticky constraints for this layer.
if (layer()) {
DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;
if (const PaintLayer* ancestorOverflowLayer = layer()->ancestorOverflowLayer())
if (newStyleIsViewportConstained != oldStyleIsViewportConstrained) {
if (newStyleIsViewportConstained && layer())
void LayoutBoxModelObject::invalidateStickyConstraints()
if (!layer())
// This intentionally uses the stale ancestor overflow layer compositing
// input as if we have saved constraints for this layer they were saved
// in the previous frame.
DisableCompositingQueryAsserts disabler;
if (const PaintLayer* ancestorOverflowLayer = layer()->ancestorOverflowLayer())
void LayoutBoxModelObject::createLayer(PaintLayerType type)
m_layer = adoptPtr(new PaintLayer(this, type));
void LayoutBoxModelObject::destroyLayer()
m_layer = nullptr;
bool LayoutBoxModelObject::hasSelfPaintingLayer() const
return m_layer && m_layer->isSelfPaintingLayer();
PaintLayerScrollableArea* LayoutBoxModelObject::getScrollableArea() const
return m_layer ? m_layer->getScrollableArea() : 0;
void LayoutBoxModelObject::addLayerHitTestRects(LayerHitTestRects& rects, const PaintLayer* currentLayer, const LayoutPoint& layerOffset, const LayoutRect& containerRect) const
if (hasLayer()) {
if (isLayoutView()) {
// LayoutView is handled with a special fast-path, but it needs to know the current layer.
LayoutObject::addLayerHitTestRects(rects, layer(), LayoutPoint(), LayoutRect());
} else {
// Since a LayoutObject never lives outside it's container Layer, we can switch
// to marking entire layers instead. This may sometimes mark more than necessary (when
// a layer is made of disjoint objects) but in practice is a significant performance
// savings.
} else {
LayoutObject::addLayerHitTestRects(rects, currentLayer, layerOffset, containerRect);
static bool hasPercentageTransform(const ComputedStyle& style)
if (TransformOperation* translate = style.translate()) {
if (translate->dependsOnBoxSize())
return true;
return style.transform().dependsOnBoxSize()
|| (style.transformOriginX() != Length(50, Percent) && style.transformOriginX().hasPercent())
|| (style.transformOriginY() != Length(50, Percent) && style.transformOriginY().hasPercent());
void LayoutBoxModelObject::invalidateTreeIfNeeded(const PaintInvalidationState& paintInvalidationState)
PaintInvalidationState newPaintInvalidationState(paintInvalidationState, *this);
if (!shouldCheckForPaintInvalidation(newPaintInvalidationState))
LayoutRect previousPaintInvalidationRect = this->previousPaintInvalidationRect();
PaintInvalidationReason reason = invalidatePaintIfNeeded(newPaintInvalidationState);
if (reason == PaintInvalidationDelayedFull)
if (reason == PaintInvalidationLocationChange)
// TODO(wangxianzhu): Combine this function into LayoutObject::invalidateTreeIfNeeded() when removing the following workarounds.
// TODO(wangxianzhu): This is a workaround for Will remove when we enable paint offset caching.
if (reason != PaintInvalidationNone && hasPercentageTransform(styleRef()))
// TODO(wangxianzhu): This is a workaround for We don't have enough saved information to do accurate check
// of clipping change. Will remove when we remove rect-based paint invalidation.
if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintV2Enabled()
&& previousPaintInvalidationRect != this->previousPaintInvalidationRect()
&& !usesCompositedScrolling()
&& hasOverflowClip())
void LayoutBoxModelObject::setBackingNeedsPaintInvalidationInRect(const LayoutRect& r, PaintInvalidationReason invalidationReason, const LayoutObject& object) const
// TODO(wangxianzhu): Enable the following assert after paint invalidation for spv2 is ready.
// ASSERT(!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::slimmingPaintV2Enabled());
// describes an unreproducible crash here,
// so assert but check that the layer is composited.
ASSERT(compositingState() != NotComposited);
// FIXME: generalize accessors to backing GraphicsLayers so that this code is squashing-agnostic.
if (layer()->groupedMapping()) {
LayoutRect paintInvalidationRect = r;
if (GraphicsLayer* squashingLayer = layer()->groupedMapping()->squashingLayer()) {
// Note: the subpixel accumulation of layer() does not need to be added here. It is already taken into account.
squashingLayer->setNeedsDisplayInRect(enclosingIntRect(paintInvalidationRect), invalidationReason, object);
} else {
layer()->compositedLayerMapping()->setContentsNeedDisplayInRect(r, invalidationReason, object);
void LayoutBoxModelObject::invalidateDisplayItemClientOnBacking(const DisplayItemClient& displayItemClient, PaintInvalidationReason invalidationReason) const
if (layer()->groupedMapping()) {
if (GraphicsLayer* squashingLayer = layer()->groupedMapping()->squashingLayer())
squashingLayer->invalidateDisplayItemClient(displayItemClient, invalidationReason);
} else if (CompositedLayerMapping* compositedLayerMapping = layer()->compositedLayerMapping()) {
compositedLayerMapping->invalidateDisplayItemClient(displayItemClient, invalidationReason);
void LayoutBoxModelObject::addOutlineRectsForNormalChildren(Vector<LayoutRect>& rects, const LayoutPoint& additionalOffset, IncludeBlockVisualOverflowOrNot includeBlockOverflows) const
for (LayoutObject* child = slowFirstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
// Outlines of out-of-flow positioned descendants are handled in LayoutBlock::addOutlineRects().
if (child->isOutOfFlowPositioned())
// Outline of an element continuation or anonymous block continuation is added when we iterate the continuation chain.
// See LayoutBlock::addOutlineRects() and LayoutInline::addOutlineRects().
if (child->isElementContinuation()
|| (child->isLayoutBlock() && toLayoutBlock(child)->isAnonymousBlockContinuation()))
addOutlineRectsForDescendant(*child, rects, additionalOffset, includeBlockOverflows);
void LayoutBoxModelObject::addOutlineRectsForDescendant(const LayoutObject& descendant, Vector<LayoutRect>& rects, const LayoutPoint& additionalOffset, IncludeBlockVisualOverflowOrNot includeBlockOverflows) const
if (descendant.isText() || descendant.isListMarker())
if (descendant.hasLayer()) {
Vector<LayoutRect> layerOutlineRects;
descendant.addOutlineRects(layerOutlineRects, LayoutPoint(), includeBlockOverflows);
descendant.localToAncestorRects(layerOutlineRects, this, LayoutPoint(), additionalOffset);
if (descendant.isBox()) {
descendant.addOutlineRects(rects, additionalOffset + toLayoutBox(descendant).locationOffset(), includeBlockOverflows);
if (descendant.isLayoutInline()) {
// As an optimization, an ancestor has added rects for its line boxes covering descendants'
// line boxes, so descendants don't need to add line boxes again. For example, if the parent
// is a LayoutBlock, it adds rects for its RootOutlineBoxes which cover the line boxes of
// this LayoutInline. So the LayoutInline needs to add rects for children and continuations only.
toLayoutInline(descendant).addOutlineRectsForChildrenAndContinuations(rects, additionalOffset, includeBlockOverflows);
descendant.addOutlineRects(rects, additionalOffset, includeBlockOverflows);
bool LayoutBoxModelObject::calculateHasBoxDecorations() const
const ComputedStyle& styleToUse = styleRef();
return hasBackground() || styleToUse.hasBorderDecoration() || styleToUse.hasAppearance() || styleToUse.boxShadow();
bool LayoutBoxModelObject::hasNonEmptyLayoutSize() const
for (const LayoutBoxModelObject* root = this; root; root = root->continuation()) {
for (const LayoutObject* object = root; object; object = object->nextInPreOrder(object)) {
if (object->isBox()) {
const LayoutBox& box = toLayoutBox(*object);
if (box.logicalHeight() && box.logicalWidth())
return true;
} else if (object->isLayoutInline()) {
const LayoutInline& layoutInline = toLayoutInline(*object);
if (!layoutInline.linesBoundingBox().isEmpty())
return true;
} else {
return false;
void LayoutBoxModelObject::updateFromStyle()
const ComputedStyle& styleToUse = styleRef();
static LayoutSize accumulateInFlowPositionOffsets(const LayoutObject* child)
if (!child->isAnonymousBlock() || !child->isInFlowPositioned())
return LayoutSize();
LayoutSize offset;
LayoutObject* p = toLayoutBlock(child)->inlineElementContinuation();
while (p && p->isLayoutInline()) {
if (p->isInFlowPositioned()) {
LayoutInline* layoutInline = toLayoutInline(p);
offset += layoutInline->offsetForInFlowPosition();
p = p->parent();
return offset;
LayoutBlock* LayoutBoxModelObject::containingBlockForAutoHeightDetection(Length logicalHeight) const
// For percentage heights: The percentage is calculated with respect to the height of the generated box's
// containing block. If the height of the containing block is not specified explicitly (i.e., it depends
// on content height), and this element is not absolutely positioned, the value computes to 'auto'.
if (!logicalHeight.hasPercent() || isOutOfFlowPositioned())
return nullptr;
// Anonymous block boxes are ignored when resolving percentage values that would refer to it:
// the closest non-anonymous ancestor box is used instead.
LayoutBlock* cb = containingBlock();
while (cb->isAnonymous())
cb = cb->containingBlock();
// Matching LayoutBox::percentageLogicalHeightIsResolvableFromBlock() by
// ignoring table cell's attribute value, where it says that table cells violate
// what the CSS spec says to do with heights. Basically we
// don't care if the cell specified a height or not.
if (cb->isTableCell())
return nullptr;
// Match LayoutBox::availableLogicalHeightUsing by special casing
// the layout view. The available height is taken from the frame.
if (cb->isLayoutView())
return nullptr;
if (cb->isOutOfFlowPositioned() && !cb->style()->logicalTop().isAuto() && !cb->style()->logicalBottom().isAuto())
return nullptr;
return cb;
bool LayoutBoxModelObject::hasAutoHeightOrContainingBlockWithAutoHeight() const
Length logicalHeightLength = style()->logicalHeight();
if (logicalHeightLength.isAuto())
return true;
if (document().inQuirksMode())
return false;
// If the height of the containing block computes to 'auto', then it hasn't been 'specified explicitly'.
if (LayoutBlock* cb = containingBlockForAutoHeightDetection(logicalHeightLength))
return cb->hasAutoHeightOrContainingBlockWithAutoHeight();
return false;
LayoutSize LayoutBoxModelObject::relativePositionOffset() const
LayoutSize offset = accumulateInFlowPositionOffsets(this);
LayoutBlock* containingBlock = this->containingBlock();
// Objects that shrink to avoid floats normally use available line width when computing containing block width. However
// in the case of relative positioning using percentages, we can't do this. The offset should always be resolved using the
// available width of the containing block. Therefore we don't use containingBlockLogicalWidthForContent() here, but instead explicitly
// call availableWidth on our containing block.
if (!style()->left().isAuto()) {
if (!style()->right().isAuto() && !containingBlock->style()->isLeftToRightDirection())
offset.setWidth(-valueForLength(style()->right(), containingBlock->availableWidth()));
offset.expand(valueForLength(style()->left(), containingBlock->availableWidth()), LayoutUnit());
} else if (!style()->right().isAuto()) {
offset.expand(-valueForLength(style()->right(), containingBlock->availableWidth()), LayoutUnit());
// If the containing block of a relatively positioned element does not
// specify a height, a percentage top or bottom offset should be resolved as
// auto. An exception to this is if the containing block has the WinIE quirk
// where <html> and <body> assume the size of the viewport. In this case,
// calculate the percent offset based on this height.
// See <>.
if (!style()->top().isAuto()
&& (!containingBlock->hasAutoHeightOrContainingBlockWithAutoHeight()
|| !style()->top().hasPercent()
|| containingBlock->stretchesToViewport()))
offset.expand(LayoutUnit(), valueForLength(style()->top(), containingBlock->availableHeight()));
else if (!style()->bottom().isAuto()
&& (!containingBlock->hasAutoHeightOrContainingBlockWithAutoHeight()
|| !style()->bottom().hasPercent()
|| containingBlock->stretchesToViewport()))
offset.expand(LayoutUnit(), -valueForLength(style()->bottom(), containingBlock->availableHeight()));
return offset;
void LayoutBoxModelObject::updateStickyPositionConstraints() const
// TODO(flackr): This method is reasonably complicated and should have some direct unit testing.
const FloatSize constrainingSize = computeStickyConstrainingRect().size();
PaintLayerScrollableArea* scrollableArea = layer()->ancestorOverflowLayer()->getScrollableArea();
StickyPositionScrollingConstraints constraints;
FloatSize skippedContainersOffset;
LayoutBlock* containingBlock = this->containingBlock();
// Skip anonymous containing blocks.
while (containingBlock->isAnonymous()) {
skippedContainersOffset += toFloatSize(FloatPoint(containingBlock->frameRect().location()));
containingBlock = containingBlock->containingBlock();
LayoutBox* scrollAncestor = layer()->ancestorOverflowLayer()->isRootLayer() ? nullptr : toLayoutBox(layer()->ancestorOverflowLayer()->layoutObject());
LayoutRect containerContentRect = containingBlock->contentBoxRect();
LayoutUnit maxWidth = containingBlock->availableLogicalWidth();
// Sticky positioned element ignore any override logical width on the containing block (as they don't call
// containingBlockLogicalWidthForContent). It's unclear whether this is totally fine.
// Compute the container-relative area within which the sticky element is allowed to move.
minimumValueForLength(style()->marginTop(), maxWidth),
minimumValueForLength(style()->marginRight(), maxWidth),
minimumValueForLength(style()->marginBottom(), maxWidth),
minimumValueForLength(style()->marginLeft(), maxWidth));
// Map to the scroll ancestor.
constraints.setScrollContainerRelativeContainingBlockRect(containingBlock->localToAncestorQuad(FloatRect(containerContentRect), scrollAncestor).boundingBox());
FloatRect stickyBoxRect = isLayoutInline()
? FloatRect(toLayoutInline(this)->linesBoundingBox())
: FloatRect(toLayoutBox(this)->frameRect());
FloatRect flippedStickyBoxRect = stickyBoxRect;
FloatPoint stickyLocation = flippedStickyBoxRect.location() + skippedContainersOffset;
// TODO(flackr): Unfortunate to call localToAncestorQuad again, but we can't just offset from the previously computed rect if there are transforms.
// Map to the scroll ancestor.
FloatRect scrollContainerRelativeContainerFrame = containingBlock->localToAncestorQuad(FloatRect(FloatPoint(), FloatSize(containingBlock->size())), scrollAncestor).boundingBox();
// If the containing block is our scroll ancestor, its location will not include the scroll offset which we need to include as
// part of the sticky box rect so we include it here.
if (containingBlock->hasOverflowClip()) {
FloatSize scrollOffset(toFloatSize(containingBlock->layer()->getScrollableArea()->adjustedScrollOffset()));
stickyLocation -= scrollOffset;
constraints.setScrollContainerRelativeStickyBoxRect(FloatRect(scrollContainerRelativeContainerFrame.location() + toFloatSize(stickyLocation), flippedStickyBoxRect.size()));
// We skip the right or top sticky offset if there is not enough space to honor both the left/right or top/bottom offsets.
LayoutUnit horizontalOffsets = minimumValueForLength(style()->right(), LayoutUnit(constrainingSize.width())) +
minimumValueForLength(style()->left(), LayoutUnit(constrainingSize.width()));
bool skipRight = false;
bool skipLeft = false;
if (!style()->left().isAuto() && !style()->right().isAuto()) {
if (horizontalOffsets > containerContentRect.width()
|| horizontalOffsets + containerContentRect.width() > constrainingSize.width()) {
skipRight = style()->isLeftToRightDirection();
skipLeft = !skipRight;
if (!style()->left().isAuto() && !skipLeft) {
constraints.setLeftOffset(minimumValueForLength(style()->left(), LayoutUnit(constrainingSize.width())));
if (!style()->right().isAuto() && !skipRight) {
constraints.setRightOffset(minimumValueForLength(style()->right(), LayoutUnit(constrainingSize.width())));
bool skipBottom = false;
// TODO(flackr): Exclude top or bottom edge offset depending on the writing mode when related
// sections are fixed in spec:
LayoutUnit verticalOffsets = minimumValueForLength(style()->top(), LayoutUnit(constrainingSize.height())) +
minimumValueForLength(style()->bottom(), LayoutUnit(constrainingSize.height()));
if (!style()->top().isAuto() && !style()->bottom().isAuto()) {
if (verticalOffsets > containerContentRect.height()
|| verticalOffsets + containerContentRect.height() > constrainingSize.height()) {
skipBottom = true;
if (!style()->top().isAuto()) {
constraints.setTopOffset(minimumValueForLength(style()->top(), LayoutUnit(constrainingSize.height())));
if (!style()->bottom().isAuto() && !skipBottom) {
constraints.setBottomOffset(minimumValueForLength(style()->bottom(), LayoutUnit(constrainingSize.height())));
scrollableArea->stickyConstraintsMap().set(layer(), constraints);
FloatRect LayoutBoxModelObject::computeStickyConstrainingRect() const
if (layer()->ancestorOverflowLayer()->isRootLayer())
return view()->frameView()->visibleContentRect();
LayoutBox* enclosingClippingBox = toLayoutBox(layer()->ancestorOverflowLayer()->layoutObject());
FloatRect constrainingRect;
constrainingRect = FloatRect(enclosingClippingBox->overflowClipRect(LayoutPoint()));
constrainingRect.move(enclosingClippingBox->paddingLeft(), enclosingClippingBox->paddingTop());
constrainingRect.contract(FloatSize(enclosingClippingBox->paddingLeft() + enclosingClippingBox->paddingRight(),
enclosingClippingBox->paddingTop() + enclosingClippingBox->paddingBottom()));
return constrainingRect;
LayoutSize LayoutBoxModelObject::stickyPositionOffset() const
const PaintLayer* ancestorOverflowLayer = layer()->ancestorOverflowLayer();
// TODO: Force compositing input update if we ask for offset before compositing inputs have been computed?
if (!ancestorOverflowLayer)
return LayoutSize();
FloatRect constrainingRect = computeStickyConstrainingRect();
PaintLayerScrollableArea* scrollableArea = ancestorOverflowLayer->getScrollableArea();
// The sticky offset is physical, so we can just return the delta computed in absolute coords (though it may be wrong with transforms).
// TODO: Force compositing input update if we ask for offset with stale compositing inputs.
if (!scrollableArea->stickyConstraintsMap().contains(layer()))
return LayoutSize();
return LayoutSize(scrollableArea->stickyConstraintsMap().get(layer()).computeStickyOffset(constrainingRect));
LayoutPoint LayoutBoxModelObject::adjustedPositionRelativeToOffsetParent(const LayoutPoint& startPoint) const
// If the element is the HTML body element or doesn't have a parent
// return 0 and stop this algorithm.
if (isBody() || !parent())
return LayoutPoint();
LayoutPoint referencePoint = startPoint;
// If the offsetParent of the element is null, or is the HTML body element,
// return the distance between the canvas origin and the left border edge
// of the element and stop this algorithm.
Element* element = offsetParent();
if (!element)
return referencePoint;
if (const LayoutBoxModelObject* offsetParent = element->layoutBoxModelObject()) {
if (offsetParent->isBox() && !offsetParent->isBody())
referencePoint.move(-toLayoutBox(offsetParent)->borderLeft(), -toLayoutBox(offsetParent)->borderTop());
if (!isOutOfFlowPositioned() || flowThreadContainingBlock()) {
if (isInFlowPositioned())
LayoutObject* current;
for (current = parent(); current != offsetParent && current->parent(); current = current->parent()) {
// FIXME: What are we supposed to do inside SVG content?
if (!isOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
if (current->isBox() && !current->isTableRow())
if (offsetParent->isBox() && offsetParent->isBody() && !offsetParent->isPositioned())
return referencePoint;
LayoutSize LayoutBoxModelObject::offsetForInFlowPosition() const
if (isRelPositioned())
return relativePositionOffset();
if (isStickyPositioned())
return stickyPositionOffset();
return LayoutSize();
LayoutUnit LayoutBoxModelObject::offsetLeft() const
// Note that LayoutInline and LayoutBox override this to pass a different
// startPoint to adjustedPositionRelativeToOffsetParent.
return adjustedPositionRelativeToOffsetParent(LayoutPoint()).x();
LayoutUnit LayoutBoxModelObject::offsetTop() const
// Note that LayoutInline and LayoutBox override this to pass a different
// startPoint to adjustedPositionRelativeToOffsetParent.
return adjustedPositionRelativeToOffsetParent(LayoutPoint()).y();
int LayoutBoxModelObject::pixelSnappedOffsetWidth() const
return snapSizeToPixel(offsetWidth(), offsetLeft());
int LayoutBoxModelObject::pixelSnappedOffsetHeight() const
return snapSizeToPixel(offsetHeight(), offsetTop());
LayoutUnit LayoutBoxModelObject::computedCSSPadding(const Length& padding) const
LayoutUnit w;
if (padding.hasPercent())
w = containingBlockLogicalWidthForContent();
return minimumValueForLength(padding, w);
bool LayoutBoxModelObject::boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground(BackgroundBleedAvoidance bleedAvoidance, const InlineFlowBox* inlineFlowBox) const
if (bleedAvoidance != BackgroundBleedNone)
return false;
if (style()->hasAppearance())
return false;
const ShadowList* shadowList = style()->boxShadow();
if (!shadowList)
return false;
bool hasOneNormalBoxShadow = false;
size_t shadowCount = shadowList->shadows().size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < shadowCount; ++i) {
const ShadowData& currentShadow = shadowList->shadows()[i];
if ( != Normal)
if (hasOneNormalBoxShadow)
return false;
hasOneNormalBoxShadow = true;
if (currentShadow.spread())
return false;
if (!hasOneNormalBoxShadow)
return false;
Color backgroundColor = resolveColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor);
if (backgroundColor.hasAlpha())
return false;
const FillLayer* lastBackgroundLayer = &style()->backgroundLayers();
for (const FillLayer* next = lastBackgroundLayer->next(); next; next = lastBackgroundLayer->next())
lastBackgroundLayer = next;
if (lastBackgroundLayer->clip() != BorderFillBox)
return false;
if (lastBackgroundLayer->image() && style()->hasBorderRadius())
return false;
if (inlineFlowBox && !inlineFlowBox->boxShadowCanBeAppliedToBackground(*lastBackgroundLayer))
return false;
if (hasOverflowClip() && lastBackgroundLayer->attachment() == LocalBackgroundAttachment)
return false;
return true;
LayoutUnit LayoutBoxModelObject::containingBlockLogicalWidthForContent() const
return containingBlock()->availableLogicalWidth();
LayoutBoxModelObject* LayoutBoxModelObject::continuation() const
return (!continuationMap) ? nullptr : continuationMap->get(this);
void LayoutBoxModelObject::setContinuation(LayoutBoxModelObject* continuation)
if (continuation) {
if (!continuationMap)
continuationMap = new ContinuationMap;
continuationMap->set(this, continuation);
} else {
if (continuationMap)
void LayoutBoxModelObject::computeLayerHitTestRects(LayerHitTestRects& rects) const
// If there is a continuation then we need to consult it here, since this is
// the root of the tree walk and it wouldn't otherwise get picked up.
// Continuations should always be siblings in the tree, so any others should
// get picked up already by the tree walk.
if (continuation())
LayoutRect LayoutBoxModelObject::localCaretRectForEmptyElement(LayoutUnit width, LayoutUnit textIndentOffset)
// FIXME: This does not take into account either :first-line or :first-letter
// However, as soon as some content is entered, the line boxes will be
// constructed and this kludge is not called any more. So only the caret size
// of an empty :first-line'd block is wrong. I think we can live with that.
const ComputedStyle& currentStyle = firstLineStyleRef();
enum CaretAlignment { AlignLeft, AlignRight, AlignCenter };
CaretAlignment alignment = AlignLeft;
switch (currentStyle.textAlign()) {
case LEFT:
case CENTER:
alignment = AlignCenter;
case RIGHT:
alignment = AlignRight;
if (!currentStyle.isLeftToRightDirection())
alignment = AlignRight;
case TAEND:
if (currentStyle.isLeftToRightDirection())
alignment = AlignRight;
LayoutUnit x = borderLeft() + paddingLeft();
LayoutUnit maxX = width - borderRight() - paddingRight();
switch (alignment) {
case AlignLeft:
if (currentStyle.isLeftToRightDirection())
x += textIndentOffset;
case AlignCenter:
x = (x + maxX) / 2;
if (currentStyle.isLeftToRightDirection())
x += textIndentOffset / 2;
x -= textIndentOffset / 2;
case AlignRight:
x = maxX - caretWidth();
if (!currentStyle.isLeftToRightDirection())
x -= textIndentOffset;
x = std::min(x, (maxX - caretWidth()).clampNegativeToZero());
const Font& font = style()->font();
const SimpleFontData* fontData = font.primaryFont();
LayoutUnit height;
// This check should not be needed but sometimes
// primaryFont is null.
if (fontData)
height = LayoutUnit(fontData->getFontMetrics().height());
LayoutUnit verticalSpace = lineHeight(true, currentStyle.isHorizontalWritingMode() ? HorizontalLine : VerticalLine, PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes) - height;
LayoutUnit y = paddingTop() + borderTop() + (verticalSpace / 2);
return currentStyle.isHorizontalWritingMode() ? LayoutRect(x, y, caretWidth(), height) : LayoutRect(y, x, height, caretWidth());
const LayoutObject* LayoutBoxModelObject::pushMappingToContainer(const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestorToStopAt, LayoutGeometryMap& geometryMap) const
ASSERT(ancestorToStopAt != this);
bool ancestorSkipped;
LayoutObject* container = this->container(ancestorToStopAt, &ancestorSkipped);
if (!container)
return nullptr;
bool isInline = isLayoutInline();
bool isFixedPos = !isInline && style()->position() == FixedPosition;
bool hasTransform = !isInline && hasLayer() && layer()->transform();
LayoutSize adjustmentForSkippedAncestor;
if (ancestorSkipped) {
// There can't be a transform between paintInvalidationContainer and ancestorToStopAt, because transforms create containers, so it should be safe
// to just subtract the delta between the ancestor and ancestorToStopAt.
adjustmentForSkippedAncestor = -ancestorToStopAt->offsetFromAncestorContainer(container);
LayoutSize containerOffset = offsetFromContainer(container);
bool offsetDependsOnPoint;
if (isLayoutFlowThread()) {
containerOffset += columnOffset(LayoutPoint());
offsetDependsOnPoint = true;
} else {
offsetDependsOnPoint = container->style()->isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() && container->isBox();
bool preserve3D = container->style()->preserves3D() || style()->preserves3D();
GeometryInfoFlags flags = 0;
if (preserve3D)
flags |= AccumulatingTransform;
if (offsetDependsOnPoint)
flags |= IsNonUniform;
if (isFixedPos)
flags |= IsFixedPosition;
if (hasTransform)
flags |= HasTransform;
if (shouldUseTransformFromContainer(container)) {
TransformationMatrix t;
getTransformFromContainer(container, containerOffset, t);
t.translateRight(adjustmentForSkippedAncestor.width().toFloat(), adjustmentForSkippedAncestor.height().toFloat());
geometryMap.push(this, t, flags, LayoutSize());
} else {
containerOffset += adjustmentForSkippedAncestor;
geometryMap.push(this, containerOffset, flags, LayoutSize());
return ancestorSkipped ? ancestorToStopAt : container;
void LayoutBoxModelObject::moveChildTo(LayoutBoxModelObject* toBoxModelObject, LayoutObject* child, LayoutObject* beforeChild, bool fullRemoveInsert)
// We assume that callers have cleared their positioned objects list for child moves (!fullRemoveInsert) so the
// positioned layoutObject maps don't become stale. It would be too slow to do the map lookup on each call.
ASSERT(!fullRemoveInsert || !isLayoutBlock() || !toLayoutBlock(this)->hasPositionedObjects());
ASSERT(this == child->parent());
ASSERT(!beforeChild || toBoxModelObject == beforeChild->parent());
// If a child is moving from a block-flow to an inline-flow parent then any floats currently intruding into
// the child can no longer do so. This can happen if a block becomes floating or out-of-flow and is moved
// to an anonymous block. Remove all floats from their float-lists immediately as markAllDescendantsWithFloatsForLayout
// won't attempt to remove floats from parents that have inline-flow if we try later.
if (child->isLayoutBlockFlow() && toBoxModelObject->childrenInline() && !childrenInline()) {
if (fullRemoveInsert && isLayoutBlock() && child->isBox())
if (fullRemoveInsert && (toBoxModelObject->isLayoutBlock() || toBoxModelObject->isLayoutInline())) {
// Takes care of adding the new child correctly if toBlock and fromBlock
// have different kind of children (block vs inline).
toBoxModelObject->addChild(virtualChildren()->removeChildNode(this, child), beforeChild);
} else {
toBoxModelObject->virtualChildren()->insertChildNode(toBoxModelObject, virtualChildren()->removeChildNode(this, child, fullRemoveInsert), beforeChild, fullRemoveInsert);
void LayoutBoxModelObject::moveChildrenTo(LayoutBoxModelObject* toBoxModelObject, LayoutObject* startChild, LayoutObject* endChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild, bool fullRemoveInsert)
// This condition is rarely hit since this function is usually called on
// anonymous blocks which can no longer carry positioned objects (see r120761)
// or when fullRemoveInsert is false.
if (fullRemoveInsert && isLayoutBlock()) {
LayoutBlock* block = toLayoutBlock(this);
if (block->isLayoutBlockFlow())
ASSERT(!beforeChild || toBoxModelObject == beforeChild->parent());
for (LayoutObject* child = startChild; child && child != endChild; ) {
// Save our next sibling as moveChildTo will clear it.
LayoutObject* nextSibling = child->nextSibling();
moveChildTo(toBoxModelObject, child, beforeChild, fullRemoveInsert);
child = nextSibling;
bool LayoutBoxModelObject::backgroundStolenForBeingBody(const ComputedStyle* rootElementStyle) const
// If the root element is <html> with no background, and a <body> child element exists,
// the root element steals the first <body> child element's background.
if (!isBody())
return false;
Element* rootElement = document().documentElement();
if (!isHTMLHtmlElement(rootElement))
return false;
if (!rootElementStyle)
rootElementStyle = rootElement->ensureComputedStyle();
if (rootElementStyle->hasBackground())
return false;
if (node() != document().firstBodyElement())
return false;
return true;
} // namespace blink