blob: ba21d9443e26f50b50bc2448b90a0f09253c8ce3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/customization/customization_document.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/auth/auth_prewarmer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/oobe_screen.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/ui/login_display.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
class AccountId;
namespace content {
class WebContents;
namespace chromeos {
class AppLaunchController;
class ExistingUserController;
class LoginScreenContext;
class OobeUI;
class WebUILoginView;
class WizardController;
// An interface that defines an out-of-box-experience (OOBE) or login screen
// host. It contains code specific to the login UI implementation.
// The inheritance graph is as folllows:
// LoginDisplayHost
// / |
// LoginDisplayHostCommon MockLoginDisplayHost
// / |
// LoginDisplayHostMojo LoginDisplayHostWebUI
// - LoginDisplayHost defines the generic interface.
// - LoginDisplayHostCommon is UI-agnostic code shared between the views and
// webui hosts.
// - MockLoginDisplayHost is for tests.
// - LoginDisplayHostMojo is for the login screen which is a mojo controller
// (ie, ash/public/interfaces/login_screen.mojom,
// ash/login/login_screen_controller.h).
// - LoginDisplayHostWebUI is for OOBE, which is written in HTML/JS/CSS.
class LoginDisplayHost {
// Returns the default LoginDisplayHost instance if it has been created.
static LoginDisplayHost* default_host() { return default_host_; }
// Returns an unowned pointer to the LoginDisplay instance.
virtual LoginDisplay* GetLoginDisplay() = 0;
// Returns an unowned pointer to the ExistingUserController instance.
virtual ExistingUserController* GetExistingUserController() = 0;
// Returns corresponding native window.
virtual gfx::NativeWindow GetNativeWindow() const = 0;
// Returns instance of the OOBE WebUI.
virtual OobeUI* GetOobeUI() const = 0;
// Return the WebContents instance of OOBE, if any.
virtual content::WebContents* GetOobeWebContents() const = 0;
// Returns the current login view.
virtual WebUILoginView* GetWebUILoginView() const = 0;
// Called when browsing session starts before creating initial browser.
virtual void BeforeSessionStart() = 0;
// Called when user enters or returns to browsing session so LoginDisplayHost
// instance may delete itself. |completion_callback| will be invoked when the
// instance is gone.
virtual void Finalize(base::OnceClosure completion_callback) = 0;
// Toggles status area visibility.
virtual void SetStatusAreaVisible(bool visible) = 0;
// Starts out-of-box-experience flow or shows other screen handled by
// Wizard controller i.e. camera, recovery.
// One could specify start screen with |first_screen|.
virtual void StartWizard(OobeScreen first_screen) = 0;
// Returns current WizardController, if it exists.
// Result should not be stored.
virtual WizardController* GetWizardController() = 0;
// Returns current AppLaunchController, if it exists.
// Result should not be stored.
virtual AppLaunchController* GetAppLaunchController() = 0;
// Starts screen for adding user into session.
// |completion_callback| is invoked after login display host shutdown.
// |completion_callback| can be null.
virtual void StartUserAdding(base::OnceClosure completion_callback) = 0;
// Cancel addint user into session.
virtual void CancelUserAdding() = 0;
// Starts sign in screen.
virtual void StartSignInScreen(const LoginScreenContext& context) = 0;
// Invoked when system preferences that affect the signin screen have changed.
virtual void OnPreferencesChanged() = 0;
// Initiates authentication network prewarming.
virtual void PrewarmAuthentication() = 0;
// Starts app launch splash screen. If |is_auto_launch| is true, the app is
// being auto-launched with no delay.
virtual void StartAppLaunch(const std::string& app_id,
bool diagnostic_mode,
bool is_auto_launch) = 0;
// Starts the demo app launch.
virtual void StartDemoAppLaunch() = 0;
// Starts ARC kiosk splash screen.
virtual void StartArcKiosk(const AccountId& account_id) = 0;
// Start voice interaction OOBE.
virtual void StartVoiceInteractionOobe() = 0;
// Returns whether current host is for voice interaction OOBE.
virtual bool IsVoiceInteractionOobe() = 0;
// Show the gaia dialog. |can_close| determines if the user is allowed to
// close the dialog. If available, |account| is preloaded in the gaia dialog.
virtual void ShowGaiaDialog(
bool can_close,
const base::Optional<AccountId>& prefilled_account) = 0;
// Hide any visible oobe dialog.
virtual void HideOobeDialog() = 0;
// Update the size of the oobe dialog.
virtual void UpdateOobeDialogSize(int width, int height) = 0;
// Get users that are visible in the login screen UI.
// This is mainly used by views login screen. WebUI login screen will
// return an empty list.
// TODO( WebUI and views implementation should return the
// same user list.
virtual const user_manager::UserList GetUsers() = 0;
// Confirms sign in by provided credentials in |user_context|.
// Used for new user login via GAIA extension.
virtual void CompleteLogin(const UserContext& user_context) = 0;
// Notify the backend controller when the GAIA UI is finished loading.
virtual void OnGaiaScreenReady() = 0;
// Sets the displayed email for the next login attempt. If it succeeds,
// user's displayed email value will be updated to |email|.
virtual void SetDisplayEmail(const std::string& email) = 0;
// Sets the displayed name and given name for the next login attempt. If it
// succeeds, user's displayed name and give name values will be updated to
// |display_name| and |given_name|.
virtual void SetDisplayAndGivenName(const std::string& display_name,
const std::string& given_name) = 0;
// Load wallpaper for given |account_id|.
virtual void LoadWallpaper(const AccountId& account_id) = 0;
// Loads the default sign-in wallpaper.
virtual void LoadSigninWallpaper() = 0;
// Returns true if user is allowed to log in by domain policy.
virtual bool IsUserWhitelisted(const AccountId& account_id) = 0;
// ----- Password change flow methods -----
// Cancels current password changed flow.
virtual void CancelPasswordChangedFlow() = 0;
// Decrypt cryptohome using user provided |old_password| and migrate to new
// password.
virtual void MigrateUserData(const std::string& old_password) = 0;
// Ignore password change, remove existing cryptohome and force full sync of
// user data.
virtual void ResyncUserData() = 0;
// Shows a feedback report dialog.
virtual void ShowFeedback() = 0;
// Shows the powerwash dialog.
virtual void ShowResetScreen() = 0;
// In the views case, make the OobeUIDialogDelegate visible so that Captive
// Portal web modal can be seen. In webui login, this should be a no-op.
virtual void ShowDialogForCaptivePortal() = 0;
// Hide the captive portal signin dialog (e.g. when authentication is
// complete). In webui login, this should be a no-op.
virtual void HideDialogForCaptivePortal() = 0;
// Update status of add user button in the shelf.
virtual void UpdateAddUserButtonStatus() = 0;
virtual ~LoginDisplayHost();
// Global LoginDisplayHost instance.
static LoginDisplayHost* default_host_;
} // namespace chromeos