blob: 7a06efc5c22055b45414674180ca8b056a674179 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
This script is used to convert a list of references to corresponding ProGuard
keep rules, for the purposes of maintaining compatibility between async DFMs
and synchronously proguarded modules.
This script take an input file generated from
during the build phase of an async module.
from collections import defaultdict
import argparse
import sys
# Classes in _IGNORED_PACKAGES do not need explicit keep rules because they are
# system APIs and are already included in ProGuard configs.
_IGNORED_PACKAGES = ['java', 'android', 'org.w3c', 'org.xml', 'dalvik']
# Mapping for translating Java bytecode type identifiers to source code type
# identifiers.
'V': 'void',
'Z': 'boolean',
'B': 'byte',
'S': 'short',
'C': 'char',
'I': 'int',
'J': 'long',
'F': 'float',
'D': 'double',
# Translates DEX TypeDescriptor of the first type found in a given string to
# its source code type identifier, as described in
# and returns the translated type and the starting index of the next type
# (if present).
def translate_single_type(typedesc):
array_count = 0
translated = ''
next_index = 0
# In the constant pool, fully qualified names (prefixed by 'L') have a
# trailing ';' if they are describing the type/return type of a symbol,
# or the type of arguments passed to a symbol. TypeDescriptor representing
# primitive types do not have trailing ';'s in any circumstances.
for i, c in enumerate(typedesc):
if c == '[':
array_count += 1
if c == 'L':
# Fully qualified names have no trailing ';' if they are describing the
# containing class of a reference.
next_index = typedesc.find(';')
if next_index == -1:
next_index = len(typedesc)
translated = typedesc[i + 1:next_index]
translated = _TYPE_IDENTIFIER_MAP[c]
next_index = i
translated += '[]' * array_count
return translated, next_index + 1
# Convert string of method argument types read from constant pool to
# corresponding list of srouce code type identifiers.
def parse_args_list(args_list):
parsed_args = []
start_index = 0
while start_index < len(args_list):
args_list = args_list[start_index:]
translated_arg, start_index = translate_single_type(args_list)
return parsed_args
def add_to_refs(class_name, keep_entry, dep_refs):
# Add entry to class's keep rule if entry is not the empty string
if class_name in dep_refs and keep_entry:
dep_refs[class_name] = [keep_entry]
def main(argv):
dep_refs = defaultdict(list)
extended_and_implemented_classes = set()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='Path to constant pool reference output.')
help='Path to write corresponding keep rules to')
args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
with open(args.input_file, 'r') as constant_pool_refs:
for line in constant_pool_refs:
line = line.rstrip().replace('/', '.')
# Ignore any references specified by the list of _IGNORED_PACKAGES.
if any(line.startswith(package) for package in _IGNORED_PACKAGES):
reflist = line.split(',')
# Lines denoting super classes and implemented interface references do
# not contain additional information and thus have reflist size 1.
# Store these as a separate set as they require full keep rules.
if len(reflist) == 1:
class_name = reflist[0]
member_name = reflist[1]
member_info = reflist[2]
keep_entry = ''
# When testing with the VR module, all class names read from constant
# pool output that were prefixed with '[' matched references to the
# overridden clone() method of the Object class. These seem to correspond
# to Java enum types defined within classes.
# It is not entirely clear whether or not this always represents
# an enum, why enums would be represented as such in the constant pool,
# or how we should go about keeping these references. For the moment,
# ignoring these references does not impact compatibility between
# modules.
if class_name.startswith('['):
# If member_info starts with '(', member is a method, otherwise member
# is a field.
# Format keep entries as per ProGuard documentation
if member_info.startswith('('):
args_list, return_type = member_info.split(')')
args_list = parse_args_list(args_list[1:])
if member_name == '<init>':
# No return type specified for constructors.
return_type = ''
return_type = translate_single_type(return_type)[0]
keep_entry = '%s %s(%s);' % (return_type, member_name,
', '.join(args_list))
keep_entry = '%s %s;' % (translate_single_type(member_info)[0],
with open(args.output_file, 'w') as keep_rules:
# Write super classes and implemented interfaces to keep rules.
for super_class in sorted(extended_and_implemented_classes):
'-keep,allowobfuscation class %s { *; }\n' % (super_class.rstrip()))
# Write all other class references to keep rules.
for c in sorted(dep_refs.iterkeys()):
class_keeps = '\n '.join(dep_refs[c])
'-keep,allowobfuscation class %s {\n %s\n}\n' % (c, class_keeps))
if __name__ == '__main__':