blob: 1ce6f5c5478d115b8c0a86fda4dcdfacb4d4cc2a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "components/translate/core/common/translate_errors.h"
namespace translate {
class LanguageState;
class TranslateClient;
class TranslateDriver;
class TranslateManager;
class TranslatePrefs;
// The TranslateUIDelegate is a generic delegate for UI which offers Translate
// feature to the user.
// Note that the API offers a way to read/set language values through array
// indices. Such indices are only valid as long as the visual representation
// (infobar, bubble...) is in sync with the underlying language list which
// can actually change at run time (see translate_language_list.h).
// It is recommended that languages are only updated by language code to
// avoid bugs like
class TranslateUIDelegate {
static const size_t kNoIndex = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
TranslateUIDelegate(const base::WeakPtr<TranslateManager>& translate_manager,
const std::string& original_language,
const std::string& target_language);
virtual ~TranslateUIDelegate();
// Handles when an error message is shown.
void OnErrorShown(TranslateErrors::Type error_type);
// Returns the LanguageState associated with this object.
const LanguageState& GetLanguageState();
// Returns the number of languages supported.
size_t GetNumberOfLanguages() const;
// Returns the original language index.
size_t GetOriginalLanguageIndex() const;
// Returns the original language code.
std::string GetOriginalLanguageCode() const;
// Updates the original language index.
void UpdateOriginalLanguageIndex(size_t language_index);
void UpdateOriginalLanguage(const std::string& language_code);
// Returns the target language index.
size_t GetTargetLanguageIndex() const;
// Returns the target language code.
std::string GetTargetLanguageCode() const;
// Updates the target language index.
void UpdateTargetLanguageIndex(size_t language_index);
void UpdateTargetLanguage(const std::string& language_code);
// Returns the ISO code for the language at |index|.
std::string GetLanguageCodeAt(size_t index) const;
// Returns the displayable name for the language at |index|.
base::string16 GetLanguageNameAt(size_t index) const;
// Starts translating the current page.
void Translate();
// Reverts translation.
void RevertTranslation();
// Processes when the user declines translation.
// The function name is not accurate. It only means the user did not take
// affirmative action after the translation ui show up. The user either
// actively decline the translation or ignore the prompt of translation.
// Pass |explicitly_closed| as true if user explicityly decline the
// translation.
// Pass |explicitly_closed| as false if the translation UI is dismissed
// implicit by some user actions which ignore the translation UI,
// such as switch to a new tab/window or navigate to another page by
// click a link.
void TranslationDeclined(bool explicitly_closed);
// Returns true if the current language is blocked.
bool IsLanguageBlocked();
// Sets the value if the current language is blocked.
void SetLanguageBlocked(bool value);
// Returns true if the current webpage is blacklisted.
bool IsSiteBlacklisted();
// Sets the value if the current webpage is blacklisted.
void SetSiteBlacklist(bool value);
// Returns true if the webpage in the current original language should be
// translated into the current target language automatically.
bool ShouldAlwaysTranslate();
// Sets the value if the webpage in the current original language should be
// translated into the current target language automatically.
void SetAlwaysTranslate(bool value);
// Returns true if the Always Translate checkbox should be checked by default.
bool ShouldAlwaysTranslateBeCheckedByDefault();
// Gets the host of the page being translated, or an empty string if no URL is
// associated with the current page.
std::string GetPageHost();
TranslateDriver* translate_driver_;
base::WeakPtr<TranslateManager> translate_manager_;
// ISO code (en, fr...) -> displayable name in the current locale
typedef std::pair<std::string, base::string16> LanguageNamePair;
// The list supported languages for translation.
// The languages are sorted alphabetically based on the displayable name.
std::vector<LanguageNamePair> languages_;
// The index for language the page is originally in.
size_t original_language_index_;
// The index for language the page is originally in that was originally
// reported (original_language_index_ changes if the user selects a new
// original language, but this one does not). This is necessary to report
// language detection errors with the right original language even if the user
// changed the original language.
size_t initial_original_language_index_;
// The index for language the page should be translated to.
size_t target_language_index_;
// The translation related preferences.
std::unique_ptr<TranslatePrefs> prefs_;
} // namespace translate