blob: 2e75144dbb6c6ab9024eb310c0bf98ee03a8fbe3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "content/renderer/input/scoped_web_input_event_with_latency_info.h"
#include "ui/events/blink/blink_features.h"
#include "ui/events/blink/prediction/input_predictor.h"
#include "ui/events/event.h"
using blink::WebInputEvent;
using blink::WebPointerProperties;
namespace content {
// Handle resampling of WebMouseEvent, WebTouchEvent and WebPointerEvent.
// This class stores prediction of all active pointers.
class CONTENT_EXPORT InputEventPrediction {
// enable_resampling is true when kResamplingInputEvents is enabled.
explicit InputEventPrediction(bool enable_resampling);
// Handle Resampling/Prediction of WebInputEvents. This function is mainly
// doing three things:
// 1. Maintain/Updates predictor using current CoalescedEvents vector.
// 2. When enable_resampling is true, change coalesced_event->EventPointer()'s
// coordinates to the position at frame time.
// 3. Generates 3 predicted events when prediction is available, add the
// PredictedEvent to coalesced_event.
void HandleEvents(blink::WebCoalescedInputEvent& coalesced_event,
base::TimeTicks frame_time);
// Initialize predictor for different pointer.
std::unique_ptr<ui::InputPredictor> CreatePredictor() const;
friend class InputEventPredictionTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(InputEventPredictionTest, PredictorType);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(InputEventPredictionTest, ResamplingDisabled);
enum class PredictorType { kEmpty, kLsq, kKalman };
// Initialize selected_predictor_type_ from field trial parameters of
// kResamplingInputEvent flag if resampling is enable. Otherwise set it
// from kInputPredictorTypeChoice.
void SetUpPredictorType();
// The following functions are for handling multiple TouchPoints in a
// WebTouchEvent. They should be more neat when WebTouchEvent is elimated.
// Cast events from WebInputEvent to WebPointerProperties. Call
// UpdateSinglePointer for each pointer.
void UpdatePrediction(const WebInputEvent& event);
// Cast events from WebInputEvent to WebPointerProperties. Call
// ResamplingSinglePointer for each poitner.
void ApplyResampling(base::TimeTicks frame_time, WebInputEvent* event);
// Reset predictor for each pointer in WebInputEvent by ResetSinglePredictor.
void ResetPredictor(const WebInputEvent& event);
// Add predicted event to WebCoalescedInputEvent if prediction is available.
bool AddPredictedEvent(base::TimeTicks predict_time,
blink::WebCoalescedInputEvent& coalesced_event);
// Get single predictor based on event id and type, and update the predictor
// with new events coords.
void UpdateSinglePointer(const WebPointerProperties& event,
base::TimeTicks time);
// Get prediction result of a single predictor based on the predict_time,
// and apply predicted result to the event. Return false if no prediction
// available.
bool GetPointerPrediction(base::TimeTicks predict_time,
WebPointerProperties* event,
bool is_resampling = false);
// Get single predictor based on event id and type. For mouse, reset the
// predictor, for other pointer type, remove it from mapping.
void ResetSinglePredictor(const WebPointerProperties& event);
// Reports UMA histograms for prediction accuracy. Use the previous prediction
// states to calculate position in current event time and compute the
// distance between real event and predicted event.
void ComputeAccuracy(const WebInputEvent& event) const;
std::unordered_map<ui::PointerId, std::unique_ptr<ui::InputPredictor>>
std::unique_ptr<ui::InputPredictor> mouse_predictor_;
// Store the field trial parameter used for choosing different types of
// predictor.
PredictorType selected_predictor_type_;
bool enable_resampling_ = false;
// Records the timestamp for last event added to predictor. Use for reporting
// the accuracy metrics.
base::TimeTicks last_event_timestamp_;
} // namespace content