blob: 53d38ec8e45f2262fc070f8e0896232277e1eeca [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Script which gathers power measurement test results from bots.
This is used to collect and store IPG based power measurments before they are
deleted. This provides data to better understand IPG.
import argparse
import ast
import csv
import json
import logging
import re
import sys
import urllib
import urllib2
_TESTS = ['Basic', 'Video_720_MP4', 'Video_720_MP4_Fullscreen',
'Video_720_MP4_Underlay', 'Video_720_MP4_Underlay_Fullscreen']
def GetBuildData(method, request):
# Explorable via RPC explorer:
# buildbucket.v2.Builds/{GetBuild|SearchBuilds}
assert method in ['GetBuild', 'SearchBuilds']
# The Python docs are wrong. It's fine for this payload to be just
# a JSON string.
headers = {
'content-type': 'application/json',
'accept': 'application/json'
url = urllib2.Request(
'' + method,
conn = urllib2.urlopen(url)
result =
# Result is a multi-line string the first line of which is
# deliberate garbage and the rest of which is a JSON payload.
return json.loads(''.join(result.splitlines()[1:]))
def GetJsonForBuildSteps(bot, build):
request = json.dumps({ 'builder': { 'project': 'chromium',
'bucket': 'ci',
'builder': bot },
'buildNumber': build,
'fields': 'steps.*.name,steps.*.logs' })
return GetBuildData('GetBuild', request)
def GetLatestGreenBuild(bot):
request = json.dumps({ 'predicate': { 'builder': { 'project': 'chromium',
'bucket': 'ci',
'builder': bot },
'status': 'SUCCESS' },
'fields': 'builds.*.number',
'pageSize': 1 })
builds_json = GetBuildData('SearchBuilds', request)
builds = builds_json['builds']
assert len(builds) == 1
return builds[0]['number']
def GetJsonForLatestNBuilds(bot, build_count):
fields = [
request = json.dumps({ 'predicate': { 'builder': { 'project': 'chromium',
'bucket': 'ci',
'builder': bot }},
'fields': ','.join(fields),
'pageSize': build_count })
builds_json = GetBuildData('SearchBuilds', request)
builds = builds_json['builds']
if len(builds) != build_count:
raise ValueError('Asked %d builds, got %d builds' % (
len(builds, build_count)))
return builds
def FindStepLogURL(steps, step_name, log_name):
# The format of this JSON-encoded protobuf is defined here:
# buildbucket/proto/step.proto
# It's easiest to just use the RPC explorer to fetch one and see
# what's desired to extract.
for step in steps:
if 'name' not in step or 'logs' not in step:
if step['name'].startswith(step_name):
for log in step['logs']:
if log.get('name') == log_name:
return log.get('viewUrl')
return None
def ProcessStepStdout(stdout_url, entry):
url = urllib.unquote(stdout_url)
number = entry['number']
logging.debug('[BUILD %d] stdout URL: %s' % (number, url))
# The following fails with Python 2.7.6, but succeeds with Python 2.7.14.
conn = urllib2.urlopen(stdout_url + '?format=raw')
data =
lines = data.splitlines()
pattern = re.compile('^\[(\d+)/(\d+)\]$')
results = None
bot_candidates = []
for line in lines:
if results is not None:
my_results = results
results = None
# The line after results is [test/total_test] name passed {time}s
tokens = line.split()
if len(tokens) != 4:
logging.warn('Wrong format for test passed line: %s' % line)
groups = pattern.match(tokens[0]).groups()
if len(groups) != 2:
logging.warn('Wrong format, expected [d+/d+], got %s' % tokens[0])
test_name = tokens[1]
if tokens[2] != 'passed':
logging.warn('Wrong format for test passed line: %s' % line)
my_results['name'] = test_name
elif line.startswith('Chrome Env: '):
chrome_env = ast.literal_eval(line[len('Chrome Env: '):])
if 'COMPUTERNAME' in chrome_env:
elif line.startswith('INFO:root:Chrome Env: '):
chrome_env = ast.literal_eval(line[len('INFO:root:Chrome Env: '):])
if 'COMPUTERNAME' in chrome_env:
elif line.startswith('Env: '):
chrome_env = ast.literal_eval(line[len('Env: '):])
if 'COMPUTERNAME' in chrome_env:
elif line.startswith(' COMPUTERNAME: '):
bot_candidates.append(line.strip()[len('COMPUTERNAME: '):])
elif line.startswith('Results: '):
assert results is None
results = ast.literal_eval(line[len('Results: '):])
for name in bot_candidates:
if name.startswith('BUILD'):
entry['bot'] = name
logging.warn('[BUILD %d] Fail to locate the bot name' % number)
def CollectBuildData(build, data_entry):
if 'number' not in build:
logging.warn('Missing build number')
return False
if 'bot' not in build:
logging.warn('[BUILD %d] Missing bot name' % build['number'])
return False
if len(build['tests']) != len(_TESTS):
logging.warn('[BUILD %d] Measured test count should be %d, got %d' % (
build['number'], len(_TESTS), len(build['tests'])))
return False
data_entry['build'] = build['number']
data_entry['bot'] = build['bot']
for test in build['tests']:
if not CollectTestData(test, data_entry):
return False
return True
def CollectTestData(test, data_entry):
test_name = test['name'].split('.')[-1]
if test_name not in _TESTS:
logging.warn('Unexpected test name: %s' % test_name)
return False
for measure in _MEASUREMENTS:
measure_name = measure + ' Power_0'
if measure_name not in test:
logging.warn('Missing measurment: %s' % measure_name)
return False
data_entry[test_name + '_' + measure] = test[measure_name]
return True
def SaveResultsAsCSV(results, output_filename):
builds = results['builds']
csv_data = []
for build in builds:
entry = {}
if not CollectBuildData(build, entry):
if len(csv_data) > 0:
with open(output_filename, 'w') as csv_file:
labels = sorted(csv_data[0].keys())
w = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=labels)
logging.debug('Data from %d tests saved to %s' % (len(csv_data),
logging.warn('No valid data saved to %s' % output_filename)
def main():
rest_args = sys.argv[1:]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Gather JSON results from a run of a Swarming test.',
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Enable verbose output')
parser.add_argument('--bot', default='Win10 FYI Release (Intel HD 630)',
help='Which bot to examine.')
parser.add_argument('--last-build', type=int,
help='The last of a range of builds to fetch. If not '
'specified, use the latest build.')
parser.add_argument('--build-count', type=int, default=100,
help='How many builds to fetch. If not specified, '
'fetch 100 builds.')
parser.add_argument('--step', default='power_measurement_test',
help='Which step to fetch (treated as a prefix).')
parser.add_argument('--output-json', metavar='FILE', default='output.json',
help='Name of output json file. Default is output.json.')
parser.add_argument('--output-csv', metavar='FILE', default='output.csv',
help='Name of output csv file. Default is output.csv.')
options = parser.parse_args(rest_args)
if options.verbose:
last_build = options.last_build
if last_build is None and options.build_count <= 100:
logging.debug('Start pulling latest %d builds' % options.build_count)
builds = GetJsonForLatestNBuilds(, options.build_count)
if last_build is None:
last_build = GetLatestGreenBuild(
first_build = last_build - options.build_count + 1
builds = []
for build_id in range(last_build, first_build - 1, -1):
logging.debug('Pull data for build %d' % build_id)
build_json = GetJsonForBuildSteps(, build_id)
build_json['number'] = build_id
logging.debug('Start processing stdout data')
results = { 'builds': [] }
for ii in range(len(builds)):
build = builds[ii]
if 'number' not in build:
logging.warn('Missing number in build #%d' % ii)
number = build['number']
if 'steps' not in build:
logging.warn('[BUILD %d] Missing steps' % number)
stdout_url = FindStepLogURL(build['steps'], options.step, 'stdout')
if not stdout_url:
logging.warn('[BUILD %d] Unable to find stdout from step %s*' %
(number, options.step))
results['builds'].append({ 'number': number, 'tests': [] })
ProcessStepStdout(stdout_url, results['builds'][-1])
logging.debug('Saving output to %s', options.output_json)
with open(options.output_json, 'w') as f:
json.dump(results, f, sort_keys=True, indent=2,
separators=(',', ': '))
logging.debug('Saving output to %s', options.output_csv)
SaveResultsAsCSV(results, options.output_csv)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':