blob: b13c57dd714a9ac847dfefd5570a85aae3bf1967 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "extensions/browser/notification_types.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_types.h"
namespace chrome {
// NotificationService &c. are deprecated (
// Don't add any new notification types, and migrate existing uses of the
// notification types below to observers.
enum NotificationType {
// Browser-window ----------------------------------------------------------
// This message is sent after a window has been opened. The source is a
// Source<Browser> containing the affected Browser. No details are
// expected.
// This message is sent soon after BROWSER_OPENED, and indicates that
// the Browser's |window_| is now non-NULL. The source is a Source<Browser>
// containing the affected Browser. No details are expected.
// This message is sent when a browser is closing. The source is a
// Source<Browser> containing the affected Browser. No details are expected.
// This is sent prior to BROWSER_CLOSED, and may be sent more than once for a
// particular browser.
// This message is sent after a window has been closed. The source is a
// Source<Browser> containing the affected Browser. No details are exptected.
// This message is sent when closing a browser has been cancelled, either by
// the user cancelling a beforeunload dialog, or IsClosingPermitted()
// disallowing closing. This notification implies that no BROWSER_CLOSING or
// BROWSER_CLOSED notification will be sent.
// The source is a Source<Browser> containing the affected browser. No details
// are expected.
// Indicates that a top window has been closed. The source is the HWND
// that was closed, no details are expected.
#if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_ANDROID)
// On Linux maximize can be an asynchronous operation. This notification
// indicates that the window has been maximized. The source is
// a Source<BrowserWindow> containing the BrowserWindow that was maximized.
// No details are expected.
// Sent when the language (English, French...) for a page has been detected.
// The details Details<std::string> contain the ISO 639-1 language code and
// the source is Source<WebContents>.
// Sent when a page has been translated. The source is the tab for that page
// (Source<WebContents>) and the details are the language the page was
// originally in and the language it was translated to
// (std::pair<std::string, std::string>).
// The user has changed the browser theme. The source is a
// Source<ThemeService>. There are no details.
#if defined(USE_AURA)
// The user has changed the fling curve configuration.
// Source<GesturePrefsObserver>. There are no details.
#endif // defined(USE_AURA)
// Sent when the renderer returns focus to the browser, as part of focus
// traversal. The source is the browser, there are no details.
// A new tab is created from an existing tab to serve as a target of a
// navigation that is about to happen. The source will be a Source<Profile>
// corresponding to the profile in which the new tab will live. Details in
// the form of a RetargetingDetails object are provided.
// Application-wide ----------------------------------------------------------
// This message is sent when the application is terminating (the last
// browser window has shutdown as part of an explicit user-initiated exit,
// or the user closed the last browser window on Windows/Linux and there are
// no BackgroundContents keeping the browser running). No source or details
// are passed.
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// This notification is sent when the app has no key window, such as when
// all windows are closed but the app is still active. No source or details
// are provided.
// This is sent when the user has chosen to exit the app, but before any
// browsers have closed. This is sent if the user chooses to exit (via exit
// menu item or keyboard shortcut) or to restart the process (such as in flags
// page), not if Chrome exits by some other means (such as the user closing
// the last window). No source or details are passed.
// Note that receiving this notification does not necessarily mean the process
// will exit because the shutdown process can be cancelled by an unload
// handler. Use APP_TERMINATING for such needs.
// This message is sent when a new InfoBar has been added to an
// InfoBarService. The source is a Source<InfoBarService> with a pointer to
// the InfoBarService the InfoBar was added to. The details is a
// Details<InfoBar::AddedDetails>.
// This message is sent when an InfoBar is about to be removed from an
// InfoBarService. The source is a Source<InfoBarService> with a pointer to
// the InfoBarService the InfoBar was removed from. The details is a
// Details<InfoBar::RemovedDetails>.
// This notification is sent when extensions::TabHelper::SetExtensionApp is
// invoked. The source is the extensions::TabHelper SetExtensionApp was
// invoked on.
// Tabs --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sent when a tab is added to a WebContentsDelegate. The source is the
// WebContentsDelegate and the details is the added WebContents.
// This notification is sent after a tab has been appended to the tab_strip.
// The source is a Source<WebContents> of the tab being added. There
// are no details.
// This message is sent before a tab has been closed. The source is a
// Source<NavigationController> with a pointer to the controller for the
// closed tab. No details are expected.
// See also content::NOTIFICATION_WEB_CONTENTS_DESTROYED, which is sent when
// the WebContents containing the NavigationController is destroyed.
// Stuff inside the tabs ---------------------------------------------------
// This notification is sent when the result of a find-in-page search is
// available with the browser process. The source is a Source<WebContents>.
// Details encompass a FindNotificationDetail object that tells whether the
// match was found or not found.
// BackgroundContents ------------------------------------------------------
// A new background contents was opened by script. The source is the parent
// profile and the details are BackgroundContentsOpenedDetails.
// The background contents navigated to a new location. The source is the
// parent Profile, and the details are the BackgroundContents that was
// navigated.
// The background contents were closed by someone invoking window.close()
// or the parent application was uninstalled.
// The source is the parent profile, and the details are the
// BackgroundContents.
// The background contents is being deleted. The source is the
// parent Profile, and the details are the BackgroundContents being deleted.
// The background contents has crashed. The source is the parent Profile,
// and the details are the BackgroundContents.
// The background contents associated with a hosted app has changed (either
// a new background contents has been created, or an existing background
// contents has closed). The source is the parent Profile, and the details
// are the BackgroundContentsService.
// Chrome has entered/exited background mode. The source is the
// BackgroundModeManager and the details are a boolean value which is set to
// true if Chrome is now in background mode.
// This is sent when a login prompt is shown. The source is the
// Source<NavigationController> for the tab in which the prompt is shown.
// Details are a LoginNotificationDetails which provide the LoginHandler
// that should be given authentication.
// This is sent when authentication credentials have been supplied (either
// by the user or by an automation service), but before we've actually
// received another response from the server. The source is the
// Source<NavigationController> for the tab in which the prompt was shown.
// Details are an AuthSuppliedLoginNotificationDetails which provide the
// LoginHandler that should be given authentication as well as the supplied
// username and password.
// This is sent when an authentication request has been dismissed without
// supplying credentials (either by the user or by an automation service).
// The source is the Source<NavigationController> for the tab in which the
// prompt was shown. Details are a LoginNotificationDetails which provide
// the LoginHandler that should be cancelled.
// Profiles -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Sent after a Profile has been created. This notification is sent both for
// normal and OTR profiles.
// The details are none and the source is the new profile.
// Sent after a Profile has been added to ProfileManager.
// The details are none and the source is the new profile.
// Use KeyedServiceShutdownNotifier instead this notification type (you did
// read the comment at the top of the file, didn't you?).
// Sent early in the process of destroying a Profile, at the time a user
// initiates the deletion of a profile versus the much later time when the
// profile object is actually destroyed (use NOTIFICATION_PROFILE_DESTROYED).
// The details are none and the source is a Profile*.
// Use KeyedServiceShutdownNotifier instead this notification type (you did
// read the comment at the top of the file, didn't you?).
// Sent before a Profile is destroyed. This notification is sent both for
// normal and OTR profiles.
// The details are none and the source is a Profile*.
// Sent after the URLRequestContextGetter for a Profile has been initialized.
// The details are none and the source is a Profile*.
// Non-history storage services --------------------------------------------
// The state of a web resource has been changed. A resource may have been
// added, removed, or altered. Source is WebResourceService, and the
// details are NoDetails.
// A safe browsing database update completed. Source is the
// SafeBrowsingService and the details are a bool indicating whether the
// update was successful.
// Autocomplete ------------------------------------------------------------
// Sent by the autocomplete controller when done. The source is the
// AutocompleteController, the details not used.
// This is sent when an item of the Omnibox popup is selected. The source
// is the profile.
// This is sent from Instant when the omnibox focus state changes.
// Printing ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Notification from PrintJob that an event occurred. It can be that a page
// finished printing or that the print job failed. Details is
// PrintJob::EventDetails. Source is a PrintJob.
// Sent when a PrintJob has been released.
// Source is the WebContents that holds the print job.
// Shutdown ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Sent when WM_ENDSESSION has been received, after the browsers have been
// closed but before browser process has been shutdown. The source/details
// are all source and no details.
// Upgrade notifications ---------------------------------------------------
// Sent when Chrome believes an update has been installed and available for
// long enough with the user shutting down to let it take effect. See
// for details on how long it waits. No details are
// expected.
// Sent when a critical update has been installed. No details are expected.
// Sent when the current install is outdated. No details are expected.
// Sent when the current install is outdated and auto-update (AU) is disabled.
// No details are expected.
// Software incompatibility notifications ----------------------------------
// Sent when Chrome has finished compiling the list of loaded modules (and
// other modules of interest). No details are expected.
// Sent when Chrome is done scanning the module list and when the user has
// acknowledged the module incompatibility. No details are expected.
// Content Settings --------------------------------------------------------
// Sent when the collect cookies dialog is shown. The source is a
// TabSpecificContentSettings object, there are no details.
// Sent when a non-default setting in the the notification content settings
// map has changed. The source is the DesktopNotificationService, the
// details are None.
// Sent when content settings change for a tab. The source is a
// content::WebContents object, the details are None.
// Sync --------------------------------------------------------------------
// The sync service has finished the datatype configuration process. The
// source is the ProfileSyncService object of the Profile. There are no
// details.
// A service is requesting a sync datatype refresh for the current profile.
// The details value is a const syncer::ModelTypeSet.
// If the payload map is empty, it should be treated as an invalidation for
// all enabled types. This is used by session sync.
// External notification requesting a sync datatype refresh for the current
// profile. The details value is a const syncer::ObjectIdInvalidationMap.
// If the payload map is empty, it should be treated as an invalidation for
// all enabled types. This is used for notifications on Android.
// The session service has been saved. This notification type is only sent
// if there were new SessionService commands to save, and not for no-op save
// operations.
// A foreign session has been updated. If a new tab page is open, the
// foreign session handler needs to update the new tab page's foreign
// session data.
// Foreign sessions has been disabled. New tabs should not display foreign
// session data.
// All tab metadata has been loaded from disk asynchronously.
// Sent on the UI thread.
// The source is the Profile. There are no details.
// Cookies -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Sent when a cookie changes. The source is a Profile object, the details
// are a ChromeCookieDetails object.
// Download Notifications --------------------------------------------------
// Sent when a download is initiated. It is possible that the download will
// not actually begin due to the DownloadRequestLimiter cancelling it
// prematurely.
// The source is the corresponding RenderViewHost. There are no details.
// Misc --------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Sent when a chromium os user logs in.
// The details are a chromeos::User object.
// Sent immediately after the logged-in user's profile is ready.
// The details are a Profile object.
// Sent when the chromium session of a particular user is started.
// If this is a new user on the machine this will not be sent until a profile
// picture has been selected, unlike NOTIFICATION_LOGIN_USER_CHANGED which is
// sent immediately after the user has logged in. This will be sent again if
// the browser crashes and restarts.
// The details are a chromeos::User object.
// Sent when user image is updated.
// Sent by UserManager when a profile image download has been completed.
// Sent by UserManager when profile image download has failed or user has the
// default profile image or no profile image at all. No details are expected.
// Sent when a network error message is displayed on the WebUI login screen.
// First paint event of this fires NOTIFICATION_LOGIN_OR_LOCK_WEBUI_VISIBLE.
// Sent when the specific part of login/lock WebUI is considered to be
// visible. That moment is tracked as the first paint event after one of the:
// Possible series of notifications:
// 1. Boot into fresh OOBE
// 2. Boot into user pods list (normal boot). Same for lock screen.
// 3. Boot into GAIA sign in UI (user pods display disabled or no users):
// if no network is connected or flaky network
// 4. Boot into retail mode
// 5. Boot into kiosk mode
// Sent when proxy dialog is closed.
// Send when kiosk auto-launch warning screen is visible.
// Send when kiosk auto-launch warning screen had completed.
// Send when enable consumer kiosk warning screen is visible.
// Send when consumer kiosk has been enabled.
// Send when enable consumer kiosk warning screen had completed.
// Sent when kiosk app list is loaded in UI.
// Sent when a kiosk app is launched.
// Sent when the user list has changed.
// Sent when the screen lock state has changed. The source is
// ScreenLocker and the details is a bool specifing that the
// screen is locked. When details is a false, the source object
// is being deleted, so the receiver shouldn't use the screen locker
// object.
// Sent by DeviceSettingsService to indicate that the ownership status
// changed. If you can, please use DeviceSettingsService::Observer instead.
// Other singleton-based services can't use that because Observer
// unregistration is impossible due to unpredictable deletion order.
#if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS)
// Sent when a bookmark's context menu is shown. Used to notify
// tests that the context menu has been created and shown.
// Notification that the nested loop using during tab dragging has returned.
// Used for testing.
// Send when a context menu is shown. Used to notify tests that the context
// menu has been created and shown.
// Sent when the Instant Controller determines whether an Instant tab supports
// the Instant API or not.
// Sent when the Instant Controller determines whether the NTP supports the
// Instant API or not.
// Sent when the CaptivePortalService checks if we're behind a captive portal.
// The Source is the Profile the CaptivePortalService belongs to, and the
// Details are a Details<CaptivePortalService::CheckResults>.
// Sent when the applications in the NTP app launcher have been reordered.
// The details, if not NoDetails, is the std::string ID of the extension that
// was moved.
// Sent when an app is installed and an NTP has been shown. Source is the
// WebContents that was shown, and Details is the string ID of the extension
// which was installed.
#if defined(USE_ASH)
// Sent when wallpaper show animation has finished.
// Sent when the Ash session has started. In its current incantation this is
// generated when the metro app has connected to the browser IPC channel.
// Used only on Windows.
// Sent when the Ash session ended. Currently this means the metro app exited.
// Used only on Windows.
// Protocol Handler Registry -----------------------------------------------
// Sent when a ProtocolHandlerRegistry is changed. The source is the profile.
// Sent when the browser enters or exits fullscreen mode.
// Sent when the FullscreenController changes, confirms, or denies mouse lock.
// The source is the browser's FullscreenController, no details.
// Sent by the PluginPrefs when there is a change of plugin enable/disable
// status. The source is the profile.
// Panels Notifications. The Panels are small browser windows near the bottom
// of the screen.
// Sent when all nonblocking bounds animations are finished across panels.
// Used only in unit testing.
// Sent when panel gains/loses focus.
// The source is the Panel, no details.
// Used only in unit testing.
// Sent when panel is minimized/restored/shows title only etc.
// The source is the Panel, no details.
// Sent when panel window size is known. This is for platforms where the
// window creation is async and size of the window only becomes known later.
// Used only in unit testing.
// Sent when panel app icon is loaded.
// Used only in unit testing.
// Sent when panel collection get updated.
// The source is the PanelCollection, no details.
// Used only in coordination with notification balloons.
// Sent when panel is closed.
// The source is the Panel, no details.
// Sent when a global error has changed and the error UI should update it
// self. The source is a Source<Profile> containing the profile for the
// error. The detail is a GlobalError object that has changed or NULL if
// all error UIs should update.
// The user accepted or dismissed a SSL client authentication request.
// The source is a Source<net::HttpNetworkSession>. Details is a
// (std::pair<net::SSLCertRequestInfo*, net::X509Certificate*>).
// Note:-
// Currently only Content and Chrome define and use notifications.
// Custom notifications not belonging to Content and Chrome should start
// from here.
} // namespace chrome