blob: 8e3c46665fe82ab46098787e9d0c9556b4a5d01e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
namespace shell_integration {
namespace win {
// Initiates an OS shell flow which (if followed by the user) should set
// Chrome as the default browser. Returns false if the flow cannot be
// initialized, if it is not supported (introduced for Windows 8) or if the
// user cancels the operation. This is a blocking call and requires a FILE
// thread. If Chrome is already default browser, no interactive dialog will be
// shown and this method returns true.
bool SetAsDefaultBrowserUsingIntentPicker();
// Initiates the interaction with the system settings for the default browser.
// The function takes care of making sure |on_finished_callback| will get called
// exactly once when the interaction is finished.
void SetAsDefaultBrowserUsingSystemSettings(
const base::Closure& on_finished_callback);
// Initiates an OS shell flow which (if followed by the user) should set
// Chrome as the default handler for |protocol|. Returns false if the flow
// cannot be initialized, if it is not supported (introduced for Windows 8)
// or if the user cancels the operation. This is a blocking call and requires
// a FILE thread. If Chrome is already default for |protocol|, no interactive
// dialog will be shown and this method returns true.
bool SetAsDefaultProtocolClientUsingIntentPicker(const std::string& protocol);
// Initiates the interaction with the system settings for the default handler of
// |protocol|. The function takes care of making sure |on_finished_callback|
// will get called exactly once when the interaction is finished.
void SetAsDefaultProtocolClientUsingSystemSettings(
const std::string& protocol,
const base::Closure& on_finished_callback);
// Generates an application user model ID (AppUserModelId) for a given app
// name and profile path. The returned app id is in the format of
// "|app_name|[.<profile_id>]". "profile_id" is appended when user override
// the default value.
// Note: If the app has an installation specific suffix (e.g. on user-level
// Chrome installs), |app_name| should already be suffixed, this method will
// then further suffix it with the profile id as described above.
base::string16 GetAppModelIdForProfile(const base::string16& app_name,
const base::FilePath& profile_path);
// Generates an application user model ID (AppUserModelId) for Chromium by
// calling GetAppModelIdForProfile() with ShellUtil::GetAppId() as app_name.
base::string16 GetChromiumModelIdForProfile(const base::FilePath& profile_path);
// Returns the taskbar pin state of Chrome via the IsPinnedToTaskbarCallback.
// The first bool is true if the state could be calculated, and the second bool
// is true if Chrome is pinned to the taskbar.
// The ConnectionErrorCallback is called instead if something wrong happened
// with the connection to the remote process.
using ConnectionErrorCallback = base::Closure;
using IsPinnedToTaskbarCallback = base::Callback<void(bool, bool)>;
void GetIsPinnedToTaskbarState(
const ConnectionErrorCallback& on_error_callback,
const IsPinnedToTaskbarCallback& result_callback);
// Migrates existing chrome taskbar pins by tagging them with correct app id.
// see
void MigrateTaskbarPins();
// Migrates all shortcuts in |path| which point to |chrome_exe| such that they
// have the appropriate AppUserModelId. Also clears the legacy dual_mode
// property from shortcuts with the default chrome app id.
// Returns the number of shortcuts migrated.
// This method should not be called prior to Windows 7.
// This method is only public for the sake of tests and shouldn't be called
// externally otherwise.
int MigrateShortcutsInPathInternal(const base::FilePath& chrome_exe,
const base::FilePath& path);
// Returns the path to the Start Menu shortcut for the given Chrome.
base::FilePath GetStartMenuShortcut(const base::FilePath& chrome_exe);
} // namespace win
} // namespace shell_integration