blob: 2e84ee93238529cc2f928e714a7fdf539213cf7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "components/storage_monitor/removable_storage_observer.h"
class Profile;
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
namespace extensions {
class Extension;
class ExtensionPrefs;
namespace user_prefs {
class PrefRegistrySyncable;
typedef uint64 MediaGalleryPrefId;
const MediaGalleryPrefId kInvalidMediaGalleryPrefId = 0;
const char kMediaGalleriesPrefsVersionKey[] = "preferencesVersion";
const char kMediaGalleriesDefaultGalleryTypeKey[] = "defaultGalleryType";
struct MediaGalleryPermission {
MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id;
bool has_permission;
struct MediaGalleryPrefInfo {
enum Type {
kUserAdded, // Explicitly added by the user.
kAutoDetected, // Auto added to the list of galleries.
kBlackListed, // Auto added but then removed by the user.
kScanResult, // Discovered by a disk scan.
kRemovedScan, // Discovered by a disk scan but then removed by the user.
enum DefaultGalleryType {
kNotDefault, // Normal gallery
// The absolute path of the gallery.
base::FilePath AbsolutePath() const;
// True if the gallery should not be displayed to the user
// i.e. kBlackListed || kRemovedScan.
bool IsBlackListedType() const;
// The ID that identifies this gallery in this Profile.
MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id;
// The user-visible name of this gallery.
base::string16 display_name;
// A string which uniquely and persistently identifies the device that the
// gallery lives on.
std::string device_id;
// The root of the gallery, relative to the root of the device.
base::FilePath path;
// The type of gallery.
Type type;
// The volume label of the volume/device on which the gallery
// resides. Empty if there is no such label or it is unknown.
base::string16 volume_label;
// Vendor name for the volume/device on which the gallery is located.
// Will be empty if unknown.
base::string16 vendor_name;
// Model name for the volume/device on which the gallery is located.
// Will be empty if unknown.
base::string16 model_name;
// The capacity in bytes of the volume/device on which the gallery is
// located. Will be zero if unknown.
uint64 total_size_in_bytes;
// If the gallery is on a removable device, the time that device was last
// attached. It is stored in preferences by the base::Time internal value,
// which is microseconds since the epoch.
base::Time last_attach_time;
// Set to true if the volume metadata fields (volume_label, vendor_name,
// model_name, total_size_in_bytes) were set. False if these fields were
// never written.
bool volume_metadata_valid;
// The following fields are populated with the audio, image, and video file
// counts from the last scan. For files where it is hard to determine the
// exact type, the file should be counted in all possible counts.
int audio_count;
int image_count;
int video_count;
// Which default gallery this corresponds to (or not default at all).
DefaultGalleryType default_gallery_type;
// 0 if the display_name is set externally and always used for display.
// 1 if the display_name is only set externally when it is overriding
// the name constructed from volume metadata.
// 2 if the display_name is set in a consistent manner that has resolved
// the issues in earlier versions.
// 3 if the default_gallery_type is set (new field for this version).
int prefs_version;
// Called by views to provide details for the gallery permission entries.
base::string16 GetGalleryDisplayName() const;
base::string16 GetGalleryTooltip() const;
base::string16 GetGalleryAdditionalDetails() const;
// Returns true if the gallery is currently a removable device gallery which
// is now attached, or a fixed storage gallery.
bool IsGalleryAvailable() const;
typedef std::map<MediaGalleryPrefId, MediaGalleryPrefInfo>
typedef std::set<MediaGalleryPrefId> MediaGalleryPrefIdSet;
// A class to manage the media gallery preferences. There is one instance per
// user profile. This class lives on the UI thread.
class MediaGalleriesPreferences
: public KeyedService,
public storage_monitor::RemovableStorageObserver {
class GalleryChangeObserver {
// |extension_id| specifies the extension affected by this change.
// |pref_id| refers to the gallery.
virtual void OnPermissionAdded(MediaGalleriesPreferences* pref,
const std::string& extension_id,
MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id) {}
virtual void OnPermissionRemoved(MediaGalleriesPreferences* pref,
const std::string& extension_id,
MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id) {}
virtual void OnGalleryAdded(MediaGalleriesPreferences* pref,
MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id) {}
virtual void OnGalleryRemoved(MediaGalleriesPreferences* pref,
MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id) {}
virtual void OnGalleryInfoUpdated(MediaGalleriesPreferences* pref,
MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id) {}
virtual ~GalleryChangeObserver();
explicit MediaGalleriesPreferences(Profile* profile);
virtual ~MediaGalleriesPreferences();
// Ensures that the preferences is initialized. The provided callback, if
// non-null, will be called when initialization is complete. If initialization
// has already completed, this callback will be invoked in the calling stack.
// Before the callback is run, other calls may not return the correct results.
// Should be invoked on the UI thread; callbacks will be run on the UI thread.
// This call also ensures that the StorageMonitor is initialized.
// Note for unit tests: This requires an active FILE thread and
// EnsureMediaDirectoriesExists instance to complete reliably.
void EnsureInitialized(base::Closure callback);
// Return true if the storage monitor has already been initialized.
bool IsInitialized() const;
Profile* profile();
void AddGalleryChangeObserver(GalleryChangeObserver* observer);
void RemoveGalleryChangeObserver(GalleryChangeObserver* observer);
// RemovableStorageObserver implementation.
virtual void OnRemovableStorageAttached(
const storage_monitor::StorageInfo& info) OVERRIDE;
// Lookup a media gallery and fill in information about it and return true if
// it exists. Return false if it does not, filling in default information.
bool LookUpGalleryByPath(const base::FilePath& path,
MediaGalleryPrefInfo* gallery) const;
MediaGalleryPrefIdSet LookUpGalleriesByDeviceId(
const std::string& device_id) const;
// Returns the absolute file path of the gallery specified by the
// |gallery_id|. Returns an empty file path if the |gallery_id| is invalid.
// Set |include_unpermitted_galleries| to true to get the file path of the
// gallery to which this |extension| has no access permission.
// TODO(tommycli): Remove this function after Media Galleries API Private
// is transitioned over to public. Also, the body of the function wrong.
// It just returns the absolute path to the device, not the gallery.
base::FilePath LookUpGalleryPathForExtension(
MediaGalleryPrefId gallery_id,
const extensions::Extension* extension,
bool include_unpermitted_galleries);
// Teaches the registry about a new gallery. If the gallery is in a
// blacklisted state, it is unblacklisted. |type| should not be a blacklisted
// type. Returns the gallery's pref id.
MediaGalleryPrefId AddGallery(const std::string& device_id,
const base::FilePath& relative_path,
MediaGalleryPrefInfo::Type type,
const base::string16& volume_label,
const base::string16& vendor_name,
const base::string16& model_name,
uint64 total_size_in_bytes,
base::Time last_attach_time,
int audio_count,
int image_count,
int video_count);
// Teach the registry about a gallery simply from the path. If the gallery is
// in a blacklisted state, it is unblacklisted. |type| should not be a
// blacklisted type. Returns the gallery's pref id.
MediaGalleryPrefId AddGalleryByPath(const base::FilePath& path,
MediaGalleryPrefInfo::Type type);
// Logically removes the gallery identified by |id| from the store. For
// auto added or scan result galleries, this means moving them into a
// blacklisted state, otherwise they may come back when they are detected
// again.
void ForgetGalleryById(MediaGalleryPrefId id);
// Remove the gallery identified by |id| from the store entirely. If it is an
// auto added or scan result gallery, it could get added again when the
// location is noticed again.
void EraseGalleryById(MediaGalleryPrefId id);
// Returns true if some extension has permission for |id|, which may not be
// an auto detected type.
bool NonAutoGalleryHasPermission(MediaGalleryPrefId id) const;
MediaGalleryPrefIdSet GalleriesForExtension(
const extensions::Extension& extension);
// Returns true if the permission changed. Returns false if there was
// no change.
bool SetGalleryPermissionForExtension(const extensions::Extension& extension,
MediaGalleryPrefId pref_id,
bool has_permission);
const MediaGalleriesPrefInfoMap& known_galleries() const;
// These keep track of when we last successfully completed a media scan.
// This is used to provide cached results when appropriate.
base::Time GetLastScanCompletionTime() const;
void SetLastScanCompletionTime(const base::Time& time);
// KeyedService implementation:
virtual void Shutdown() OVERRIDE;
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);
// Returns true if the media gallery preferences system has ever been used
// for this profile. To be exact, it checks if a gallery has ever been added
// (including defaults).
static bool APIHasBeenUsed(Profile* profile);
friend class MediaGalleriesPreferencesTest;
friend class MediaGalleriesPermissionsTest;
typedef std::map<std::string /*device id*/, MediaGalleryPrefIdSet>
// These must be called on the UI thread.
void OnInitializationCallbackReturned();
void FinishInitialization();
// Populates the default galleries. Call only on fresh profiles.
void AddDefaultGalleries();
// This is a hack - Some devices (iTunes, Picasa) are singletons in that only
// one instance of that type is supported at a time. As such, the device id
// should just be "itunes:" or "picasa:" but that would mean finding the
// location of the database file multiple times, which may be an async
// operation. Storing the location of the backing database in the device
// id allows that look up to be avoided. However, the cost is that if the
// database moves, the device id in preferences has to be updated. This
// method searches for a gallery of the type passed in and updates its
// device id. It returns true if the device id is up to date.
bool UpdateDeviceIDForSingletonType(const std::string& device_id);
void OnStorageMonitorInit(bool api_has_been_used);
// Handle an iPhoto, iTunes, or Picasa finder returning a device ID to us.
void OnFinderDeviceID(const std::string& device_id);
// Builds |known_galleries_| from the persistent store.
void InitFromPrefs();
// Adds a new gallery with the given parameters, or updates in-place an
// existing gallery with the given device_id if one exists.
// TODO(orenb): Simplify this and reduce the number of parameters.
MediaGalleryPrefId AddOrUpdateGalleryInternal(
const std::string& device_id,
const base::string16& display_name,
const base::FilePath& relative_path,
MediaGalleryPrefInfo::Type type,
const base::string16& volume_label,
const base::string16& vendor_name,
const base::string16& model_name,
uint64 total_size_in_bytes,
base::Time last_attach_time,
bool volume_metadata_valid,
int audio_count,
int image_count,
int video_count,
int prefs_version,
MediaGalleryPrefInfo::DefaultGalleryType default_gallery_type);
void EraseOrBlacklistGalleryById(MediaGalleryPrefId id, bool erase);
// Updates the default galleries: finds the previously default galleries
// and updates their device IDs (i.e., their paths) inplace if they have
// changed.
void UpdateDefaultGalleriesPaths();
// Sets permission for the media galleries identified by |gallery_id| for the
// extension in the given |prefs|. Returns true only if anything changed.
bool SetGalleryPermissionInPrefs(const std::string& extension_id,
MediaGalleryPrefId gallery_id,
bool has_access);
// Removes the entry for the media galleries permissions identified by
// |gallery_id| for the extension in the given |prefs|.
// Returns true only if anything changed.
bool UnsetGalleryPermissionInPrefs(const std::string& extension_id,
MediaGalleryPrefId gallery_id);
// Return all media gallery permissions for the extension in the given
// |prefs|.
std::vector<MediaGalleryPermission> GetGalleryPermissionsFromPrefs(
const std::string& extension_id) const;
// Remove all the media gallery permissions in |prefs| for the gallery
// specified by |gallery_id|.
void RemoveGalleryPermissionsFromPrefs(MediaGalleryPrefId gallery_id);
// Get the ExtensionPrefs to use; this will be either the ExtensionPrefs
// object associated with |profile_|, or extension_prefs_for_testing_, if
// SetExtensionPrefsForTesting() has been called.
extensions::ExtensionPrefs* GetExtensionPrefs() const;
// Set the ExtensionPrefs object to be returned by GetExtensionPrefs().
void SetExtensionPrefsForTesting(extensions::ExtensionPrefs* extension_prefs);
bool initialized_;
std::vector<base::Closure> on_initialize_callbacks_;
int pre_initialization_callbacks_waiting_;
// The profile that owns |this|.
Profile* profile_;
// The ExtensionPrefs used in a testing environment, where KeyedServices
// aren't used. This will be NULL unless it is set with
// SetExtensionPrefsForTesting().
extensions::ExtensionPrefs* extension_prefs_for_testing_;
// An in-memory cache of known galleries.
MediaGalleriesPrefInfoMap known_galleries_;
// A mapping from device id to the set of gallery pref ids on that device.
// All pref ids in |device_map_| are also in |known_galleries_|.
DeviceIdPrefIdsMap device_map_;
ObserverList<GalleryChangeObserver> gallery_change_observers_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<MediaGalleriesPreferences> weak_factory_;