blob: 998dc491727f69b0a8d3e8b3f73e8930dc644d1f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/geofencing_types.h"
namespace base {
template <typename T>
struct DefaultSingletonTraits;
namespace blink {
struct WebCircularGeofencingRegion;
namespace content {
class GeofencingProvider;
class GeofencingRegistrationDelegate;
// This interface exists primarily to facilitate testing of classes that depend
// on GeofencingService. It defines the interface exposed by
// |GeofencingService|.
class GeofencingService {
virtual ~GeofencingService() {}
// Returns if a geofencing service is available.
virtual bool IsServiceAvailable() = 0;
// Register a region. This returns a unique registration ID, and
// asynchronously calls the |delegate|s RegistrationFinished method to
// inform the delegate of the result of the attempt to register the region.
// This does not transfer ownership of the |delegate|. Callers have to ensure
// that the delegate remains valid as long as the region is registered.
virtual int64 RegisterRegion(const blink::WebCircularGeofencingRegion& region,
GeofencingRegistrationDelegate* delegate) = 0;
// Unregister a region. This is assumed to always succeed. It is safe to call
// this even if a registration is still in progress.
virtual void UnregisterRegion(int64 geofencing_registration_id) = 0;
// This class combines all the geofence registrations from the various per
// storage partition |GeofencingManager| instances, and registers a subset
// of those fences with an underlying platform specific |GeofencingProvider|.
// TODO(mek): Limit the number of geofences that are registered with the
// underlying GeofencingProvider.
class CONTENT_EXPORT GeofencingServiceImpl
: NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public GeofencingService) {
// Gets a pointer to the singleton instance of the geofencing service. This
// must only be called on the IO thread so that the GeofencingService is
// always instantiated on the same thread. Ownership is NOT returned.
static GeofencingServiceImpl* GetInstance();
// GeofencingServiceInterface implementation.
bool IsServiceAvailable() override;
int64 RegisterRegion(
const blink::WebCircularGeofencingRegion& region,
GeofencingRegistrationDelegate* delegate) override;
void UnregisterRegion(int64 geofencing_registration_id) override;
friend class GeofencingServiceTest;
friend struct base::DefaultSingletonTraits<GeofencingServiceImpl>;
~GeofencingServiceImpl() override;
void SetProviderForTesting(scoped_ptr<GeofencingProvider> provider);
int RegistrationCountForTesting();
struct Registration;
typedef std::map<int64, Registration> RegistrationsMap;
// This method checks if a |GeofencingProvider| exists, creates a new one if
// not, and finally returns false if it can't create a provider for the
// current platform.
bool EnsureProvider();
// Returns a new unique ID to use for the next geofence registration.
int64 GetNextId();
// Notifies the correct delegate that registration has completed for a
// specific geofence registration.
void NotifyRegistrationFinished(int64 geofencing_registration_id,
GeofencingStatus status);
int64 next_registration_id_;
RegistrationsMap registrations_;
scoped_ptr<GeofencingProvider> provider_;
} // namespace content