blob: 7e087e492a0e577c43e9330e021de4adc8b337f8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Gives a picture of the network activity between timestamps."""
import bisect
import collections
import itertools
import operator
class NetworkActivityLens(object):
"""Reconstructs the network activity during a trace.
The {uploaded,downloaded}_bytes_timeline timelines are:
([timestamp_msec], [value_at_timestamp]). Bytes are counted when a
network event completes.
The rate timelines are:
([timestamp_msec], [rate]), where the rate is computed over the time
period ending at timestamp_msec.
For all the timelines, the list of timestamps are identical.
def __init__(self, trace):
"""Initializes a NetworkActivityLens instance.
trace: (LoadingTrace)
self._trace = trace
self._start_end_times = []
self._active_events_list = []
self._uploaded_bytes_timeline = []
self._downloaded_bytes_timeline = []
self._upload_rate_timeline = []
self._download_rate_timeline = []
self._total_downloaded_bytes = 0
requests = trace.request_track.GetEvents()
self._network_events = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
NetworkEvent.EventsFromRequest(request) for request in requests))
def uploaded_bytes_timeline(self): # (timestamps, data)
return (self._start_end_times, self._uploaded_bytes_timeline)
def downloaded_bytes_timeline(self):
return (self._start_end_times, self._downloaded_bytes_timeline)
def upload_rate_timeline(self):
return (self._start_end_times, self._upload_rate_timeline)
def download_rate_timeline(self):
return (self._start_end_times, self._download_rate_timeline)
def total_download_bytes(self):
return self._total_downloaded_bytes
def DownloadedBytesAt(self, time_msec):
"""Return the the downloaded bytes at a given timestamp.
time_msec: a timestamp, in the same scale as the timelines.
The total bytes downloaded up until the time period ending at time_msec.
# We just do a linear cumulative sum. Currently this is only called a couple
# of times, so making an indexed cumulative sum does not seem to be worth
# the bother.
total_bytes = 0
previous_msec = self.downloaded_bytes_timeline[0][0]
for msec, nbytes in zip(*self.downloaded_bytes_timeline):
if msec < time_msec:
total_bytes += nbytes
previous_msec = msec
if time_msec > previous_msec:
fraction_of_chunk = ((time_msec - previous_msec)
/ (msec - previous_msec))
total_bytes += float(nbytes) * fraction_of_chunk
return total_bytes
def _IndexEvents(self):
start_end_times_set = set()
for event in self._network_events:
self._start_end_times = sorted(list(start_end_times_set))
self._active_events_list = [[] for _ in self._start_end_times]
for event in self._network_events:
start_index = bisect.bisect_right(
self._start_end_times, event.start_msec) - 1
end_index = bisect.bisect_right(
self._start_end_times, event.end_msec)
for index in range(start_index, end_index):
def _CreateTimelines(self):
for (index, timestamp) in enumerate(self._start_end_times):
upload_rate = sum(
e.UploadRate() for e in self._active_events_list[index]
if timestamp != e.end_msec)
download_rate = sum(
e.DownloadRate() for e in self._active_events_list[index]
if timestamp != e.end_msec)
uploaded_bytes = sum(
e.UploadedBytes() for e in self._active_events_list[index]
if timestamp == e.end_msec)
downloaded_bytes = sum(
e.DownloadedBytes() for e in self._active_events_list[index]
if timestamp == e.end_msec)
self._total_downloaded_bytes += downloaded_bytes
class NetworkEvent(object):
"""Represents a network event."""
KINDS = set(
('dns', 'connect', 'send', 'receive_headers', 'receive_body'))
def __init__(self, request, kind, start_msec, end_msec, chunk_index=None):
"""Creates a NetworkEvent."""
self._request = request
self._kind = kind
self.start_msec = start_msec
self.end_msec = end_msec
self._chunk_index = chunk_index
def _GetStartEndOffsetsMsec(cls, request, kind, index=None):
start_offset, end_offset = (0, 0)
r = request
if kind == 'dns':
start_offset = r.timing.dns_start
end_offset = r.timing.dns_end
elif kind == 'connect':
start_offset = r.timing.connect_start
end_offset = r.timing.connect_end
elif kind == 'send':
start_offset = r.timing.send_start
end_offset = r.timing.send_end
elif kind == 'receive_headers': # There is no responseReceived timing.
start_offset = r.timing.send_end
end_offset = r.timing.receive_headers_end
elif kind == 'receive_body':
if index is None:
start_offset = r.timing.receive_headers_end
end_offset = r.timing.loading_finished
# Some chunks can correspond to no data.
i = index - 1
while i >= 0:
(offset, size) = r.data_chunks[i]
if size != 0:
previous_chunk_start = offset
i -= 1
previous_chunk_start = r.timing.receive_headers_end
start_offset = previous_chunk_start
end_offset = r.data_chunks[index][0]
return (start_offset, end_offset)
def EventsFromRequest(cls, request):
# TODO(lizeb): This ignore forced revalidations.
if (request.from_disk_cache or request.served_from_cache
or request.IsDataRequest()):
return []
events = []
for kind in cls.KINDS - set(['receive_body']):
event = cls._EventWithKindFromRequest(request, kind)
if event:
kind = 'receive_body'
if request.data_chunks:
for (index, chunk) in enumerate(request.data_chunks):
if chunk[0] != 0:
event = cls._EventWithKindFromRequest(request, kind, index)
if event:
event = cls._EventWithKindFromRequest(request, kind, None)
if event:
return events
def _EventWithKindFromRequest(cls, request, kind, index=None):
(start_offset, end_offset) = cls._GetStartEndOffsetsMsec(
request, kind, index)
event = cls(request, kind, request.start_msec + start_offset,
request.start_msec + end_offset, index)
if start_offset == -1 or end_offset == -1:
return None
return event
def UploadedBytes(self):
"""Returns the number of bytes uploaded during this event."""
if self._kind not in ('send'):
return 0
# Headers are not compressed (ignoring SPDY / HTTP/2)
if not self._request.request_headers:
return 0
return sum(len(k) + len(str(v)) for (k, v)
in self._request.request_headers.items())
def DownloadedBytes(self):
"""Returns the number of bytes downloaded during this event."""
if self._kind not in ('receive_headers', 'receive_body'):
return 0
if self._kind == 'receive_headers':
return sum(len(k) + len(str(v)) for (k, v)
in self._request.response_headers.items())
if self._chunk_index is None:
return self._request.encoded_data_length
return self._request.data_chunks[self._chunk_index][1]
def UploadRate(self):
"""Returns the upload rate of this event in Bytes / s."""
return 1000 * self.UploadedBytes() / float(self.end_msec - self.start_msec)
def DownloadRate(self):
"""Returns the download rate of this event in Bytes / s."""
downloaded_bytes = self.DownloadedBytes()
value = 1000 * downloaded_bytes / float(self.end_msec - self.start_msec)
return value