blob: 0d4ccf29becf11270a6835d5409b9d5b28e32e8b [file] [log] [blame]
# Authors:
# Trevor Perrin
# Dave Baggett (Arcode Corporation) - cleanup handling of constants
# See the LICENSE file for legal information regarding use of this file.
"""Class for setting handshake parameters."""
from .constants import CertificateType
from .utils import cryptomath
from .utils import cipherfactory
# RC4 is preferred as faster in Python, works in SSL3, and immune to CBC
# issues such as timing attacks
CIPHER_NAMES = ["rc4", "aes256", "aes128", "3des"]
MAC_NAMES = ["sha"] # Don't allow "md5" by default.
ALL_MAC_NAMES = ["sha", "md5"]
KEY_EXCHANGE_NAMES = ["rsa", "dhe_rsa", "srp_sha", "srp_sha_rsa", "dh_anon"]
CIPHER_IMPLEMENTATIONS = ["openssl", "pycrypto", "python"]
TLS_INTOLERANCE_TYPES = ["alert", "close", "reset"]
class HandshakeSettings(object):
"""This class encapsulates various parameters that can be used with
a TLS handshake.
@sort: minKeySize, maxKeySize, cipherNames, macNames, certificateTypes,
minVersion, maxVersion
@type minKeySize: int
@ivar minKeySize: The minimum bit length for asymmetric keys.
If the other party tries to use SRP, RSA, or Diffie-Hellman
parameters smaller than this length, an alert will be
signalled. The default is 1023.
@type maxKeySize: int
@ivar maxKeySize: The maximum bit length for asymmetric keys.
If the other party tries to use SRP, RSA, or Diffie-Hellman
parameters larger than this length, an alert will be signalled.
The default is 8193.
@type cipherNames: list
@ivar cipherNames: The allowed ciphers, in order of preference.
The allowed values in this list are 'aes256', 'aes128', '3des', and
'rc4'. If these settings are used with a client handshake, they
determine the order of the ciphersuites offered in the ClientHello
If these settings are used with a server handshake, the server will
choose whichever ciphersuite matches the earliest entry in this
NOTE: If '3des' is used in this list, but TLS Lite can't find an
add-on library that supports 3DES, then '3des' will be silently
The default value is ['rc4', 'aes256', 'aes128', '3des'].
@type macNames: list
@ivar macNames: The allowed MAC algorithms.
The allowed values in this list are 'sha' and 'md5'.
The default value is ['sha'].
@type certificateTypes: list
@ivar certificateTypes: The allowed certificate types, in order of
The only allowed certificate type is 'x509'. This list is only used with a
client handshake. The client will advertise to the server which certificate
types are supported, and will check that the server uses one of the
appropriate types.
@type minVersion: tuple
@ivar minVersion: The minimum allowed SSL/TLS version.
This variable can be set to (3,0) for SSL 3.0, (3,1) for
TLS 1.0, or (3,2) for TLS 1.1. If the other party wishes to
use a lower version, a protocol_version alert will be signalled.
The default is (3,0).
@type maxVersion: tuple
@ivar maxVersion: The maximum allowed SSL/TLS version.
This variable can be set to (3,0) for SSL 3.0, (3,1) for
TLS 1.0, or (3,2) for TLS 1.1. If the other party wishes to
use a higher version, a protocol_version alert will be signalled.
The default is (3,2). (WARNING: Some servers may (improperly)
reject clients which offer support for TLS 1.1. In this case,
try lowering maxVersion to (3,1)).
@type tlsIntolerant: tuple
@ivar tlsIntolerant: The TLS ClientHello version which the server
simulates intolerance of.
If tlsIntolerant is not None, the server will simulate TLS version
intolerance by aborting the handshake in response to all TLS versions
tlsIntolerant or higher.
@type tlsIntoleranceType: str
@ivar tlsIntoleranceType: How the server should react when simulating TLS
The allowed values are "alert" (return a fatal handshake_failure alert),
"close" (abruptly close the connection), and "reset" (send a TCP reset).
@type useExperimentalTackExtension: bool
@ivar useExperimentalTackExtension: Whether to enabled TACK support.
Note that TACK support is not standardized by IETF and uses a temporary
TLS Extension number, so should NOT be used in production software.
def __init__(self):
self.minKeySize = 1023
self.maxKeySize = 8193
self.cipherNames = CIPHER_NAMES
self.macNames = MAC_NAMES
self.keyExchangeNames = KEY_EXCHANGE_NAMES
self.cipherImplementations = CIPHER_IMPLEMENTATIONS
self.certificateTypes = CERTIFICATE_TYPES
self.minVersion = (3,0)
self.maxVersion = (3,2)
self.tlsIntolerant = None
self.tlsIntoleranceType = 'alert'
self.useExperimentalTackExtension = False
# Validates the min/max fields, and certificateTypes
# Filters out unsupported cipherNames and cipherImplementations
def _filter(self):
other = HandshakeSettings()
other.minKeySize = self.minKeySize
other.maxKeySize = self.maxKeySize
other.cipherNames = self.cipherNames
other.macNames = self.macNames
other.keyExchangeNames = self.keyExchangeNames
other.cipherImplementations = self.cipherImplementations
other.certificateTypes = self.certificateTypes
other.minVersion = self.minVersion
other.maxVersion = self.maxVersion
other.tlsIntolerant = self.tlsIntolerant
other.tlsIntoleranceType = self.tlsIntoleranceType
if not cipherfactory.tripleDESPresent:
other.cipherNames = [e for e in self.cipherNames if e != "3des"]
if len(other.cipherNames)==0:
raise ValueError("No supported ciphers")
if len(other.certificateTypes)==0:
raise ValueError("No supported certificate types")
if not cryptomath.m2cryptoLoaded:
other.cipherImplementations = \
[e for e in other.cipherImplementations if e != "openssl"]
if not cryptomath.pycryptoLoaded:
other.cipherImplementations = \
[e for e in other.cipherImplementations if e != "pycrypto"]
if len(other.cipherImplementations)==0:
raise ValueError("No supported cipher implementations")
if other.minKeySize<512:
raise ValueError("minKeySize too small")
if other.minKeySize>16384:
raise ValueError("minKeySize too large")
if other.maxKeySize<512:
raise ValueError("maxKeySize too small")
if other.maxKeySize>16384:
raise ValueError("maxKeySize too large")
for s in other.cipherNames:
if s not in CIPHER_NAMES:
raise ValueError("Unknown cipher name: '%s'" % s)
for s in other.macNames:
if s not in ALL_MAC_NAMES:
raise ValueError("Unknown MAC name: '%s'" % s)
for s in other.keyExchangeNames:
raise ValueError("Unknown key exchange name: '%s'" % s)
for s in other.cipherImplementations:
raise ValueError("Unknown cipher implementation: '%s'" % s)
for s in other.certificateTypes:
raise ValueError("Unknown certificate type: '%s'" % s)
if other.tlsIntoleranceType not in TLS_INTOLERANCE_TYPES:
raise ValueError(
"Unknown TLS intolerance type: '%s'" % other.tlsIntoleranceType)
if other.minVersion > other.maxVersion:
raise ValueError("Versions set incorrectly")
if not other.minVersion in ((3,0), (3,1), (3,2)):
raise ValueError("minVersion set incorrectly")
if not other.maxVersion in ((3,0), (3,1), (3,2)):
raise ValueError("maxVersion set incorrectly")
return other
def _getCertificateTypes(self):
l = []
for ct in self.certificateTypes:
if ct == "x509":
raise AssertionError()
return l