blob: 52386eb9e3954b17863ce2844474f544ffd6f4b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/memory_pressure_listener.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/signin/core/browser/gaia_cookie_manager_service.h"
#include "components/sync/base/experiments.h"
#include "components/sync/base/model_type.h"
#include "components/sync/base/sync_prefs.h"
#include "components/sync/base/unrecoverable_error_handler.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/data_type_controller.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/data_type_manager.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/data_type_manager_observer.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/data_type_status_table.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/startup_controller.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/sync_client.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/sync_service.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/sync_service_crypto.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/sync_stopped_reporter.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/events/protocol_event_observer.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/model_safe_worker.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/net/network_time_update_callback.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/shutdown_reason.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/sync_engine.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/sync_engine_host.h"
#include "components/sync/js/sync_js_controller.h"
#include "components/sync/model/model_type_store.h"
#include "components/version_info/version_info.h"
#include "google_apis/gaia/google_service_auth_error.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class SigninManagerWrapper;
namespace base {
class MessageLoop;
namespace network {
class SharedURLLoaderFactory;
} // namespace network
namespace sync_sessions {
class AbstractSessionsSyncManager;
class FaviconCache;
class OpenTabsUIDelegate;
} // namespace sync_sessions
namespace syncer {
class BackendMigrator;
class BaseTransaction;
class DeviceInfoSyncBridge;
class DeviceInfoTracker;
class LocalDeviceInfoProvider;
class ModelTypeControllerDelegate;
class NetworkResources;
class SyncableService;
class SyncErrorController;
class SyncTypePreferenceProvider;
class TypeDebugInfoObserver;
struct CommitCounters;
struct StatusCounters;
struct UpdateCounters;
struct UserShare;
} // namespace syncer
namespace browser_sync {
class SyncAuthManager;
// ProfileSyncService is the layer between browser subsystems like bookmarks,
// and the sync engine. Each subsystem is logically thought of as being a sync
// datatype. Individual datatypes can, at any point, be in a variety of stages
// of being "enabled". Here are some specific terms for concepts used in this
// class:
// 'Registered' (feature suppression for a datatype)
// When a datatype is registered, the user has the option of syncing it.
// The sync opt-in UI will show only registered types; a checkbox should
// never be shown for an unregistered type, nor can it ever be synced.
// 'Preferred' (user preferences and opt-out for a datatype)
// This means the user's opt-in or opt-out preference on a per-datatype
// basis. The sync service will try to make active exactly these types.
// If a user has opted out of syncing a particular datatype, it will
// be registered, but not preferred.
// This state is controlled by OnUserChoseDatatypes and
// GetPreferredDataTypes. They are stored in the preferences system,
// and persist; though if a datatype is not registered, it cannot
// be a preferred datatype.
// 'Active' (run-time initialization of sync system for a datatype)
// An active datatype is a preferred datatype that is actively being
// synchronized: the syncer has been instructed to querying the server
// for this datatype, first-time merges have finished, and there is an
// actively installed ChangeProcessor that listens for changes to this
// datatype, propagating such changes into and out of the sync engine
// as necessary.
// When a datatype is in the process of becoming active, it may be
// in some intermediate state. Those finer-grained intermediate states
// are differentiated by the DataTypeController state.
// Sync Configuration:
// Sync configuration is accomplished via the following APIs:
// * OnUserChoseDatatypes(): Set the data types the user wants to sync.
// * SetDecryptionPassphrase(): Attempt to decrypt the user's encrypted data
// using the passed passphrase.
// * SetEncryptionPassphrase(): Re-encrypt the user's data using the passed
// passphrase.
// Additionally, the current sync configuration can be fetched by calling
// * GetRegisteredDataTypes()
// * GetPreferredDataTypes()
// * GetActiveDataTypes()
// * IsUsingSecondaryPassphrase()
// * IsEncryptEverythingEnabled()
// * IsPassphraseRequired()/IsPassphraseRequiredForDecryption()
// The "sync everything" state cannot be read from ProfileSyncService, but
// is instead pulled from SyncPrefs.HasKeepEverythingSynced().
// Initial sync setup:
// For privacy reasons, it is usually desirable to avoid syncing any data
// types until the user has finished setting up sync. There are two APIs
// that control the initial sync download:
// * SetFirstSetupComplete()
// * GetSetupInProgressHandle()
// SetFirstSetupComplete() should be called once the user has finished setting
// up sync at least once on their account. GetSetupInProgressHandle() should
// be called while the user is actively configuring their account. The handle
// should be deleted once configuration is complete.
// Once first setup has completed and there are no outstanding
// setup-in-progress handles, CanConfigureDataTypes() will return true and
// datatype configuration can begin.
class ProfileSyncService : public syncer::SyncService,
public syncer::SyncEngineHost,
public syncer::SyncPrefObserver,
public syncer::DataTypeManagerObserver,
public syncer::UnrecoverableErrorHandler,
public GaiaCookieManagerService::Observer {
using PlatformSyncAllowedProvider = base::RepeatingCallback<bool()>;
using SigninScopedDeviceIdCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<std::string()>;
// NOTE: Used in a UMA histogram, do not reorder etc.
enum SyncEventCodes {
// Events starting the sync service.
// Events regarding cancellation of the signon process of sync.
CANCEL_DURING_CONFIGURE = 12, // Cancelled before choosing data types and
// clicking OK.
// Events resulting in the stoppage of sync service.
STOP_FROM_OPTIONS = 20, // Sync was stopped from Wrench->Options.
// If AUTO_START, sync will set IsFirstSetupComplete() automatically and sync
// will begin syncing without the user needing to confirm sync settings.
enum StartBehavior {
// Bundles the arguments for ProfileSyncService construction. This is a
// movable struct. Because of the non-POD data members, it needs out-of-line
// constructors, so in particular the move constructor needs to be
// explicitly defined.
struct InitParams {
InitParams(InitParams&& other);
std::unique_ptr<syncer::SyncClient> sync_client;
std::unique_ptr<SigninManagerWrapper> signin_wrapper;
SigninScopedDeviceIdCallback signin_scoped_device_id_callback;
GaiaCookieManagerService* gaia_cookie_manager_service = nullptr;
StartBehavior start_behavior = MANUAL_START;
syncer::NetworkTimeUpdateCallback network_time_update_callback;
base::FilePath base_directory;
scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter> url_request_context;
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory;
std::string debug_identifier;
version_info::Channel channel = version_info::Channel::UNKNOWN;
syncer::RepeatingModelTypeStoreFactory model_type_store_factory;
bool user_events_separate_pref_group = false;
explicit ProfileSyncService(InitParams init_params);
~ProfileSyncService() override;
// Initializes the object. This must be called at most once, and
// immediately after an object of this class is constructed.
void Initialize();
// syncer::SyncService implementation
int GetDisableReasons() const override;
State GetState() const override;
bool IsFirstSetupComplete() const override;
bool IsSyncActive() const override;
bool IsLocalSyncEnabled() const override;
void TriggerRefresh(const syncer::ModelTypeSet& types) override;
void OnDataTypeRequestsSyncStartup(syncer::ModelType type) override;
void RequestStop(SyncStopDataFate data_fate) override;
void RequestStart() override;
syncer::ModelTypeSet GetActiveDataTypes() const override;
syncer::SyncClient* GetSyncClient() const override;
void AddObserver(syncer::SyncServiceObserver* observer) override;
void RemoveObserver(syncer::SyncServiceObserver* observer) override;
bool HasObserver(const syncer::SyncServiceObserver* observer) const override;
syncer::ModelTypeSet GetPreferredDataTypes() const override;
void OnUserChoseDatatypes(bool sync_everything,
syncer::ModelTypeSet chosen_types) override;
void SetFirstSetupComplete() override;
bool IsFirstSetupInProgress() const override;
std::unique_ptr<syncer::SyncSetupInProgressHandle> GetSetupInProgressHandle()
bool IsSetupInProgress() const override;
const GoogleServiceAuthError& GetAuthError() const override;
bool IsEngineInitialized() const override;
sync_sessions::OpenTabsUIDelegate* GetOpenTabsUIDelegate() override;
bool IsPassphraseRequiredForDecryption() const override;
base::Time GetExplicitPassphraseTime() const override;
bool IsUsingSecondaryPassphrase() const override;
void EnableEncryptEverything() override;
bool IsEncryptEverythingEnabled() const override;
void SetEncryptionPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase,
PassphraseType type) override;
bool SetDecryptionPassphrase(const std::string& passphrase) override
bool IsCryptographerReady(
const syncer::BaseTransaction* trans) const override;
syncer::UserShare* GetUserShare() const override;
const syncer::LocalDeviceInfoProvider* GetLocalDeviceInfoProvider()
const override;
void ReenableDatatype(syncer::ModelType type) override;
syncer::SyncTokenStatus GetSyncTokenStatus() const override;
bool QueryDetailedSyncStatus(syncer::SyncStatus* result) override;
base::Time GetLastSyncedTime() const override;
syncer::SyncCycleSnapshot GetLastCycleSnapshot() const override;
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> GetTypeStatusMap() override;
const GURL& sync_service_url() const override;
std::string unrecoverable_error_message() const override;
base::Location unrecoverable_error_location() const override;
void AddProtocolEventObserver(
syncer::ProtocolEventObserver* observer) override;
void RemoveProtocolEventObserver(
syncer::ProtocolEventObserver* observer) override;
void AddTypeDebugInfoObserver(
syncer::TypeDebugInfoObserver* observer) override;
void RemoveTypeDebugInfoObserver(
syncer::TypeDebugInfoObserver* observer) override;
base::WeakPtr<syncer::JsController> GetJsController() override;
void GetAllNodes(const base::Callback<void(std::unique_ptr<base::ListValue>)>&
callback) override;
AccountInfo GetAuthenticatedAccountInfo() const override;
syncer::GlobalIdMapper* GetGlobalIdMapper() const override;
// Add a sync type preference provider. Each provider may only be added once.
void AddPreferenceProvider(syncer::SyncTypePreferenceProvider* provider);
// Remove a sync type preference provider. May only be called for providers
// that have been added. Providers must not remove themselves while being
// called back.
void RemovePreferenceProvider(syncer::SyncTypePreferenceProvider* provider);
// Check whether a given sync type preference provider has been added.
bool HasPreferenceProvider(
syncer::SyncTypePreferenceProvider* provider) const;
// Returns the SyncableService or USS bridge for syncer::SESSIONS.
syncer::SyncableService* GetSessionsSyncableService();
// Returns the ModelTypeControllerDelegate for syncer::DEVICE_INFO.
virtual base::WeakPtr<syncer::ModelTypeControllerDelegate>
// Returns synced devices tracker.
virtual syncer::DeviceInfoTracker* GetDeviceInfoTracker() const;
// SyncEngineHost implementation.
void OnEngineInitialized(
syncer::ModelTypeSet initial_types,
const syncer::WeakHandle<syncer::JsBackend>& js_backend,
const syncer::WeakHandle<syncer::DataTypeDebugInfoListener>&
const std::string& cache_guid,
bool success) override;
void OnSyncCycleCompleted(const syncer::SyncCycleSnapshot& snapshot) override;
void OnProtocolEvent(const syncer::ProtocolEvent& event) override;
void OnDirectoryTypeCommitCounterUpdated(
syncer::ModelType type,
const syncer::CommitCounters& counters) override;
void OnDirectoryTypeUpdateCounterUpdated(
syncer::ModelType type,
const syncer::UpdateCounters& counters) override;
void OnDatatypeStatusCounterUpdated(
syncer::ModelType type,
const syncer::StatusCounters& counters) override;
void OnConnectionStatusChange(syncer::ConnectionStatus status) override;
void OnMigrationNeededForTypes(syncer::ModelTypeSet types) override;
void OnExperimentsChanged(const syncer::Experiments& experiments) override;
void OnActionableError(const syncer::SyncProtocolError& error) override;
// DataTypeManagerObserver implementation.
void OnConfigureDone(
const syncer::DataTypeManager::ConfigureResult& result) override;
void OnConfigureStart() override;
// DataTypeEncryptionHandler implementation.
bool IsPassphraseRequired() const override;
syncer::ModelTypeSet GetEncryptedDataTypes() const override;
// GaiaCookieManagerService::Observer implementation.
void OnGaiaAccountsInCookieUpdated(
const std::vector<gaia::ListedAccount>& accounts,
const std::vector<gaia::ListedAccount>& signed_out_accounts,
const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) override;
// Similar to above but with a callback that will be invoked on completion.
void OnGaiaAccountsInCookieUpdatedWithCallback(
const std::vector<gaia::ListedAccount>& accounts,
const base::Closure& callback);
// Returns true if currently signed in account is not present in the list of
// accounts from cookie jar.
bool HasCookieJarMismatch(
const std::vector<gaia::ListedAccount>& cookie_jar_accounts);
// Reconfigures the data type manager with the latest enabled types.
// Note: Does not initialize the engine if it is not already initialized.
// This function needs to be called only after sync has been initialized
// (i.e., only for reconfigurations). The reason we don't initialize the
// engine is because if we had encountered an unrecoverable error we don't
// want to startup once more.
virtual void ReconfigureDatatypeManager();
syncer::PassphraseRequiredReason passphrase_required_reason_for_test() const {
return crypto_->passphrase_required_reason();
// Record stats on various events.
static void SyncEvent(SyncEventCodes code);
// Returns whether sync is allowed to run based on command-line switches.
// Profile::IsSyncAllowed() is probably a better signal than this function.
// This function can be called from any thread, and the implementation doesn't
// assume it's running on the UI thread.
static bool IsSyncAllowedByFlag();
// Whether sync is currently blocked from starting because the sync
// confirmation dialog hasn't been shown. Note that once the dialog is
// showing (i.e. IsFirstSetupInProgress() is true), this will return false.
// TODO( This method is somewhat misnamed.
virtual bool IsSyncConfirmationNeeded() const;
// syncer::UnrecoverableErrorHandler implementation.
void OnUnrecoverableError(const base::Location& from_here,
const std::string& message) override;
// Returns whether or not the underlying sync engine has made any
// local changes to items that have not yet been synced with the
// server.
void HasUnsyncedItemsForTest(base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> cb) const;
// Used by MigrationWatcher. May return null.
syncer::BackendMigrator* GetBackendMigratorForTest();
// Used by tests to inspect interaction with OAuth2TokenService.
bool IsRetryingAccessTokenFetchForTest() const;
// Used by tests to inspect the OAuth2 access tokens used by PSS.
std::string GetAccessTokenForTest() const;
// SyncPrefObserver implementation.
void OnSyncManagedPrefChange(bool is_sync_managed) override;
// Returns the set of types which are enforced programmatically and can not
// be disabled by the user.
syncer::ModelTypeSet GetForcedDataTypes() const;
// Gets the set of all data types that could be allowed (the set that
// should be advertised to the user). These will typically only change
// via a command-line option. See class comment for more on what it means
// for a datatype to be Registered.
virtual syncer::ModelTypeSet GetRegisteredDataTypes() const;
// See the SyncServiceCrypto header.
virtual syncer::PassphraseType GetPassphraseType() const;
virtual bool IsEncryptEverythingAllowed() const;
virtual void SetEncryptEverythingAllowed(bool allowed);
// Returns true if the syncer is waiting for new datatypes to be encrypted.
bool encryption_pending() const;
syncer::SyncErrorController* sync_error_controller() {
return sync_error_controller_.get();
// KeyedService implementation. This must be called exactly
// once (before this object is destroyed).
void Shutdown() override;
sync_sessions::FaviconCache* GetFaviconCache();
// Overrides the NetworkResources used for Sync connections.
// TODO(treib): Inject this in the ctor instead. As it is, it's possible that
// the real NetworkResources were already used before the test had a chance
// to call this.
void OverrideNetworkResourcesForTest(
std::unique_ptr<syncer::NetworkResources> network_resources);
virtual bool IsDataTypeControllerRunning(syncer::ModelType type) const;
// This triggers a Directory::SaveChanges() call on the sync thread.
// It should be used to persist data to disk when the process might be
// killed in the near future.
void FlushDirectory() const;
// Returns a serialized NigoriKey proto generated from the bootstrap token in
// SyncPrefs. Will return the empty string if no bootstrap token exists.
std::string GetCustomPassphraseKey() const;
// Set the provider for whether sync is currently allowed by the platform.
void SetPlatformSyncAllowedProvider(
const PlatformSyncAllowedProvider& platform_sync_allowed_provider);
// Returns a function that will create a ModelTypeStore that shares
// the sync LevelDB backend. |base_path| should be set to profile path.
static syncer::RepeatingModelTypeStoreFactory GetModelTypeStoreFactory(
const base::FilePath& base_path);
// Needed to test whether the directory is deleted properly.
base::FilePath GetDirectoryPathForTest() const;
// Sometimes we need to wait for tasks on the sync thread in tests.
base::MessageLoop* GetSyncLoopForTest() const;
// Some tests rely on injecting calls to the encryption observer.
syncer::SyncEncryptionHandler::Observer* GetEncryptionObserverForTest() const;
// Calls sync engine to send ClearServerDataMessage to server. This is used
// to start accounts with a clean slate when performing end to end testing.
void ClearServerDataForTest(const base::Closure& callback);
virtual syncer::WeakHandle<syncer::JsEventHandler> GetJsEventHandler();
// Callbacks for SyncAuthManager.
void AccountStateChanged();
void CredentialsChanged();
// Callback for StartupController.
bool ShouldSyncStart(bool bypass_first_setup_check);
// Destroys the |crypto_| object and creates a new one with fresh state.
void ResetCryptoState();
enum UnrecoverableErrorReason {
friend class TestProfileSyncService;
// Returns whether sync is currently allowed on this platform.
bool IsSyncAllowedByPlatform() const;
// Helper to install and configure a data type manager.
void ConfigureDataTypeManager();
// Shuts down the engine sync components.
// |reason| dictates if syncing is being disabled or not, and whether
// to claim ownership of sync thread from engine.
void ShutdownImpl(syncer::ShutdownReason reason);
// Helper method for managing encryption UI.
bool IsEncryptedDatatypeEnabled() const;
// Helper for OnUnrecoverableError and OnInternalUnrecoverableError.
void OnUnrecoverableErrorImpl(const base::Location& from_here,
const std::string& message);
// Stops the sync engine. Does NOT set IsSyncRequested to false. Use
// RequestStop for that. |data_fate| controls whether the local sync data is
// deleted or kept when the engine shuts down.
void StopImpl(SyncStopDataFate data_fate);
// Puts the engine's sync scheduler into NORMAL mode.
// Called when configuration is complete.
void StartSyncingWithServer();
// Sets the last synced time to the current time.
void UpdateLastSyncedTime();
// Notify all observers that a change has occurred.
void NotifyObservers();
void NotifySyncCycleCompleted();
void NotifyForeignSessionUpdated();
void NotifyShutdown();
void ClearStaleErrors();
void ClearUnrecoverableError();
// Kicks off asynchronous initialization of the SyncEngine.
virtual void StartUpSlowEngineComponents();
// Collects preferred sync data types from |preference_providers_|.
syncer::ModelTypeSet GetDataTypesFromPreferenceProviders() const;
// Called when the user changes the sync configuration, to update the UMA
// stats.
void UpdateSelectedTypesHistogram(
bool sync_everything,
const syncer::ModelTypeSet chosen_types) const;
// Internal unrecoverable error handler. Used to track error reason via
// Sync.UnrecoverableErrors histogram.
void OnInternalUnrecoverableError(const base::Location& from_here,
const std::string& message,
UnrecoverableErrorReason reason);
// Update UMA for syncing engine.
void UpdateEngineInitUMA(bool success) const;
// Whether sync has been authenticated with an account ID.
bool IsSignedIn() const;
// Update first sync time stored in preferences
void UpdateFirstSyncTimePref();
// Tell the sync server that this client has disabled sync.
void RemoveClientFromServer() const;
// Called when the system is under memory pressure.
void OnMemoryPressure(
base::MemoryPressureListener::MemoryPressureLevel memory_pressure_level);
// Check if previous shutdown is shutdown cleanly.
void ReportPreviousSessionMemoryWarningCount();
// Estimates and records memory usage histograms per type.
void RecordMemoryUsageHistograms();
// After user switches to custom passphrase encryption a set of steps needs to
// be performed:
// - Download all latest updates from server (catch up configure).
// - Clear user data on server.
// - Clear directory so that data is merged from model types and encrypted.
// SyncServiceCrypto::BeginConfigureCatchUpBeforeClear() and the following two
// functions perform these steps.
// Calls sync engine to send ClearServerDataMessage to server.
void ClearAndRestartSyncForPassphraseEncryption();
// Restarts sync clearing directory in the process.
void OnClearServerDataDone();
// True if setup has been completed at least once and is not in progress.
bool CanConfigureDataTypes() const;
// Called when a SetupInProgressHandle issued by this instance is destroyed.
virtual void OnSetupInProgressHandleDestroyed();
// This profile's SyncClient, which abstracts away non-Sync dependencies and
// the Sync API component factory.
const std::unique_ptr<syncer::SyncClient> sync_client_;
// The class that handles getting, setting, and persisting sync preferences.
syncer::SyncPrefs sync_prefs_;
// Encapsulates user signin - used to set/get the user's authenticated
// email address.
const std::unique_ptr<SigninManagerWrapper> signin_;
// Handles tracking of the authenticated account and acquiring access tokens.
// Only null after Shutdown().
std::unique_ptr<SyncAuthManager> auth_manager_;
// The product channel of the embedder.
const version_info::Channel channel_;
// The path to the base directory under which sync should store its
// information.
const base::FilePath base_directory_;
// An identifier representing this instance for debugging purposes.
const std::string debug_identifier_;
// This specifies where to find the sync server.
const GURL sync_service_url_;
// Whether USER_EVENTS model type has a separate pref group instead of
// being bundled with the TYPED_URLS model type.
const bool user_events_separate_pref_group_;
// A utility object containing logic and state relating to encryption. It is
// never null.
std::unique_ptr<syncer::SyncServiceCrypto> crypto_;
// The thread where all the sync operations happen. This thread is kept alive
// until browser shutdown and reused if sync is turned off and on again. It is
// joined during the shutdown process, but there is an abort mechanism in
// place to prevent slow HTTP requests from blocking browser shutdown.
std::unique_ptr<base::Thread> sync_thread_;
// Our asynchronous engine to communicate with sync components living on
// other threads.
std::unique_ptr<syncer::SyncEngine> engine_;
// Used to ensure that certain operations are performed on the sequence that
// this object was created on.
SigninScopedDeviceIdCallback signin_scoped_device_id_callback_;
// Cache of the last SyncCycleSnapshot received from the sync engine.
syncer::SyncCycleSnapshot last_snapshot_;
// The time that OnConfigureStart is called. This member is zero if
// OnConfigureStart has not yet been called, and is reset to zero once
// OnConfigureDone is called.
base::Time sync_configure_start_time_;
// Callback to update the network time; used for initializing the engine.
syncer::NetworkTimeUpdateCallback network_time_update_callback_;
// The request context in which sync should operate.
scoped_refptr<net::URLRequestContextGetter> url_request_context_;
// The URL loader factory for the sync.
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory_;
// Indicates if this is the first time sync is being configured. This value
// is equal to !IsFirstSetupComplete() at the time of OnEngineInitialized().
bool is_first_time_sync_configure_;
// Number of UIs currently configuring the Sync service. When this number
// is decremented back to zero, Sync setup is marked no longer in progress.
int outstanding_setup_in_progress_handles_ = 0;
// List of available data type controllers.
syncer::DataTypeController::TypeMap data_type_controllers_;
// Whether the SyncEngine has been initialized.
bool engine_initialized_;
// Set when sync receives STOP_SYNC_FOR_DISABLED_ACCOUNT error from server.
// Prevents ProfileSyncService from starting engine till browser restarted
// or user signed out.
bool sync_disabled_by_admin_;
// Information describing an unrecoverable error.
UnrecoverableErrorReason unrecoverable_error_reason_;
std::string unrecoverable_error_message_;
base::Location unrecoverable_error_location_;
// Manages the start and stop of the data types.
std::unique_ptr<syncer::DataTypeManager> data_type_manager_;
base::ObserverList<syncer::SyncServiceObserver> observers_;
base::ObserverList<syncer::ProtocolEventObserver> protocol_event_observers_;
base::ObserverList<syncer::TypeDebugInfoObserver> type_debug_info_observers_;
std::set<syncer::SyncTypePreferenceProvider*> preference_providers_;
syncer::SyncJsController sync_js_controller_;
// This allows us to gracefully handle an ABORTED return code from the
// DataTypeManager in the event that the server informed us to cease and
// desist syncing immediately.
bool expect_sync_configuration_aborted_;
std::unique_ptr<syncer::BackendMigrator> migrator_;
// This is the last |SyncProtocolError| we received from the server that had
// an action set on it.
syncer::SyncProtocolError last_actionable_error_;
// Exposes sync errors to the UI.
std::unique_ptr<syncer::SyncErrorController> sync_error_controller_;
// Tracks the set of failed data types (those that encounter an error
// or must delay loading for some reason).
syncer::DataTypeStatusTable::TypeErrorMap data_type_error_map_;
// The set of currently enabled sync experiments.
syncer::Experiments current_experiments_;
// The gaia cookie manager. Used for monitoring cookie jar changes to detect
// when the user signs out of the content area.
GaiaCookieManagerService* const gaia_cookie_manager_service_;
std::unique_ptr<syncer::LocalDeviceInfoProvider> local_device_;
// Locally owned SyncableService or ModelTypeSyncBridge implementations.
std::unique_ptr<syncer::DeviceInfoSyncBridge> device_info_sync_bridge_;
std::unique_ptr<syncer::NetworkResources> network_resources_;
const StartBehavior start_behavior_;
std::unique_ptr<syncer::StartupController> startup_controller_;
std::unique_ptr<syncer::SyncStoppedReporter> sync_stopped_reporter_;
// Listens for the system being under memory pressure.
std::unique_ptr<base::MemoryPressureListener> memory_pressure_listener_;
// Whether the major version has changed since the last time Chrome ran,
// and therefore a passphrase required state should result in prompting
// the user. This logic is only enabled on platforms that consume the
// IsPassphrasePrompted sync preference.
bool passphrase_prompt_triggered_by_version_;
// An object that lets us check whether sync is currently allowed on this
// platform.
PlatformSyncAllowedProvider platform_sync_allowed_provider_;
// The factory used to initialize the ModelTypeStore passed to
// sync bridges created by the ProfileSyncService. The default factory
// creates an on disk leveldb-backed ModelTypeStore; one might override this
// default to, e.g., use an in-memory db for unit tests.
syncer::RepeatingModelTypeStoreFactory model_type_store_factory_;
// This weak factory invalidates its issued pointers when Sync is disabled.
base::WeakPtrFactory<ProfileSyncService> sync_enabled_weak_factory_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ProfileSyncService> weak_factory_;
} // namespace browser_sync