blob: 9ff14d825a7899ef133eb3fd146290e88882aeb5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/time/clock.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chrome/browser/media/media_engagement_score_details.mojom.h"
#include "components/content_settings/core/browser/host_content_settings_map.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
class HostContentSettingsMap;
// Calculates and stores the Media Engagement Index score for a certain origin.
class MediaEngagementScore final {
// The dictionary keys to store individual metrics. kVisitsKey will store the
// number of visits to an origin and kMediaPlaybacksKey will store the number
// of media playbacks on an origin. kLastMediaPlaybackTimeKey will store the
// timestamp of the last media playback on an origin. kHasHighScoreKey will
// store whether the score is considered high.
static const char kVisitsKey[];
static const char kMediaPlaybacksKey[];
static const char kLastMediaPlaybackTimeKey[];
static const char kHasHighScoreKey[];
// Origins with a number of visits less than this number will recieve
// a score of zero.
static int GetScoreMinVisits();
// The upper and lower threshold of whether the total score is considered
// to be high.
static double GetHighScoreLowerThreshold();
static double GetHighScoreUpperThreshold();
MediaEngagementScore(base::Clock* clock,
const url::Origin& origin,
HostContentSettingsMap* settings);
MediaEngagementScore& operator=(MediaEngagementScore&&);
// Returns the total score, as per the formula.
double actual_score() const { return actual_score_; }
// Returns whether the total score is considered high.
bool high_score() const { return is_high_; }
// Returns the origin associated with this score.
const url::Origin& origin() const { return origin_; }
// Writes the values in this score into |settings_map_|. If there are multiple
// instances of a score object for an origin, this could result in stale data
// being stored.
void Commit();
// Get/increment the number of visits this origin has had.
int visits() const { return visits_; }
void IncrementVisits() { SetVisits(visits() + 1); }
// Get/increment the number of media playbacks this origin has had.
int media_playbacks() const { return media_playbacks_; }
void IncrementMediaPlaybacks();
// Gets/sets the last time media was played on this origin.
base::Time last_media_playback_time() const {
return last_media_playback_time_;
void set_last_media_playback_time(base::Time new_time) {
last_media_playback_time_ = new_time;
// Get a breakdown of the score that can be serialized by Mojo.
media::mojom::MediaEngagementScoreDetailsPtr GetScoreDetails() const;
friend class MediaEngagementAutoplayBrowserTest;
friend class MediaEngagementContentsObserverTest;
friend class MediaEngagementSessionTest;
friend class MediaEngagementService;
// Only used by the Media Engagement service when bulk loading data.
MediaEngagementScore(base::Clock* clock,
const url::Origin& origin,
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> score_dict,
HostContentSettingsMap* settings);
static const char kScoreMinVisitsParamName[];
static const char kHighScoreLowerThresholdParamName[];
static const char kHighScoreUpperThresholdParamName[];
void SetVisits(int visits);
void SetMediaPlaybacks(int media_playbacks);
friend class MediaEngagementServiceTest;
friend class MediaEngagementScoreTest;
// Update the dictionary continaing the latest score values and return whether
// they have changed or not (since what was last retrieved from content
// settings).
bool UpdateScoreDict();
// If the number of playbacks or visits is updated then this will recalculate
// the total score and whether the score is considered high.
void Recalculate();
// The number of media playbacks this origin has had.
int media_playbacks_ = 0;
// The number of visits this origin has had.
int visits_ = 0;
// If the current score is considered high.
bool is_high_ = false;
// The current engagement score.
double actual_score_ = 0.0;
// The last time media was played back on this origin.
base::Time last_media_playback_time_;
// The origin this score represents.
url::Origin origin_;
// A clock that can be used for testing, owned by the service.
base::Clock* clock_;
// The dictionary that represents this engagement score.
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> score_dict_;
// The content settings map that will persist the score,
// has a lifetime of the Profile like the service which owns |this|.
HostContentSettingsMap* settings_map_ = nullptr;