blob: ac31b5d20ce666b477b0d20a5c4f59cb59b54d42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/test/scoped_feature_list.h"
#include "content/public/test/content_browser_test.h"
#include "services/network/trust_tokens/test/trust_token_request_handler.h"
namespace content {
using network::test::TrustTokenRequestHandler;
// TrustTokenBrowsertest is a fixture containing boilerplate for initializing an
// HTTPS test server and passing requests through to an embedded instance of
// network::test::TrustTokenRequestHandler, which contains the guts of the
// "server-side" token issuance and redemption logic as well as some consistency
// checks for subsequent signed requests.
// The virtual inheritance is necessary as DevtoolsTrustTokenBrowsertest builds
// an inheritance diamond with ContentBrowserTest at the root. Any class in the
// diamond inheriting from ContentBrowserTest directly, needs to do so
// virtually. Otherwise DevtoolsTrustTokenBrowsertest would contain multiple
// copies of ContentBrowserTest's members.
class TrustTokenBrowsertest : virtual public ContentBrowserTest {
// Registers the following handlers:
// - default //content/test/data files;
// - a special "/issue" endpoint executing Trust Tokens issuance;
// - a special "/redeem" endpoint executing redemption; and
// - a special "/sign" endpoint that verifies that the received signed request
// data is correctly structured and that the provided Sec-Signature header's
// verification key was previously bound to a successful token redemption.
void SetUpOnMainThread() override;
// Provides the network service key commitments from the internal
// TrustTokenRequestHandler. All hosts in |hosts| will be provided identical
// commitments.
void ProvideRequestHandlerKeyCommitmentsToNetworkService(
std::vector<base::StringPiece> hosts = {});
// Given a host (e.g. "a.test"), returns the corresponding storage origin
// for Trust Tokens state. (This adds the correct scheme---probably https---as
// well as |server_|'s port, which can vary from test to test. There's no
// ambiguity in the result because the scheme and port are both fixed across
// all domains.)
std::string IssuanceOriginFromHost(const std::string& host) const;
base::test::ScopedFeatureList features_;
// TODO(davidvc): Extend this to support more than one key set.
TrustTokenRequestHandler request_handler_;
net::EmbeddedTestServer server_{net::EmbeddedTestServer::TYPE_HTTPS};
} // namespace content