blob: e04889916e27618e5b86236c21165b12f16d08d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_enums.mojom-forward.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h"
#include "ui/views/views_export.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget_delegate.h"
namespace views {
class BubbleFrameView;
class DialogClientView;
class DialogObserver;
class LabelButton;
// DialogDelegate
// DialogDelegate is an interface implemented by objects that wish to show a
// dialog box Window. The window that is displayed uses this interface to
// determine how it should be displayed and notify the delegate object of
// certain events.
class VIEWS_EXPORT DialogDelegate : public WidgetDelegate {
struct Params {
base::Optional<int> default_button = base::nullopt;
bool round_corners = true;
bool draggable = false;
// Whether to use the Views-styled frame (if true) or a platform-native
// frame if false. In general, dialogs that look like fully separate windows
// should use the platform-native frame, and all other dialogs should use
// the Views-styled one.
bool custom_frame = true;
// A bitmask of buttons (from ui::DialogButton) that are present in this
// dialog.
// Text labels for the buttons on this dialog. Any button without a label
// here will get the default text for its type from GetDialogButtonLabel.
// Prefer to use this field (via SetButtonLabel) rather than override
// GetDialogButtonLabel - see
base::string16 button_labels[ui::DIALOG_BUTTON_LAST + 1];
// A bitmask of buttons (from ui::DialogButton) that are enabled in this
// dialog. It's legal for a button to be marked enabled that isn't present
// in |buttons| (see above).
int enabled_buttons = ui::DIALOG_BUTTON_OK | ui::DIALOG_BUTTON_CANCEL;
~DialogDelegate() override;
// Creates a widget at a default location.
// There are two variant of this method. The newer one is the unique_ptr
// method, which simply takes ownership of the WidgetDelegate and passes it to
// the created Widget. When using the unique_ptr version, it is required that
// delegate->owned_by_widget(). Unless you have a good reason, you should use
// this variant.
// If !delegate->owned_by_widget() *or* if your WidgetDelegate subclass has a
// custom override of WidgetDelegate::DeleteDelegate, use the raw pointer
// variant instead, and please talk to one of the //ui/views owners about
// your use case.
static Widget* CreateDialogWidget(std::unique_ptr<WidgetDelegate> delegate,
gfx::NativeWindow context,
gfx::NativeView parent);
static Widget* CreateDialogWidget(WidgetDelegate* delegate,
gfx::NativeWindow context,
gfx::NativeView parent);
// Whether using custom dialog frame is supported for this dialog.
static bool CanSupportCustomFrame(gfx::NativeView parent);
// Returns the dialog widget InitParams for a given |context| or |parent|.
// If |bounds| is not empty, used to initially place the dialog, otherwise
// a default location is used.
static Widget::InitParams GetDialogWidgetInitParams(WidgetDelegate* delegate,
gfx::NativeWindow context,
gfx::NativeView parent,
const gfx::Rect& bounds);
// Called when the DialogDelegate and its frame have finished initializing but
// not been shown yet. Override this to perform customizations to the dialog
// that need to happen after the dialog's widget, border, buttons, and so on
// are ready.
// Overrides of this method should be quite rare - prefer to do dialog
// customization before the frame/widget/etc are ready if at all possible, via
// other setters on this class.
virtual void OnDialogInitialized() {}
// Returns a mask specifying which of the available DialogButtons are visible
// for the dialog.
// TODO( Rename this to buttons().
int GetDialogButtons() const { return params_.buttons; }
// Returns the default dialog button. This should not be a mask as only
// one button should ever be the default button. Return
// ui::DIALOG_BUTTON_NONE if there is no default. Default
// behavior is to return ui::DIALOG_BUTTON_OK or
// ui::DIALOG_BUTTON_CANCEL (in that order) if they are
// present, ui::DIALOG_BUTTON_NONE otherwise.
int GetDefaultDialogButton() const;
// Returns the label of the specified dialog button.
base::string16 GetDialogButtonLabel(ui::DialogButton button) const;
// Returns whether the specified dialog button is enabled.
virtual bool IsDialogButtonEnabled(ui::DialogButton button) const;
// For Dialog boxes, if there is a "Cancel" button or no dialog button at all,
// this is called when the user presses the "Cancel" button. This function
// should return true if the window can be closed after it returns, or false
// if it must remain open. By default, return true without doing anything.
// DEPRECATED: use |SetCancelCallback| instead.
virtual bool Cancel();
// For Dialog boxes, this is called when the user presses the "OK" button, or
// the Enter key. This function should return true if the window can be closed
// after it returns, or false if it must remain open. By default, return true
// without doing anything.
// DEPRECATED: use |SetAcceptCallback| instead.
virtual bool Accept();
// Overridden from WidgetDelegate:
View* GetInitiallyFocusedView() override;
DialogDelegate* AsDialogDelegate() override;
ClientView* CreateClientView(Widget* widget) override;
std::unique_ptr<NonClientFrameView> CreateNonClientFrameView(
Widget* widget) override;
static std::unique_ptr<NonClientFrameView> CreateDialogFrameView(
Widget* widget);
const gfx::Insets& margins() const { return margins_; }
void set_margins(const gfx::Insets& margins) { margins_ = margins; }
// Set a fixed width for the dialog. Used by DialogClientView.
void set_fixed_width(int fixed_width) { fixed_width_ = fixed_width; }
int fixed_width() const { return fixed_width_; }
template <typename T>
T* SetExtraView(std::unique_ptr<T> extra_view) {
T* view = extra_view.get();
extra_view_ = std::move(extra_view);
return view;
template <typename T>
T* SetFootnoteView(std::unique_ptr<T> footnote_view) {
T* view = footnote_view.get();
footnote_view_ = std::move(footnote_view);
return view;
// Returns the BubbleFrameView of this dialog delegate. A bubble frame view
// will only be created when use_custom_frame() is true.
BubbleFrameView* GetBubbleFrameView() const;
// Helpers for accessing parts of the DialogClientView without needing to know
// about DialogClientView. Do not call these before OnDialogInitialized.
views::LabelButton* GetOkButton() const;
views::LabelButton* GetCancelButton() const;
views::View* GetExtraView() const;
// Helper for accessing the footnote view. Unlike the three methods just
// above, this *is* safe to call before OnDialogInitialized.
views::View* GetFootnoteViewForTesting() const;
// Add or remove an observer notified by calls to DialogModelChanged().
void AddObserver(DialogObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(DialogObserver* observer);
// Notifies DialogDelegate that the result of one of the virtual getter
// functions above has changed, which causes it to rebuild its layout. It is
// not necessary to call this unless you are overriding
// IsDialogButtonEnabled() or manually manipulating the dialog buttons.
// TODO( Make this private.
void DialogModelChanged();
void set_use_round_corners(bool round) { params_.round_corners = round; }
void set_draggable(bool draggable) { params_.draggable = draggable; }
bool draggable() const { return params_.draggable; }
void set_use_custom_frame(bool use) { params_.custom_frame = use; }
bool use_custom_frame() const { return params_.custom_frame; }
// These methods internally call DialogModelChanged() if needed, so it is not
// necessary to call DialogModelChanged() yourself after calling them.
void SetDefaultButton(int button);
void SetButtons(int buttons);
void SetButtonLabel(ui::DialogButton button, base::string16 label);
void SetButtonEnabled(ui::DialogButton button, bool enabled);
// Called when the user presses the dialog's "OK" button or presses the dialog
// accept accelerator, if there is one.
void SetAcceptCallback(base::OnceClosure callback);
// Called when the user presses the dialog's "Cancel" button or presses the
// dialog close accelerator (which is always VKEY_ESCAPE).
void SetCancelCallback(base::OnceClosure callback);
// Called when:
// * The user presses the dialog's close button, if it has one
// * The dialog's widget is closed via Widget::Close()
// NOT called when the dialog's widget is closed via Widget::CloseNow() - in
// that case, the normal widget close path is skipped, so no orderly teardown
// of the dialog's widget happens. The main way that can happen in production
// use is if the dialog's parent widget is closed.
void SetCloseCallback(base::OnceClosure callback);
// Returns ownership of the extra view for this dialog, if one was provided
// via SetExtraView(). This is only for use by DialogClientView; don't call
// it.
// It would be good to instead have a DialogClientView::SetExtraView method
// that passes ownership into DialogClientView once. Unfortunately doing this
// broke a bunch of tests in a subtle way: the obvious place to call
// DCV::SetExtraView was from DD::OnWidgetInitialized. DCV::SetExtraView
// would then add the new view to DCV, which would invalidate its layout.
// However, many tests were doing essentially this:
// TestDialogDelegate delegate;
// ShowBubble(&delegate);
// TryToUseExtraView();
// and then trying to use the extra view's bounds, most commonly by
// synthesizing mouse clicks on it. At this point the extra view's layout is
// invalid *but* it has not yet been laid out, because View::InvalidateLayout
// schedules a deferred re-layout later. The design where DCV pulls the extra
// view from DD doesn't have this issue: during the initial construction of
// DCV, DCV fetches the extra view and slots it into its layout, and then the
// initial layout pass in Widget::Init causes the extra view to get laid out.
// Deferring inserting the extra view until after Widget::Init has finished is
// what causes the extra view to not be laid out (and hence the tests to
// fail).
// Potential future fixes:
// 1) The tests could manually force a re-layout here, or
// 2) The tests could be rewritten to not depend on the extra view's
// bounds, by not trying to deliver mouse events to it somehow, or
// 3) DCV::SetupLayout could always force an explicit Layout, ignoring the
// lazy layout system in View::InvalidateLayout
std::unique_ptr<View> DisownExtraView();
// Accept or cancel the dialog, as though the user had pressed the
// Accept/Cancel buttons. These methods:
// 1) Invoke the DialogDelegate's Cancel or Accept methods
// 2) Depending on their return value, close the dialog's widget.
// Neither of these methods can be called before the dialog has been
// initialized.
void AcceptDialog();
void CancelDialog();
// This method invokes the behavior that *would* happen if this dialog's
// containing widget were closed. It is present only as a compatibility shim
// for unit tests; do not add new calls to it.
// TODO( Delete this.
bool Close();
// Reset the dialog's shown timestamp, for tests that are subject to the
// "unintended interaction" detection mechanism.
void ResetViewShownTimeStampForTesting();
// Set the insets used for the dialog's button row. This should be used only
// rarely.
// TODO(ellyjones): Investigate getting rid of this entirely and having all
// dialogs use the same button row insets.
void SetButtonRowInsets(const gfx::Insets& insets);
// Callback for WidgetDelegate when the window this dialog is hosted in is
// closing. Don't call this yourself.
void WindowWillClose();
// Overridden from WidgetDelegate:
ax::mojom::Role GetAccessibleWindowRole() override;
const Params& GetParams() const { return params_; }
int GetCornerRadius() const;
// Return ownership of the footnote view for this dialog. Only use this in
// subclass overrides of CreateNonClientFrameView.
std::unique_ptr<View> DisownFootnoteView();
// Overridden from WidgetDelegate. If you need to hook after widget
// initialization, use OnDialogInitialized above.
void OnWidgetInitialized() final;
// A helper for accessing the DialogClientView object contained by this
// delegate's Window.
const DialogClientView* GetDialogClientView() const;
DialogClientView* GetDialogClientView();
// Runs a close callback, ensuring that at most one close callback is ever
// run.
void RunCloseCallback(base::OnceClosure callback);
// The margins between the content and the inside of the border.
// TODO( Most subclasses assume they must set their own
// margins explicitly, so we set them to 0 here for now to avoid doubled
// margins.
gfx::Insets margins_{0};
// Use a fixed dialog width for dialog. Used by DialogClientView.
int fixed_width_ = 0;
// The time the dialog is created.
base::TimeTicks creation_time_;
// Dialog parameters for this dialog.
Params params_;
// The extra view for this dialog, if there is one.
std::unique_ptr<View> extra_view_ = nullptr;
// The footnote view for this dialog, if there is one.
std::unique_ptr<View> footnote_view_ = nullptr;
// Observers for DialogModel changes.
base::ObserverList<DialogObserver>::Unchecked observer_list_;
// Callbacks for the dialog's actions:
base::OnceClosure accept_callback_;
base::OnceClosure cancel_callback_;
base::OnceClosure close_callback_;
// Whether any of the three callbacks just above has been delivered yet, *or*
// one of the Accept/Cancel methods have been called and returned true.
bool already_started_close_ = false;
// A DialogDelegate implementation that is-a View. Used to override GetWidget()
// to call View's GetWidget() for the common case where a DialogDelegate
// implementation is-a View. Note that DialogDelegateView is not owned by
// view's hierarchy and is expected to be deleted on DeleteDelegate call.
class VIEWS_EXPORT DialogDelegateView : public DialogDelegate, public View {
~DialogDelegateView() override;
// DialogDelegate:
Widget* GetWidget() override;
const Widget* GetWidget() const override;
View* GetContentsView() override;
} // namespace views