blob: 7f2ed16a15db8a0de448acc5ab01eff7d9c99cdb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef LayoutBox_h
#define LayoutBox_h
#include <memory>
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutBoxModelObject.h"
#include "core/layout/OverflowModel.h"
#include "platform/scroll/ScrollTypes.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Compiler.h"
#include "platform/wtf/PtrUtil.h"
namespace blink {
class LayoutBlockFlow;
class LayoutMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder;
class ShapeOutsideInfo;
struct PaintInfo;
enum SizeType { kMainOrPreferredSize, kMinSize, kMaxSize };
enum AvailableLogicalHeightType {
// When painting, overlay scrollbars do not take up space and should not affect
// clipping behavior. During hit testing, overlay scrollbars behave like regular
// scrollbars and should change how hit testing is clipped.
enum MarginDirection { kBlockDirection, kInlineDirection };
enum BackgroundRectType { kBackgroundClipRect, kBackgroundKnownOpaqueRect };
enum ShouldComputePreferred { kComputeActual, kComputePreferred };
using SnapAreaSet = HashSet<const LayoutBox*>;
struct LayoutBoxRareData {
: spanner_placeholder_(nullptr),
snap_areas_(nullptr) {}
// For spanners, the spanner placeholder that lays us out within the multicol
// container.
LayoutMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder* spanner_placeholder_;
LayoutUnit override_logical_content_width_;
LayoutUnit override_logical_content_height_;
bool has_override_containing_block_content_logical_width_ : 1;
bool has_override_containing_block_content_logical_height_ : 1;
bool has_previous_content_box_size_and_layout_overflow_rect_ : 1;
LayoutUnit override_containing_block_content_logical_width_;
LayoutUnit override_containing_block_content_logical_height_;
LayoutUnit offset_to_next_page_;
LayoutUnit pagination_strut_;
LayoutBlock* percent_height_container_;
// For snap area, the owning snap container.
LayoutBox* snap_container_;
// For snap container, the descendant snap areas that contribute snap
// points.
std::unique_ptr<SnapAreaSet> snap_areas_;
SnapAreaSet& EnsureSnapAreas() {
if (!snap_areas_)
snap_areas_ = WTF::WrapUnique(new SnapAreaSet);
return *snap_areas_;
// Used by BoxPaintInvalidator. Stores the previous content box size and
// layout overflow rect after the last paint invalidation. They are valid if
// m_hasPreviousContentBoxSizeAndLayoutOverflowRect is true.
LayoutSize previous_content_box_size_;
LayoutRect previous_layout_overflow_rect_;
// LayoutBox implements the full CSS box model.
// LayoutBoxModelObject only introduces some abstractions for LayoutInline and
// LayoutBox. The logic for the model is in LayoutBox, e.g. the storage for the
// rectangle and offset forming the CSS box (m_frameRect) and the getters for
// the different boxes.
// LayoutBox is also the uppermost class to support scrollbars, however the
// logic is delegated to PaintLayerScrollableArea.
// Per the CSS specification, scrollbars should "be inserted between the inner
// border edge and the outer padding edge".
// (see
// Also the scrollbar width / height are removed from the content box. Taking
// the following example:
// <!DOCTYPE html>
// <style>
// ::-webkit-scrollbar {
// /* Force non-overlay scrollbars */
// width: 10px;
// height: 20px;
// }
// </style>
// <div style="overflow:scroll; width: 100px; height: 100px">
// The <div>'s content box is not 100x100 as specified in the style but 90x80 as
// we remove the scrollbars from the box.
// The presence of scrollbars is determined by the 'overflow' property and can
// be conditioned on having layout overflow (see OverflowModel for more details
// on how we track overflow).
// There are 2 types of scrollbars:
// - non-overlay scrollbars take space from the content box.
// - overlay scrollbars don't and just overlay hang off from the border box,
// potentially overlapping with the padding box's content.
// For more details on scrollbars, see PaintLayerScrollableArea.
// ***** THE BOX MODEL *****
// The CSS box model is based on a series of nested boxes:
// |----------------------------------------------------|
// | |
// | margin-top |
// | |
// | |-----------------------------------------| |
// | | | |
// | | border-top | |
// | | | |
// | | |--------------------------|----| | |
// | | | | | | |
// | | | padding-top |####| | |
// | | | |####| | |
// | | | |----------------| |####| | |
// | | | | | | | | |
// | ML | BL | PL | content box | PR | SW | BR | MR |
// | | | | | | | | |
// | | | |----------------| | | | |
// | | | | | | |
// | | | padding-bottom | | | |
// | | |--------------------------|----| | |
// | | | ####| | | |
// | | | scrollbar height ####| SC | | |
// | | | ####| | | |
// | | |-------------------------------| | |
// | | | |
// | | border-bottom | |
// | | | |
// | |-----------------------------------------| |
// | |
// | margin-bottom |
// | |
// |----------------------------------------------------|
// BL = border-left
// BR = border-right
// ML = margin-left
// MR = margin-right
// PL = padding-left
// PR = padding-right
// SC = scroll corner (contains UI for resizing (see the 'resize' property)
// SW = scrollbar width
// Those are just the boxes from the CSS model. Extra boxes are tracked by Blink
// (e.g. the overflows). Thus it is paramount to know which box a function is
// manipulating. Also of critical importance is the coordinate system used (see
// the COORDINATE SYSTEMS section in LayoutBoxModelObject).
class CORE_EXPORT LayoutBox : public LayoutBoxModelObject {
explicit LayoutBox(ContainerNode*);
PaintLayerType LayerTypeRequired() const override;
bool BackgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(
const LayoutRect& local_rect) const override;
virtual bool BackgroundShouldAlwaysBeClipped() const { return false; }
// Use this with caution! No type checking is done!
LayoutBox* FirstChildBox() const;
LayoutBox* FirstInFlowChildBox() const;
LayoutBox* LastChildBox() const;
int PixelSnappedWidth() const { return frame_rect_.PixelSnappedWidth(); }
int PixelSnappedHeight() const { return frame_rect_.PixelSnappedHeight(); }
void SetX(LayoutUnit x) {
if (x == frame_rect_.X())
void SetY(LayoutUnit y) {
if (y == frame_rect_.Y())
void SetWidth(LayoutUnit width) {
if (width == frame_rect_.Width())
void SetHeight(LayoutUnit height) {
if (height == frame_rect_.Height())
LayoutUnit LogicalLeft() const {
return Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? frame_rect_.X()
: frame_rect_.Y();
LayoutUnit LogicalRight() const { return LogicalLeft() + LogicalWidth(); }
LayoutUnit LogicalTop() const {
return Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? frame_rect_.Y()
: frame_rect_.X();
LayoutUnit LogicalBottom() const { return LogicalTop() + LogicalHeight(); }
LayoutUnit LogicalWidth() const {
return Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? frame_rect_.Width()
: frame_rect_.Height();
LayoutUnit LogicalHeight() const {
return Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? frame_rect_.Height()
: frame_rect_.Width();
// Logical height of the object, including content overflowing the
// border-after edge.
virtual LayoutUnit LogicalHeightWithVisibleOverflow() const;
LayoutUnit ConstrainLogicalWidthByMinMax(LayoutUnit,
LayoutBlock*) const;
LayoutUnit ConstrainLogicalHeightByMinMax(
LayoutUnit logical_height,
LayoutUnit intrinsic_content_height) const;
LayoutUnit ConstrainContentBoxLogicalHeightByMinMax(
LayoutUnit logical_height,
LayoutUnit intrinsic_content_height) const;
int PixelSnappedLogicalHeight() const {
return Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? PixelSnappedHeight()
: PixelSnappedWidth();
int PixelSnappedLogicalWidth() const {
return Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? PixelSnappedWidth()
: PixelSnappedHeight();
LayoutUnit MinimumLogicalHeightForEmptyLine() const {
return BorderAndPaddingLogicalHeight() + ScrollbarLogicalHeight() +
IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? kHorizontalLine : kVerticalLine,
void SetLogicalLeft(LayoutUnit left) {
if (Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode())
void SetLogicalTop(LayoutUnit top) {
if (Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode())
void SetLogicalLocation(const LayoutPoint& location) {
if (Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode())
void SetLogicalWidth(LayoutUnit size) {
if (Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode())
void SetLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit size) {
if (Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode())
LayoutPoint Location() const { return frame_rect_.Location(); }
LayoutSize LocationOffset() const {
return LayoutSize(frame_rect_.X(), frame_rect_.Y());
LayoutSize Size() const { return frame_rect_.Size(); }
IntSize PixelSnappedSize() const { return frame_rect_.PixelSnappedSize(); }
void SetLocation(const LayoutPoint& location) {
if (location == frame_rect_.Location())
// The ancestor box that this object's location and physicalLocation are
// relative to.
virtual LayoutBox* LocationContainer() const;
// FIXME: Currently scrollbars are using int geometry and positioned based on
// pixelSnappedBorderBoxRect whose size may change when location changes
// because of pixel snapping. This function is used to change location of the
// LayoutBox outside of LayoutBox::layout(). Will remove when we use
// LayoutUnits for scrollbars.
void SetLocationAndUpdateOverflowControlsIfNeeded(const LayoutPoint&);
void SetSize(const LayoutSize& size) {
if (size == frame_rect_.Size())
void Move(LayoutUnit dx, LayoutUnit dy) {
if (!dx && !dy)
frame_rect_.Move(dx, dy);
// This function is in the container's coordinate system, meaning
// that it includes the logical top/left offset and the
// inline-start/block-start margins.
LayoutRect FrameRect() const { return frame_rect_; }
void SetFrameRect(const LayoutRect& rect) {
// Note that those functions have their origin at this box's CSS border box.
// As such their location doesn't account for 'top'/'left'.
LayoutRect BorderBoxRect() const { return LayoutRect(LayoutPoint(), Size()); }
DISABLE_CFI_PERF LayoutRect PaddingBoxRect() const {
return LayoutRect(ClientLeft(), ClientTop(), ClientWidth(), ClientHeight());
IntRect PixelSnappedBorderBoxRect(
const LayoutSize& offset = LayoutSize()) const {
return IntRect(IntPoint(),
frame_rect_.Location() + offset));
IntRect BorderBoundingBox() const final {
return PixelSnappedBorderBoxRect();
// The content area of the box (excludes padding - and intrinsic padding for
// table cells, etc... - and border).
DISABLE_CFI_PERF LayoutRect ContentBoxRect() const {
return LayoutRect(BorderLeft() + PaddingLeft(), BorderTop() + PaddingTop(),
ContentWidth(), ContentHeight());
LayoutSize ContentBoxOffset() const {
return LayoutSize(BorderLeft() + PaddingLeft(), BorderTop() + PaddingTop());
// The content box in absolute coords. Ignores transforms.
IntRect AbsoluteContentBox() const;
// The offset of the content box in absolute coords, ignoring transforms.
IntSize AbsoluteContentBoxOffset() const;
// The content box converted to absolute coords (taking transforms into
// account).
FloatQuad AbsoluteContentQuad(MapCoordinatesFlags = 0) const;
// The enclosing rectangle of the background with given opacity requirement.
LayoutRect BackgroundRect(BackgroundRectType) const;
// This returns the content area of the box (excluding padding and border).
// The only difference with contentBoxRect is that computedCSSContentBoxRect
// does include the intrinsic padding in the content box as this is what some
// callers expect (like getComputedStyle).
LayoutRect ComputedCSSContentBoxRect() const {
return LayoutRect(
BorderLeft() + ComputedCSSPaddingLeft(),
BorderTop() + ComputedCSSPaddingTop(),
ClientWidth() - ComputedCSSPaddingLeft() - ComputedCSSPaddingRight(),
ClientHeight() - ComputedCSSPaddingTop() - ComputedCSSPaddingBottom());
void AddOutlineRects(Vector<LayoutRect>&,
const LayoutPoint& additional_offset,
IncludeBlockVisualOverflowOrNot) const override;
// Use this with caution! No type checking is done!
LayoutBox* PreviousSiblingBox() const;
LayoutBox* PreviousInFlowSiblingBox() const;
LayoutBox* NextSiblingBox() const;
LayoutBox* NextInFlowSiblingBox() const;
LayoutBox* ParentBox() const;
// Return the previous sibling column set or spanner placeholder. Only to be
// used on multicol container children.
LayoutBox* PreviousSiblingMultiColumnBox() const;
// Return the next sibling column set or spanner placeholder. Only to be used
// on multicol container children.
LayoutBox* NextSiblingMultiColumnBox() const;
bool CanResize() const;
// Visual and layout overflow are in the coordinate space of the box. This
// means that they aren't purely physical directions. For horizontal-tb and
// vertical-lr they will match physical directions, but for vertical-rl, the
// left/right are flipped when compared to their physical counterparts.
// For example minX is on the left in vertical-lr, but it is on the right in
// vertical-rl.
LayoutRect NoOverflowRect() const;
LayoutRect LayoutOverflowRect() const {
return overflow_ ? overflow_->LayoutOverflowRect() : NoOverflowRect();
IntRect PixelSnappedLayoutOverflowRect() const {
return PixelSnappedIntRect(LayoutOverflowRect());
LayoutSize MaxLayoutOverflow() const {
return LayoutSize(LayoutOverflowRect().MaxX(), LayoutOverflowRect().MaxY());
LayoutUnit LogicalLeftLayoutOverflow() const {
return Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? LayoutOverflowRect().X()
: LayoutOverflowRect().Y();
LayoutUnit LogicalRightLayoutOverflow() const {
return Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? LayoutOverflowRect().MaxX()
: LayoutOverflowRect().MaxY();
LayoutRect VisualOverflowRect() const override;
LayoutUnit LogicalLeftVisualOverflow() const {
return Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? VisualOverflowRect().X()
: VisualOverflowRect().Y();
LayoutUnit LogicalRightVisualOverflow() const {
return Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? VisualOverflowRect().MaxX()
: VisualOverflowRect().MaxY();
LayoutRect SelfVisualOverflowRect() const {
return overflow_ ? overflow_->SelfVisualOverflowRect() : BorderBoxRect();
LayoutRect ContentsVisualOverflowRect() const {
return overflow_ ? overflow_->ContentsVisualOverflowRect() : LayoutRect();
// These methods don't mean the box *actually* has top/left overflow. They
// mean that *if* the box overflows, it will overflow to the top/left rather
// than the bottom/right. This happens when child content is laid out
// right-to-left (e.g. direction:rtl) or or bottom-to-top (e.g. direction:rtl
// writing-mode:vertical-rl).
virtual bool HasTopOverflow() const;
virtual bool HasLeftOverflow() const;
void AddLayoutOverflow(const LayoutRect&);
void AddSelfVisualOverflow(const LayoutRect&);
void AddContentsVisualOverflow(const LayoutRect&);
void AddVisualEffectOverflow();
LayoutRectOutsets ComputeVisualEffectOverflowOutsets();
void AddOverflowFromChild(const LayoutBox& child) {
AddOverflowFromChild(child, child.LocationOffset());
void AddOverflowFromChild(const LayoutBox& child, const LayoutSize& delta);
void ClearLayoutOverflow();
void ClearAllOverflows() { overflow_.reset(); }
virtual void UpdateAfterLayout();
DISABLE_CFI_PERF LayoutUnit ContentWidth() const {
// We're dealing with LayoutUnit and saturated arithmetic here, so we need
// to guard against negative results. The value returned from clientWidth()
// may in itself be a victim of saturated arithmetic; e.g. if both border
// sides were sufficiently wide (close to LayoutUnit::max()). Here we
// subtract two padding values from that result, which is another source of
// saturated arithmetic.
return (ClientWidth() - PaddingLeft() - PaddingRight())
DISABLE_CFI_PERF LayoutUnit ContentHeight() const {
// We're dealing with LayoutUnit and saturated arithmetic here, so we need
// to guard against negative results. The value returned from clientHeight()
// may in itself be a victim of saturated arithmetic; e.g. if both border
// sides were sufficiently wide (close to LayoutUnit::max()). Here we
// subtract two padding values from that result, which is another source of
// saturated arithmetic.
return (ClientHeight() - PaddingTop() - PaddingBottom())
LayoutSize ContentSize() const {
return LayoutSize(ContentWidth(), ContentHeight());
LayoutUnit ContentLogicalWidth() const {
return Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? ContentWidth()
: ContentHeight();
LayoutUnit ContentLogicalHeight() const {
return Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? ContentHeight()
: ContentWidth();
// IE extensions. Used to calculate offsetWidth/Height. Overridden by inlines
// (LayoutFlow) to return the remaining width on a given line (and the height
// of a single line).
LayoutUnit OffsetWidth() const override { return frame_rect_.Width(); }
LayoutUnit OffsetHeight() const override { return frame_rect_.Height(); }
int PixelSnappedOffsetWidth(const Element*) const final;
int PixelSnappedOffsetHeight(const Element*) const final;
// More IE extensions. clientWidth and clientHeight represent the interior of
// an object excluding border and scrollbar. clientLeft/Top are just the
// borderLeftWidth and borderTopWidth.
DISABLE_CFI_PERF LayoutUnit ClientLeft() const {
return LayoutUnit(BorderLeft() +
? VerticalScrollbarWidth()
: 0));
DISABLE_CFI_PERF LayoutUnit ClientTop() const { return BorderTop(); }
LayoutUnit ClientWidth() const;
LayoutUnit ClientHeight() const;
DISABLE_CFI_PERF LayoutUnit ClientLogicalWidth() const {
return Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? ClientWidth() : ClientHeight();
DISABLE_CFI_PERF LayoutUnit ClientLogicalHeight() const {
return Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? ClientHeight() : ClientWidth();
DISABLE_CFI_PERF LayoutUnit ClientLogicalBottom() const {
return BorderBefore() + ClientLogicalHeight();
int PixelSnappedClientWidth() const;
int PixelSnappedClientHeight() const;
// scrollWidth/scrollHeight will be the same as clientWidth/clientHeight
// unless the object has overflow:hidden/scroll/auto specified and also has
// overflow. scrollLeft/Top return the current scroll position. These methods
// are virtual so that objects like textareas can scroll shadow content (but
// pretend that they are the objects that are scrolling).
virtual LayoutUnit ScrollLeft() const;
virtual LayoutUnit ScrollTop() const;
virtual LayoutUnit ScrollWidth() const;
virtual LayoutUnit ScrollHeight() const;
int PixelSnappedScrollWidth() const;
int PixelSnappedScrollHeight() const;
virtual void SetScrollLeft(LayoutUnit);
virtual void SetScrollTop(LayoutUnit);
void ScrollToPosition(const FloatPoint&,
ScrollBehavior = kScrollBehaviorInstant);
void ScrollByRecursively(const ScrollOffset& delta);
// If makeVisibleInVisualViewport is set, the visual viewport will be scrolled
// if required to make the rect visible.
void ScrollRectToVisible(const LayoutRect&,
const ScrollAlignment& align_x,
const ScrollAlignment& align_y,
ScrollType = kProgrammaticScroll,
bool make_visible_in_visual_viewport = true,
ScrollBehavior = kScrollBehaviorAuto);
LayoutRectOutsets MarginBoxOutsets() const override {
return margin_box_outsets_;
LayoutUnit MarginTop() const override { return margin_box_outsets_.Top(); }
LayoutUnit MarginBottom() const override {
return margin_box_outsets_.Bottom();
LayoutUnit MarginLeft() const override { return margin_box_outsets_.Left(); }
LayoutUnit MarginRight() const override {
return margin_box_outsets_.Right();
void SetMarginTop(LayoutUnit margin) { margin_box_outsets_.SetTop(margin); }
void SetMarginBottom(LayoutUnit margin) {
void SetMarginLeft(LayoutUnit margin) { margin_box_outsets_.SetLeft(margin); }
void SetMarginRight(LayoutUnit margin) {
LayoutUnit MarginLogicalLeft() const {
return margin_box_outsets_.LogicalLeft(Style()->GetWritingMode());
LayoutUnit MarginLogicalRight() const {
return margin_box_outsets_.LogicalRight(Style()->GetWritingMode());
LayoutUnit MarginBefore(
const ComputedStyle* override_style = nullptr) const final {
return margin_box_outsets_.Before(
(override_style ? override_style : Style())->GetWritingMode());
LayoutUnit MarginAfter(
const ComputedStyle* override_style = nullptr) const final {
return margin_box_outsets_.After(
(override_style ? override_style : Style())->GetWritingMode());
LayoutUnit MarginStart(
const ComputedStyle* override_style = nullptr) const final {
const ComputedStyle* style_to_use =
override_style ? override_style : Style();
return margin_box_outsets_.Start(style_to_use->GetWritingMode(),
LayoutUnit MarginEnd(
const ComputedStyle* override_style = nullptr) const final {
const ComputedStyle* style_to_use =
override_style ? override_style : Style();
return margin_box_outsets_.end(style_to_use->GetWritingMode(),
LayoutUnit MarginOver() const final {
return margin_box_outsets_.Over(Style()->GetWritingMode());
LayoutUnit MarginUnder() const final {
return margin_box_outsets_.Under(Style()->GetWritingMode());
void SetMarginBefore(LayoutUnit value,
const ComputedStyle* override_style = nullptr) {
(override_style ? override_style : Style())->GetWritingMode(), value);
void SetMarginAfter(LayoutUnit value,
const ComputedStyle* override_style = nullptr) {
(override_style ? override_style : Style())->GetWritingMode(), value);
void SetMarginStart(LayoutUnit value,
const ComputedStyle* override_style = nullptr) {
const ComputedStyle* style_to_use =
override_style ? override_style : Style();
style_to_use->Direction(), value);
void SetMarginEnd(LayoutUnit value,
const ComputedStyle* override_style = nullptr) {
const ComputedStyle* style_to_use =
override_style ? override_style : Style();
style_to_use->Direction(), value);
// The following functions are used to implement collapsing margins.
// All objects know their maximal positive and negative margins. The formula
// for computing a collapsed margin is |maxPosMargin| - |maxNegmargin|.
// For a non-collapsing box, such as a leaf element, this formula will simply
// return the margin of the element. Blocks override the maxMarginBefore and
// maxMarginAfter methods.
virtual bool IsSelfCollapsingBlock() const { return false; }
virtual LayoutUnit CollapsedMarginBefore() const { return MarginBefore(); }
virtual LayoutUnit CollapsedMarginAfter() const { return MarginAfter(); }
LayoutRectOutsets CollapsedMarginBoxLogicalOutsets() const {
return LayoutRectOutsets(CollapsedMarginBefore(), LayoutUnit(),
CollapsedMarginAfter(), LayoutUnit());
void AbsoluteRects(Vector<IntRect>&,
const LayoutPoint& accumulated_offset) const override;
void AbsoluteQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>&,
MapCoordinatesFlags mode = 0) const override;
FloatRect LocalBoundingBoxRectForAccessibility() const final;
void UpdateLayout() override;
void Paint(const PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&) const override;
bool NodeAtPoint(HitTestResult&,
const HitTestLocation& location_in_container,
const LayoutPoint& accumulated_offset,
HitTestAction) override;
LayoutUnit MinPreferredLogicalWidth() const override;
LayoutUnit MaxPreferredLogicalWidth() const override;
// FIXME: We should rename these back to overrideLogicalHeight/Width and have
// them store the border-box height/width like the regular height/width
// accessors on LayoutBox. Right now, these are different than contentHeight/
// contentWidth because they still include the scrollbar height/width.
LayoutUnit OverrideLogicalContentWidth() const;
LayoutUnit OverrideLogicalContentHeight() const;
bool HasOverrideLogicalContentHeight() const;
bool HasOverrideLogicalContentWidth() const;
void SetOverrideLogicalContentHeight(LayoutUnit);
void SetOverrideLogicalContentWidth(LayoutUnit);
void ClearOverrideSize();
void ClearOverrideLogicalContentHeight();
void ClearOverrideLogicalContentWidth();
LayoutUnit OverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth() const;
LayoutUnit OverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalHeight() const;
bool HasOverrideContainingBlockLogicalWidth() const;
bool HasOverrideContainingBlockLogicalHeight() const;
void SetOverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalWidth(LayoutUnit);
void SetOverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit);
void ClearContainingBlockOverrideSize();
void ClearOverrideContainingBlockContentLogicalHeight();
LayoutSize OffsetFromContainer(const LayoutObject*) const override;
LayoutUnit AdjustBorderBoxLogicalWidthForBoxSizing(float width) const;
LayoutUnit AdjustBorderBoxLogicalHeightForBoxSizing(float height) const;
LayoutUnit AdjustContentBoxLogicalWidthForBoxSizing(float width) const;
LayoutUnit AdjustContentBoxLogicalHeightForBoxSizing(float height) const;
// ComputedMarginValues holds the actual values for margins. It ignores
// margin collapsing as they are handled in LayoutBlockFlow.
// The margins are stored in logical coordinates (see COORDINATE
// SYSTEMS in LayoutBoxModel) for use during layout.
struct ComputedMarginValues {
ComputedMarginValues() {}
LayoutUnit before_;
LayoutUnit after_;
LayoutUnit start_;
LayoutUnit end_;
// LogicalExtentComputedValues is used both for the
// block-flow and inline-direction axis.
struct LogicalExtentComputedValues {
LogicalExtentComputedValues() {}
// This is the dimension in the measured direction
// (logical height or logical width).
LayoutUnit extent_;
// This is the offset in the measured direction
// (logical top or logical left).
LayoutUnit position_;
// |m_margins| represents the margins in the measured direction.
// Note that ComputedMarginValues has also the margins in
// the orthogonal direction to have clearer names but they are
// ignored in the code.
ComputedMarginValues margins_;
// Resolve auto margins in the chosen direction of the containing block so
// that objects can be pushed to the start, middle or end of the containing
// block.
void ComputeMarginsForDirection(MarginDirection for_direction,
const LayoutBlock* containing_block,
LayoutUnit container_width,
LayoutUnit child_width,
LayoutUnit& margin_start,
LayoutUnit& margin_end,
Length margin_start_length,
Length margin_start_end) const;
// Used to resolve margins in the containing block's block-flow direction.
void ComputeAndSetBlockDirectionMargins(const LayoutBlock* containing_block);
LayoutUnit OffsetFromLogicalTopOfFirstPage() const;
// The block offset from the logical top of this object to the end of the
// first fragmentainer it lives in. If it only lives in one fragmentainer, 0
// is returned.
LayoutUnit OffsetToNextPage() const {
return rare_data_ ? rare_data_->offset_to_next_page_ : LayoutUnit();
void SetOffsetToNextPage(LayoutUnit);
// Specify which page or column to associate with an offset, if said offset is
// exactly at a page or column boundary.
enum PageBoundaryRule { kAssociateWithFormerPage, kAssociateWithLatterPage };
LayoutUnit PageLogicalHeightForOffset(LayoutUnit) const;
bool IsPageLogicalHeightKnown() const;
LayoutUnit PageRemainingLogicalHeightForOffset(LayoutUnit,
PageBoundaryRule) const;
bool CrossesPageBoundary(LayoutUnit offset, LayoutUnit logical_height) const;
// Calculate the strut to insert in order fit content of size
// |contentLogicalHeight|. |strutToNextPage| is the strut to add to |offset|
// to merely get to the top of the next page or column. This is what will be
// returned if the content can actually fit there. Otherwise, return the
// distance to the next fragmentainer that can fit this piece of content.
virtual LayoutUnit CalculatePaginationStrutToFitContent(
LayoutUnit offset,
LayoutUnit strut_to_next_page,
LayoutUnit content_logical_height) const;
void PositionLineBox(InlineBox*);
void MoveWithEdgeOfInlineContainerIfNecessary(bool is_horizontal);
virtual InlineBox* CreateInlineBox();
void DirtyLineBoxes(bool full_layout);
// For atomic inline elements, this function returns the inline box that
// contains us. Enables the atomic inline LayoutObject to quickly determine
// what line it is contained on and to easily iterate over structures on the
// line.
InlineBox* InlineBoxWrapper() const { return inline_box_wrapper_; }
void SetInlineBoxWrapper(InlineBox*);
void DeleteLineBoxWrapper();
void SetSpannerPlaceholder(LayoutMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder&);
void ClearSpannerPlaceholder();
LayoutMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder* SpannerPlaceholder() const final {
return rare_data_ ? rare_data_->spanner_placeholder_ : 0;
// A pagination strut is the amount of space needed to push an in-flow block-
// level object (or float) to the logical top of the next page or column. It
// will be set both for forced breaks (e.g. page-break-before:always) and soft
// breaks (when there's not enough space in the current page / column for the
// object). The strut is baked into the logicalTop() of the object, so that
// logicalTop() - paginationStrut() == the original position in the previous
// column before deciding to break.
// Pagination struts are either set in front of a block-level box (here) or
// before a line (RootInlineBox::paginationStrut()).
LayoutUnit PaginationStrut() const {
return rare_data_ ? rare_data_->pagination_strut_ : LayoutUnit();
void SetPaginationStrut(LayoutUnit);
void ResetPaginationStrut() {
if (rare_data_)
rare_data_->pagination_strut_ = LayoutUnit();
// Is the specified break-before or break-after value supported on this
// object? It needs to be in-flow all the way up to a fragmentation context
// that supports the specified value.
bool IsBreakBetweenControllable(EBreakBetween) const;
// Is the specified break-inside value supported on this object? It needs to
// be contained by a fragmentation context that supports the specified value.
bool IsBreakInsideControllable(EBreakInside) const;
virtual EBreakBetween BreakAfter() const;
virtual EBreakBetween BreakBefore() const;
EBreakInside BreakInside() const;
// Join two adjacent break values specified on break-before and/or break-
// after. avoid* values win over auto values, and forced break values win over
// avoid* values. |firstValue| is specified on an element earlier in the flow
// than |secondValue|. This method is used at class A break points [1], to
// join the values of the previous break-after and the next break-before, to
// figure out whether we may, must, or should not, break at that point. It is
// also used when propagating break-before values from first children and
// break-after values on last children to their container.
// [1]
static EBreakBetween JoinFragmentainerBreakValues(EBreakBetween first_value,
EBreakBetween second_value);
static bool IsForcedFragmentainerBreakValue(EBreakBetween);
EBreakBetween ClassABreakPointValue(
EBreakBetween previous_break_after_value) const;
// Return true if we should insert a break in front of this box. The box needs
// to start at a valid class A break point in order to allow a forced break.
// To determine whether or not to break, we also need to know the break-after
// value of the previous in-flow sibling.
bool NeedsForcedBreakBefore(EBreakBetween previous_break_after_value) const;
bool PaintedOutputOfObjectHasNoEffectRegardlessOfSize() const override;
LayoutRect LocalVisualRect() const override;
bool MapToVisualRectInAncestorSpaceInternal(
const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor,
VisualRectFlags = kDefaultVisualRectFlags) const override;
LayoutUnit ContainingBlockLogicalHeightForGetComputedStyle() const;
LayoutUnit ContainingBlockLogicalWidthForContent() const override;
LayoutUnit ContainingBlockLogicalHeightForContent(
AvailableLogicalHeightType) const;
LayoutUnit ContainingBlockAvailableLineWidth() const;
LayoutUnit PerpendicularContainingBlockLogicalHeight() const;
virtual void UpdateLogicalWidth();
void UpdateLogicalHeight();
void ComputeLogicalHeight(LogicalExtentComputedValues&) const;
virtual void ComputeLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit logical_height,
LayoutUnit logical_top,
LogicalExtentComputedValues&) const;
// This function will compute the logical border-box height, without laying
// out the box. This means that the result is only "correct" when the height
// is explicitly specified. This function exists so that intrinsic width
// calculations have a way to deal with children that have orthogonal flows.
// When there is no explicit height, this function assumes a content height of
// zero (and returns just border+padding).
LayoutUnit ComputeLogicalHeightWithoutLayout() const;
void ComputeLogicalWidth(LogicalExtentComputedValues&) const;
bool StretchesToViewport() const {
return GetDocument().InQuirksMode() && StretchesToViewportInQuirksMode();
virtual LayoutSize IntrinsicSize() const { return LayoutSize(); }
LayoutUnit IntrinsicLogicalWidth() const {
return Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? IntrinsicSize().Width()
: IntrinsicSize().Height();
LayoutUnit IntrinsicLogicalHeight() const {
return Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? IntrinsicSize().Height()
: IntrinsicSize().Width();
virtual LayoutUnit IntrinsicContentLogicalHeight() const {
return intrinsic_content_logical_height_;
// Whether or not the element shrinks to its intrinsic width (rather than
// filling the width of a containing block). HTML4 buttons, <select>s,
// <input>s, legends, and floating/compact elements do this.
bool SizesLogicalWidthToFitContent(const Length& logical_width) const;
LayoutUnit ShrinkLogicalWidthToAvoidFloats(LayoutUnit child_margin_start,
LayoutUnit child_margin_end,
const LayoutBlockFlow* cb) const;
LayoutUnit ComputeLogicalWidthUsing(
const Length& logical_width,
LayoutUnit available_logical_width,
const LayoutBlock* containing_block) const;
LayoutUnit ComputeLogicalHeightUsing(
const Length& height,
LayoutUnit intrinsic_content_height) const;
LayoutUnit ComputeContentLogicalHeight(
const Length& height,
LayoutUnit intrinsic_content_height) const;
LayoutUnit ComputeContentAndScrollbarLogicalHeightUsing(
const Length& height,
LayoutUnit intrinsic_content_height) const;
LayoutUnit ComputeReplacedLogicalWidthUsing(SizeType,
const Length& width) const;
LayoutUnit ComputeReplacedLogicalWidthRespectingMinMaxWidth(
LayoutUnit logical_width,
ShouldComputePreferred = kComputeActual) const;
LayoutUnit ComputeReplacedLogicalHeightUsing(SizeType,
const Length& height) const;
LayoutUnit ComputeReplacedLogicalHeightRespectingMinMaxHeight(
LayoutUnit logical_height) const;
virtual LayoutUnit ComputeReplacedLogicalWidth(
ShouldComputePreferred = kComputeActual) const;
virtual LayoutUnit ComputeReplacedLogicalHeight(
LayoutUnit estimated_used_width = LayoutUnit()) const;
bool PercentageLogicalHeightIsResolvable() const;
LayoutUnit ComputePercentageLogicalHeight(const Length& height) const;
// Block flows subclass availableWidth/Height to handle multi column layout
// (shrinking the width/height available to children when laying out.)
LayoutUnit AvailableLogicalWidth() const { return ContentLogicalWidth(); }
LayoutUnit AvailableLogicalHeight(AvailableLogicalHeightType) const;
LayoutUnit AvailableLogicalHeightUsing(const Length&,
AvailableLogicalHeightType) const;
// There are a few cases where we need to refer specifically to the available
// physical width and available physical height. Relative positioning is one
// of those cases, since left/top offsets are physical.
LayoutUnit AvailableWidth() const {
return Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode()
? AvailableLogicalWidth()
: AvailableLogicalHeight(kIncludeMarginBorderPadding);
LayoutUnit AvailableHeight() const {
return Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode()
? AvailableLogicalHeight(kIncludeMarginBorderPadding)
: AvailableLogicalWidth();
int VerticalScrollbarWidth() const;
int HorizontalScrollbarHeight() const;
int ScrollbarLogicalWidth() const {
return Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? VerticalScrollbarWidth()
: HorizontalScrollbarHeight();
int ScrollbarLogicalHeight() const {
return Style()->IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? HorizontalScrollbarHeight()
: VerticalScrollbarWidth();
// Return the width of the vertical scrollbar, unless it's larger than the
// logical width of the content box, in which case we'll return that instead.
// Scrollbar handling is quite bad in such situations, and this method here
// is just to make sure that left-hand scrollbars don't mess up
// scrollWidth. For the full story, visit
LayoutUnit VerticalScrollbarWidthClampedToContentBox() const;
virtual ScrollResult Scroll(ScrollGranularity, const FloatSize&);
bool CanBeScrolledAndHasScrollableArea() const;
virtual bool CanBeProgramaticallyScrolled() const;
virtual void Autoscroll(const IntPoint&);
bool CanAutoscroll() const;
IntSize CalculateAutoscrollDirection(
const IntPoint& point_in_root_frame) const;
static LayoutBox* FindAutoscrollable(LayoutObject*);
virtual void StopAutoscroll() {}
DISABLE_CFI_PERF bool HasAutoVerticalScrollbar() const {
return HasOverflowClip() &&
(Style()->OverflowY() == EOverflow::kAuto ||
Style()->OverflowY() == EOverflow::kWebkitPagedY ||
Style()->OverflowY() == EOverflow::kOverlay);
DISABLE_CFI_PERF bool HasAutoHorizontalScrollbar() const {
return HasOverflowClip() && (Style()->OverflowX() == EOverflow::kAuto ||
Style()->OverflowX() == EOverflow::kOverlay);
DISABLE_CFI_PERF bool ScrollsOverflow() const {
return ScrollsOverflowX() || ScrollsOverflowY();
virtual bool ShouldPlaceBlockDirectionScrollbarOnLogicalLeft() const {
return Style()->ShouldPlaceBlockDirectionScrollbarOnLogicalLeft();
bool HasScrollableOverflowX() const {
return ScrollsOverflowX() &&
PixelSnappedScrollWidth() != PixelSnappedClientWidth();
bool HasScrollableOverflowY() const {
return ScrollsOverflowY() &&
PixelSnappedScrollHeight() != PixelSnappedClientHeight();
virtual bool ScrollsOverflowX() const {
return HasOverflowClip() && (Style()->OverflowX() == EOverflow::kScroll ||
virtual bool ScrollsOverflowY() const {
return HasOverflowClip() && (Style()->OverflowY() == EOverflow::kScroll ||
// Elements such as the <input> field override this to specify that they are
// scrollable outside the context of the CSS overflow style
virtual bool IsIntrinsicallyScrollable(
ScrollbarOrientation orientation) const {
return false;
bool HasUnsplittableScrollingOverflow() const;
// Page / column breakability inside block-level objects.
enum PaginationBreakability {
kAllowAnyBreaks, // No restrictions on breaking. May examine children to
// find possible break points.
kForbidBreaks, // Forbid breaks inside this object. Content cannot be split
// nicely into smaller pieces.
kAvoidBreaks // Preferably avoid breaks. If not possible, examine children
// to find possible break points.
virtual PaginationBreakability GetPaginationBreakability() const;
LayoutRect LocalCaretRect(
int caret_offset,
LayoutUnit* extra_width_to_end_of_line = nullptr) override;
// Returns whether content which overflows should be clipped. This is not just
// because of overflow clip, but other types of clip as well, such as
// control clips or contain: paint.
virtual bool ShouldClipOverflow() const;
// Returns the intersection of all overflow clips which apply.
virtual LayoutRect OverflowClipRect(
const LayoutPoint& location,
OverlayScrollbarClipBehavior = kIgnorePlatformOverlayScrollbarSize) const;
LayoutRect ClipRect(const LayoutPoint& location) const;
// Returns the combination of overflow clip, contain: paint clip and CSS clip
// for this object, in local space.
LayoutRect ClippingRect() const;
virtual void PaintBoxDecorationBackground(const PaintInfo&,
const LayoutPoint&) const;
virtual void PaintMask(const PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&) const;
void ImageChanged(WrappedImagePtr, const IntRect* = nullptr) override;
ResourcePriority ComputeResourcePriority() const final;
void LogicalExtentAfterUpdatingLogicalWidth(const LayoutUnit& logical_top,
PositionWithAffinity PositionForPoint(const LayoutPoint&) override;
void RemoveFloatingOrPositionedChildFromBlockLists();
PaintLayer* EnclosingFloatPaintingLayer() const;
virtual int FirstLineBoxBaseline() const { return -1; }
virtual int InlineBlockBaseline(LineDirectionMode) const {
return -1;
} // Returns -1 if we should skip this box when computing the baseline of an
// inline-block.
virtual Node* NodeForHitTest() const { return GetNode(); }
bool ShrinkToAvoidFloats() const;
virtual bool AvoidsFloats() const;
bool ShouldBeConsideredAsReplaced() const;
void UpdateFragmentationInfoForChild(LayoutBox&);
bool ChildNeedsRelayoutForPagination(const LayoutBox&) const;
void MarkChildForPaginationRelayoutIfNeeded(LayoutBox&, SubtreeLayoutScope&);
bool IsWritingModeRoot() const {
return !Parent() ||
Parent()->Style()->GetWritingMode() != Style()->GetWritingMode();
bool IsOrthogonalWritingModeRoot() const {
return Parent() &&
Parent()->IsHorizontalWritingMode() != IsHorizontalWritingMode();
void MarkOrthogonalWritingModeRoot();
void UnmarkOrthogonalWritingModeRoot();
bool IsDeprecatedFlexItem() const {
return !IsInline() && !IsFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() && Parent() &&
bool IsFlexItemIncludingDeprecated() const {
return !IsInline() && !IsFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() && Parent() &&
bool IsFlexItem() const {
return !IsInline() && !IsFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() && Parent() &&
bool IsGridItem() const { return Parent() && Parent()->IsLayoutGrid(); }
// Return true if this is the "rendered legend" of a fieldset. They get
// special treatment, in that they establish a new formatting context, and
// shrink to fit if no logical width is specified.
bool IsRenderedLegend() const;
LayoutUnit LineHeight(
bool first_line,
LinePositionMode = kPositionOnContainingLine) const override;
int BaselinePosition(
bool first_line,
LinePositionMode = kPositionOnContainingLine) const override;
LayoutUnit OffsetLeft(const Element*) const override;
LayoutUnit OffsetTop(const Element*) const override;
LayoutPoint FlipForWritingModeForChild(const LayoutBox* child,
const LayoutPoint&) const;
WARN_UNUSED_RESULT LayoutUnit FlipForWritingMode(LayoutUnit position) const {
// The offset is in the block direction (y for horizontal writing modes, x
// for vertical writing modes).
if (!UNLIKELY(HasFlippedBlocksWritingMode()))
return position;
return LogicalHeight() - position;
FlipForWritingMode(const LayoutPoint& position) const {
if (!UNLIKELY(HasFlippedBlocksWritingMode()))
return position;
return IsHorizontalWritingMode()
? LayoutPoint(position.X(), frame_rect_.Height() - position.Y())
: LayoutPoint(frame_rect_.Width() - position.X(), position.Y());
FlipForWritingMode(const LayoutSize& offset) const {
if (!UNLIKELY(HasFlippedBlocksWritingMode()))
return offset;
return LayoutSize(frame_rect_.Width() - offset.Width(), offset.Height());
void FlipForWritingMode(LayoutRect& rect) const {
if (!UNLIKELY(HasFlippedBlocksWritingMode()))
rect.SetX(frame_rect_.Width() - rect.MaxX());
FlipForWritingMode(const FloatPoint& position) const {
if (!UNLIKELY(HasFlippedBlocksWritingMode()))
return position;
return FloatPoint(frame_rect_.Width() - position.X(), position.Y());
void FlipForWritingMode(FloatRect& rect) const {
if (!UNLIKELY(HasFlippedBlocksWritingMode()))
rect.SetX(frame_rect_.Width() - rect.MaxX());
// Passing |container| causes flipped-block flipping w.r.t. that container,
// or containingBlock() otherwise.
LayoutPoint PhysicalLocation(
const LayoutBox* flipped_blocks_container = nullptr) const;
LayoutSize PhysicalLocationOffset() const {
return ToLayoutSize(PhysicalLocation());
// Convert a local rect in this box's blocks direction into parent's blocks
// direction, for parent to accumulate layout or visual overflow.
LayoutRect RectForOverflowPropagation(const LayoutRect&) const;
LayoutRect LogicalVisualOverflowRectForPropagation() const;
LayoutRect VisualOverflowRectForPropagation() const {
return RectForOverflowPropagation(VisualOverflowRect());
LayoutRect LogicalLayoutOverflowRectForPropagation(
LayoutObject* container) const;
LayoutRect LayoutOverflowRectForPropagation(LayoutObject* container) const;
bool HasOverflowModel() const { return overflow_.get(); }
bool HasSelfVisualOverflow() const {
return overflow_ &&
bool HasVisualOverflow() const {
return overflow_ && !BorderBoxRect().Contains(VisualOverflowRect());
// Return true if re-laying out the containing block of this object means that
// we need to recalculate the preferred min/max logical widths of this object.
// Calculating min/max widths for an object should ideally only take itself
// and its children as input. However, some objects don't adhere strictly to
// this rule, and also take input from their containing block to figure out
// their min/max widths. This is the case for e.g. shrink-to-fit containers
// with percentage inline-axis padding. This isn't good practise, but that's
// how it is and how it's going to stay, unless we want to undertake a
// substantial maintenance task of the min/max preferred widths machinery.
virtual bool NeedsPreferredWidthsRecalculation() const;
// See for an explanation of scroll origin.
virtual IntSize OriginAdjustmentForScrollbars() const;
IntSize ScrolledContentOffset() const;
// Maps from scrolling contents space to box space and apply overflow
// clip if needed. Returns true if no clipping applied or the flattened quad
// bounds actually intersects the clipping region. If edgeInclusive is true,
// then this method may return true even if the resulting rect has zero area.
// When applying offsets and not clips, the TransformAccumulation is
// respected. If there is a clip, the TransformState is flattened first.
bool MapScrollingContentsRectToBoxSpace(
VisualRectFlags = kDefaultVisualRectFlags) const;
// Applies the box clip. This is like mapScrollingContentsRectToBoxSpace,
// except it does not apply scroll.
bool ApplyBoxClips(TransformState&,
VisualRectFlags) const;
// Maps the visual rect state |transformState| from this box into its
// container, applying adjustments for the given container offset,
// scrolling, container clipping, and transform (including container
// perspective).
bool MapVisualRectToContainer(const LayoutObject* container_bject,
const LayoutPoint& container_offset,
const LayoutObject* ancestor,
TransformState&) const;
bool HasRelativeLogicalWidth() const;
bool HasRelativeLogicalHeight() const;
bool HasHorizontalLayoutOverflow() const {
if (!overflow_)
return false;
LayoutRect layout_overflow_rect = overflow_->LayoutOverflowRect();
LayoutRect no_overflow_rect = this->NoOverflowRect();
return layout_overflow_rect.X() < no_overflow_rect.X() ||
layout_overflow_rect.MaxX() > no_overflow_rect.MaxX();
bool HasVerticalLayoutOverflow() const {
if (!overflow_)
return false;
LayoutRect layout_overflow_rect = overflow_->LayoutOverflowRect();
LayoutRect no_overflow_rect = this->NoOverflowRect();
return layout_overflow_rect.Y() < no_overflow_rect.Y() ||
layout_overflow_rect.MaxY() > no_overflow_rect.MaxY();
virtual LayoutBox* CreateAnonymousBoxWithSameTypeAs(
const LayoutObject*) const {
return nullptr;
bool HasSameDirectionAs(const LayoutBox* object) const {
return Style()->Direction() == object->Style()->Direction();
ShapeOutsideInfo* GetShapeOutsideInfo() const;
void MarkShapeOutsideDependentsForLayout() {
if (IsFloating())
void SetIntrinsicContentLogicalHeight(
LayoutUnit intrinsic_content_logical_height) const {
intrinsic_content_logical_height_ = intrinsic_content_logical_height;
bool CanRenderBorderImage() const;
void MapLocalToAncestor(
const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor,
MapCoordinatesFlags = kApplyContainerFlip) const override;
void MapAncestorToLocal(const LayoutBoxModelObject*,
MapCoordinatesFlags) const override;
void ClearPreviousVisualRects() override;
LayoutBlock* PercentHeightContainer() const {
return rare_data_ ? rare_data_->percent_height_container_ : nullptr;
void SetPercentHeightContainer(LayoutBlock*);
void RemoveFromPercentHeightContainer();
void ClearPercentHeightDescendants();
// For snap areas, returns the snap container that owns us.
LayoutBox* SnapContainer() const;
void SetSnapContainer(LayoutBox*);
// For snap containers, returns all associated snap areas.
SnapAreaSet* SnapAreas() const;
void ClearSnapAreas();
bool HitTestClippedOutByBorder(const HitTestLocation& location_in_container,
const LayoutPoint& border_box_location) const;
static bool MustInvalidateFillLayersPaintOnWidthChange(const FillLayer&);
static bool MustInvalidateFillLayersPaintOnHeightChange(const FillLayer&);
bool MustInvalidateBackgroundOrBorderPaintOnHeightChange() const;
bool MustInvalidateBackgroundOrBorderPaintOnWidthChange() const;
// Returns true if the box intersects the viewport visible to the user.
bool IntersectsVisibleViewport() const;
bool HasNonCompositedScrollbars() const final;
void EnsureIsReadyForPaintInvalidation() override;
virtual bool HasControlClip() const { return false; }
class MutableForPainting : public LayoutObject::MutableForPainting {
void SavePreviousSize() {
GetLayoutBox().previous_size_ = GetLayoutBox().Size();
void SavePreviousContentBoxSizeAndLayoutOverflowRect();
void ClearPreviousContentBoxSizeAndLayoutOverflowRect() {
if (!GetLayoutBox().rare_data_)
.rare_data_->has_previous_content_box_size_and_layout_overflow_rect_ =
friend class LayoutBox;
MutableForPainting(const LayoutBox& box)
: LayoutObject::MutableForPainting(box) {}
LayoutBox& GetLayoutBox() {
return static_cast<LayoutBox&>(layout_object_);
MutableForPainting GetMutableForPainting() const {
return MutableForPainting(*this);
LayoutSize PreviousSize() const { return previous_size_; }
LayoutSize PreviousContentBoxSize() const {
return rare_data_ &&
? rare_data_->previous_content_box_size_
: PreviousSize();
LayoutRect PreviousLayoutOverflowRect() const {
return rare_data_ &&
? rare_data_->previous_layout_overflow_rect_
: LayoutRect(LayoutPoint(), PreviousSize());
virtual LayoutRect ControlClipRect(const LayoutPoint&) const {
return LayoutRect();
void WillBeDestroyed() override;
void InsertedIntoTree() override;
void WillBeRemovedFromTree() override;
void StyleWillChange(StyleDifference,
const ComputedStyle& new_style) override;
void StyleDidChange(StyleDifference, const ComputedStyle* old_style) override;
void UpdateFromStyle() override;
virtual ItemPosition SelfAlignmentNormalBehavior(
const LayoutBox* child = nullptr) const {
return kItemPositionStretch;
// Returns false if it could not cheaply compute the extent (e.g. fixed
// background), in which case the returned rect may be incorrect.
// FIXME: make this a const method once the LayoutBox reference in BoxPainter
// is const.
bool GetBackgroundPaintedExtent(LayoutRect&) const;
virtual bool ForegroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(
const LayoutRect& local_rect,
unsigned max_depth_to_test) const;
bool ComputeBackgroundIsKnownToBeObscured() const override;
virtual void ComputePositionedLogicalWidth(
LogicalExtentComputedValues&) const;
LayoutUnit ComputeIntrinsicLogicalWidthUsing(
const Length& logical_width_length,
LayoutUnit available_logical_width,
LayoutUnit border_and_padding) const;
virtual LayoutUnit ComputeIntrinsicLogicalContentHeightUsing(
const Length& logical_height_length,
LayoutUnit intrinsic_content_height,
LayoutUnit border_and_padding) const;
virtual bool ShouldComputeSizeAsReplaced() const {
return IsAtomicInlineLevel() && !IsInlineBlockOrInlineTable();
LayoutObject* SplitAnonymousBoxesAroundChild(LayoutObject* before_child);
virtual bool HitTestOverflowControl(HitTestResult&,
const HitTestLocation&,
const LayoutPoint&) {
return false;
virtual bool HitTestChildren(HitTestResult&,
const HitTestLocation& location_in_container,
const LayoutPoint& accumulated_offset,
void AddLayerHitTestRects(LayerHitTestRects&,
const PaintLayer* current_composited_layer,
const LayoutPoint& layer_offset,
const LayoutRect& container_rect) const override;
void ComputeSelfHitTestRects(Vector<LayoutRect>&,
const LayoutPoint& layer_offset) const override;
PaintInvalidationReason DeprecatedInvalidatePaint(
const PaintInvalidationState&) override;
PaintInvalidationReason InvalidatePaint(
const PaintInvalidatorContext&) const override;
bool ColumnFlexItemHasStretchAlignment() const;
bool IsStretchingColumnFlexItem() const;
bool HasStretchedLogicalWidth() const;
void ExcludeScrollbars(
OverlayScrollbarClipBehavior = kIgnorePlatformOverlayScrollbarSize) const;
LayoutUnit ContainingBlockLogicalWidthForPositioned(
const LayoutBoxModelObject* containing_block,
bool check_for_perpendicular_writing_mode = true) const;
LayoutUnit ContainingBlockLogicalHeightForPositioned(
const LayoutBoxModelObject* containing_block,
bool check_for_perpendicular_writing_mode = true) const;
static void ComputeBlockStaticDistance(
Length& logical_top,
Length& logical_bottom,
const LayoutBox* child,
const LayoutBoxModelObject* container_block);
static void ComputeInlineStaticDistance(
Length& logical_left,
Length& logical_right,
const LayoutBox* child,
const LayoutBoxModelObject* container_block,
LayoutUnit container_logical_width);
static void ComputeLogicalLeftPositionedOffset(
LayoutUnit& logical_left_pos,
const LayoutBox* child,
LayoutUnit logical_width_value,
const LayoutBoxModelObject* container_block,
LayoutUnit container_logical_width);
static void ComputeLogicalTopPositionedOffset(
LayoutUnit& logical_top_pos,
const LayoutBox* child,
LayoutUnit logical_height_value,
const LayoutBoxModelObject* container_block,
LayoutUnit container_logical_height);
bool SkipContainingBlockForPercentHeightCalculation(
const LayoutBox* containing_block) const;
void UpdateShapeOutsideInfoAfterStyleChange(const ComputedStyle&,
const ComputedStyle* old_style);
void UpdateGridPositionAfterStyleChange(const ComputedStyle*);
void UpdateScrollSnapMappingAfterStyleChange(const ComputedStyle*,
const ComputedStyle* old_style);
void ClearScrollSnapMapping();
void AddScrollSnapMapping();
bool AutoWidthShouldFitContent() const;
LayoutUnit ShrinkToFitLogicalWidth(LayoutUnit available_logical_width,
LayoutUnit borders_plus_padding) const;
bool StretchesToViewportInQuirksMode() const;
virtual void ComputePositionedLogicalHeight(
LogicalExtentComputedValues&) const;
void ComputePositionedLogicalWidthUsing(
Length logical_width,
const LayoutBoxModelObject* container_block,
TextDirection container_direction,
LayoutUnit container_logical_width,
LayoutUnit borders_plus_padding,
const Length& logical_left,
const Length& logical_right,
const Length& margin_logical_left,
const Length& margin_logical_right,
LogicalExtentComputedValues&) const;
void ComputePositionedLogicalHeightUsing(
Length logical_height_length,
const LayoutBoxModelObject* container_block,
LayoutUnit container_logical_height,
LayoutUnit borders_plus_padding,
LayoutUnit logical_height,
const Length& logical_top,
const Length& logical_bottom,
const Length& margin_logical_top,
const Length& margin_logical_bottom,
LogicalExtentComputedValues&) const;
LayoutUnit FillAvailableMeasure(LayoutUnit available_logical_width) const;
LayoutUnit FillAvailableMeasure(LayoutUnit available_logical_width,
LayoutUnit& margin_start,
LayoutUnit& margin_end) const;
// Calculates the intrinsic(
// logical widths for this layout box.
// intrinsicWidth is defined as:
// intrinsic size of content (without our border and padding) +
// scrollbarWidth.
// preferredWidth is defined as:
// fixedWidth OR (intrinsicWidth plus border and padding).
// Note: fixedWidth includes border and padding and scrollbarWidth.
virtual void ComputeIntrinsicLogicalWidths(
LayoutUnit& min_logical_width,
LayoutUnit& max_logical_width) const;
// This function calculates the preferred widths for an object.
// This function is only expected to be called if
// the boolean preferredLogicalWidthsDirty is true. It also MUST clear the
// boolean before returning.
// details about those widths.
virtual void ComputePreferredLogicalWidths() {
LayoutBoxRareData& EnsureRareData() {
if (!rare_data_)
rare_data_ = WTF::MakeUnique<LayoutBoxRareData>();
return *rare_data_.get();
bool LogicalHeightComputesAsNone(SizeType) const;
bool IsBox() const =
delete; // This will catch anyone doing an unnecessary check.
void LocationChanged();
void SizeChanged();
virtual bool IsInSelfHitTestingPhase(HitTestAction hit_test_action) const {
return hit_test_action == kHitTestForeground;
void UpdateBackgroundAttachmentFixedStatusAfterStyleChange();
void InflateVisualRectForFilter(TransformState&) const;
void InflateVisualRectForFilterUnderContainer(
const LayoutObject& container,
const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor_to_stop_at) const;
LayoutRectOutsets margin_box_outsets_;
void AddSnapArea(const LayoutBox&);
void RemoveSnapArea(const LayoutBox&);
LayoutRect DebugRect() const override;
// The CSS border box rect for this box.
// The rectangle is in this box's physical coordinates but with a
// flipped block-flow direction (see the COORDINATE SYSTEMS section
// in LayoutBoxModelObject). The location is the distance from this
// object's border edge to the container's border edge (which is not
// always the parent). Thus it includes any logical top/left along
// with this box's margins.
LayoutRect frame_rect_;
// Previous size of m_frameRect, updated after paint invalidation.
LayoutSize previous_size_;
// Our intrinsic height, used for min-height: min-content etc. Maintained by
// updateLogicalHeight. This is logicalHeight() before it is clamped to
// min/max.
mutable LayoutUnit intrinsic_content_logical_height_;
// The logical width of the element if it were to break its lines at every
// possible opportunity.
// See LayoutObject::minPreferredLogicalWidth() for more details.
LayoutUnit min_preferred_logical_width_;
// The logical width of the element if it never breaks any lines at all.
// See LayoutObject::maxPreferredLogicalWidth() for more details.
LayoutUnit max_preferred_logical_width_;
// Our overflow information.
std::unique_ptr<BoxOverflowModel> overflow_;
// The inline box containing this LayoutBox, for atomic inline elements.
InlineBox* inline_box_wrapper_;
std::unique_ptr<LayoutBoxRareData> rare_data_;
inline LayoutBox* LayoutBox::PreviousSiblingBox() const {
return ToLayoutBox(PreviousSibling());
inline LayoutBox* LayoutBox::PreviousInFlowSiblingBox() const {
LayoutBox* previous = PreviousSiblingBox();
while (previous && previous->IsOutOfFlowPositioned())
previous = previous->PreviousSiblingBox();
return previous;
inline LayoutBox* LayoutBox::NextSiblingBox() const {
return ToLayoutBox(NextSibling());
inline LayoutBox* LayoutBox::NextInFlowSiblingBox() const {
LayoutBox* next = NextSiblingBox();
while (next && next->IsOutOfFlowPositioned())
next = next->NextSiblingBox();
return next;
inline LayoutBox* LayoutBox::ParentBox() const {
return ToLayoutBox(Parent());
inline LayoutBox* LayoutBox::FirstInFlowChildBox() const {
LayoutBox* first = FirstChildBox();
return (first && first->IsOutOfFlowPositioned())
? first->NextInFlowSiblingBox()
: first;
inline LayoutBox* LayoutBox::FirstChildBox() const {
return ToLayoutBox(SlowFirstChild());
inline LayoutBox* LayoutBox::LastChildBox() const {
return ToLayoutBox(SlowLastChild());
inline LayoutBox* LayoutBox::PreviousSiblingMultiColumnBox() const {
DCHECK(IsLayoutMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder() || IsLayoutMultiColumnSet());
LayoutBox* previous_box = PreviousSiblingBox();
if (previous_box->IsLayoutFlowThread())
return nullptr;
return previous_box;
inline LayoutBox* LayoutBox::NextSiblingMultiColumnBox() const {
DCHECK(IsLayoutMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder() || IsLayoutMultiColumnSet());
return NextSiblingBox();
inline void LayoutBox::SetInlineBoxWrapper(InlineBox* box_wrapper) {
if (box_wrapper) {
// m_inlineBoxWrapper should already be nullptr. Deleting it is a safeguard
// against security issues. Otherwise, there will two line box wrappers
// keeping the reference to this layoutObject, and only one will be notified
// when the layoutObject is getting destroyed. The second line box wrapper
// will keep a stale reference.
if (UNLIKELY(inline_box_wrapper_ != nullptr))
inline_box_wrapper_ = box_wrapper;
inline bool LayoutBox::IsForcedFragmentainerBreakValue(
EBreakBetween break_value) {
return break_value == EBreakBetween::kColumn ||
break_value == EBreakBetween::kLeft ||
break_value == EBreakBetween::kPage ||
break_value == EBreakBetween::kRecto ||
break_value == EBreakBetween::kRight ||
break_value == EBreakBetween::kVerso;
} // namespace blink
#endif // LayoutBox_h