blob: cbc48e713252acc00613b2d0171d278c0895d554 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGInlineBoxState_h
#define NGInlineBoxState_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_logical_size.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/inline/ng_line_height_metrics.h"
#include "core/style/ComputedStyleConstants.h"
#include "platform/LayoutUnit.h"
#include "platform/fonts/FontBaseline.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Vector.h"
namespace blink {
class NGInlineItem;
struct NGInlineItemResult;
class NGLineBoxFragmentBuilder;
// Fragments that require the layout position/size of ancestor are packed in
// this struct.
struct NGPendingPositions {
unsigned fragment_start;
unsigned fragment_end;
NGLineHeightMetrics metrics;
EVerticalAlign vertical_align;
// Represents the current box while NGInlineLayoutAlgorithm performs layout.
// Used 1) to cache common values for a box, and 2) to layout children that
// require ancestor position or size.
// This is a transient object only while building line boxes in a block.
struct NGInlineBoxState {
unsigned fragment_start;
const NGInlineItem* item;
const ComputedStyle* style;
NGLineHeightMetrics metrics;
NGLineHeightMetrics text_metrics;
LayoutUnit text_top;
// These values are to create a box fragment. Set only when needs_box_fragment
// is set.
LayoutUnit line_left_position;
LayoutUnit line_right_position;
LayoutUnit borders_paddings_block_start;
LayoutUnit borders_paddings_block_end;
NGBorderEdges border_edges;
Vector<NGPendingPositions> pending_descendants;
bool include_used_fonts = false;
bool needs_box_fragment = false;
bool needs_box_fragment_when_empty = false;
// Compute text metrics for a box. All text in a box share the same metrics.
void ComputeTextMetrics(const ComputedStyle& style, FontBaseline);
void AccumulateUsedFonts(const NGInlineItem&,
unsigned start,
unsigned end,
// Create a box fragment for this box.
void SetNeedsBoxFragment(bool when_empty);
void SetLineRightForBoxFragment(const NGInlineItem&,
const NGInlineItemResult&,
LayoutUnit position);
// Represents the inline tree structure. This class provides:
// 1) Allow access to fragments belonging to the current box.
// 2) Performs layout when the positin/size of a box was computed.
// 3) Cache common values for a box.
class NGInlineLayoutStateStack {
// The box state for the line box.
NGInlineBoxState& LineBoxState() { return stack_.front(); }
// Initialize the box state stack for a new line.
// @return The initial box state for the line.
NGInlineBoxState* OnBeginPlaceItems(const ComputedStyle*, FontBaseline);
// Push a box state stack.
NGInlineBoxState* OnOpenTag(const NGInlineItem&,
const NGInlineItemResult&,
LayoutUnit position);
// Pop a box state stack.
NGInlineBoxState* OnCloseTag(const NGInlineItem&,
// Compute all the pending positioning at the end of a line.
void OnEndPlaceItems(NGLineBoxFragmentBuilder*,
LayoutUnit position);
// End of a box state, either explicitly by close tag, or implicitly at the
// end of a line.
void EndBoxState(NGInlineBoxState*, NGLineBoxFragmentBuilder*, FontBaseline);
void AddBoxFragmentPlaceholder(NGInlineBoxState*,
void CreateBoxFragments(NGLineBoxFragmentBuilder*);
enum PositionPending { kPositionNotPending, kPositionPending };
// Compute vertical position for the 'vertical-align' property.
// The timing to apply varies by values; some values apply at the layout of
// the box was computed. Other values apply when the layout of the parent or
// the line box was computed.
PositionPending ApplyBaselineShift(NGInlineBoxState*,
// Data for a box fragment placeholder. See AddBoxFragmentPlaceholder().
// This is a transient object only while building a line box.
struct BoxFragmentPlaceholder {
unsigned fragment_start;
unsigned fragment_end;
const NGInlineItem* item;
NGLogicalSize size;
NGBorderEdges border_edges;
Vector<NGInlineBoxState, 4> stack_;
Vector<BoxFragmentPlaceholder, 4> box_placeholders_;
} // namespace blink
#endif // NGInlineBoxState_h