blob: a4056f25338fdabf7359fc2ee4ee626af9fab38c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGInlineItemResult_h
#define NGInlineItemResult_h
#include "core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_box_strut.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_layout_result.h"
#include "platform/LayoutUnit.h"
#include "platform/fonts/shaping/ShapeResult.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Allocator.h"
namespace blink {
class NGConstraintSpace;
class NGInlineNode;
// The result of measuring NGInlineItem.
// This is a transient context object only while building line boxes.
// Produced while determining the line break points, but these data are needed
// to create line boxes.
// NGLineBreaker produces, and NGInlineLayoutAlgorithm consumes.
struct CORE_EXPORT NGInlineItemResult {
// The index of NGInlineItem and its text range.
unsigned item_index;
unsigned start_offset;
unsigned end_offset;
// Inline size of this item.
LayoutUnit inline_size;
// ShapeResult for text items. Maybe different from NGInlineItem if re-shape
// is needed in the line breaker.
RefPtr<ShapeResult> shape_result;
// NGLayoutResult for atomic inline items.
RefPtr<NGLayoutResult> layout_result;
// Margins for atomic inline items and open/close tags.
NGBoxStrut margins;
// Borders/padding for open tags.
LayoutUnit borders_paddings_block_start;
LayoutUnit borders_paddings_block_end;
// Create a box when the box is empty, for open/close tags.
unsigned needs_box_when_empty : 1;
// Inside of this is not breakable.
// Used only during line breaking.
unsigned no_break_opportunities_inside : 1;
// Lines must not break after this.
// Used only during line breaking.
unsigned prohibit_break_after : 1;
NGInlineItemResult(unsigned index, unsigned start, unsigned end);
// Represents a set of NGInlineItemResult that form a line box.
using NGInlineItemResults = Vector<NGInlineItemResult, 32>;
// Represents a line to build.
// This is a transient context object only while building line boxes.
// NGLineBreaker produces, and NGInlineLayoutAlgorithm consumes.
class CORE_EXPORT NGLineInfo {
NGLineInfo() {}
explicit NGLineInfo(size_t capacity) : results_(capacity) {}
// The style to use for the line.
const ComputedStyle& LineStyle() const {
return *line_style_;
void SetLineStyle(const NGInlineNode&,
const NGConstraintSpace&,
bool is_first_line,
bool is_after_forced_break);
// Use ::first-line style if true.
// This is false for the "first formatted line" if '::first-line' rule is not
// used in the document.
bool UseFirstLineStyle() const { return use_first_line_style_; }
// The last line of a block, or the line ends with a forced line break.
bool IsLastLine() const { return is_last_line_; }
void SetIsLastLine(bool is_last_line) { is_last_line_ = is_last_line; }
// NGInlineItemResults for this line.
NGInlineItemResults& Results() { return results_; }
const NGInlineItemResults& Results() const { return results_; }
LayoutUnit TextIndent() const { return text_indent_; }
LayoutUnit LineLeft() const { return line_left_; }
LayoutUnit AvailableWidth() const { return available_width_; }
LayoutUnit LineTop() const { return line_top_; }
void SetLineLocation(LayoutUnit line_left,
LayoutUnit available_width,
LayoutUnit line_top);
const ComputedStyle* line_style_ = nullptr;
NGInlineItemResults results_;
LayoutUnit line_left_;
LayoutUnit available_width_;
LayoutUnit line_top_;
LayoutUnit text_indent_;
bool use_first_line_style_ = false;
bool is_last_line_ = false;
} // namespace blink
#endif // NGInlineItemResult_h