blob: fc5cef4761e8ecbec92f66d8aa617c4d3b547c78 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia_operations.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia_source.h"
#include "ui/gfx/skia_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/switches.h"
namespace gfx {
namespace {
// static
gfx::ImageSkiaRep& NullImageRep() {
CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(ImageSkiaRep, null_image_rep, ());
return null_image_rep;
std::vector<float>* g_supported_scales = NULL;
// The difference to fall back to the smaller scale factor rather than the
// larger one. For example, assume 1.20 is requested but only 1.0 and 2.0 are
// supported. In that case, not fall back to 2.0 but 1.0, and then expand
// the image to 1.25.
const float kFallbackToSmallerScaleDiff = 0.20f;
} // namespace
namespace internal {
namespace {
ImageSkiaRep ScaleImageSkiaRep(const ImageSkiaRep& rep, float target_scale) {
if (rep.is_null() || rep.scale() == target_scale)
return rep;
gfx::Size scaled_size =
gfx::ScaleToCeiledSize(rep.pixel_size(), target_scale / rep.scale());
return ImageSkiaRep(skia::ImageOperations::Resize(
scaled_size.height()), target_scale);
} // namespace
// A helper class such that ImageSkia can be cheaply copied. ImageSkia holds a
// refptr instance of ImageSkiaStorage, which in turn holds all of ImageSkia's
// information. Having both |base::RefCountedThreadSafe| and
// |base::NonThreadSafe| may sound strange but is necessary to turn
// the 'thread-non-safe modifiable ImageSkiaStorage' into
// the 'thread-safe read-only ImageSkiaStorage'.
class ImageSkiaStorage : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ImageSkiaStorage>,
public base::NonThreadSafe {
ImageSkiaStorage(ImageSkiaSource* source, const gfx::Size& size);
ImageSkiaStorage(ImageSkiaSource* source, float scale);
bool has_source() const { return source_ != nullptr; }
std::vector<gfx::ImageSkiaRep>& image_reps() { return image_reps_; }
const gfx::Size& size() const { return size_; }
bool read_only() const { return read_only_; }
void DeleteSource();
void SetReadOnly();
void DetachFromThread();
// Checks if the current thread can safely modify the storage.
bool CanModify() const;
// Checks if the current thread can safely read the storage.
bool CanRead() const;
// Add a new representation. This checks if the scale of the added image
// is not 1.0f, and mark the existing rep as scaled to make
// the image high DPI aware.
void AddRepresentation(const ImageSkiaRep& image);
// Returns whether the underlying image source can provide a representation at
// any scale. In this case, the caller is guaranteed that
// FindRepresentation(..., true) will always succeed.
bool HasRepresentationAtAllScales() const;
// Returns the iterator of the image rep whose density best matches
// |scale|. If the image for the |scale| doesn't exist in the storage and
// |storage| is set, it fetches new image by calling
// |ImageSkiaSource::GetImageForScale|. There are two modes to deal with
// arbitrary scale factors.
// 1: Invoke GetImageForScale with requested scale and if the source
// returns the image with different scale (if the image doesn't exist in
// resource, for example), it will fallback to closest image rep.
// 2: Invoke GetImageForScale with the closest known scale to the requested
// one and rescale the image.
// Right now only Windows uses 2 and other platforms use 1 by default.
// TODO(mukai, oshima): abandon 1 code path and use 2 for every platforms.
std::vector<ImageSkiaRep>::iterator FindRepresentation(
float scale,
bool fetch_new_image) const;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ImageSkiaStorage>;
virtual ~ImageSkiaStorage();
// Vector of bitmaps and their associated scale.
std::vector<gfx::ImageSkiaRep> image_reps_;
std::unique_ptr<ImageSkiaSource> source_;
// Size of the image in DIP.
gfx::Size size_;
bool read_only_;
ImageSkiaStorage::ImageSkiaStorage(ImageSkiaSource* source,
const gfx::Size& size)
: source_(source), size_(size), read_only_(false) {}
ImageSkiaStorage::ImageSkiaStorage(ImageSkiaSource* source, float scale)
: source_(source), read_only_(false) {
ImageSkia::ImageSkiaReps::iterator it = FindRepresentation(scale, true);
if (it == image_reps_.end() || it->is_null())
size_.SetSize(it->GetWidth(), it->GetHeight());
void ImageSkiaStorage::DeleteSource() {
void ImageSkiaStorage::SetReadOnly() {
read_only_ = true;
void ImageSkiaStorage::DetachFromThread() {
bool ImageSkiaStorage::CanModify() const {
return !read_only_ && CalledOnValidThread();
bool ImageSkiaStorage::CanRead() const {
return (read_only_ && !source_) || CalledOnValidThread();
void ImageSkiaStorage::AddRepresentation(const ImageSkiaRep& image) {
// Explicitly adding a representation makes no sense for images that
// inherently have representations at all scales already.
if (image.scale() != 1.0f) {
for (ImageSkia::ImageSkiaReps::iterator it = image_reps_.begin();
it < image_reps_.end(); ++it) {
if (it->unscaled()) {
DCHECK_EQ(1.0f, it->scale());
bool ImageSkiaStorage::HasRepresentationAtAllScales() const {
return source_ && source_->HasRepresentationAtAllScales();
std::vector<ImageSkiaRep>::iterator ImageSkiaStorage::FindRepresentation(
float scale,
bool fetch_new_image) const {
ImageSkiaStorage* non_const = const_cast<ImageSkiaStorage*>(this);
ImageSkia::ImageSkiaReps::iterator closest_iter =
ImageSkia::ImageSkiaReps::iterator exact_iter = non_const->image_reps().end();
float smallest_diff = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
for (ImageSkia::ImageSkiaReps::iterator it = non_const->image_reps().begin();
it < image_reps_.end(); ++it) {
if (it->scale() == scale) {
// found exact match
fetch_new_image = false;
if (it->is_null())
exact_iter = it;
float diff = std::abs(it->scale() - scale);
if (diff < smallest_diff && !it->is_null()) {
closest_iter = it;
smallest_diff = diff;
if (fetch_new_image && source_.get()) {
<< "An ImageSkia with the source must be accessed by the same thread.";
ImageSkiaRep image;
float resource_scale = scale;
if (g_supported_scales) {
if (g_supported_scales->back() <= scale) {
resource_scale = g_supported_scales->back();
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < g_supported_scales->size(); ++i) {
if ((*g_supported_scales)[i] + kFallbackToSmallerScaleDiff >= scale) {
resource_scale = (*g_supported_scales)[i];
if (scale != resource_scale) {
std::vector<ImageSkiaRep>::iterator iter =
FindRepresentation(resource_scale, fetch_new_image);
CHECK(iter != image_reps_.end());
image = iter->unscaled() ? (*iter) : ScaleImageSkiaRep(*iter, scale);
} else {
image = source_->GetImageForScale(scale);
// Image may be missing for the specified scale in some cases, such like
// looking up 2x resources but the 2x resource pack is missing. Fall back
// to 1x and re-scale it.
if (image.is_null() && scale != 1.0f)
image = ScaleImageSkiaRep(source_->GetImageForScale(1.0f), scale);
// If the source returned the new image, store it.
if (!image.is_null() &&
std::find_if(image_reps_.begin(), image_reps_.end(),
[&image](const ImageSkiaRep& rep) {
return rep.scale() == image.scale();
}) == image_reps_.end()) {
// If the result image's scale isn't same as the expected scale, create a
// null ImageSkiaRep with the |scale| so that the next lookup will fall back
// to the closest scale.
if (image.is_null() || image.scale() != scale) {
non_const->image_reps().push_back(ImageSkiaRep(SkBitmap(), scale));
// image_reps_ must have the exact much now, so find again.
return FindRepresentation(scale, false);
return exact_iter != image_reps_.end() ? exact_iter : closest_iter;
ImageSkiaStorage::~ImageSkiaStorage() {
// We only care if the storage is modified by the same thread. Don't blow up
// even if someone else deleted the ImageSkia.
} // internal
ImageSkia::ImageSkia() : storage_(NULL) {
ImageSkia::ImageSkia(ImageSkiaSource* source, const gfx::Size& size)
: storage_(new internal::ImageSkiaStorage(source, size)) {
// No other thread has reference to this, so it's safe to detach the thread.
ImageSkia::ImageSkia(ImageSkiaSource* source, float scale)
: storage_(new internal::ImageSkiaStorage(source, scale)) {
if (!storage_->has_source())
storage_ = NULL;
// No other thread has reference to this, so it's safe to detach the thread.
ImageSkia::ImageSkia(const ImageSkiaRep& image_rep) {
// No other thread has reference to this, so it's safe to detach the thread.
ImageSkia::ImageSkia(const ImageSkia& other) : storage_(other.storage_) {
ImageSkia& ImageSkia::operator=(const ImageSkia& other) {
storage_ = other.storage_;
return *this;
ImageSkia::~ImageSkia() {
// static
void ImageSkia::SetSupportedScales(const std::vector<float>& supported_scales) {
if (g_supported_scales != NULL)
delete g_supported_scales;
g_supported_scales = new std::vector<float>(supported_scales);
std::sort(g_supported_scales->begin(), g_supported_scales->end());
// static
const std::vector<float>& ImageSkia::GetSupportedScales() {
DCHECK(g_supported_scales != NULL);
return *g_supported_scales;
// static
float ImageSkia::GetMaxSupportedScale() {
return g_supported_scales->back();
// static
ImageSkia ImageSkia::CreateFrom1xBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap) {
return ImageSkia(ImageSkiaRep(bitmap, 0.0f));
std::unique_ptr<ImageSkia> ImageSkia::DeepCopy() const {
ImageSkia* copy = new ImageSkia;
if (isNull())
return base::WrapUnique(copy);
std::vector<gfx::ImageSkiaRep>& reps = storage_->image_reps();
for (std::vector<gfx::ImageSkiaRep>::iterator iter = reps.begin();
iter != reps.end(); ++iter) {
// The copy has its own storage. Detach the copy from the current
// thread so that other thread can use this.
if (!copy->isNull())
return base::WrapUnique(copy);
bool ImageSkia::BackedBySameObjectAs(const gfx::ImageSkia& other) const {
return storage_.get() == other.storage_.get();
void ImageSkia::AddRepresentation(const ImageSkiaRep& image_rep) {
// TODO(oshima): This method should be called |SetRepresentation|
// and replace the existing rep if there is already one with the
// same scale so that we can guarantee that a ImageSkia instance contains only
// one image rep per scale. This is not possible now as ImageLoader currently
// stores need this feature, but this needs to be fixed.
if (isNull()) {
} else {
// If someone is adding ImageSkia explicitly, check if we should
// make the image high DPI aware.
void ImageSkia::RemoveRepresentation(float scale) {
if (isNull())
ImageSkiaReps& image_reps = storage_->image_reps();
ImageSkiaReps::iterator it =
storage_->FindRepresentation(scale, false);
if (it != image_reps.end() && it->scale() == scale)
bool ImageSkia::HasRepresentation(float scale) const {
if (isNull())
return false;
// This check is not only faster than FindRepresentation(), it's important for
// getting the right answer in cases of image types that are not based on
// discrete preset underlying representations, which otherwise might report
// "false" for this if GetRepresentation() has not yet been called for this
// |scale|.
if (storage_->HasRepresentationAtAllScales())
return true;
ImageSkiaReps::iterator it = storage_->FindRepresentation(scale, false);
return (it != storage_->image_reps().end() && it->scale() == scale);
const ImageSkiaRep& ImageSkia::GetRepresentation(float scale) const {
if (isNull())
return NullImageRep();
ImageSkiaReps::iterator it = storage_->FindRepresentation(scale, true);
if (it == storage_->image_reps().end())
return NullImageRep();
return *it;
void ImageSkia::SetReadOnly() {
void ImageSkia::MakeThreadSafe() {
// Delete source as we no longer needs it.
if (storage_.get())
bool ImageSkia::IsThreadSafe() const {
return !storage_.get() || (storage_->read_only() && !storage_->has_source());
int ImageSkia::width() const {
return isNull() ? 0 : storage_->size().width();
gfx::Size ImageSkia::size() const {
return gfx::Size(width(), height());
int ImageSkia::height() const {
return isNull() ? 0 : storage_->size().height();
std::vector<ImageSkiaRep> ImageSkia::image_reps() const {
if (isNull())
return std::vector<ImageSkiaRep>();
ImageSkiaReps internal_image_reps = storage_->image_reps();
// Create list of image reps to return, skipping null image reps which were
// added for caching purposes only.
ImageSkiaReps image_reps;
for (ImageSkiaReps::iterator it = internal_image_reps.begin();
it != internal_image_reps.end(); ++it) {
if (!it->is_null())
return image_reps;
void ImageSkia::EnsureRepsForSupportedScales() const {
DCHECK(g_supported_scales != NULL);
// Don't check ReadOnly because the source may generate images
// even for read only ImageSkia. Concurrent access will be protected
// by |DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread())| in FindRepresentation.
if (storage_.get() && storage_->has_source()) {
for (std::vector<float>::const_iterator it = g_supported_scales->begin();
it != g_supported_scales->end(); ++it)
storage_->FindRepresentation(*it, true);
void ImageSkia::Init(const ImageSkiaRep& image_rep) {
// TODO(pkotwicz): The image should be null whenever image rep is null.
if (image_rep.sk_bitmap().empty()) {
storage_ = NULL;
storage_ = new internal::ImageSkiaStorage(
NULL, gfx::Size(image_rep.GetWidth(), image_rep.GetHeight()));
const SkBitmap& ImageSkia::GetBitmap() const {
if (isNull()) {
// Callers expect a ImageSkiaRep even if it is |isNull()|.
// TODO(pkotwicz): Fix this.
return NullImageRep().sk_bitmap();
// TODO(oshima): This made a few tests flaky on Windows.
// Fix the root cause and re-enable this.
#if !defined(OS_WIN)
ImageSkiaReps::iterator it = storage_->FindRepresentation(1.0f, true);
if (it != storage_->image_reps().end())
return it->sk_bitmap();
return NullImageRep().sk_bitmap();
bool ImageSkia::CanRead() const {
return !storage_.get() || storage_->CanRead();
bool ImageSkia::CanModify() const {
return !storage_.get() || storage_->CanModify();
void ImageSkia::DetachStorageFromThread() {
if (storage_.get())
} // namespace gfx