blob: a6f17da98f359a7121251c64a873231161082b20 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module mojom;
import "chrome/browser/resource_coordinator/lifecycle_unit_state.mojom";
// Identical to content::Visibility.
enum LifecycleUnitVisibility {
struct SiteCharacteristicsFeature {
// The cumulative observation time for this feature in seconds, set to 0 once
// this feature has been observed.
int64 observation_duration;
// The time at which this feature has been used (set to 0 if it hasn't been
// used), in seconds since epoch.
int64 use_timestamp;
struct SiteCharacteristicsPerformanceMeasurement {
// A decaying average of the CPU usage measurements. Units: microseconds.
float avg_cpu_usage_us;
// A decaying average of the process footprint measurements. Units: kilobytes.
float avg_footprint_kb;
// A decaying average of the wall-clock load time duration of the tab.
// Units: microseconds.
float avg_load_duration_us;
struct SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseSize {
// The total number of rows in the database, or -1 if the value is not
// available.
int64 num_rows;
// The total size of the database on disk in kilobytes, or -1 if the value
// is not available.
int64 on_disk_size_kb;
// The data stored for a given origin, this should mirror the
// SiteCharacteristicsProto structure in site_characteristics.proto.
struct SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseValue {
// The last time this site has been in the loaded state, in seconds since
// epoch.
uint32 last_loaded;
SiteCharacteristicsFeature updates_favicon_in_background;
SiteCharacteristicsFeature updates_title_in_background;
SiteCharacteristicsFeature uses_audio_in_background;
SiteCharacteristicsFeature uses_notifications_in_background;
// Load time performance measurement estimates. This maintains a decaying
// average of the resource usage of a page until shortly after it becomes
// idle.
SiteCharacteristicsPerformanceMeasurement? load_time_estimates;
// Provides the key and miscellaneous in-memory only data pertaining to a
// row that potentially exists in a database.
struct SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseEntry {
// The origin associated with this row.
string origin;
// This row is pending flush to disk.
bool is_dirty;
// NULL if the database entry doesn't exist on disk or in memory.
SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseValue? value;
// Contains information about a specific DB instance.
struct SiteCharacteristicsDatabase {
// Contains the entries requested.
array<SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseEntry> db_rows;
// Discard related information about a single tab in a browser.
struct TabDiscardsInfo {
// The URL associated with the tab. This corresponds to GetLastCommittedURL,
// and is also what is visible in the Omnibox for a given tab.
string tab_url;
// The title of the tab, as displayed on the tab itself.
string title;
// The visibility of the LifecycleUnit.
LifecycleUnitVisibility visibility;
// The loading state of the LifecycleUnit.
LifecycleUnitLoadingState loading_state;
// The state of the LifecycleUnit.
LifecycleUnitState state;
// Whether the tab can be frozen.
bool can_freeze;
// List of human-readable reasons why a tab can't be frozen.
array<string> cannot_freeze_reasons;
// Whether the tab can be discarded.
bool can_discard;
// List of human-readable reasons why a tab can't be discarded.
array<string> cannot_discard_reasons;
// The number of times this tab has been discarded in the current browser
// session.
int32 discard_count;
// If the tab is currently discarded, the discard reason.
LifecycleUnitDiscardReason discard_reason;
// The rank of the tab in the "importance to user" list. The tab with 1 is the
// most important, the tab with N is the least important.
int32 utility_rank;
// The time the tab was last active (foreground in a window), in seconds.
int32 last_active_seconds;
// A unique ID for the tab. This is unique for a browser session and follows a
// tab across tab strip operations, reloads and discards.
int32 id;
// Whether or not the tab is eligible for auto-discarding by the browser.
// This can be manipulated by the chrome://discards UI, or via the discards
// extension API.
bool is_auto_discardable;
// True if a reactivation score is calculated for the tab. Reactivation score
// can be predicted only for background tabs.
bool has_reactivation_score;
// Tab Ranker reactivation score, if |has_reactivation_score| is true.
double reactivation_score;
// Site engagement score.
double site_engagement_score;
// Whether or not the tab has input focus.
bool has_focus;
// Interface for providing information about discards. Lives in the browser
// process and is invoked in the renderer process via Javascript code running in
// the chrome://discards WebUI.
interface DiscardsDetailsProvider {
// Returns an array of TabDiscardsInfo containing discard information about
// each tab currently open in the browser, across all profiles.
GetTabDiscardsInfo() => (array<TabDiscardsInfo> infos);
// Returns the in-memory entries and the entries for the requested origins.
// Note that any entry may take some time to load from disk, and so there may
// not be any data for a given entry until on the second or subsequent
// requests.
array<string> explicitly_requested_origins) =>
(SiteCharacteristicsDatabase? result);
// Returns the size of the database in number of rows and kilobytes.
// Note that this may be fairly expensive to acquire, and so shouldn't be
// called frequently.
GetSiteCharacteristicsDatabaseSize() =>
(SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseSize? db_size);
// Sets the auto-discardable state of a tab, as specified by its stable
// |tab_id|, earlier returned by GetTabDiscardsInfo. Invokes a callback when
// the change has been made.
SetAutoDiscardable(int32 tab_id, bool is_auto_discardable) => ();
// Discards a tab given its |tab_id|. If |urgent| is specified the unload
// handlers will not be run, and the tab will be unloaded with prejudice.
// Invokes a callback when the discard is complete.
DiscardById(int32 tab_id, bool urgent) => ();
// Freezes a tab given its |tab_id|.
FreezeById(int32 tab_id);
// Loads a tab given its |tab_id|.
LoadById(int32 tab_id);
// Discards the least important tab. If |urgent| is specified the unload
// handlers will not be run, and the tab will be unloaded with prejudice.
// This can fail to discard a tab if no tabs are currently considered
// eligible for discard. Invokes a callback when the discard is complete, or
// if the decision was made not to discard.
Discard(bool urgent) => ();