blob: 281ceb05370818f1c2458aa2c8f181a4b89c5c6d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/scoped_observer.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_utils.h"
#include "ui/views/bubble/bubble_dialog_delegate_view.h"
namespace gfx {
class ImageSkia;
namespace views {
class ImageView;
class Label;
class Widget;
} // namespace views
class Tab;
// Dialog that displays an informational hover card containing page information.
class TabHoverCardBubbleView : public views::BubbleDialogDelegateView {
explicit TabHoverCardBubbleView(Tab* tab);
~TabHoverCardBubbleView() override;
// Updates card content and anchoring and shows the tab hover card.
void UpdateAndShow(Tab* tab);
bool IsVisible();
void FadeOutToHide();
bool IsFadingOut() const;
// Returns the target tab (if any).
views::View* GetDesiredAnchorView();
// Record a histogram metric of tab hover cards seen prior to a tab being
// selected by mouse press.
void RecordHoverCardsSeenRatioMetric();
void reset_hover_cards_seen_count() { hover_cards_seen_count_ = 0; }
// BubbleDialogDelegateView:
void OnWidgetVisibilityChanged(views::Widget* widget, bool visible) override;
ax::mojom::Role GetAccessibleWindowRole() override;
int GetDialogButtons() const override;
std::unique_ptr<views::View> CreateFootnoteView() override;
void Layout() override;
void set_last_mouse_exit_timestamp(
base::TimeTicks last_mouse_exit_timestamp) {
last_mouse_exit_timestamp_ = last_mouse_exit_timestamp;
friend class TabHoverCardBubbleViewBrowserTest;
friend class TabHoverCardBubbleViewInteractiveUiTest;
class WidgetFadeAnimationDelegate;
class WidgetSlideAnimationDelegate;
class FadeLabel;
class ThumbnailWatcher;
// Get delay in milliseconds based on tab width.
base::TimeDelta GetDelay(int tab_width) const;
void FadeInToShow();
// Updates and formats title, alert state, domain, and preview image.
void UpdateCardContent(const Tab* tab);
// Update the text fade to the given percent, which should be between 0 and 1.
void UpdateTextFade(double percent);
void OnThumbnailImageAvailable(gfx::ImageSkia thumbnail_image);
void ClearPreviewImage();
// Called when a hover card lands on the tab it's supposed to be a preview
// for; happens immediately if there is no slide animation, otherwise when the
// animation completes.
void OnHoverCardLanded();
// views::BubbleDialogDelegateView:
gfx::Size CalculatePreferredSize() const override;
void RecordTimeSinceLastSeenMetric(base::TimeDelta elapsed_time);
base::OneShotTimer delayed_show_timer_;
// Fade animations interfere with browser tests so we disable them in tests.
static bool disable_animations_for_testing_;
std::unique_ptr<WidgetFadeAnimationDelegate> fade_animation_delegate_;
// Used to animate the tab hover card's movement between tabs.
std::unique_ptr<WidgetSlideAnimationDelegate> slide_animation_delegate_;
std::unique_ptr<ThumbnailWatcher> thumbnail_watcher_;
// Timestamp of the last time a hover card was visible, recorded before it is
// hidden. This is used for metrics.
base::TimeTicks last_visible_timestamp_;
// Timestamp of the last time the hover card is hidden by the mouse leaving
// the tab strip. This is used for reshowing the hover card without delay if
// the mouse reenters within a given amount of time.
base::TimeTicks last_mouse_exit_timestamp_;
views::Widget* widget_ = nullptr;
views::Label* title_label_ = nullptr;
FadeLabel* title_fade_label_ = nullptr;
base::Optional<TabAlertState> alert_state_;
views::Label* domain_label_ = nullptr;
FadeLabel* domain_fade_label_ = nullptr;
views::ImageView* preview_image_ = nullptr;
// Counter used to keep track of the number of tab hover cards seen before a
// tab is selected by mouse press.
size_t hover_cards_seen_count_ = 0;
bool waiting_for_decompress_ = false;