blob: d2dda09894f6623487f3ae398bb4472bcec0bb89 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/tab_strip_layout.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string>
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_types.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/tab_animation_state.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/tab_width_constraints.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
namespace {
// Returns a string with the width of each gfx::Rect in |tab_bounds|, separated
// by spaces.
std::string TabWidthsAsString(const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& tab_bounds) {
std::string result;
for (const auto& bounds : tab_bounds) {
if (!result.empty())
result += " ";
result += base::NumberToString(bounds.width());
return result;
// Returns a string with the x-coordinate of each gfx::Rect in |tab_bounds|,
// separated by spaces.
std::string TabXPositionsAsString(const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& tab_bounds) {
std::string result;
for (const auto& bounds : tab_bounds) {
if (!result.empty())
result += " ";
result += base::NumberToString(bounds.x());
return result;
struct TestCase {
int num_pinned_tabs = 0;
int num_tabs = 0;
int active_index = 0;
int tabstrip_width = 0;
constexpr int kStandardWidth = 100;
constexpr int kTabHeight = 10;
constexpr int kMinActiveWidth = 20;
constexpr int kMinInactiveWidth = 14;
constexpr int kPinnedWidth = 10;
constexpr int kTabOverlap = 4;
std::vector<gfx::Rect> CalculateTabBounds(TestCase test_case) {
TabLayoutConstants layout_constants;
layout_constants.tab_height = kTabHeight;
layout_constants.tab_overlap = kTabOverlap;
TabSizeInfo size_info;
size_info.pinned_tab_width = kPinnedWidth;
size_info.min_active_width = kMinActiveWidth;
size_info.min_inactive_width = kMinInactiveWidth;
size_info.standard_width = kStandardWidth;
std::vector<TabWidthConstraints> tab_states;
for (int tab_index = 0; tab_index < test_case.num_tabs; tab_index++) {
TabAnimationState ideal_animation_state =
tab_index < test_case.num_pinned_tabs ? TabPinned::kPinned
: TabPinned::kUnpinned,
tab_index == test_case.active_index ? TabActive::kActive
: TabActive::kInactive,
layout_constants, size_info));
return CalculateTabBounds(layout_constants, tab_states,
test_case.tabstrip_width, base::nullopt);
} // namespace
// These tests verify that layout behaves correctly in various situations. In
// particular we want layout to adhere to the following constraints:
// * Tabs are the standard size given by TabSizeInfo when there's room.
// * Tabs are never smaller than the minimum sizes given by TabSizeInfo, even if
// there isn't enough room.
// * Pinned tabs are always the width given by TabSizeInfo.
// * Remainder pixels (leftover when the available width is distributed evenly)
// are distributed from left to right.
// * And otherwise tabs shrink to fit the available width.
TEST(TabStripLayoutTest, Basics) {
TestCase test_case;
test_case.tabstrip_width = 1000;
test_case.num_tabs = 3;
auto bounds = CalculateTabBounds(test_case);
EXPECT_EQ("100 100 100", TabWidthsAsString(bounds));
EXPECT_EQ("0 96 192", TabXPositionsAsString(bounds));
for (const auto& b : bounds) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, b.y());
EXPECT_EQ(kTabHeight, b.height());
TEST(TabStripLayoutTest, AllPinnedTabs) {
TestCase test_case;
test_case.tabstrip_width = 1000;
test_case.num_pinned_tabs = test_case.num_tabs = 3;
auto bounds = CalculateTabBounds(test_case);
EXPECT_EQ("10 10 10", TabWidthsAsString(bounds));
EXPECT_EQ("0 6 12", TabXPositionsAsString(bounds));
TEST(TabStripLayoutTest, MixedPinnedAndNormalTabs) {
TestCase test_case;
test_case.tabstrip_width = 1000;
test_case.num_tabs = 3;
test_case.num_pinned_tabs = 1;
auto bounds = CalculateTabBounds(test_case);
EXPECT_EQ("10 100 100", TabWidthsAsString(bounds));
EXPECT_EQ("0 6 102", TabXPositionsAsString(bounds));
TEST(TabStripLayoutTest, MiddleWidth) {
TestCase test_case;
test_case.tabstrip_width = 100;
test_case.num_tabs = 4;
auto bounds = CalculateTabBounds(test_case);
EXPECT_EQ("28 28 28 28", TabWidthsAsString(bounds));
EXPECT_EQ("0 24 48 72", TabXPositionsAsString(bounds));
TEST(TabStripLayoutTest, MiddleWidthAndPinnedTab) {
TestCase test_case;
test_case.tabstrip_width = 100;
test_case.num_tabs = 3;
test_case.num_pinned_tabs = 1;
auto bounds = CalculateTabBounds(test_case);
EXPECT_EQ("10 49 49", TabWidthsAsString(bounds));
EXPECT_EQ("0 6 51", TabXPositionsAsString(bounds));
TEST(TabStripLayoutTest, MiddleWidthRounded) {
TestCase test_case;
test_case.tabstrip_width = 102;
test_case.num_tabs = 4;
auto bounds = CalculateTabBounds(test_case);
EXPECT_EQ("29 29 28 28", TabWidthsAsString(bounds));
EXPECT_EQ("0 25 50 74", TabXPositionsAsString(bounds));
TEST(TabStripLayoutTest, MiddleWidthRoundedAndPinnedTab) {
TestCase test_case;
test_case.tabstrip_width = 101;
test_case.num_tabs = 3;
test_case.num_pinned_tabs = 1;
auto bounds = CalculateTabBounds(test_case);
EXPECT_EQ("10 50 49", TabWidthsAsString(bounds));
EXPECT_EQ("0 6 52", TabXPositionsAsString(bounds));
TEST(TabStripLayoutTest, BelowMinActiveWidthOneTab) {
TestCase test_case;
test_case.tabstrip_width = 15;
test_case.num_tabs = 1;
auto bounds = CalculateTabBounds(test_case);
EXPECT_EQ("20", TabWidthsAsString(bounds));
EXPECT_EQ("0", TabXPositionsAsString(bounds));
TEST(TabStripLayoutTest, BelowMinActiveWidth) {
TestCase test_case;
test_case.tabstrip_width = 90;
test_case.num_tabs = 6;
test_case.active_index = 3;
auto bounds = CalculateTabBounds(test_case);
EXPECT_EQ("18 18 18 20 18 18", TabWidthsAsString(bounds));
EXPECT_EQ("0 14 28 42 58 72", TabXPositionsAsString(bounds));
TEST(TabStripLayoutTest, BelowMinActiveWidthRounded) {
TestCase test_case;
test_case.tabstrip_width = 93;
test_case.num_tabs = 6;
test_case.active_index = 3;
EXPECT_EQ("19 19 19 20 18 18",
TEST(TabStripLayoutTest, BelowMinActiveWidthActivePinnedTab) {
TestCase test_case;
test_case.tabstrip_width = 85;
test_case.num_tabs = 6;
test_case.num_pinned_tabs = 1;
EXPECT_EQ("10 19 19 19 19 19",
TEST(TabStripLayoutTest, BelowMinActiveWidthInactivePinnedTab) {
TestCase test_case;
test_case.tabstrip_width = 82;
test_case.num_tabs = 6;
test_case.num_pinned_tabs = 1;
test_case.active_index = 2;
EXPECT_EQ("10 18 20 18 18 18",
TEST(TabStripLayoutTest, BelowMinActiveWidthActivePinnedTabRounded) {
TestCase test_case;
test_case.tabstrip_width = 86;
test_case.num_tabs = 6;
test_case.num_pinned_tabs = 1;
EXPECT_EQ("10 20 19 19 19 19",
TEST(TabStripLayoutTest, NotEnoughSpace) {
TestCase test_case;
test_case.tabstrip_width = 10;
test_case.num_tabs = 3;
EXPECT_EQ("20 14 14", TabWidthsAsString(CalculateTabBounds(test_case)));
TEST(TabStripLayoutTest, NotEnoughSpaceAllPinnedTabs) {
TestCase test_case;
test_case.tabstrip_width = 10;
test_case.num_tabs = 3;
test_case.num_pinned_tabs = 3;
EXPECT_EQ("10 10 10", TabWidthsAsString(CalculateTabBounds(test_case)));
TEST(TabStripLayoutTest, NotEnoughSpaceMixedPinnedAndNormalTabs) {
TestCase test_case;
test_case.tabstrip_width = 10;
test_case.num_tabs = 3;
test_case.num_pinned_tabs = 1;
EXPECT_EQ("10 14 14", TabWidthsAsString(CalculateTabBounds(test_case)));
TEST(TabStripLayoutTest, ExactlyEnoughSpaceAllPinnedTabs) {
TestCase test_case;
test_case.num_tabs = 2;
test_case.num_pinned_tabs = 2;
test_case.tabstrip_width = 2 * kPinnedWidth - kTabOverlap;
// We want to check the case where the necessary strip width equals the
// available width.
auto bounds = CalculateTabBounds(test_case);
EXPECT_EQ("10 10", TabWidthsAsString(bounds));
// Validate that the tabstrip width is indeeed exactly enough to hold two
// pinned tabs.
EXPECT_EQ(test_case.tabstrip_width, bounds[1].right());