blob: 520228cbc1e2f5daa73fa03202c516189f4d4ba5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <queue>
#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/gpu/media/h264_dpb.h"
#include "content/common/gpu/media/va_surface.h"
#include "content/common/gpu/media/vaapi_wrapper.h"
#include "media/filters/h264_bitstream_buffer.h"
#include "media/video/video_encode_accelerator.h"
namespace content {
// A VideoEncodeAccelerator implementation that uses VA-API
// ( for HW-accelerated
// video encode.
class CONTENT_EXPORT VaapiVideoEncodeAccelerator
: public media::VideoEncodeAccelerator {
explicit VaapiVideoEncodeAccelerator(Display* x_display);
virtual ~VaapiVideoEncodeAccelerator();
// media::VideoEncodeAccelerator implementation.
virtual std::vector<media::VideoEncodeAccelerator::SupportedProfile>
GetSupportedProfiles() override;
virtual bool Initialize(media::VideoFrame::Format format,
const gfx::Size& input_visible_size,
media::VideoCodecProfile output_profile,
uint32 initial_bitrate,
Client* client) override;
virtual void Encode(const scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame>& frame,
bool force_keyframe) override;
virtual void UseOutputBitstreamBuffer(
const media::BitstreamBuffer& buffer) override;
virtual void RequestEncodingParametersChange(uint32 bitrate,
uint32 framerate) override;
virtual void Destroy() override;
// Reference picture list.
typedef std::list<scoped_refptr<VASurface> > RefPicList;
// Encode job for one frame. Created when an input frame is awaiting and
// enough resources are available to proceed. Once the job is prepared and
// submitted to the hardware, it awaits on the submitted_encode_jobs_ queue
// for an output bitstream buffer to become available. Once one is ready,
// the encoded bytes are downloaded to it and job resources are released
// and become available for reuse.
struct EncodeJob {
// Input surface for video frame data.
scoped_refptr<VASurface> input_surface;
// Surface for a reconstructed picture, which is used for reference
// for subsequent frames.
scoped_refptr<VASurface> recon_surface;
// Buffer that will contain output bitstream for this frame.
VABufferID coded_buffer;
// Reference surfaces required to encode this picture. We keep references
// to them here, because we may discard some of them from ref_pic_list*
// before the HW job is done.
RefPicList reference_surfaces;
// True if this job will produce a keyframe. Used to report
// to BitstreamBufferReady().
bool keyframe;
// Encoder state.
enum State {
// Holds input frames coming from the client ready to be encoded.
struct InputFrameRef;
// Holds output buffers coming from the client ready to be filled.
struct BitstreamBufferRef;
// Tasks for each of the VEA interface calls to be executed on the
// encoder thread.
void InitializeTask();
void EncodeTask(const scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame>& frame,
bool force_keyframe);
void UseOutputBitstreamBufferTask(scoped_ptr<BitstreamBufferRef> buffer_ref);
void RequestEncodingParametersChangeTask(uint32 bitrate, uint32 framerate);
void DestroyTask();
// Prepare and schedule an encode job if we have an input to encode
// and enough resources to proceed.
void EncodeFrameTask();
// Fill current_sps_/current_pps_ with current values.
void UpdateSPS();
void UpdatePPS();
void UpdateRates(uint32 bitrate, uint32 framerate);
// Generate packed SPS and PPS in packed_sps_/packed_pps_, using
// values in current_sps_/current_pps_.
void GeneratePackedSPS();
void GeneratePackedPPS();
// Check if we have sufficient resources for a new encode job, claim them and
// fill current_encode_job_ with them.
// Return false if we cannot start a new job yet, true otherwise.
bool PrepareNextJob();
// Begin a new frame, making it a keyframe if |force_keyframe| is true,
// updating current_pic_.
void BeginFrame(bool force_keyframe);
// End current frame, updating reference picture lists and storing current
// job in the jobs awaiting completion on submitted_encode_jobs_.
void EndFrame();
// Submit parameters for the current frame to the hardware.
bool SubmitFrameParameters();
// Submit keyframe headers to the hardware if the current frame is a keyframe.
bool SubmitHeadersIfNeeded();
// Upload image data from |frame| to the input surface for current job.
bool UploadFrame(const scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame>& frame);
// Execute encode in hardware. This does not block and will return before
// the job is finished.
bool ExecuteEncode();
// Callback that returns a no longer used VASurfaceID to
// available_va_surface_ids_ for reuse.
void RecycleVASurfaceID(VASurfaceID va_surface_id);
// Tries to return a bitstream buffer if both a submitted job awaits to
// be completed and we have bitstream buffers from the client available
// to download the encoded data to.
void TryToReturnBitstreamBuffer();
// Puts the encoder into en error state and notifies client about the error.
void NotifyError(Error error);
// Sets the encoder state on the correct thread.
void SetState(State state);
// VaapiWrapper is the owner of all HW resources (surfaces and buffers)
// and will free them on destruction.
scoped_ptr<VaapiWrapper> vaapi_wrapper_;
// Input profile and sizes.
media::VideoCodecProfile profile_;
gfx::Size visible_size_;
gfx::Size coded_size_; // Macroblock-aligned.
// Width/height in macroblocks.
unsigned int mb_width_;
unsigned int mb_height_;
// Maximum size of the reference list 0.
unsigned int max_ref_idx_l0_size_;
// Initial QP.
unsigned int qp_;
// IDR frame period.
unsigned int idr_period_;
// I frame period.
unsigned int i_period_;
// IP period, i.e. how often do we need to have either an I or a P frame in
// the stream. Period of 1 means we can have no B frames.
unsigned int ip_period_;
// Size in bytes required for input bitstream buffers.
size_t output_buffer_byte_size_;
Display* x_display_;
// All of the members below must be accessed on the encoder_thread_,
// while it is running.
// Encoder state. Encode tasks will only run in kEncoding state.
State state_;
// frame_num to be used for the next frame.
unsigned int frame_num_;
// frame_num of the previous IDR.
unsigned int last_idr_frame_num_;
// Current bitrate in bps.
unsigned int bitrate_;
// Current fps.
unsigned int framerate_;
// CPB size in bits, i.e. bitrate in kbps * window size in ms/1000.
unsigned int cpb_size_;
// True if the parameters have changed and we need to submit a keyframe
// with updated parameters.
bool encoding_parameters_changed_;
// Job currently being prepared for encode.
scoped_ptr<EncodeJob> current_encode_job_;
// Current SPS, PPS and their packed versions. Packed versions are their NALUs
// in AnnexB format *without* emulation prevention three-byte sequences
// (those will be added by the driver).
media::H264SPS current_sps_;
media::H264BitstreamBuffer packed_sps_;
media::H264PPS current_pps_;
media::H264BitstreamBuffer packed_pps_;
// Picture currently being prepared for encode.
H264Picture current_pic_;
// VA surfaces available for reuse.
std::vector<VASurfaceID> available_va_surface_ids_;
// VA buffers for coded frames.
std::vector<VABufferID> available_va_buffer_ids_;
// Currently active reference surfaces.
RefPicList ref_pic_list0_;
// Callback via which finished VA surfaces are returned to us.
VASurface::ReleaseCB va_surface_release_cb_;
// VideoFrames passed from the client, waiting to be encoded.
std::queue<linked_ptr<InputFrameRef> > encoder_input_queue_;
// BitstreamBuffers mapped, ready to be filled.
std::queue<linked_ptr<BitstreamBufferRef> > available_bitstream_buffers_;
// Jobs submitted for encode, awaiting bitstream buffers to become available.
std::queue<linked_ptr<EncodeJob> > submitted_encode_jobs_;
// Encoder thread. All tasks are executed on it.
base::Thread encoder_thread_;
scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> encoder_thread_proxy_;
const scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> child_message_loop_proxy_;
// To expose client callbacks from VideoEncodeAccelerator.
// NOTE: all calls to these objects *MUST* be executed on
// child_message_loop_proxy_.
scoped_ptr<base::WeakPtrFactory<Client> > client_ptr_factory_;
base::WeakPtr<Client> client_;
// WeakPtr to post from the encoder thread back to the ChildThread, as it may
// outlive this. Posting from the ChildThread using base::Unretained(this)
// to the encoder thread is safe, because |this| always outlives the encoder
// thread (it's a member of this class).
base::WeakPtr<VaapiVideoEncodeAccelerator> weak_this_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<VaapiVideoEncodeAccelerator> weak_this_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace content