blob: bde6b0783af533473d9048086556ae43b8887344 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace syncer {
// The different states for the encryption passphrase. These control if and how
// the user should be prompted for a decryption passphrase.
// Do not re-order or delete these entries; they are used in a UMA histogram.
// Please edit SyncPassphraseType in histograms.xml if a value is added.
enum class PassphraseType {
IMPLICIT_PASSPHRASE = 0, // GAIA-based passphrase (deprecated).
KEYSTORE_PASSPHRASE = 1, // Keystore passphrase.
FROZEN_IMPLICIT_PASSPHRASE = 2, // Frozen GAIA passphrase.
CUSTOM_PASSPHRASE = 3, // User-provided passphrase.
PASSPHRASE_TYPE_SIZE, // The size of this enum; keep last.
bool IsExplicitPassphrase(PassphraseType type);
} // namespace syncer