blob: 8936e53cdebc4b6dec7e7ecb3631127c6eff9811 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "third_party/harfbuzz-ng/src/hb.h"
#include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/ubidi.h"
#include "third_party/icu/source/common/unicode/uscript.h"
#include "ui/gfx/render_text.h"
namespace base {
namespace i18n {
class BreakIterator;
namespace gfx {
namespace internal {
struct GFX_EXPORT TextRunHarfBuzz {
// Returns the index of the first glyph that corresponds to the character at
// |pos|.
size_t CharToGlyph(size_t pos) const;
// Returns the corresponding glyph range of the given character range.
// |range| is in text-space (0 corresponds to |GetLayoutText()[0]|). Returned
// value is in run-space (0 corresponds to the first glyph in the run).
Range CharRangeToGlyphRange(const Range& range) const;
// Returns the number of missing glyphs in the shaped text run.
size_t CountMissingGlyphs() const;
// Writes the character and glyph ranges of the cluster containing |pos|.
void GetClusterAt(size_t pos, Range* chars, Range* glyphs) const;
// Returns the grapheme bounds at |text_index|. Handles multi-grapheme glyphs.
Range GetGraphemeBounds(base::i18n::BreakIterator* grapheme_iterator,
size_t text_index);
// Returns whether the given shaped run contains any missing glyphs.
bool HasMissingGlyphs() const;
float width;
float preceding_run_widths;
Range range;
bool is_rtl;
UBiDiLevel level;
UScriptCode script;
scoped_ptr<uint16[]> glyphs;
scoped_ptr<SkPoint[]> positions;
std::vector<uint32> glyph_to_char;
size_t glyph_count;
skia::RefPtr<SkTypeface> skia_face;
FontRenderParams render_params;
int font_size;
int font_style;
bool strike;
bool diagonal_strike;
bool underline;
} // namespace internal
class GFX_EXPORT RenderTextHarfBuzz : public RenderText {
virtual ~RenderTextHarfBuzz();
// Overridden from RenderText.
virtual Size GetStringSize() OVERRIDE;
virtual SizeF GetStringSizeF() OVERRIDE;
virtual SelectionModel FindCursorPosition(const Point& point) OVERRIDE;
virtual std::vector<FontSpan> GetFontSpansForTesting() OVERRIDE;
virtual Range GetGlyphBounds(size_t index) OVERRIDE;
// Overridden from RenderText.
virtual int GetLayoutTextBaseline() OVERRIDE;
virtual SelectionModel AdjacentCharSelectionModel(
const SelectionModel& selection,
VisualCursorDirection direction) OVERRIDE;
virtual SelectionModel AdjacentWordSelectionModel(
const SelectionModel& selection,
VisualCursorDirection direction) OVERRIDE;
virtual std::vector<Rect> GetSubstringBounds(const Range& range) OVERRIDE;
virtual size_t TextIndexToLayoutIndex(size_t index) const OVERRIDE;
virtual size_t LayoutIndexToTextIndex(size_t index) const OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsValidCursorIndex(size_t index) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ResetLayout() OVERRIDE;
virtual void EnsureLayout() OVERRIDE;
virtual void DrawVisualText(Canvas* canvas) OVERRIDE;
friend class RenderTextTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderTextTest, HarfBuzz_RunDirection);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderTextTest, HarfBuzz_BreakRunsByUnicodeBlocks);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderTextTest, HarfBuzz_SubglyphGraphemeCases);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderTextTest, HarfBuzz_SubglyphGraphemePartition);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderTextTest, HarfBuzz_NonExistentFont);
// Return the run index that contains the argument; or the length of the
// |runs_| vector if argument exceeds the text length or width.
size_t GetRunContainingCaret(const SelectionModel& caret) const;
size_t GetRunContainingXCoord(int x, int* offset) const;
// Given a |run|, returns the SelectionModel that contains the logical first
// or last caret position inside (not at a boundary of) the run.
// The returned value represents a cursor/caret position without a selection.
SelectionModel FirstSelectionModelInsideRun(
const internal::TextRunHarfBuzz* run);
SelectionModel LastSelectionModelInsideRun(
const internal::TextRunHarfBuzz* run);
// Break the text into logical runs and populate the visual <-> logical maps.
void ItemizeText();
// Shape the glyphs needed for the text |run|.
void ShapeRun(internal::TextRunHarfBuzz* run);
bool ShapeRunWithFont(internal::TextRunHarfBuzz* run,
const std::string& font);
// Text runs in logical order.
ScopedVector<internal::TextRunHarfBuzz> runs_;
// Maps visual run indices to logical run indices and vice versa.
std::vector<int32_t> visual_to_logical_;
std::vector<int32_t> logical_to_visual_;
bool needs_layout_;
// ICU grapheme iterator for the layout text. Valid when |!needs_layout_|. Can
// be NULL in case of an error.
scoped_ptr<base::i18n::BreakIterator> grapheme_iterator_;
} // namespace gfx