blob: 98b35ce55da1c6d296b9139cecb576aa609472a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/android/shortcut_helper.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/chrome_render_view_host_test_harness.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
#include "ui/gfx/screen.h"
#include "ui/gfx/screen_type_delegate.h"
// A dummy implementation of gfx::Screen, since ShortcutHelper needs access to
// a gfx::Display's device scale factor.
// This is inspired by
// A bug has been opened to merge all those mocks:
class FakeScreen : public gfx::Screen {
FakeScreen() : display_(0x1337, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 2560, 1440)) {
virtual ~FakeScreen() {}
void SetDisplayDeviceScaleFactor(float device_scale_factor) {
// gfx::Screen implementation (only what's needed for testing).
virtual bool IsDIPEnabled() OVERRIDE { return true; }
virtual gfx::Point GetCursorScreenPoint() OVERRIDE { return gfx::Point(); }
virtual gfx::NativeWindow GetWindowUnderCursor() OVERRIDE { return NULL; }
virtual gfx::NativeWindow GetWindowAtScreenPoint(
const gfx::Point& point) OVERRIDE { return NULL; }
virtual int GetNumDisplays() const OVERRIDE { return 1; }
virtual std::vector<gfx::Display> GetAllDisplays() const OVERRIDE {
return std::vector<gfx::Display>(1, display_);
virtual gfx::Display GetDisplayNearestWindow(
gfx::NativeView view) const OVERRIDE {
return display_;
virtual gfx::Display GetDisplayNearestPoint(
const gfx::Point& point) const OVERRIDE {
return display_;
virtual gfx::Display GetDisplayMatching(
const gfx::Rect& match_rect) const OVERRIDE {
return display_;
virtual gfx::Display GetPrimaryDisplay() const OVERRIDE {
return display_;
virtual void AddObserver(gfx::DisplayObserver* observer) OVERRIDE {}
virtual void RemoveObserver(gfx::DisplayObserver* observer) OVERRIDE {}
gfx::Display display_;
class ShortcutHelperTest : public ChromeRenderViewHostTestHarness {
ShortcutHelperTest() : shortcut_helper_(NULL) {}
virtual ~ShortcutHelperTest() {}
static jobject CreateShortcutHelperJava(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass clazz = env->FindClass("org/chromium/chrome/browser/ShortcutHelper");
jmethodID constructor =
env->GetMethodID(clazz, "<init>",
return env->NewObject(clazz, constructor, jobject(), jobject());
void ResetShorcutHelper() {
if (shortcut_helper_)
delete shortcut_helper_;
JNIEnv* env = base::android::AttachCurrentThread();
shortcut_helper_ =
new ShortcutHelper(env, CreateShortcutHelperJava(env), web_contents());
virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
gfx::Screen::SetScreenInstance(gfx::SCREEN_TYPE_NATIVE, &fake_screen_);
ASSERT_EQ(&fake_screen_, gfx::Screen::GetNativeScreen());
virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE {
delete shortcut_helper_;
shortcut_helper_ = NULL;
gfx::Screen::SetScreenInstance(gfx::SCREEN_TYPE_NATIVE, NULL);
GURL FindBestMatchingIcon(const std::vector<content::Manifest::Icon>& icons) {
return shortcut_helper_->FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
void SetDisplayDeviceScaleFactor(float device_scale_factor) {
static int GetPreferredIconSizeInDp() {
return ShortcutHelper::kPreferredIconSizeInDp;
static content::Manifest::Icon CreateIcon(
const std::string& url,
const std::string& type,
double density,
const std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes) {
content::Manifest::Icon icon;
icon.src = GURL(url);
if (!type.empty())
icon.type = base::NullableString16(base::UTF8ToUTF16(type), false);
icon.density = density;
icon.sizes = sizes;
return icon;
ShortcutHelper* shortcut_helper_;
FakeScreen fake_screen_;
TEST_F(ShortcutHelperTest, NoIcons) {
// No icons should return the empty URL.
std::vector<content::Manifest::Icon> icons;
GURL url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
TEST_F(ShortcutHelperTest, NoSizes) {
// Icon with no sizes are ignored.
std::vector<content::Manifest::Icon> icons;
CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, std::vector<gfx::Size>()));
GURL url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
TEST_F(ShortcutHelperTest, MIMETypeFiltering) {
// Icons with type specified to a MIME type that isn't a valid image MIME type
// are ignored.
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes;
sizes.push_back(gfx::Size(10, 10));
std::vector<content::Manifest::Icon> icons;
CreateIcon("", "image/foo_bar", 1.0, sizes));
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "image/", 1.0, sizes));
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "image/", 1.0, sizes));
CreateIcon("", "video/mp4", 1.0, sizes));
GURL url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
CreateIcon("", "image/png", 1.0, sizes));
url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
CreateIcon("", "image/gif", 1.0, sizes));
url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
CreateIcon("", "image/jpeg", 1.0, sizes));
url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
TEST_F(ShortcutHelperTest, PreferredSizeOfCurrentDensityIsUsedFirst) {
// This test has three icons each are marked with sizes set to the preferred
// icon size for the associated density.
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_1;
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_2;
sizes_2.push_back(gfx::Size(GetPreferredIconSizeInDp() * 2,
GetPreferredIconSizeInDp() * 2));
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_3;
sizes_3.push_back(gfx::Size(GetPreferredIconSizeInDp() * 3,
GetPreferredIconSizeInDp() * 3));
std::vector<content::Manifest::Icon> icons;
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes_1));
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 2.0, sizes_2));
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 3.0, sizes_3));
GURL url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
TEST_F(ShortcutHelperTest, PreferredSizeOfDefaultDensityIsUsedSecond) {
// This test has three icons. The first one is of density zero and is marked
// with three sizes which are the preferred icon size for density 1, 2 and 3.
// The icon for density 2 and 3 have a size set to 2x2 and 3x3.
// Regardless of the device scale factor, the icon of density 1 is going to be
// used because it matches the preferred size.
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_1;
sizes_1.push_back(gfx::Size(GetPreferredIconSizeInDp() * 2,
GetPreferredIconSizeInDp() * 2));
sizes_1.push_back(gfx::Size(GetPreferredIconSizeInDp() * 3,
GetPreferredIconSizeInDp() * 3));
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_2;
sizes_2.push_back(gfx::Size(2, 2));
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_3;
sizes_3.push_back(gfx::Size(3, 3));
std::vector<content::Manifest::Icon> icons;
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes_1));
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 2.0, sizes_2));
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 3.0, sizes_3));
GURL url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
TEST_F(ShortcutHelperTest, DeviceDensityFirst) {
// If there is no perfect icon but an icon of the current device density is
// present, it will be picked.
// This test has three icons each are marked with sizes set to the preferred
// icon size for the associated density.
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes;
sizes.push_back(gfx::Size(2, 2));
std::vector<content::Manifest::Icon> icons;
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes));
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 2.0, sizes));
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 3.0, sizes));
GURL url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
TEST_F(ShortcutHelperTest, DeviceDensityFallback) {
// If there is no perfect icon but and no icon of the current display density,
// an icon of density 1.0 will be used.
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes;
sizes.push_back(gfx::Size(2, 2));
std::vector<content::Manifest::Icon> icons;
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes));
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 2.0, sizes));
GURL url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
TEST_F(ShortcutHelperTest, DoNotUseOtherDensities) {
// If there are only icons of densities that are not the current display
// density or the default density, they are ignored.
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes;
sizes.push_back(gfx::Size(2, 2));
std::vector<content::Manifest::Icon> icons;
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 2.0, sizes));
GURL url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
TEST_F(ShortcutHelperTest, NotSquareIconsAreIgnored) {
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes;
sizes.push_back(gfx::Size(20, 2));
std::vector<content::Manifest::Icon> icons;
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes));
GURL url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
TEST_F(ShortcutHelperTest, ClosestIconToPreferred) {
// This test verifies ShortcutHelper::FindBestMatchingIcon by passing
// different icon sizes and checking which one is picked.
// The Device Scale Factor is 1.0 and the preferred icon size is returned by
// GetPreferredIconSizeInDp().
int very_small = GetPreferredIconSizeInDp() / 4;
int small = GetPreferredIconSizeInDp() / 2;
int bit_small = GetPreferredIconSizeInDp() - 1;
int bit_big = GetPreferredIconSizeInDp() + 1;
int big = GetPreferredIconSizeInDp() * 2;
int very_big = GetPreferredIconSizeInDp() * 4;
// (very_small, bit_small) => bit_small
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_1;
sizes_1.push_back(gfx::Size(very_small, very_small));
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_2;
sizes_2.push_back(gfx::Size(bit_small, bit_small));
std::vector<content::Manifest::Icon> icons;
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes_1));
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes_2));
GURL url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
// (very_small, bit_small, smaller) => bit_small
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_1;
sizes_1.push_back(gfx::Size(very_small, very_small));
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_2;
sizes_2.push_back(gfx::Size(bit_small, bit_small));
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_3;
sizes_3.push_back(gfx::Size(small, small));
std::vector<content::Manifest::Icon> icons;
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes_1));
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes_2));
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes_3));
GURL url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
// (very_big, big) => big
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_1;
sizes_1.push_back(gfx::Size(very_big, very_big));
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_2;
sizes_2.push_back(gfx::Size(big, big));
std::vector<content::Manifest::Icon> icons;
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes_1));
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes_2));
GURL url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
// (very_big, big, bit_big) => bit_big
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_1;
sizes_1.push_back(gfx::Size(very_big, very_big));
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_2;
sizes_2.push_back(gfx::Size(big, big));
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_3;
sizes_3.push_back(gfx::Size(bit_big, bit_big));
std::vector<content::Manifest::Icon> icons;
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes_1));
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes_2));
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes_3));
GURL url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
// (bit_small, very_big) => very_big
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_1;
sizes_1.push_back(gfx::Size(bit_small, bit_small));
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_2;
sizes_2.push_back(gfx::Size(very_big, very_big));
std::vector<content::Manifest::Icon> icons;
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes_1));
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes_2));
GURL url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
// (bit_small, bit_big) => bit_big
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_1;
sizes_1.push_back(gfx::Size(bit_small, bit_small));
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_2;
sizes_2.push_back(gfx::Size(bit_big, bit_big));
std::vector<content::Manifest::Icon> icons;
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes_1));
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes_2));
GURL url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
TEST_F(ShortcutHelperTest, UseAnyIfNoPreferredSize) {
// 'any' (ie. gfx::Size(0,0)) should be used if there is no icon of a
// preferred size. An icon with the current device scale factor is preferred
// over one with the default density.
// 'any' with preferred size => preferred size
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_1;
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_2;
std::vector<content::Manifest::Icon> icons;
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes_1));
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes_2));
GURL url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
// 'any' with nearly preferred size => any
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_1;
sizes_1.push_back(gfx::Size(GetPreferredIconSizeInDp() + 1,
GetPreferredIconSizeInDp() + 1));
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes_2;
std::vector<content::Manifest::Icon> icons;
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes_1));
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes_2));
GURL url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());
// 'any' on default density and current density => current density.
std::vector<gfx::Size> sizes;
std::vector<content::Manifest::Icon> icons;
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 1.0, sizes));
icons.push_back(CreateIcon("", "", 3.0, sizes));
GURL url = FindBestMatchingIcon(icons);
EXPECT_EQ("", url.spec());