blob: 877043179096747e3cc30ba2aaa7bac9117d5df2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains an implementation of a VP9 bitstream parser. The main
// purpose of this parser is to support hardware decode acceleration. Some
// accelerators, e.g. libva which implements VA-API, require the caller
// (chrome) to feed them parsed VP9 frame header.
// Example usage:
// {
// Vp9Parser parser;
// uint8_t* frame_stream;
// size_t frame_size;
// // Get frames from, say, WebM parser or IVF parser.
// while (GetVp9Frame(&frame_stream, &frame_size)) {
// Vp9FrameHeader header;
// if (!parser.ParseFrame(frame_stream, frame_size, &header)) {
// // Parse failed.
// return false;
// }
// // Got a frame parsed successfully.
// }
// }
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
#include "media/filters/vp9_raw_bits_reader.h"
namespace media {
const int kVp9MaxProfile = 4;
const int kVp9NumRefFramesLog2 = 3;
const int kVp9NumRefFrames = 1 << kVp9NumRefFramesLog2;
const uint8_t kVp9MaxProb = 255;
const int kVp9NumRefsPerFrame = 3;
enum class Vp9ColorSpace {
BT_601 = 1,
BT_709 = 2,
SMPTE_170 = 3,
SMPTE_240 = 4,
BT_2020 = 5,
SRGB = 7,
enum class Vp9InterpFilter {
// Members of Vp9FrameHeader will be 0-initialized by Vp9Parser::ParseFrame.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT Vp9Segmentation {
static const int kNumSegments = 8;
static const int kNumTreeProbs = kNumSegments - 1;
static const int kNumPredictionProbs = 3;
static const int kNumFeatures = 4;
bool enabled;
bool update_map;
uint8_t tree_probs[kNumTreeProbs];
bool temporal_update;
uint8_t pred_probs[kNumPredictionProbs];
bool update_data;
bool abs_delta;
bool feature_enabled[kNumSegments][kNumFeatures];
int8_t feature_data[kNumSegments][kNumFeatures];
// Members of Vp9FrameHeader will be 0-initialized by Vp9Parser::ParseFrame.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT Vp9LoopFilter {
static const int kNumRefDeltas = 4;
static const int kNumModeDeltas = 2;
uint8_t filter_level;
uint8_t sharpness_level;
bool mode_ref_delta_enabled;
bool mode_ref_delta_update;
bool update_ref_deltas[kNumRefDeltas];
int8_t ref_deltas[kNumRefDeltas];
bool update_mode_deltas[kNumModeDeltas];
int8_t mode_deltas[kNumModeDeltas];
// Members of Vp9FrameHeader will be 0-initialized by Vp9Parser::ParseFrame.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT Vp9QuantizationParams {
bool IsLossless() const {
return base_qindex == 0 && y_dc_delta == 0 && uv_dc_delta == 0 &&
uv_ac_delta == 0;
uint8_t base_qindex;
int8_t y_dc_delta;
int8_t uv_dc_delta;
int8_t uv_ac_delta;
// VP9 frame header.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT Vp9FrameHeader {
enum FrameType {
bool IsKeyframe() const { return frame_type == KEYFRAME; }
uint8_t profile;
bool show_existing_frame;
uint8_t frame_to_show;
FrameType frame_type;
bool show_frame;
bool error_resilient_mode;
uint8_t bit_depth;
Vp9ColorSpace color_space;
bool yuv_range;
uint8_t subsampling_x;
uint8_t subsampling_y;
// The range of width and height is 1..2^16.
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
uint32_t display_width;
uint32_t display_height;
bool intra_only;
uint8_t reset_context;
bool refresh_flag[kVp9NumRefFrames];
uint8_t frame_refs[kVp9NumRefsPerFrame];
bool ref_sign_biases[kVp9NumRefsPerFrame];
bool allow_high_precision_mv;
Vp9InterpFilter interp_filter;
bool refresh_frame_context;
bool frame_parallel_decoding_mode;
uint8_t frame_context_idx;
Vp9LoopFilter loop_filter;
Vp9QuantizationParams quant_params;
Vp9Segmentation segment;
uint8_t log2_tile_cols;
uint8_t log2_tile_rows;
// Size of compressed header in bytes.
size_t first_partition_size;
// Size of uncompressed header in bytes.
size_t uncompressed_header_size;
// A parser for VP9 bitstream.
class MEDIA_EXPORT Vp9Parser {
// Parses one frame and fills parsing result to |fhdr|. Returns true on
// success, false otherwise.
// |stream| is the address of VP9 bitstream with |size|.
bool ParseFrame(const uint8_t* stream, size_t size, Vp9FrameHeader* fhdr);
// The parsing context to keep track of references.
struct ReferenceSlot {
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
uint8_t ReadProfile();
bool VerifySyncCode();
bool ReadBitDepthColorSpaceSampling(Vp9FrameHeader* fhdr);
void ReadFrameSize(Vp9FrameHeader* fhdr);
bool ReadFrameSizeFromRefs(Vp9FrameHeader* fhdr);
void ReadDisplayFrameSize(Vp9FrameHeader* fhdr);
Vp9InterpFilter ReadInterpFilter();
void ReadLoopFilter(Vp9LoopFilter* loop_filter);
void ReadQuantization(Vp9QuantizationParams* quants);
void ReadSegmentationMap(Vp9Segmentation* segment);
void ReadSegmentationData(Vp9Segmentation* segment);
void ReadSegmentation(Vp9Segmentation* segment);
void ReadTiles(Vp9FrameHeader* fhdr);
bool ParseUncompressedHeader(Vp9FrameHeader* fhdr);
void UpdateSlots(const Vp9FrameHeader* fhdr);
// Start address of VP9 bitstream buffer.
const uint8_t* stream_;
// Size of |stream_| in bytes.
size_t size_;
// Raw bits decoder for uncompressed frame header.
Vp9RawBitsReader reader_;
// The parsing context to keep track of references.
ReferenceSlot ref_slots_[kVp9NumRefFrames];
} // namespace media